CVE-2022-23056: erpnext/patient_history.js at 21a3ea462aaf319e466c067c2ec406eb9abe6ed3 · frappe/erpnext
In ERPNext, versions v13.0.0-beta.13 through v13.30.0 are vulnerable to Stored XSS at the Patient History page which allows a low privilege user to conduct an account takeover attack.
frappe.provide(‘frappe.patient_history’); frappe.pages[‘patient_history’].on_page_load = function(wrapper) { let me = this; let page = frappe.ui.make_app_page({ parent: wrapper, title: 'Patient History’, single_column: true }); frappe.breadcrumbs.add(‘Healthcare’); let pid = '’; page.main.html(frappe.render_template('patient_history’, {})); page.main.find(‘.header-separator’).hide(); let patient = frappe.ui.form.make_control({ parent: page.main.find(‘.patient’), df: { fieldtype: 'Link’, options: 'Patient’, fieldname: 'patient’, placeholder: __(‘Select Patient’), only_select: true, change: function() { let patient_id = patient.get_value(); if (pid != patient_id && patient_id) { me.start = 0; me.page.main.find(‘.patient_documents_list’).html(‘’); setup_filters(patient_id, me); get_documents(patient_id, me); show_patient_info(patient_id, me); show_patient_vital_charts(patient_id, me, 'bp’, 'mmHg’, ‘Blood Pressure’); } pid = patient_id; } }, }); patient.refresh(); if (frappe.route_options) { patient.set_value(frappe.route_options.patient); } this.page.main.on('click’, '.btn-show-chart’, function() { let btn_show_id = $(this).attr(‘data-show-chart-id’), pts = $(this).attr(‘data-pts’); let title = $(this).attr(‘data-title’); show_patient_vital_charts(patient.get_value(), me, btn_show_id, pts, title); }); this.page.main.on('click’, '.btn-more’, function() { let doctype = $(this).attr(‘data-doctype’), docname = $(this).attr(‘data-docname’); if (me.page.main.find('.’+docname).parent().find(‘.document-html’).attr(‘data-fetched’) == ‘1’) { me.page.main.find(‘.’+docname).hide(); me.page.main.find(‘.’+docname).parent().find(‘.document-html’).show(); } else { if (doctype && docname) { let exclude = [‘patient’, ‘patient_name’, ‘patient_sex’, ‘encounter_date’]; frappe.call({ method: ‘erpnext.healthcare.utils.render_doc_as_html’, args:{ doctype: doctype, docname: docname, exclude_fields: exclude }, freeze: true, callback: function® { if (r.message) { me.page.main.find(‘.’ + docname).hide(); me.page.main.find(‘.’ + docname).parent().find(‘.document-html’).html( `${r.message.html} <div align=’center’> <a class=’btn octicon octicon-chevron-up btn-default btn-xs btn-less’ data-doctype=’${doctype}’ data-docname=’${docname}’> </a> </div> `); me.page.main.find(‘.’ + docname).parent().find(‘.document-html’).show(); me.page.main.find(‘.’ + docname).parent().find(‘.document-html’).attr(‘data-fetched’, ‘1’); } } }); } } }); this.page.main.on(‘click’, ‘.btn-less’, function() { let docname = $(this).attr(‘data-docname’); me.page.main.find(‘.’ + docname).parent().find(‘.document-id’).show(); me.page.main.find(‘.’ + docname).parent().find(‘.document-html’).hide(); }); me.start = 0; me.page.main.on(‘click’, ‘.btn-get-records’, function() { get_documents(patient.get_value(), me); }); }; let setup_filters = function(patient, me) { $(‘.doctype-filter’).empty(); frappe.xcall( ‘erpnext.healthcare.page.patient_history.patient_history.get_patient_history_doctypes’ ).then(document_types => { let doctype_filter = frappe.ui.form.make_control({ parent: $(‘.doctype-filter’), df: { fieldtype: ‘MultiSelectList’, fieldname: ‘document_type’, placeholder: __(‘Select Document Type’), input_class: ‘input-xs’, change: () => { me.start = 0; me.page.main.find(‘.patient_documents_list’).html(‘’); get_documents(patient, me, doctype_filter.get_value(), date_range_field.get_value()); }, get_data: () => { return document_types.map(document_type => { return { description: document_type, value: document_type }; }); }, } }); doctype_filter.refresh(); $(‘.date-filter’).empty(); let date_range_field = frappe.ui.form.make_control({ df: { fieldtype: ‘DateRange’, fieldname: ‘date_range’, placeholder: __(‘Date Range’), input_class: ‘input-xs’, change: () => { let selected_date_range = date_range_field.get_value(); if (selected_date_range && selected_date_range.length === 2) { me.start = 0; me.page.main.find(‘.patient_documents_list’).html(‘’); get_documents(patient, me, doctype_filter.get_value(), selected_date_range); } } }, parent: $(‘.date-filter’) }); date_range_field.refresh(); }); }; let get_documents = function(patient, me, document_types="", selected_date_range="") { let filters = { name: patient, start: me.start, page_length: 20 }; if (document_types) filters[‘document_types’] = document_types; if (selected_date_range) filters[‘date_range’] = selected_date_range; frappe.call({ ‘method’: ‘erpnext.healthcare.page.patient_history.patient_history.get_feed’, args: filters, callback: function® { let data = r.message; if (data.length) { add_to_records(me, data); } else { me.page.main.find(‘.patient_documents_list’).append(` <div class=’text-muted’ align=’center’> <br><br>${__(‘No more records…’)}<br><br> </div>`); me.page.main.find(‘.btn-get-records’).hide(); } } }); }; let add_to_records = function(me, data) { let details = "<ul class=’nav nav-pills nav-stacked’>"; let i; for (i=0; i<data.length; i++) { if (data[i].reference_doctype) { let label = ‘’; if (data[i].subject) { label += “<br/>” + data[i].subject; } data[i] = add_date_separator(data[i]); if (frappe.user_info(data[i].owner).image) { data[i].imgsrc = frappe.utils.get_file_link(frappe.user_info(data[i].owner).image); } else { data[i].imgsrc = false; } let time_line_heading = data[i].practitioner ? `${data[i].practitioner} ` : ``; time_line_heading += data[i].reference_doctype + " - " + `<a onclick="frappe.set_route(‘Form’, ‘${data[i].reference_doctype}’, ‘${data[i].reference_name}’);"> ${data[i].reference_name} </a>`; details += ` <li data-toggle=’pill’ class=’patient_doc_menu’ data-doctype=’${data[i].reference_doctype}’ data-docname=’${data[i].reference_name}’> <div class=’col-sm-12 d-flex border-bottom py-3’>`; if (data[i].imgsrc) { details += ` <span class=’mr-3’> <img class=’avtar’ src=’${data[i].imgsrc}’ width=’32’ height=’32’></img> </span>`; } else { details += `<span class=’mr-3 avatar avatar-small’ style=’width:32px; height:32px;’> <div align=’center’ class=’standard-image’ style=’background-color: #fafbfc;’> ${data[i].practitioner ? data[i].practitioner.charAt(0) : ‘U’} </div> </span>`; } details += `<div class=’d-flex flex-column width-full’> <div> `+time_line_heading+` <span> ${data[i].date_sep} </span> </div> <div class=’Box p-3 mt-2’> <span class=’${data[i].reference_name} document-id’>${label} <div align=’center’> <a class=’btn octicon octicon-chevron-down btn-default btn-xs btn-more’ data-doctype=’${data[i].reference_doctype}’ data-docname=’${data[i].reference_name}’> </a> </div> </span> <span class=’document-html’ hidden data-fetched="0"> </span> </div> </div> </div> </li>`; } } details += ‘</ul>’; me.page.main.find(‘.patient_documents_list’).append(details); me.start += data.length; if (data.length === 20) { me.page.main.find(“.btn-get-records”).show(); } else { me.page.main.find(“.btn-get-records”).hide(); me.page.main.find(“.patient_documents_list”).append(` <div class=’text-muted’ align=’center’> <br><br>${__(‘No more records…’)}<br><br> </div>`); } }; let add_date_separator = function(data) { let date = frappe.datetime.str_to_obj(data.communication_date); let pdate = ‘’; let diff = frappe.datetime.get_day_diff(frappe.datetime.get_today(), frappe.datetime.obj_to_str(date)); if (diff < 1) { pdate = __(‘Today’); } else if (diff < 2) { pdate = __(‘Yesterday’); } else { pdate = __(‘on ') + frappe.datetime.global_date_format(date); } data.date_sep = pdate; return data; }; let show_patient_info = function(patient, me) { frappe.call({ ‘method’: ‘erpnext.healthcare.doctype.patient.patient.get_patient_detail’, args: { patient: patient }, callback: function® { let data = r.message; let details = ‘’; if (data.image) { details += `<div><img class=’thumbnail’ width=75% src=’${data.image}’></div>`; } details += `<b> ${data.patient_name} </b><br> ${data.sex}`; if (data.email) details += `<br> ${data.email}`; if (data.mobile) details += `<br> ${data.mobile}`; if (data.occupation) details += `<br><br><b> ${__(‘Occupation’)} : </b> ${data.occupation}`; if (data.blood_group) details += `<br><b> ${__(‘Blood Group’)} : </b> ${data.blood_group}`; if (data.allergies) details += `<br><br><b> ${__(‘Allerigies’)} : </b> ${data.allergies.replace("\n", ", ")}`; if (data.medication) details += `<br><b> ${__(‘Medication’)} : </b> ${data.medication.replace("\n", ", ")}`; if (data.alcohol_current_use) details += `<br><br><b> ${__(‘Alcohol use’)} : </b> ${data.alcohol_current_use}`; if (data.alcohol_past_use) details += `<br><b> ${__(‘Alcohol past use’)} : </b> ${data.alcohol_past_use}`; if (data.tobacco_current_use) details += `<br><b> ${__(‘Tobacco use’)} : </b> ${data.tobacco_current_use}`; if (data.tobacco_past_use) details += `<br><b> ${__(‘Tobacco past use’)} : </b> ${data.tobacco_past_use}`; if (data.medical_history) details += `<br><br><b> ${__(‘Medical history’)} : </b> ${data.medical_history.replace("\n", ", ")}`; if (data.surgical_history) details += `<br><b> ${__(‘Surgical history’)} : </b> ${data.surgical_history.replace("\n", ", ")}`; if (data.surrounding_factors) details += `<br><br><b> ${__(‘Occupational hazards’)} : </b> ${data.surrounding_factors.replace("\n", ", ")}`; if (data.other_risk_factors) details += `<br><b> ${__(‘Other risk factors’)} : </b> ${data.other_risk_factors.replace("\n", ", ")}`; if (data.patient_details) details += `<br><br><b> ${__(‘More info’)} : </b> ${data.patient_details.replace("\n", ", ")}`; if (details) { details = `<div style=’padding-left:10px; font-size:13px;’ align=’left’>` + details + `</div>`; } me.page.main.find(‘.patient_details’).html(details); } }); }; let show_patient_vital_charts = function(patient, me, btn_show_id, pts, title) { frappe.call({ method: ‘erpnext.healthcare.utils.get_patient_vitals’, args:{ patient: patient }, callback: function® { if (r.message) { let show_chart_btns_html = ` <div style=’padding-top:10px;’> <a class=’btn btn-default btn-xs btn-show-chart’ data-show-chart-id=’bp’ data-pts=’mmHg’ data-title=’Blood Pressure’> ${__(‘Blood Pressure’)} </a> <a class=’btn btn-default btn-xs btn-show-chart’ data-show-chart-id=’pulse_rate’ data-pts=’per Minutes’ data-title=’Respiratory/Pulse Rate’> ${__(‘Respiratory/Pulse Rate’)} </a> <a class=’btn btn-default btn-xs btn-show-chart’ data-show-chart-id=’temperature’ data-pts=’°C or °F’ data-title=’Temperature’> ${__(‘Temperature’)} </a> <a class=’btn btn-default btn-xs btn-show-chart’ data-show-chart-id=’bmi’ data-pts=’’ data-title=’BMI’> ${__(‘BMI’)} </a> </div>`; me.page.main.find(‘.show_chart_btns’).html(show_chart_btns_html); let data = r.message; let labels = [], datasets = []; let bp_systolic = [], bp_diastolic = [], temperature = []; let pulse = [], respiratory_rate = [], bmi = [], height = [], weight = []; for (let i=0; i<data.length; i++) { labels.push(data[i].signs_date+’||’+data[i].signs_time); if (btn_show_id === ‘bp’) { bp_systolic.push(data[i].bp_systolic); bp_diastolic.push(data[i].bp_diastolic); } if (btn_show_id === ‘temperature’) { temperature.push(data[i].temperature); } if (btn_show_id === ‘pulse_rate’) { pulse.push(data[i].pulse); respiratory_rate.push(data[i].respiratory_rate); } if (btn_show_id === ‘bmi’) { bmi.push(data[i].bmi); height.push(data[i].height); weight.push(data[i].weight); } } if (btn_show_id === ‘temperature’) { datasets.push({name: 'Temperature’, values: temperature, chartType: 'line’}); } if (btn_show_id === ‘bmi’) { datasets.push({name: 'BMI’, values: bmi, chartType: 'line’}); datasets.push({name: 'Height’, values: height, chartType: 'line’}); datasets.push({name: 'Weight’, values: weight, chartType: 'line’}); } if (btn_show_id === ‘bp’) { datasets.push({name: 'BP Systolic’, values: bp_systolic, chartType: 'line’}); datasets.push({name: 'BP Diastolic’, values: bp_diastolic, chartType: 'line’}); } if (btn_show_id === ‘pulse_rate’) { datasets.push({name: 'Heart Rate / Pulse’, values: pulse, chartType: 'line’}); datasets.push({name: 'Respiratory Rate’, values: respiratory_rate, chartType: 'line’}); } new frappe.Chart('.patient_vital_charts’, { data: { labels: labels, datasets: datasets }, title: title, type: 'axis-mixed’, height: 200, colors: ['purple’, '#ffa3ef’, ‘light-blue’], tooltipOptions: { formatTooltipX: d => (d + ‘’).toUpperCase(), formatTooltipY: d => d + ' ' + pts, } }); me.page.main.find(‘.header-separator’).show(); } else { me.page.main.find(‘.patient_vital_charts’).html(‘’); me.page.main.find(‘.show_chart_btns’).html(‘’); me.page.main.find(‘.header-separator’).hide(); } } }); };