「Guidance for responders: Investigating and remediating on-premises Exchange Server vulnerabilities」の日本語抄訳です。 最近一般に公開さ
This guidance will help customers address threats taking advantage of the recently disclosed Microsoft Exchange Server on-premises vulnerabilities CVE-2021-26855, CVE-2021-26858, CVE-2021-26857, and CVE-2021-27065, which are being exploited. We strongly urge customers to immediately update systems. Failing to address these vulnerabilities can result in compromise of your on-premises Exchange Server and, potentially, other parts of your internal network.
This guidance will help customers address threats taking advantage of the recently disclosed Microsoft Exchange Server on-premises vulnerabilities CVE-2021-26855, CVE-2021-26858, CVE-2021-26857, and CVE-2021-27065, which are being exploited. We strongly urge customers to immediately update systems. Failing to address these vulnerabilities can result in compromise of your on-premises Exchange Server and, potentially, other parts of your internal network.
「One-Click Microsoft Exchange On-Premises Mitigation Tool – March 2021」の日本語抄訳です。 最近のオンプレミスの Exchange Server を狙った攻撃に
We have been actively working with customers through our customer support teams, third-party hosters, and partner network to help them secure their environments and respond to associated threats from the recent Exchange Server on-premises attacks. Based on these engagements we realized that there was a need for a simple, easy to use, automated solution that would meet the needs of customers using both current and out-of-support versions of on-premises Exchange Server.
We have been actively working with customers through our customer support teams, third-party hosters, and partner network to help them secure their environments and respond to associated threats from the recent Exchange Server on-premises attacks. Based on these engagements we realized that there was a need for a simple, easy to use, automated solution that would meet the needs of customers using both current and out-of-support versions of on-premises Exchange Server.
2021 年 3 月 10 日 (日本時間)、マイクロソフトは以下のソフトウェアのセキュリティ更新プログラムを公開しまし
「Microsoft Exchange Server Vulnerabilities Mitigations – March 2021」の日本語抄訳です。 マイクロソフトは先週公開したブログにて、
Update March 15, 2021: If you have not yet patched, and have not applied the mitigations referenced below, a one-click tool, the Exchange On-premises Mitigation Tool is now our recommended path to mitigate until you can patch. Microsoft previously blogged our strong recommendation that customers upgrade their on-premises Exchange environments to the latest supported version.
Update March 15, 2021: If you have not yet patched, and have not applied the mitigations referenced below, a one-click tool, the Exchange On-premises Mitigation Tool is now our recommended path to mitigate until you can patch. Microsoft previously blogged our strong recommendation that customers upgrade their on-premises Exchange environments to the latest supported version.