In FusionPBX up to v4.5.7, the file resources\download.php uses an unsanitized "f" variable coming from the URL, which takes any pathname and allows a download of it. (resources\secure_download.php is also affected.)
In FusionPBX up to v4.5.7, the file app\xml_cdr\xml_cdr_delete.php uses an unsanitized "rec" variable coming from the URL, which is base64 decoded and allows deletion of any file of the system.
In FusionPBX up to v4.5.7, the file app\recordings\recording_play.php uses an unsanitized "filename" variable coming from the URL, which is base64 decoded and reflected in HTML, leading to XSS.
In FusionPBX up to v4.5.7, the file resources\paging.php has a paging function (called by several pages of the interface), which uses an unsanitized "param" variable constructed partially from the URL args and reflected in HTML, leading to XSS.
In FusionPBX up to v4.5.7, the file app\access_controls\access_control_nodes.php uses an unsanitized "id" variable coming from the URL, which is reflected in HTML, leading to XSS.
In FusionPBX up to v4.5.7, the file app\conferences_active\conference_interactive.php uses an unsanitized "c" variable coming from the URL, which is reflected in HTML, leading to XSS.
In FusionPBX up to v4.5.7, the file app\basic_operator_panel\resources\content.php uses an unsanitized "eavesdrop_dest" variable coming from the URL, which is reflected on 3 occasions in HTML, leading to XSS.
In FusionPBX up to v4.5.7, the file app\contacts\contact_import.php uses an unsanitized "query_string" variable coming from the URL, which is reflected in HTML, leading to XSS.
In FusionPBX up to v4.5.7, the file app\edit\filedelete.php uses an unsanitized "file" variable coming from the URL, which is reflected in HTML, leading to XSS.
WordPress before 5.2.4 does not properly consider type confusion during validation of the referer in the admin pages, possibly leading to CSRF.