

#Visual Studio Code

CVE-2022-41042: Visual Studio Code Information Disclosure Vulnerability

**What type of information could be disclosed by this vulnerability?** The type of information that could be disclosed if an attacker successfully exploited this vulnerability is file content.

Microsoft Security Response Center
#vulnerability#web#Visual Studio Code#Security Vulnerability
CVE-2022-41083: Visual Studio Code Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability

The following workaround may be helpful in your situation: * Create a folder C:\\ProgramData\\jupyter\\kernels\\ and configure it to be writable only by the current user

CVE-2022-41034: Visual Studio Code Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

**According to the CVSS metric, the attack vector is local (AV:L). Why does the CVE title indicate that this is a remote code execution?** The word **Remote** in the title refers to the location of the attacker. This type of exploit is sometimes referred to as Arbitrary Code Execution (ACE). The attack itself is carried out locally. For example, when the score indicates that the **Attack Vector** is **Local** and **User Interaction** is **Required**, this could describe an exploit in which an attacker, through social engineering, convinces a victim to download and open a specially crafted file from a website which leads to a local attack on their computer.

CVE-2022-38020: Visual Studio Code Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability

**According to the CVSS metric, user interaction is required (UI:R). What interaction would the user have to do?** The user would have be enticed to open a malicious file in a directory. Users should never open anything that they do not know or trust to be safe.

CVE-2022-30129: Visual Studio Code Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

**According to the CVSS metric, user interaction is required (UI:R). What interaction would the user have to do?** The user would have to click on a specially crafted URL to be compromised by the attacker.

CVE-2022-24526: Visual Studio Code Spoofing Vulnerability

**According to the CVSS Score, User Interaction is not required to potentially allow this vulnerability. What would the user do to allow exploitation?** The user would have be enticed to open a malicious file in vscode. Users should never open anything that they do not know or trust to be safe.

CVE-2022-24526: Visual Studio Code Spoofing Vulnerability

**According to the CVSS, User Interaction is Required. What interaction would the user have to do?** The user would have be enticed to open a malicious file in vscode. Users should never open anything that they do not know or trust to be safe.

CVE-2022-21991: Visual Studio Code Remote Development Extension Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

**Why is Attack Complexity marked as High for this vulnerability?** Successful exploitation of this vulnerability requires an attacker to gather information specific to environment of the targeted component.