

#Security Tools

Microsoft Patch Tuesday, November 2021 Edition

Microsoft Corp. today released updates to quash at least 55 security bugs in its Windows operating systems and other software. Two of the patches address vulnerabilities that are already being used in active attacks online, and four of the flaws were disclosed publicly before today -- potentially giving adversaries a head start in figuring out how to exploit them.

Krebs on Security
#Latest Warnings#Security Tools#Time to Patch#Allan Liska#CVE-2021-41371#CVE-2021-42292#CVE-2021-42321#CVE-20213-38631#Dustin Childs#Microsoft Excel#Microsoft Exchange Server zero-day#Recorded Future#remote desktop protocol#Trend Micro Zero Day Initiative#vulnerability#windows#microsoft
The Rise of One-Time Password Interception Bots

In February, KrebsOnSecurity wrote about a novel cybercrime service that helped attackers intercept the one-time passwords (OTPs) that many websites require as a second authentication factor in addition to passwords. That service quickly went offline, but new research reveals a number of competitors have since launched bot-based services that make it relatively easy for crooks to phish OTPs from targets.

DirSearch - A Go Implementation Of Dirsearch

<p style="text-align: center;"><a href=""><img alt="" border="0" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_7008640593965069778" src="" /></a></p><br /> <p>This software is a Go implementation of the original <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="dirsearch tool">dirsearch tool</a> written by <code>Mauro Soria</code>. DirSearch is the very first tool I write in Go, mostly to play and experiment with Go's concurrency model, channels, and so forth :)</p><p><span></span></p><a name='more'></a>&nbsp;<p></p><span style="font-size: large;"><b>Purpose</b></span><br /> <p>DirSearch takes an input URL ( <code>-url</code> parameter ) and a wordlist ( <code>-wordlist</cod...

Does Your Organization Have a Security.txt File?

It happens all the time: Organizations get hacked because there isn't an obvious way for security researchers to let them know about security vulnerabilities or data leaks. Or maybe it isn't entirely clear who should get the report when remote access to an organization's internal network is being sold in the cybercrime underground. In a bid to minimize these scenarios, a growing number of major companies are adopting "Security.txt," a proposed new Internet standard that helps organizations describe their vulnerability disclosure practices and preferences.