Sielco PolyEco Digital FM Transmitter 2.0.6 Default Credentials
Sielco PolyEco Digital FM Transmitter version 2.0.6 uses a weak set of default administrative credentials that can be easily guessed in remote password attacks to gain full control of the system.
Sielco PolyEco Digital FM Transmitter 2.0.6 Default CredentialsVendor: Sielco S.r.lProduct web page: https://www.sielco.orgAffected version: PolyEco1000 CPU:2.0.6 FPGA:10.19 PolyEco1000 CPU:1.9.4 FPGA:10.19 PolyEco1000 CPU:1.9.3 FPGA:10.19 PolyEco500 CPU:1.7.0 FPGA:10.16 PolyEco300 CPU:2.0.2 FPGA:10.19 PolyEco300 CPU:2.0.0 FPGA:10.19Summary: PolyEco is the innovative family of high-end digitalFM transmitters of Sielco. They are especially suited as highperformance power system exciters or compact low-mid powertransmitters. The same cabinet may in fact be fitted with 50,100, 300, 500, 1000W power stage (PolyEco50, 100, 300, 500,1000).All features can be controlled via the large touch-screen display4.3" or remotely. Many advanced features are inside by defaultin the basic version such as: stereo and RDS encoder, audiochange-over, remote-control via LAN and SNMP, "FFT" spectralanalysis of the audio sources, SFN synchronization and much more.Desc: The FM transmitter uses a weak set of default administrativecredentials that can be easily guessed in remote password attacksand gain full control of the system.Tested on: lwIP/2.1.1 (http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/lwip)Vulnerability discovered by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' KrsticMacedonian Information Security Research and Development LaboratoryZero Science Lab - https://www.zeroscience.mk - @zeroscienceAdvisory ID: ZSL-2023-5764Advisory URL: https://www.zeroscience.mk/en/vulnerabilities/ZSL-2023-5764.php26.01.2023--User role:----------Username: userPassword: 1234Admin role:-----------Username: adminPassword: sielco1