#Security Advisory
**Why is this advisory published to the Security Updates Guide Vulnerabilities tab instead of the Advisories tab?** We are publishing this advisory to the Security Update Guide's Vulnerabilities tab to document the related defense in depth security updates in the Deployments tab. Generally advisories do not contain security updates. However Microsoft Engineering elected to provide them to ensure customers could ensure they are protected. Please reference the Security Updates table or the Deployments tab to find the security update for related to your product.
**Is this advisory related to the vulnerability that is documented by CVE-2023-36884 that was issued in July 2023?** Yes, this defense in depth update is not a vulnerability, but installing this update stops the attack chain leading to the Windows Search security feature bypass vulnerability (CVE-2023-36884). Microsoft recommends installing the Office updates discussed in this advisory as well as installing the Windows updates from August 2023.