

GHSA-2q2f-h83x-cx3x: Reportico Web fails to invalidate cookies upon logout

An issue in Reportico Web before v.8.1.0. This vulnerability arises from the failure of the web application to properly invalidate session cookies upon logout. When a user logs out of the application, the session cookie should be invalidated to prevent unauthorized access. However, due to the oversight in the application’s implementation, the session cookie remains active even after logout. Consequently, if an attacker obtains the session cookie, they can exploit it to access the user’s session and perform unauthorized actions.

  1. GitHub Advisory Database
  2. GitHub Reviewed
  3. CVE-2024-31556

Reportico Web fails to invalidate cookies upon logout

Moderate severity GitHub Reviewed Published May 14, 2024 to the GitHub Advisory Database • Updated May 14, 2024


composer reportico-web/reportico (Composer)

Affected versions

<= 8.1.0

An issue in Reportico Web before v.8.1.0. This vulnerability arises from the failure of the web application to properly invalidate session cookies upon logout. When a user logs out of the application, the session cookie should be invalidated to prevent unauthorized access. However, due to the oversight in the application’s implementation, the session cookie remains active even after logout. Consequently, if an attacker obtains the session cookie, they can exploit it to access the user’s session and perform unauthorized actions.


  • reportico-web/reportico#53

Published to the GitHub Advisory Database

May 14, 2024

Last updated

May 14, 2024

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