


SMS About Bank Fraud as a Pretext for Voice Phishing

Most of us have probably heard the term "smishing" -- which is a portmanteau for traditional phishing scams sent through SMS text messages. Smishing messages usually include a link to a site that spoofs a popular bank and tries to siphon personal information. But increasingly, phishers are turning to a hybrid form of smishing -- blasting out linkless text messages about suspicious bank transfers as a pretext for immediately calling and scamming anyone who responds via text.

Krebs on Security
#A Little Sunshine#Latest Warnings#Kris Stevens#smishing#voice phishing
‘Tis the Season for the Wayward Package Phish

The holiday shopping season always means big business for phishers, who tend to find increased success this time of year with a time-honored lure about a wayward package that needs redelivery. Here's a look at a fairly elaborate SMS-based phishing scam that spoofs FedEx in a bid to extract personal and financial information from unwary recipients.

Italian mafia cybercrime sting leads to 100+ arrests

Europol has announced the successful arrest and dismantling of an organized crime ring that is said to have ties with the Italian mob. Categories: Scams Tags: AMD Anti-Mafia Directorate bec Business Email Compromise cyber mafia eurojust europol Italian National Police Misha Glenny money mule MSC phishing Policía Nacional Polizia di Stato scam simjacking smishing Spanish National Police *( Read more... ( ) )* The post Italian mafia cybercrime sting leads to 100+ arrests appeared first on Malwarebytes Labs.