CVE-2022-38292: [Security Bugs] Server Side Request Forgery · Issue #158 · slims/slims9_bulian
SLiMS Senayan Library Management System v9.4.2 was discovered to contain multiple Server-Side Request Forgeries via the components /bibliography/marcsru.php and /bibliography/z3950sru.php.
The bug
A Server Side Request Forgery exists in admin/modules/bibliography/marcsru.php and admin/modules/bibliography/z3950sru.php due to the class in lib/marc/XMLParser.inc.php
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Go to then go to copy cataloguing
- choose between marc sru or 23950sru
- type in something what you want in the search bar
- set burpsuite intercept on
- change the z3950_SRU_source or marc_SRU_source parameter value to some url that grab the traffic
- forward the request
- or just visit
Normal requests
Tampered and SSRF trigger(netcat)
Tampered and SSRF trigger(toptal.com)
- OS: MacOS Mojave 10.14.6
- Browser: Google Chrome | 103.0.5060.134 (Official Build) (x86_64)
- Slims Version: slims9_bulian-9.4.2