

CVE-2022-37623: browserify-shim/resolve-shims.js at 464b32bbe142664cd9796059798f6c738ea3de8f · thlorenz/browserify-shim

Prototype pollution vulnerability in function resolveShims in resolve-shims.js in thlorenz browserify-shim 3.8.15 via the shimPath variable in resolve-shims.js.


'use strict’; var path = require(‘path’) , fs = require(‘fs’) , util = require(‘util’) , parseInlineShims = require(‘./parse-inline-shims’) , mothership = require(‘mothership’) , format = require(‘util’).format var shimsCache = {} , shimsByPath = {}; function inspect(obj, depth) { return util.inspect(obj, false, depth || 5, true); } function isPath(s) { return (/^[.]{0,2}[/\\]/).test(s); } function validate(key, config, dir) { var msg , details = ‘When evaluating shim "’ + key + '": ' + inspect(config) + '\ninside ' + dir + '\n’; if (!config.hasOwnProperty(‘exports’)) { msg = 'browserify-shim needs at least a path and exports to do its job, you are missing the exports. ' + ‘\nIf this module has no exports, specify exports as null.’ throw new Error(details + msg); } } function updateCache(packageDir, pack, resolvedShims, exposeGlobals) { shimsCache[packageDir] = { pack: pack, shims: resolvedShims, exposeGlobals: exposeGlobals }; Object.keys(resolvedShims).forEach(function(fullPath) { var shim = resolvedShims[fullPath]; validate(fullPath, shim, packageDir); shimsByPath[fullPath] = shim; }); } function resolveDependsRelativeTo(dir, browser, depends, packDeps, messages) { var resolved; if (!depends) return undefined; return Object.keys(depends).reduce(function (acc, k) { if (browser[k]){ acc[k] = depends[k]; messages.push(format('Found depends “%s” exposed in browser field’, k)); } else if (!isPath(k)) { acc[k] = depends[k]; if (packDeps[k]) { messages.push(format('Found depends “%s” as an installed dependency of the package’, k)); } else { messages.push(format('WARNING, depends “%s” is not a path, nor is it exposed in the browser field, nor was it found in package dependencies.’, k)); } } else { // otherwise resolve the path resolved = path.resolve(dir, k); acc[resolved] = depends[k]; messages.push(format('Depends “%s” was resolved to be at [%s]', k, resolved)); } return acc; }, {}) } function resolvePaths (packageDir, shimFileDir, browser, shims, packDeps, messages) { return Object.keys(shims) .reduce(function (acc, relPath) { var shim = shims[relPath]; var exposed = browser[relPath]; var shimPath; if (exposed) { // lib exposed under different name/path in package.json’s browser field // and it is referred to by this alias in the shims (either external or in package.json) // i.e.: 'non-cjs’: { … } -> browser: { 'non-cjs’: './vendor/non-cjs.js } shimPath = path.resolve(packageDir, exposed); messages.push(format('Found “%s” in browser field referencing “%s” and resolved it to "%s"’, relPath, exposed, shimPath)); } else if (shimFileDir) { // specified via relative path to shim file inside shim file // i.e. './vendor/non-cjs’: { exports: … } shimPath = path.resolve(shimFileDir, relPath); messages.push(format('Resolved “%s” found in shim file to "%s"’, relPath, shimPath)); } else { // specified via relative path in package.json browserify-shim config // i.e. 'browserify-shim’: { './vendor/non-cjs’: ‘noncjs’ } shimPath = path.resolve(packageDir, relPath); messages.push(format('Resolved “%s” found in package.json to "%s"’, relPath, shimPath)); } var depends = resolveDependsRelativeTo(shimFileDir || packageDir, browser, shim.depends, packDeps, messages); acc[shimPath] = { exports: shim.exports, depends: depends }; return acc; }, {}); } function mapifyExposeGlobals(exposeGlobals) { return Object.keys(exposeGlobals) .reduce(function (acc, k) { var val = exposeGlobals[k]; var parts = val.split(‘:’); if (parts.length < 2 || !parts[1].length) { throw new Error( ‘Expose Globals need to have the format "global:expression.\n"’ + inspect({ key: k, value: val }) + ‘does not.’ ); } // this also handle unlikely cases of 'global:_.someFunc(‘:’)' with a `:` in the actual global expression parts.shift(); acc[k] = parts.join(‘:’); return acc; }, {}); } function separateExposeGlobals(shims) { var onlyShims = {} , exposeGlobals = {}; Object.keys(shims).forEach(function (k) { var val = shims[k] , exp = val && val.exports; if (exp && /^global\:/.test(exp)) { exposeGlobals[k] = exp; } else { onlyShims[k] = val; } }); return { shims: onlyShims, exposeGlobals: mapifyExposeGlobals(exposeGlobals) }; } function resolveFromShimFile(packageDir, pack, shimField, messages) { var shimFile = path.join(packageDir, shimField) , shimFileDir = path.dirname(shimFile); var allShims = require(shimFile); var separated = separateExposeGlobals(allShims); var resolvedShims = resolvePaths(packageDir, shimFileDir, pack.browser || {}, separated.shims, pack.dependencies || {}, messages); return { shims: resolvedShims, exposeGlobals: separated.exposeGlobals }; } function resolveInlineShims(packageDir, pack, shimField, messages) { var allShims = parseInlineShims(shimField); var separated = separateExposeGlobals(allShims); var resolvedShims = resolvePaths(packageDir, null, pack.browser || {}, separated.shims, pack.dependencies || {}, messages); return { shims: resolvedShims, exposeGlobals: separated.exposeGlobals }; } var resolve = module.exports = function resolveShims (file, messages, cb) { // find the package.json that defines browserify-shim config for this file mothership(file, function (pack) { return !! pack[‘browserify-shim’] }, function (err, res) { if (err) return cb(err); if (!res || !res.pack) return cb(new Error('Unable to find a browserify-shim config section in the package.json for ' + file)); var pack = res.pack; var packFile = res.path; var packageDir = path.dirname(packFile); // we cached this before which means it was also grouped by file var cached = shimsCache[packageDir]; // if it was cached, that means any package fixes were applied as well if (cached) { return cb(null, { package_json : packFile , packageDir : packageDir , resolvedPreviously : true , shim : shimsByPath[file] , exposeGlobals : cached.exposeGlobals , browser : pack.browser , ‘browserify-shim’ : pack[‘browserify-shim’] , dependencies : pack.dependencies }); } try { pack = require(packFile); var shimField = pack[‘browserify-shim’]; if (!shimField) return cb(null, { package_json: packFile, shim: undefined }); var resolved = typeof shimField === ‘string’ ? resolveFromShimFile(packageDir, pack, shimField, messages) : resolveInlineShims(packageDir, pack, shimField, messages); messages.push({ resolved: resolved.shims }); updateCache(packageDir, pack, resolved.shims, resolved.exposeGlobals); cb(null, { package_json : packFile , packageDir : packageDir , shim : shimsByPath[file] , exposeGlobals : resolved.exposeGlobals , browser : pack.browser , ‘browserify-shim’ : pack[‘browserify-shim’] , dependencies : pack.dependencies }); } catch (err) { console.trace(); return cb(err); } }); }

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