

CVE-2023-39663: Vulnerable regex in MathJax v2 could potentially lead to a ReDoS attack · Issue #3074 · mathjax/MathJax

Mathjax up to v2.7.9 was discovered to contain two Regular expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) vulnerabilities in MathJax.js via the components pattern and markdownPattern.


****Replace the text below with the details of the issue you are facing.
DO NOT simply erase the form and type a free-form response.******Issue Summary**

MathJax v2 contains two highly vulnerable regex patterns in MathJax.js: pattern and markdownPattern.
pattern: /%(\d+|{\d+}|{[a-z]+:%\d+(?:|(?:%{\d+}|%.|[^}])*)+}|.)/
markdownPattern: /(%.)|(*{1,3})((?:%.|.)+?)\2|(`+)((?:%.|.)+?)\4|[((?:%.|.)+?)](([^\s)]+))/

These regex patterns are susceptible to ReDoS (Regular Expression Denial of Service) attacks. If an attacker can control the message passed into MathJax.Message.Set() or MathJax.Localization._(), it could potentially trigger a ReDoS attack.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. use MathJax.Message.Set(["msg","%{a:%0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||",5]);
    or MathJax.Localization._("123", “%{a:%0||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||”);

With recheck, these two patterns are consider to be exponential ReDos.

Technical details:

  • MathJax Version: <=2.7.9
  • Client OS: Mac OS X 12.1
  • Browser: Edge 115.0.1901.183

I am using the following MathJax configuration:

MathJax.Hub.Config({ tex2jax: { inlineMath: [[“$","$”],["\\(","\\)"]], displayMath: [[‘$$’,’$$’], ["\\[","\\]"]] } });

and loading MathJax via

<script src=""></script>

Supporting information:

  • Please supply a link to a (live) minimal example page, when possible.
  • If your issue is with the display of the mathematics produced by MathJax, include a screen snapshot that illustrates the problem, when possible.
  • Check your browser console window for any error messages, and include them here.
  • Include the MathJax configuration you are using, and the script tag that loads MathJax itself.

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