


Career Navigator talk for IT Hub College

Last week I gave a “Career Navigator” talk for the students of the IT Hub College in Moscow. By the way, this college has a very interesting practical information security program. If it is relevant for you, check it out. I’ve never talked so much about myself in public. It was like giving advises to […]

Alexander V. Leonov
#blog#Events#Video#Vulnerability Management#bash#Blue Card#BMSTU#CIS#CISSP#IT Hub College#Mail.Ru Group#NIIR#Positive Technologies#python#Tinkoff#University
Microsoft Defender for Endpoint: The Latest Versions of Antivirus Engine & Signatures

In a previous episode on Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, I described how to get a list of antivirus engine and signatures versions for the hosts in your infrastructure using the Microsoft Graph API. But the problem remains. You know the versions that are currently installed on the hosts. But where can you get the latest […]