CVE-2023-30838: Merge pull request from GHSA-fh7r-996q-gvcp · PrestaShop/PrestaShop@dc68219
PrestaShop is an Open Source e-commerce web application. Prior to versions 8.0.4 and, the ValidateCore::isCleanHTML()
method of Prestashop misses hijackable events which can lead to cross-site scripting (XSS) injection, allowed by the presence of pre-setup @keyframes
methods. This XSS, which hijacks HTML attributes, can be triggered without any interaction by the visitor/administrator, which makes it as dangerous as a trivial XSS attack. Contrary to other attacks which target HTML attributes and are triggered without user interaction (such as onload / onerror which suffer from a very limited scope), this one can hijack every HTML element, which increases the danger due to a complete HTML elements scope. Versions 8.0.4 and contain a fix for this issue.
@@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ public static function isCleanHtml($html, $allow_iframe = false)
$events .= '|onbounce|oncellchange|oncontextmenu|oncontrolselect|oncopy|oncut|ondataavailable|ondatasetchanged|ondatasetcomplete|ondeactivate|ondrag|ondragend|ondragenter|onmousewheel’;
$events .= '|ondragleave|ondragover|ondragstart|ondrop|onerrorupdate|onfilterchange|onfinish|onfocusin|onfocusout|onhashchange|onhelp|oninput|onlosecapture|onmessage|onmouseup|onmovestart’;
$events .= '|onoffline|ononline|onpaste|onpropertychange|onreadystatechange|onresizeend|onresizestart|onrowenter|onrowexit|onrowsdelete|onrowsinserted|onscroll|onsearch|onselectionchange’;
$events .= '|onselectstart|onstart|onstop’;
$events .= '|onselectstart|onstart|onstop|onanimationcancel|onanimationend|onanimationiteration|onanimationstart’;
if (preg_match('/<[\s]*script/ims’, $html) || preg_match('/(' . $events . ')[\s]*=/ims’, $html) || preg_match('/.*script\:/ims’, $html)) {
return false;
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### Impact ValidateCore::isCleanHTML() method of Prestashop misses hijickable events which can lead to XSS injection, allowed by the presence of pre-setup @keyframes methods. This XSS which hijacks HTML attributes will be triggered without any interaction of the visitor/administrator which makes it as dangerous as a trivial XSS. Contrary to most XSS which target HTML attributes and which are triggered without user interaction (such as onload / onerror which suffer from a very limited scope), this one can hijack every HTML element, which increases the danger due to a complete HTML elements scope. ### Patches The patch will be on PS 8.0.4 and PS ### References