

#Vulnerability Management

VMconf 22 Vulnerability Management conference: Call For Papers started

Hello everyone! This episode will be about the VMconf 22 Vulnerability Management conference. CFP started on November 1, which will last a month and a half. So please submit your talk or share this video with someone who might be interested. Let’s talk about the conference itself. All started with a post in my Telegram […]

Alexander V. Leonov
#blog#Events#Video#Vulnerability Management#CFP#Telegram#VMconf#VMconf22#vulnerability
Career Navigator talk for IT Hub College

Last week I gave a “Career Navigator” talk for the students of the IT Hub College in Moscow. By the way, this college has a very interesting practical information security program. If it is relevant for you, check it out. I’ve never talked so much about myself in public. It was like giving advises to […]

How to fix “Nessus failed to load the SSH private key” error?

If you are using Nessus to scan Linux hosts and authenticate by key, you may encounter this problem. You have generated the keys correctly, placed the public key on a remote server. You can connect to this server using the private key. ssh -p22 -i private_key [email protected] But when scanning with Nessus, you get weird […]

My thoughts on the “2021 Gartner Market Guide for Vulnerability Assessment”. What about the quality?

The Gartner Vulnerability Management Reports are one of the few marketing reports that I try to read regularly. This started back in the days when I was working for a VM vendor doing competitive analysis. Gartner is one of the few organizations that think about Vulnerability Assessment and Vulnerability Management and clearly articulate where we […]