

#Windows SMB

CVE-2023-32021: Windows SMB Witness Service Security Feature Bypass Vulnerability

**What kind of security feature could be bypassed by successfully exploiting this vulnerability?** An attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could execute RPC procedures that are restricted to privileged accounts, bypassing the access check for the RPC procedures.

Microsoft Security Response Center
#vulnerability#windows#samba#Windows SMB#Security Vulnerability
CVE-2023-32021: Windows SMB Witness Service Security Feature Bypass Vulnerability

**What kind of security feature could be bypassed by successfully exploiting this vulnerability?** An attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could execute RPC procedures that are restricted to privileged accounts, bypassing the access check for the RPC procedures.

CVE-2023-24898: Windows SMB Denial of Service Vulnerability

**What version of Windows Server 2022 is affected by this vulnerability?** This vulnerability only affects the hotpatch version of Windows Server 2022. If you are not running this version of the operating system, no action is required for this vulnerability.

CVE-2022-32230: Windows SMB Denial of Service Vulnerability

**Why is this Rapid7 CVE included in the Security Update Guide?** The vulnerability assigned to this CVE was originally classified as a stability bug in Windows. Rapid7 discovered that this bug could be used to cause a denial of service condition on affected versions of Windows. Microsoft had provided an update to address this issue prior to being contacted about it by Rapid 7. Microsoft appreciates the strong partnership that we have with Rapid7. **Why are the May updates associated with the operating systems rows in the Security Updates table?** This vulnerability was addressed in the May 2022 security updates.

CVE-2022-24541: Windows Server Service Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

**According to the CVSS, User Interaction is Required. What interaction would the user have to do?** This vulnerability requires that a user with an affected version of Windows access a malicious server. An attacker would have to host a specially crafted server share or website. An attacker would have no way to force users to visit this specially crafted server share or website, but would have to convince them to visit the server share or website, typically by way of an enticement in an email or chat message.

CVE-2022-24541: Windows Server Service Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

**According to the CVSS, User Interaction is Required. What interaction would the user have to do?** This vulnerability requires that a user with an affected version of Windows access a malicious server. An attacker would have to host a specially crafted server share or website. An attacker would have no way to force users to visit this specially crafted server share or website, but would have to convince them to visit the server share or website, typically by way of an enticement in an email or chat message.

CVE-2022-24500: Windows SMB Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

**According to the CVSS, User Interaction is Required. What interaction would the user have to do?** This vulnerability requires that a user with an affected version of Windows access a malicious server. An attacker would have to host a specially crafted server share or website. An attacker would have no way to force users to visit this specially crafted server share or website, but would have to convince them to visit the server share or website, typically by way of an enticement in an email or chat message.

CVE-2022-24500: Windows SMB Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

**According to the CVSS, User Interaction is Required. What interaction would the user have to do?** This vulnerability requires that a user with an affected version of Windows access a malicious server. An attacker would have to host a specially crafted server share or website. An attacker would have no way to force users to visit this specially crafted server share or website, but would have to convince them to visit the server share or website, typically by way of an enticement in an email or chat message.

CVE-2021-36972: Windows SMB Information Disclosure Vulnerability

*What type of information could be disclosed by this vulnerability?* The type of information that could be disclosed if an attacker successfully exploited this vulnerability is uninitialized memory and kernel memory - unintentional read access to memory contents in kernel space from a user mode process.

CVE-2021-36960: Windows SMB Information Disclosure Vulnerability

*What type of information could be disclosed by this vulnerability?* The type of information that could be disclosed if an attacker successfully exploited this vulnerability is uninitialized memory and kernel memory - unintentional read access to memory contents in kernel space from a user mode process.