Linus Torvalds, the creator of Linux and Git, has his own law in software development, and it goes like this: "given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow." This phrase puts the finger on the very principle of open source: the more, the merrier - if the code is easily available for anyone and everyone to fix bugs, it's pretty safe. But is it? Or is the saying "all bugs are shallow" only true for
** UNSUPPORTED WHEN ASSIGNED ** Oracle Solaris version 10 1/13, when using the Common Desktop Environment (CDE), is vulnerable to a privilege escalation vulnerability. A low privileged user can escalate to root by crafting a malicious printer and double clicking on the the crafted printer's icon.
On-chip solutions aim to prevent breaches by separating the computing element and keeping data in the secure vault at all times.
Spring Security, versions 5.7 prior to 5.7.5, and 5.6 prior to 5.6.9, and older unsupported versions could be susceptible to a privilege escalation under certain conditions. A malicious user or attacker can modify a request initiated by the Client (via the browser) to the Authorization Server which can lead to a privilege escalation on the subsequent approval. This scenario can happen if the Authorization Server responds with an OAuth2 Access Token Response containing an empty scope list (per RFC 6749, Section 5.1) on the subsequent request to the token endpoint to obtain the access token.
Categories: News Categories: Ransomware Tags: Raspberry Robin Tags: FakeUpdates Tags: LockBit Tags: Clop Tags: ransomware Microsoft warns that the Raspberry Robin worm has triggered payload alerts on devices of almost 1,000 organizations in the past 30 days and is used to introduce ransomware. (Read more...) The post Raspberry Robin worm used as ransomware prelude appeared first on Malwarebytes Labs.
xfig 3.2.7 is vulnerable to Buffer Overflow.
CTO recognized as cybersecurity influencer for his research and thought leadership.
Gentoo Linux Security Advisory 202210-33 - A vulnerability has been discovered in Libtirpc which could result in denial of service. Versions less than 1.3.2 are affected.
The Qualys Research Team has discovered authorization bypass and symlink vulnerabilities in multipathd. The authorization bypass was introduced in version 0.7.0 and the symlink vulnerability was introduced in version 0.7.7.
Gentoo Linux Security Advisory 202210-32 - An integer overflow has been found in hiredis which could result in arbitrary code execution. Versions less than 1.0.1 are affected.