

CVE-2023-30519: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins trigger Plugin 0.1 and earlier allows unauthenticated attackers to trigger builds of jobs corresponding to the attacker-specified repository.


This advisory announces vulnerabilities in the following Jenkins deliverables:

  • Assembla merge request builder Plugin
  • Azure Key Vault Plugin
  • Consul KV Builder Plugin
  • Fogbugz Plugin
  • Image Tag Parameter Plugin
  • Kubernetes Plugin
  • Lucene-Search Plugin
  • NeuVector Vulnerability Scanner Plugin
  • trigger Plugin
  • Report Portal Plugin
  • Thycotic DevOps Secrets Vault Plugin
  • Thycotic Secret Server Plugin
  • TurboScript Plugin
  • WSO2 Oauth Plugin

Descriptions****Improper masking of credentials in multiple plugins

SECURITY-3075 / CVE-2023-30513 (Kubernetes), CVE-2023-30514 (Azure Key Vault), CVE-2023-30515 (Thycotic DevOps Secrets Vault)
Severity (CVSS): Medium
Affected plugins: kubernetes , azure-keyvault , thycotic-devops-secrets-vault

Multiple plugins do not properly mask (i.e., replace with asterisks) credentials printed in the build log from Pipeline steps like sh and bat, when both of the following conditions are met:

  • The credentials are printed in build steps executing on an agent (typically inside a node block).

  • Push mode for durable task logging is enabled. This is a hidden option in Pipeline: Nodes and Processes that can be enabled through the Java system property org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.durable_task.DurableTaskStep.USE_WATCHING. It is also automatically enabled by some plugins, e.g., OpenTelemetry and Pipeline Logging over CloudWatch.

The following plugins are affected by this vulnerability:

  • Kubernetes 3909.v1f2c633e8590 and earlier (SECURITY-3079 / CVE-2023-30513)

  • Azure Key Vault 187.va_cd5fecd198a_ and earlier (SECURITY-3051 / CVE-2023-30514)

  • Thycotic DevOps Secrets Vault 1.0.0 (SECURITY-3078 / CVE-2023-30515)

The following plugins have been updated to properly mask credentials in the build log when push mode for durable task logging is enabled:

  • Kubernetes 3910.ve59cec5e33ea_ (SECURITY-3079 / CVE-2023-30513)

  • Azure Key Vault 188.vf46b_7fa_846a_1 (SECURITY-3051 / CVE-2023-30514)

As of publication of this advisory, there is no fix available for the following plugin:

  • Thycotic DevOps Secrets Vault 1.0.0 (SECURITY-3078 / CVE-2023-30515)

An improvement in Credentials Binding 523.525.vb_72269281873 implements a workaround that applies build log masking even in affected plugins. This workaround is temporary and potentially incomplete, so it is still recommended that affected plugins be updated to resolve this issue.

Disabled SSL/TLS certificate validation for existing configurations in Image Tag Parameter Plugin

SECURITY-2840 / CVE-2023-30516
Severity (CVSS): Medium
Affected plugin: image-tag-parameter

Image Tag Parameter Plugin 2.0 improperly introduces an option to opt out of SSL/TLS certificate validation when connecting to Docker registries.

Job configurations using Image Tag Parameters that were created before 2.0 will have SSL/TLS certificate validation disabled by default.

SSL/TLS certificate validation unconditionally disabled by NeuVector Vulnerability Scanner Plugin

SECURITY-2841 / CVE-2023-30517
Severity (CVSS): Medium
Affected plugin: neuvector-vulnerability-scanner

NeuVector Vulnerability Scanner Plugin 1.22 and earlier unconditionally disables SSL/TLS certificate and hostname validation when connecting to a configured NeuVector Vulnerability Scanner server.

Missing permission check in Thycotic Secret Server Plugin allows enumerating credentials IDs

SECURITY-2837 / CVE-2023-30518
Severity (CVSS): Medium
Affected plugin: thycotic-secret-server

Thycotic Secret Server Plugin 1.0.2 and earlier does not perform a permission check in an HTTP endpoint.

This allows attackers with Overall/Read permission to enumerate credentials IDs of credentials stored in Jenkins. Those can be used as part of an attack to capture the credentials using another vulnerability.

Lack of authentication mechanism in trigger Plugin webhook

SECURITY-2849 / CVE-2023-30519
Severity (CVSS): Medium
Affected plugin: quayio-trigger
Description: trigger Plugin provides a webhook endpoint at /quayio-webhook/ that can be used to trigger builds of jobs configured to use a specified repository.

In trigger Plugin 0.1 and earlier, this endpoint can be accessed without authentication.

This allows unauthenticated attackers to trigger builds of jobs corresponding to the attacker-specified repository.

Stored XSS vulnerability in trigger Plugin

SECURITY-2850 / CVE-2023-30520
Severity (CVSS): High
Affected plugin: quayio-trigger
Description: trigger Plugin 0.1 and earlier does not limit URL schemes for repository homepage URLs submitted via trigger webhooks.

This results in a stored cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability exploitable by attackers able to submit crafted trigger webhook payloads.

Lack of authentication mechanism in Assembla merge request builder Plugin webhook

SECURITY-2872 / CVE-2023-30521
Severity (CVSS): Medium
Affected plugin: assembla-merge-request-builder

Assembla merge request builder Plugin provides a webhook endpoint at /assembla-webhook/ that can be used to trigger builds of jobs configured to use a specified repository.

In Assembla merge request builder Plugin 1.1.13 and earlier, this endpoint can be accessed without authentication.

This allows unauthenticated attackers to trigger builds of jobs corresponding to the attacker-specified repository.

Lack of authentication mechanism in Fogbugz Plugin webhook

SECURITY-2873 / CVE-2023-30522
Severity (CVSS): Medium
Affected plugin: fogbugz

Fogbugz Plugin provides a webhook endpoint at /fbTrigger/ that can be used to trigger builds of any jobs.

In Fogbugz Plugin 2.2.17 and earlier, this endpoint can be accessed by attackers with Item/Read permission, allowing them to trigger builds of jobs specified in a jobname request parameter.

Tokens stored and displayed in plain text by Report Portal Plugin

SECURITY-2945 / CVE-2023-30523 (storage), CVE-2023-30524 (masking)
Severity (CVSS): Medium
Affected plugin: reportportal

Report Portal Plugin 0.5 and earlier stores ReportPortal access tokens unencrypted in job config.xml files on the Jenkins controller as part of its configuration.

These tokens can be viewed by users with Item/Extended Read permission or access to the Jenkins controller file system.

Additionally, the configuration form does not mask these tokens, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture them.

CSRF vulnerability and missing permission check in Report Portal Plugin

SECURITY-2950 / CVE-2023-30525 (CSRF), CVE-2023-30526 (missing permission check)
Severity (CVSS): Medium
Affected plugin: reportportal

Report Portal Plugin 0.5 and earlier does not perform a permission check in a method implementing form validation.

This allows attackers with Overall/Read permission to connect to an attacker-specified URL using attacker-specified bearer token authentication.

Additionally, this form validation method does not require POST requests, resulting in a cross-site request forgery (CSRF) vulnerability.

Client secret stored and displayed in plain text by WSO2 Oauth Plugin

SECURITY-2992 / CVE-2023-30527 (storage), CVE-2023-30528 (masking)
Severity (CVSS): Low
Affected plugin: wso2id-oauth

WSO2 Oauth Plugin 1.0 and earlier stores the WSO2 Oauth client secret unencrypted in the global config.xml file on the Jenkins controller as part of its configuration.

This client secret can be viewed by users with access to the Jenkins controller file system.

Additionally, the global configuration form does not mask the WSO2 Oauth client secret, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture it.

CSRF vulnerability in Lucene-Search Plugin

SECURITY-3013 / CVE-2023-30529
Severity (CVSS): Medium
Affected plugin: lucene-search

Lucene-Search Plugin 387.v938a_ecb_f7fe9 and earlier does not require POST requests for an HTTP endpoint, resulting in a cross-site request forgery (CSRF) vulnerability.

This vulnerability allows attackers to reindex the database.

Token stored and displayed in plain text by Consul KV Builder Plugin

SECURITY-2944 / CVE-2023-30530 (storage), CVE-2023-30531 (masking)
Severity (CVSS): Medium
Affected plugin: consul-kv-builder

Consul KV Builder Plugin 2.0.13 and earlier stores the HashiCorp Consul ACL Token unencrypted in its global configuration file org.jenkinsci.plugins.consulkv.GlobalConsulConfig.xml on the Jenkins controller as part of its configuration.

This token can be viewed by users with access to the Jenkins controller file system.

Additionally, the global configuration form does not mask the token, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture it.

Lack of authentication mechanism in TurboScript Plugin webhook

SECURITY-2851 / CVE-2023-30532
Severity (CVSS): Medium
Affected plugin: spoonscript

TurboScript Plugin provides a webhook endpoint at /turbo-webhook/ that can be used to trigger builds of jobs configured to use a specified repository.

In TurboScript Plugin 1.3 and earlier, this endpoint can be accessed by attackers with Item/Read permission to trigger builds of jobs corresponding to the attacker-specified repository.


  • SECURITY-2837: Medium
  • SECURITY-2840: Medium
  • SECURITY-2841: Medium
  • SECURITY-2849: Medium
  • SECURITY-2850: High
  • SECURITY-2851: Medium
  • SECURITY-2872: Medium
  • SECURITY-2873: Medium
  • SECURITY-2944: Medium
  • SECURITY-2945: Medium
  • SECURITY-2950: Medium
  • SECURITY-2992: Low
  • SECURITY-3013: Medium
  • SECURITY-3075: Medium

Affected Versions

  • Assembla merge request builder Plugin up to and including 1.1.13
  • Azure Key Vault Plugin up to and including 187.va_cd5fecd198a_
  • Consul KV Builder Plugin up to and including 2.0.13
  • Fogbugz Plugin up to and including 2.2.17
  • Image Tag Parameter Plugin up to and including 2.0
  • Kubernetes Plugin up to and including 3909.v1f2c633e8590
  • Lucene-Search Plugin up to and including 387.v938a_ecb_f7fe9
  • NeuVector Vulnerability Scanner Plugin up to and including 1.22
  • trigger Plugin up to and including 0.1
  • Report Portal Plugin up to and including 0.5
  • Thycotic DevOps Secrets Vault Plugin up to and including 1.0.0
  • Thycotic Secret Server Plugin up to and including 1.0.2
  • TurboScript Plugin up to and including 1.3
  • WSO2 Oauth Plugin up to and including 1.0


  • Azure Key Vault Plugin should be updated to version 188.vf46b_7fa_846a_1
  • Kubernetes Plugin should be updated to version 3910.ve59cec5e33ea_

These versions include fixes to the vulnerabilities described above. All prior versions are considered to be affected by these vulnerabilities unless otherwise indicated.

As of publication of this advisory, no fixes are available for the following plugins:

  • Assembla merge request builder Plugin
  • Consul KV Builder Plugin
  • Fogbugz Plugin
  • Image Tag Parameter Plugin
  • Lucene-Search Plugin
  • NeuVector Vulnerability Scanner Plugin
  • trigger Plugin
  • Report Portal Plugin
  • Thycotic DevOps Secrets Vault Plugin
  • Thycotic Secret Server Plugin
  • TurboScript Plugin
  • WSO2 Oauth Plugin

Learn why we announce these issues.


The Jenkins project would like to thank the reporters for discovering and reporting these vulnerabilities:

  • CC Bomber, Kitri BoB for SECURITY-2944, SECURITY-2945
  • Daniel Beck, CloudBees, Inc. for SECURITY-2837, SECURITY-2840, SECURITY-3013
  • Kevin Guerroudj, CloudBees, Inc. for SECURITY-2849, SECURITY-2850, SECURITY-2851, SECURITY-2992
  • Kevin Guerroudj, CloudBees, Inc. and Yaroslav Afenkin, CloudBees, Inc. for SECURITY-2873
  • Pavel Nakonechnyi, Netcetera AG for SECURITY-2841
  • Tim Jacomb for SECURITY-3075
  • Yaroslav Afenkin, CloudBees, Inc. for SECURITY-2950
  • Yaroslav Afenkin, CloudBees, Inc. and Kevin Guerroudj, CloudBees, Inc. for SECURITY-2872

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CVE-2023-30522: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Fogbugz Plugin 2.2.17 and earlier allows attackers with Item/Read permission to trigger builds of jobs specified in a 'jobname' request parameter.

CVE-2023-30532: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins TurboScript Plugin 1.3 and earlier allows attackers with Item/Read permission to trigger builds of jobs corresponding to the attacker-specified repository.

CVE-2023-30524: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Report Portal Plugin 0.5 and earlier does not mask ReportPortal access tokens displayed on the configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture them.

CVE-2023-30520: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins trigger Plugin 0.1 and earlier does not limit URL schemes for repository homepage URLs submitted via trigger webhooks, resulting in a stored cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability exploitable by attackers able to submit crafted trigger webhook payloads.

CVE-2023-30528: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins WSO2 Oauth Plugin 1.0 and earlier does not mask the WSO2 Oauth client secret on the global configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture it.

CVE-2023-30522: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Fogbugz Plugin 2.2.17 and earlier allows attackers with Item/Read permission to trigger builds of jobs specified in a 'jobname' request parameter.

CVE-2023-30529: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Lucene-Search Plugin 387.v938a_ecb_f7fe9 and earlier does not require POST requests for an HTTP endpoint, allowing attackers to reindex the database.

CVE-2023-30526: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Report Portal Plugin 0.5 and earlier allows attackers with Overall/Read permission to connect to an attacker-specified URL using attacker-specified bearer token authentication.

CVE-2023-30520: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins trigger Plugin 0.1 and earlier does not limit URL schemes for repository homepage URLs submitted via trigger webhooks, resulting in a stored cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability exploitable by attackers able to submit crafted trigger webhook payloads.

CVE-2023-30521: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Assembla merge request builder Plugin 1.1.13 and earlier allows unauthenticated attackers to trigger builds of jobs corresponding to the attacker-specified repository.

CVE-2023-30531: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Consul KV Builder Plugin 2.0.13 and earlier does not mask the HashiCorp Consul ACL Token on the global configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture it.

CVE-2023-30532: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins TurboScript Plugin 1.3 and earlier allows attackers with Item/Read permission to trigger builds of jobs corresponding to the attacker-specified repository.

CVE-2023-30528: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins WSO2 Oauth Plugin 1.0 and earlier does not mask the WSO2 Oauth client secret on the global configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture it.

CVE-2023-30524: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Report Portal Plugin 0.5 and earlier does not mask ReportPortal access tokens displayed on the configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture them.

CVE-2023-30526: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Report Portal Plugin 0.5 and earlier allows attackers with Overall/Read permission to connect to an attacker-specified URL using attacker-specified bearer token authentication.

CVE-2023-30529: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Lucene-Search Plugin 387.v938a_ecb_f7fe9 and earlier does not require POST requests for an HTTP endpoint, allowing attackers to reindex the database.

CVE-2023-30521: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Assembla merge request builder Plugin 1.1.13 and earlier allows unauthenticated attackers to trigger builds of jobs corresponding to the attacker-specified repository.

CVE-2023-30531: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Consul KV Builder Plugin 2.0.13 and earlier does not mask the HashiCorp Consul ACL Token on the global configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture it.

CVE-2023-30522: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Fogbugz Plugin 2.2.17 and earlier allows attackers with Item/Read permission to trigger builds of jobs specified in a 'jobname' request parameter.

CVE-2023-30532: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins TurboScript Plugin 1.3 and earlier allows attackers with Item/Read permission to trigger builds of jobs corresponding to the attacker-specified repository.

CVE-2023-30524: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Report Portal Plugin 0.5 and earlier does not mask ReportPortal access tokens displayed on the configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture them.

CVE-2023-30520: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins trigger Plugin 0.1 and earlier does not limit URL schemes for repository homepage URLs submitted via trigger webhooks, resulting in a stored cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability exploitable by attackers able to submit crafted trigger webhook payloads.

CVE-2023-30528: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins WSO2 Oauth Plugin 1.0 and earlier does not mask the WSO2 Oauth client secret on the global configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture it.

CVE-2023-30522: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Fogbugz Plugin 2.2.17 and earlier allows attackers with Item/Read permission to trigger builds of jobs specified in a 'jobname' request parameter.

CVE-2023-30529: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Lucene-Search Plugin 387.v938a_ecb_f7fe9 and earlier does not require POST requests for an HTTP endpoint, allowing attackers to reindex the database.

CVE-2023-30526: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Report Portal Plugin 0.5 and earlier allows attackers with Overall/Read permission to connect to an attacker-specified URL using attacker-specified bearer token authentication.

CVE-2023-30520: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins trigger Plugin 0.1 and earlier does not limit URL schemes for repository homepage URLs submitted via trigger webhooks, resulting in a stored cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability exploitable by attackers able to submit crafted trigger webhook payloads.

CVE-2023-30521: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Assembla merge request builder Plugin 1.1.13 and earlier allows unauthenticated attackers to trigger builds of jobs corresponding to the attacker-specified repository.

CVE-2023-30531: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Consul KV Builder Plugin 2.0.13 and earlier does not mask the HashiCorp Consul ACL Token on the global configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture it.

CVE-2023-30532: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins TurboScript Plugin 1.3 and earlier allows attackers with Item/Read permission to trigger builds of jobs corresponding to the attacker-specified repository.

CVE-2023-30528: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins WSO2 Oauth Plugin 1.0 and earlier does not mask the WSO2 Oauth client secret on the global configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture it.

CVE-2023-30524: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Report Portal Plugin 0.5 and earlier does not mask ReportPortal access tokens displayed on the configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture them.

CVE-2023-30526: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Report Portal Plugin 0.5 and earlier allows attackers with Overall/Read permission to connect to an attacker-specified URL using attacker-specified bearer token authentication.

CVE-2023-30529: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Lucene-Search Plugin 387.v938a_ecb_f7fe9 and earlier does not require POST requests for an HTTP endpoint, allowing attackers to reindex the database.

CVE-2023-30521: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Assembla merge request builder Plugin 1.1.13 and earlier allows unauthenticated attackers to trigger builds of jobs corresponding to the attacker-specified repository.

CVE-2023-30531: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Consul KV Builder Plugin 2.0.13 and earlier does not mask the HashiCorp Consul ACL Token on the global configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture it.

CVE-2023-30522: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Fogbugz Plugin 2.2.17 and earlier allows attackers with Item/Read permission to trigger builds of jobs specified in a 'jobname' request parameter.

CVE-2023-30532: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins TurboScript Plugin 1.3 and earlier allows attackers with Item/Read permission to trigger builds of jobs corresponding to the attacker-specified repository.

CVE-2023-30524: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Report Portal Plugin 0.5 and earlier does not mask ReportPortal access tokens displayed on the configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture them.

CVE-2023-30520: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins trigger Plugin 0.1 and earlier does not limit URL schemes for repository homepage URLs submitted via trigger webhooks, resulting in a stored cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability exploitable by attackers able to submit crafted trigger webhook payloads.

CVE-2023-30528: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins WSO2 Oauth Plugin 1.0 and earlier does not mask the WSO2 Oauth client secret on the global configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture it.

CVE-2023-30522: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Fogbugz Plugin 2.2.17 and earlier allows attackers with Item/Read permission to trigger builds of jobs specified in a 'jobname' request parameter.

CVE-2023-30521: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Assembla merge request builder Plugin 1.1.13 and earlier allows unauthenticated attackers to trigger builds of jobs corresponding to the attacker-specified repository.

CVE-2023-30524: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Report Portal Plugin 0.5 and earlier does not mask ReportPortal access tokens displayed on the configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture them.

CVE-2023-30529: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Lucene-Search Plugin 387.v938a_ecb_f7fe9 and earlier does not require POST requests for an HTTP endpoint, allowing attackers to reindex the database.

CVE-2023-30526: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Report Portal Plugin 0.5 and earlier allows attackers with Overall/Read permission to connect to an attacker-specified URL using attacker-specified bearer token authentication.

CVE-2023-30532: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins TurboScript Plugin 1.3 and earlier allows attackers with Item/Read permission to trigger builds of jobs corresponding to the attacker-specified repository.

CVE-2023-30531: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Consul KV Builder Plugin 2.0.13 and earlier does not mask the HashiCorp Consul ACL Token on the global configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture it.

CVE-2023-30528: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins WSO2 Oauth Plugin 1.0 and earlier does not mask the WSO2 Oauth client secret on the global configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture it.

CVE-2023-30522: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Fogbugz Plugin 2.2.17 and earlier allows attackers with Item/Read permission to trigger builds of jobs specified in a 'jobname' request parameter.

CVE-2023-30521: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Assembla merge request builder Plugin 1.1.13 and earlier allows unauthenticated attackers to trigger builds of jobs corresponding to the attacker-specified repository.

CVE-2023-30524: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Report Portal Plugin 0.5 and earlier does not mask ReportPortal access tokens displayed on the configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture them.

CVE-2023-30529: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Lucene-Search Plugin 387.v938a_ecb_f7fe9 and earlier does not require POST requests for an HTTP endpoint, allowing attackers to reindex the database.

CVE-2023-30526: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Report Portal Plugin 0.5 and earlier allows attackers with Overall/Read permission to connect to an attacker-specified URL using attacker-specified bearer token authentication.

CVE-2023-30532: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins TurboScript Plugin 1.3 and earlier allows attackers with Item/Read permission to trigger builds of jobs corresponding to the attacker-specified repository.

CVE-2023-30531: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Consul KV Builder Plugin 2.0.13 and earlier does not mask the HashiCorp Consul ACL Token on the global configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture it.

CVE-2023-30528: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins WSO2 Oauth Plugin 1.0 and earlier does not mask the WSO2 Oauth client secret on the global configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture it.

CVE-2023-30522: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Fogbugz Plugin 2.2.17 and earlier allows attackers with Item/Read permission to trigger builds of jobs specified in a 'jobname' request parameter.

CVE-2023-30521: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Assembla merge request builder Plugin 1.1.13 and earlier allows unauthenticated attackers to trigger builds of jobs corresponding to the attacker-specified repository.

CVE-2023-30524: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Report Portal Plugin 0.5 and earlier does not mask ReportPortal access tokens displayed on the configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture them.

CVE-2023-30529: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Lucene-Search Plugin 387.v938a_ecb_f7fe9 and earlier does not require POST requests for an HTTP endpoint, allowing attackers to reindex the database.

CVE-2023-30526: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Report Portal Plugin 0.5 and earlier allows attackers with Overall/Read permission to connect to an attacker-specified URL using attacker-specified bearer token authentication.

CVE-2023-30532: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins TurboScript Plugin 1.3 and earlier allows attackers with Item/Read permission to trigger builds of jobs corresponding to the attacker-specified repository.

CVE-2023-30531: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Consul KV Builder Plugin 2.0.13 and earlier does not mask the HashiCorp Consul ACL Token on the global configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture it.

CVE-2023-30528: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins WSO2 Oauth Plugin 1.0 and earlier does not mask the WSO2 Oauth client secret on the global configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture it.

CVE-2023-30522: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Fogbugz Plugin 2.2.17 and earlier allows attackers with Item/Read permission to trigger builds of jobs specified in a 'jobname' request parameter.

CVE-2023-30521: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Assembla merge request builder Plugin 1.1.13 and earlier allows unauthenticated attackers to trigger builds of jobs corresponding to the attacker-specified repository.

CVE-2023-30524: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Report Portal Plugin 0.5 and earlier does not mask ReportPortal access tokens displayed on the configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture them.

CVE-2023-30529: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Lucene-Search Plugin 387.v938a_ecb_f7fe9 and earlier does not require POST requests for an HTTP endpoint, allowing attackers to reindex the database.

CVE-2023-30526: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Report Portal Plugin 0.5 and earlier allows attackers with Overall/Read permission to connect to an attacker-specified URL using attacker-specified bearer token authentication.

CVE-2023-30532: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins TurboScript Plugin 1.3 and earlier allows attackers with Item/Read permission to trigger builds of jobs corresponding to the attacker-specified repository.

CVE-2023-30531: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Consul KV Builder Plugin 2.0.13 and earlier does not mask the HashiCorp Consul ACL Token on the global configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture it.

CVE-2023-30528: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins WSO2 Oauth Plugin 1.0 and earlier does not mask the WSO2 Oauth client secret on the global configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture it.

CVE-2023-30522: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Fogbugz Plugin 2.2.17 and earlier allows attackers with Item/Read permission to trigger builds of jobs specified in a 'jobname' request parameter.

CVE-2023-30521: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Assembla merge request builder Plugin 1.1.13 and earlier allows unauthenticated attackers to trigger builds of jobs corresponding to the attacker-specified repository.

CVE-2023-30524: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Report Portal Plugin 0.5 and earlier does not mask ReportPortal access tokens displayed on the configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture them.

CVE-2023-30529: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Lucene-Search Plugin 387.v938a_ecb_f7fe9 and earlier does not require POST requests for an HTTP endpoint, allowing attackers to reindex the database.

CVE-2023-30526: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Report Portal Plugin 0.5 and earlier allows attackers with Overall/Read permission to connect to an attacker-specified URL using attacker-specified bearer token authentication.

CVE-2023-30532: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins TurboScript Plugin 1.3 and earlier allows attackers with Item/Read permission to trigger builds of jobs corresponding to the attacker-specified repository.

CVE-2023-30531: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Consul KV Builder Plugin 2.0.13 and earlier does not mask the HashiCorp Consul ACL Token on the global configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture it.

CVE-2023-30528: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins WSO2 Oauth Plugin 1.0 and earlier does not mask the WSO2 Oauth client secret on the global configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture it.

CVE-2023-30522: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Fogbugz Plugin 2.2.17 and earlier allows attackers with Item/Read permission to trigger builds of jobs specified in a 'jobname' request parameter.

CVE-2023-30521: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Assembla merge request builder Plugin 1.1.13 and earlier allows unauthenticated attackers to trigger builds of jobs corresponding to the attacker-specified repository.

CVE-2023-30524: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Report Portal Plugin 0.5 and earlier does not mask ReportPortal access tokens displayed on the configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture them.

CVE-2023-30529: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Lucene-Search Plugin 387.v938a_ecb_f7fe9 and earlier does not require POST requests for an HTTP endpoint, allowing attackers to reindex the database.

CVE-2023-30526: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Report Portal Plugin 0.5 and earlier allows attackers with Overall/Read permission to connect to an attacker-specified URL using attacker-specified bearer token authentication.

CVE-2023-30532: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins TurboScript Plugin 1.3 and earlier allows attackers with Item/Read permission to trigger builds of jobs corresponding to the attacker-specified repository.

CVE-2023-30531: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Consul KV Builder Plugin 2.0.13 and earlier does not mask the HashiCorp Consul ACL Token on the global configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture it.

CVE-2023-30528: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins WSO2 Oauth Plugin 1.0 and earlier does not mask the WSO2 Oauth client secret on the global configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture it.

CVE-2023-30522: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Fogbugz Plugin 2.2.17 and earlier allows attackers with Item/Read permission to trigger builds of jobs specified in a 'jobname' request parameter.

CVE-2023-30521: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Assembla merge request builder Plugin 1.1.13 and earlier allows unauthenticated attackers to trigger builds of jobs corresponding to the attacker-specified repository.

CVE-2023-30524: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Report Portal Plugin 0.5 and earlier does not mask ReportPortal access tokens displayed on the configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture them.

CVE-2023-30529: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Lucene-Search Plugin 387.v938a_ecb_f7fe9 and earlier does not require POST requests for an HTTP endpoint, allowing attackers to reindex the database.

CVE-2023-30526: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Report Portal Plugin 0.5 and earlier allows attackers with Overall/Read permission to connect to an attacker-specified URL using attacker-specified bearer token authentication.

CVE-2023-30532: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins TurboScript Plugin 1.3 and earlier allows attackers with Item/Read permission to trigger builds of jobs corresponding to the attacker-specified repository.

CVE-2023-30531: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Consul KV Builder Plugin 2.0.13 and earlier does not mask the HashiCorp Consul ACL Token on the global configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture it.

CVE-2023-30528: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins WSO2 Oauth Plugin 1.0 and earlier does not mask the WSO2 Oauth client secret on the global configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture it.

CVE-2023-30522: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Fogbugz Plugin 2.2.17 and earlier allows attackers with Item/Read permission to trigger builds of jobs specified in a 'jobname' request parameter.

CVE-2023-30521: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Assembla merge request builder Plugin 1.1.13 and earlier allows unauthenticated attackers to trigger builds of jobs corresponding to the attacker-specified repository.

CVE-2023-30524: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Report Portal Plugin 0.5 and earlier does not mask ReportPortal access tokens displayed on the configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture them.

CVE-2023-30529: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Lucene-Search Plugin 387.v938a_ecb_f7fe9 and earlier does not require POST requests for an HTTP endpoint, allowing attackers to reindex the database.

CVE-2023-30526: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Report Portal Plugin 0.5 and earlier allows attackers with Overall/Read permission to connect to an attacker-specified URL using attacker-specified bearer token authentication.

CVE-2023-30532: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins TurboScript Plugin 1.3 and earlier allows attackers with Item/Read permission to trigger builds of jobs corresponding to the attacker-specified repository.

CVE-2023-30531: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Consul KV Builder Plugin 2.0.13 and earlier does not mask the HashiCorp Consul ACL Token on the global configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture it.

CVE-2023-30528: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins WSO2 Oauth Plugin 1.0 and earlier does not mask the WSO2 Oauth client secret on the global configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture it.

CVE-2023-30522: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Fogbugz Plugin 2.2.17 and earlier allows attackers with Item/Read permission to trigger builds of jobs specified in a 'jobname' request parameter.

CVE-2023-30521: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Assembla merge request builder Plugin 1.1.13 and earlier allows unauthenticated attackers to trigger builds of jobs corresponding to the attacker-specified repository.

CVE-2023-30524: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Report Portal Plugin 0.5 and earlier does not mask ReportPortal access tokens displayed on the configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture them.

CVE-2023-30529: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Lucene-Search Plugin 387.v938a_ecb_f7fe9 and earlier does not require POST requests for an HTTP endpoint, allowing attackers to reindex the database.

CVE-2023-30526: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Report Portal Plugin 0.5 and earlier allows attackers with Overall/Read permission to connect to an attacker-specified URL using attacker-specified bearer token authentication.

CVE-2023-30532: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins TurboScript Plugin 1.3 and earlier allows attackers with Item/Read permission to trigger builds of jobs corresponding to the attacker-specified repository.

CVE-2023-30531: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Consul KV Builder Plugin 2.0.13 and earlier does not mask the HashiCorp Consul ACL Token on the global configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture it.

CVE-2023-30528: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins WSO2 Oauth Plugin 1.0 and earlier does not mask the WSO2 Oauth client secret on the global configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture it.

CVE-2023-30522: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Fogbugz Plugin 2.2.17 and earlier allows attackers with Item/Read permission to trigger builds of jobs specified in a 'jobname' request parameter.

CVE-2023-30521: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Assembla merge request builder Plugin 1.1.13 and earlier allows unauthenticated attackers to trigger builds of jobs corresponding to the attacker-specified repository.

CVE-2023-30524: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Report Portal Plugin 0.5 and earlier does not mask ReportPortal access tokens displayed on the configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture them.

CVE-2023-30529: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Lucene-Search Plugin 387.v938a_ecb_f7fe9 and earlier does not require POST requests for an HTTP endpoint, allowing attackers to reindex the database.

CVE-2023-30526: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Report Portal Plugin 0.5 and earlier allows attackers with Overall/Read permission to connect to an attacker-specified URL using attacker-specified bearer token authentication.

CVE-2023-30532: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins TurboScript Plugin 1.3 and earlier allows attackers with Item/Read permission to trigger builds of jobs corresponding to the attacker-specified repository.

CVE-2023-30531: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Consul KV Builder Plugin 2.0.13 and earlier does not mask the HashiCorp Consul ACL Token on the global configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture it.

CVE-2023-30528: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins WSO2 Oauth Plugin 1.0 and earlier does not mask the WSO2 Oauth client secret on the global configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture it.

CVE-2023-30522: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Fogbugz Plugin 2.2.17 and earlier allows attackers with Item/Read permission to trigger builds of jobs specified in a 'jobname' request parameter.

CVE-2023-30521: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Assembla merge request builder Plugin 1.1.13 and earlier allows unauthenticated attackers to trigger builds of jobs corresponding to the attacker-specified repository.

CVE-2023-30524: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Report Portal Plugin 0.5 and earlier does not mask ReportPortal access tokens displayed on the configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture them.

CVE-2023-30529: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Lucene-Search Plugin 387.v938a_ecb_f7fe9 and earlier does not require POST requests for an HTTP endpoint, allowing attackers to reindex the database.

CVE-2023-30526: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Report Portal Plugin 0.5 and earlier allows attackers with Overall/Read permission to connect to an attacker-specified URL using attacker-specified bearer token authentication.

CVE-2023-30532: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins TurboScript Plugin 1.3 and earlier allows attackers with Item/Read permission to trigger builds of jobs corresponding to the attacker-specified repository.

CVE-2023-30531: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Consul KV Builder Plugin 2.0.13 and earlier does not mask the HashiCorp Consul ACL Token on the global configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture it.

CVE-2023-30528: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins WSO2 Oauth Plugin 1.0 and earlier does not mask the WSO2 Oauth client secret on the global configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture it.

CVE-2023-30522: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Fogbugz Plugin 2.2.17 and earlier allows attackers with Item/Read permission to trigger builds of jobs specified in a 'jobname' request parameter.

CVE-2023-30521: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Assembla merge request builder Plugin 1.1.13 and earlier allows unauthenticated attackers to trigger builds of jobs corresponding to the attacker-specified repository.

CVE-2023-30524: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Report Portal Plugin 0.5 and earlier does not mask ReportPortal access tokens displayed on the configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture them.

CVE-2023-30529: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Lucene-Search Plugin 387.v938a_ecb_f7fe9 and earlier does not require POST requests for an HTTP endpoint, allowing attackers to reindex the database.

CVE-2023-30526: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Report Portal Plugin 0.5 and earlier allows attackers with Overall/Read permission to connect to an attacker-specified URL using attacker-specified bearer token authentication.

CVE-2023-30532: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins TurboScript Plugin 1.3 and earlier allows attackers with Item/Read permission to trigger builds of jobs corresponding to the attacker-specified repository.

CVE-2023-30531: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Consul KV Builder Plugin 2.0.13 and earlier does not mask the HashiCorp Consul ACL Token on the global configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture it.

CVE-2023-30528: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins WSO2 Oauth Plugin 1.0 and earlier does not mask the WSO2 Oauth client secret on the global configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture it.

CVE-2023-30522: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Fogbugz Plugin 2.2.17 and earlier allows attackers with Item/Read permission to trigger builds of jobs specified in a 'jobname' request parameter.

CVE-2023-30521: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Assembla merge request builder Plugin 1.1.13 and earlier allows unauthenticated attackers to trigger builds of jobs corresponding to the attacker-specified repository.

CVE-2023-30524: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Report Portal Plugin 0.5 and earlier does not mask ReportPortal access tokens displayed on the configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture them.

CVE-2023-30529: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Lucene-Search Plugin 387.v938a_ecb_f7fe9 and earlier does not require POST requests for an HTTP endpoint, allowing attackers to reindex the database.

CVE-2023-30526: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Report Portal Plugin 0.5 and earlier allows attackers with Overall/Read permission to connect to an attacker-specified URL using attacker-specified bearer token authentication.

CVE-2023-30532: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins TurboScript Plugin 1.3 and earlier allows attackers with Item/Read permission to trigger builds of jobs corresponding to the attacker-specified repository.

CVE-2023-30531: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Consul KV Builder Plugin 2.0.13 and earlier does not mask the HashiCorp Consul ACL Token on the global configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture it.

CVE-2023-30528: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins WSO2 Oauth Plugin 1.0 and earlier does not mask the WSO2 Oauth client secret on the global configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture it.

CVE-2023-30522: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Fogbugz Plugin 2.2.17 and earlier allows attackers with Item/Read permission to trigger builds of jobs specified in a 'jobname' request parameter.

CVE-2023-30522: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Fogbugz Plugin 2.2.17 and earlier allows attackers with Item/Read permission to trigger builds of jobs specified in a 'jobname' request parameter.

CVE-2023-30524: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Report Portal Plugin 0.5 and earlier does not mask ReportPortal access tokens displayed on the configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture them.

CVE-2023-30529: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Lucene-Search Plugin 387.v938a_ecb_f7fe9 and earlier does not require POST requests for an HTTP endpoint, allowing attackers to reindex the database.

CVE-2023-30526: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Report Portal Plugin 0.5 and earlier allows attackers with Overall/Read permission to connect to an attacker-specified URL using attacker-specified bearer token authentication.

CVE-2023-30532: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins TurboScript Plugin 1.3 and earlier allows attackers with Item/Read permission to trigger builds of jobs corresponding to the attacker-specified repository.

CVE-2023-30531: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Consul KV Builder Plugin 2.0.13 and earlier does not mask the HashiCorp Consul ACL Token on the global configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture it.

CVE-2023-30528: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins WSO2 Oauth Plugin 1.0 and earlier does not mask the WSO2 Oauth client secret on the global configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture it.

CVE-2023-30517: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins NeuVector Vulnerability Scanner Plugin 1.22 and earlier unconditionally disables SSL/TLS certificate and hostname validation when connecting to a configured NeuVector Vulnerability Scanner server.

CVE-2023-30516: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Image Tag Parameter Plugin 2.0 improperly introduces an option to opt out of SSL/TLS certificate validation when connecting to Docker registries, resulting in job configurations using Image Tag Parameters that were created before 2.0 having SSL/TLS certificate validation disabled by default.

CVE-2023-30515: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Thycotic DevOps Secrets Vault Plugin 1.0.0 and earlier does not properly mask (i.e., replace with asterisks) credentials in the build log when push mode for durable task logging is enabled.

CVE-2023-30531: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Consul KV Builder Plugin 2.0.13 and earlier does not mask the HashiCorp Consul ACL Token on the global configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture it.

CVE-2023-30521: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Assembla merge request builder Plugin 1.1.13 and earlier allows unauthenticated attackers to trigger builds of jobs corresponding to the attacker-specified repository.

CVE-2023-30529: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Lucene-Search Plugin 387.v938a_ecb_f7fe9 and earlier does not require POST requests for an HTTP endpoint, allowing attackers to reindex the database.

CVE-2023-30526: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Report Portal Plugin 0.5 and earlier allows attackers with Overall/Read permission to connect to an attacker-specified URL using attacker-specified bearer token authentication.

CVE-2023-30524: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Report Portal Plugin 0.5 and earlier does not mask ReportPortal access tokens displayed on the configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture them.

CVE-2023-30528: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins WSO2 Oauth Plugin 1.0 and earlier does not mask the WSO2 Oauth client secret on the global configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture it.

CVE-2023-30532: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins TurboScript Plugin 1.3 and earlier allows attackers with Item/Read permission to trigger builds of jobs corresponding to the attacker-specified repository.

CVE-2023-30531: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Consul KV Builder Plugin 2.0.13 and earlier does not mask the HashiCorp Consul ACL Token on the global configuration form, increasing the potential for attackers to observe and capture it.

CVE-2023-30521: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Assembla merge request builder Plugin 1.1.13 and earlier allows unauthenticated attackers to trigger builds of jobs corresponding to the attacker-specified repository.

CVE-2023-30520: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins trigger Plugin 0.1 and earlier does not limit URL schemes for repository homepage URLs submitted via trigger webhooks, resulting in a stored cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability exploitable by attackers able to submit crafted trigger webhook payloads.

CVE-2023-30526: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Report Portal Plugin 0.5 and earlier allows attackers with Overall/Read permission to connect to an attacker-specified URL using attacker-specified bearer token authentication.

CVE-2023-30529: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

Jenkins Lucene-Search Plugin 387.v938a_ecb_f7fe9 and earlier does not require POST requests for an HTTP endpoint, allowing attackers to reindex the database.

CVE-2023-30521: Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-04-12

A missing permission check in Jenkins Assembla merge request builder Plugin 1.1.13 and earlier allows unauthenticated attackers to trigger builds of jobs corresponding to the attacker-specified repository.

CVE: Latest News

CVE-2023-50976: Transactions API Authorization by oleiman · Pull Request #14969 · redpanda-data/redpanda