CVE-2022-46637: ProLink PRS1841 Backdoor Account ≈ Packet Storm
Prolink router PRS1841 was discovered to contain hardcoded credentials for its Telnet and FTP services.
# Exploit Title: Router backdoor - ProLink PRS1841 PLDT Home fiber# Exploit Author: Lawrence Amer @zux0x3a# Vendor Homepage: https://prolink2u.com/product/prs1841/# Firmware : PRS1841 U V2# reference: https://0xsp.com/security%20research%20%20development%20srd/backdoor-discovered-in-pldt-home-fiber-routers/Description========================A silent privileged backdoor account discovered on the Prolink PRS1841 routers; allows attackers to gain command execution privileges to the router OS.The vulnerable account issued by the vendor was identified as "adsl" and "realtek" as the default password; attackers could use this account to access the router remotely/internally using either Telnet or FTP protocol.PoC=============================adsl:$1$$m9g7v7tSyWPyjvelclu6D1:0:0::/tmp:/bin/cli