


The joy of phishing your employees

Companies have been regularly phishing their employees for years, but not many employees are coming out more aware and careful of what they click. We have the reasons why. Categories: How-tos Tags: employee phishing national cybersecurity awareness month NCSAM phishing William Tsing *( Read more... ( ) )* The post The joy of phishing your employees appeared first on Malwarebytes Labs.

#How-tos#employee phishing#national cybersecurity awareness month#NCSAM#phishing#William Tsing
Making better cybersecurity training: Q&A with Malwarebytes expert Kelsey Prichard

Malwarebytes cybersecurity training expert Kelsey Prichard talks about how she develops smart, engaging trainings in this Q&A. Categories: Awareness Tags: Be Cyber Smart cisa cybersecurity training Malwarebytes national cybersecurity awareness month NCSAM security training sticky cybersecurity training *( Read more... ( ) )* The post Making better cybersecurity training: Q&A with Malwarebytes expert Kelsey Prichard appeared first on Malwarebytes Labs.

Talos Takes Ep. #71 (NCSAM edition): Reflecting on ransomware in 2021

By Jon Munshaw. The latest episode of Talos Takes is available now. Download this episode and subscribe to Talos Takes using the buttons below, or visit the Talos Takes page. We are from the first (or last) people to say this, but 2021 is the year of ransomware. It’s by far the biggest story... [[ This is only the beginning! Please visit the blog for the complete entry ]]

Talos Takes Ep. #70: Let's put a positive spin on this whole working from home thing for once

By Jon Munshaw. The latest episode of Talos Takes is available now. Download this episode and subscribe to Talos Takes using the buttons below, or visit the Talos Takes page. As part of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, we're releasing a special series of Talos Takes episodes focused on... [[ This is only the beginning! Please visit the blog for the complete entry ]]