

BlueHat v16 Keynote announced

Microsoft is excited to announce David Kennedy, CEO of TrustedSec and Binary Defense Systems, as the BlueHat v16 keynote speaker. David is a well-known speaker from the community, a published author, and the founder of the DerbyCon Security Conference. His keynote, entitled “The Security Monty Python and the Holy Grail”, will open the general conference this Thursday.


Microsoft is excited to announce David Kennedy, CEO of TrustedSec and Binary Defense Systems, as the BlueHat v16 keynote speaker. David is a well-known speaker from the community, a published author, and the founder of the DerbyCon Security Conference. His keynote, entitled “The Security Monty Python and the Holy Grail”, will open the general conference this Thursday. We look forward to welcoming him here for the conference.

The schedule has also been updated with a few last minute changes. I am excited as BlueHat v16 has now arrived!

Phillip Misner

Principal Security Group Manager

Microsoft Security Response Center

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