

GHSA-gvpp-6jrj-5pqc: Zend-Form vulnerable to Cross-site Scripting

Many Zend Framework 2 view helpers were using the escapeHtml() view helper in order to escape HTML attributes, instead of the more appropriate escapeHtmlAttr(). In situations where user data and/or JavaScript is used to seed attributes, this can lead to potential cross site scripting (XSS) attack vectors.

Vulnerable view helpers include:

  • All Zend\Form view helpers.
  • Most Zend\Navigation (aka Zend\View\Helper\Navigation\*) view helpers.
  • All “HTML Element” view helpers: htmlFlash(), htmlPage(), htmlQuickTime().
  • Zend\View\Helper\Gravatar

Zend-Form vulnerable to Cross-site Scripting

Moderate severity GitHub Reviewed Published Jun 7, 2024 to the GitHub Advisory Database • Updated Jun 7, 2024

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