CVE-2021-25069: Changeset 2656086 – WordPress Plugin Repository
The Download Manager WordPress plugin before 3.2.34 does not sanitise and escape the package_ids parameter before using it in a SQL statement, leading to a SQL injection, which can also be exploited to cause a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue
r2633890 r2656086 1313use WPDM\__\TempStorage; 1414 15 class PackageController extends PackageTemplate 16 { 17 18 public $ID; 19 public $package; 20 public $shortCodes; 21 public $packageData = []; 22 public $files = []; 23 public $restAPI; 24 public $templateDir; 25 26 27 function __construct($ID = null) 28 { 29 parent::__construct(); 30 31 $this->templateDir = __DIR__.’/views/’; 32 $this->shortCodes = new Shortcodes(); 33 new Hooks(); 34 35 new RestAPI(); 36 37 global $post; 38 if (!$ID && is_object($post) && $post->post_type == ‘wpdmpro’) $ID = $post->ID; 39 $this->ID = $ID; 40 41 } 42 43 function prepare($ID = null, $template = null, $template_type = ‘page’) 44 { 45 global $post; 46 47 if (!$ID) $ID = $this->ID; 48 if (!$ID && isset($post->ID) && get_post_type($post) == ‘wpdmpro’) $ID = $post->ID; 49 if (!$ID) { 50 $this->packageData = array(‘error’ => __(“ID missing!", “download-manager”)); 51 return $this; 52 } 53 54 if (!is_object($post) || $post->ID != $ID) { 55 $_post = get_post($ID); 56 if (get_class($_post) != ‘WP_Post’) return new \WP_Error('broke’, __(“Invalid Package ID!", “download-manager”)); 57 $post_vars = (array)$_post; 58 } else 59 $post_vars = (array)$post; 60 61 $ID = $post_vars[‘ID’]; 62 63 $post_vars[‘title’] = stripcslashes($post_vars[‘post_title’]); 64 $post_vars[‘description’] = stripcslashes($post_vars[‘post_content’]); 65 $post_vars[‘description’] = wpautop(stripslashes($post_vars[‘description’])); 66 67 if (!has_shortcode($post_vars[‘description’], ‘wpdm_package’)) 68 $post_vars[‘description’] = do_shortcode(stripslashes($post_vars[‘description’])); 69 70 $post_vars[‘excerpt’] = wpautop(stripcslashes(wpdm_escs($post_vars[‘post_excerpt’]))); 71 $author = get_user_by('id’, $post_vars[‘post_author’]); 72 if (is_object($author)) $post_vars[‘author_name’] = $author->display_name; 73 $post_vars[‘author_profile_url’] = get_author_posts_url($post_vars[‘post_author’]); 74 if (is_object($author)) $post_vars[‘avatar_url’] = get_avatar_url($author->user_email); 75 if (is_object($author)) $post_vars[‘avatar’] = get_avatar($author->user_email, 96); 76 $post_vars[‘author_package_count’] = count_user_posts($post_vars[‘post_author’], “wpdmpro”); 77 78 $template_tags = $this->parseTemplate($template, $ID, $template_type); 79 80 //Featured Image 81 $post_vars[‘preview’] = $post_vars[‘thumb’] = “"; 82 if (has_post_thumbnail($ID)) { 83 $src = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($ID), 'full’, false); 84 $post_vars[‘preview’] = $src[‘0’]; 85 $post_vars[‘featured_image’] = get_the_post_thumbnail($ID, ‘full’); 86 87 if (in_array('thumb’, $template_tags)) 88 $post_vars[‘thumb’] = get_the_post_thumbnail($ID); 89 } 90 if (in_array('create_date’, $template_tags)) 91 $post_vars[‘create_date’] = get_the_date('’, $ID); 92 93 if (in_array('update_date’, $template_tags)) 94 $post_vars[‘update_date’] = date_i18n(get_option(‘date_format’), strtotime($post_vars[‘post_modified’])); 95 96 if (in_array('categories’, $template_tags)) 97 $post_vars[‘categories’] = get_the_term_list($ID, 'wpdmcategory’, '’, ', ‘, ‘’); 98 99 if (in_array(‘category’, $template_tags)) { 100 $cats = get_the_terms($ID, ‘wpdmcategory’); 101 if (is_array($cats) && count($cats) > 0) 102 $post_vars[‘category’] = $cats[0]->name; 103 } 104 105 $post_vars[‘comment_count’] = wp_count_comments($ID)->approved; 106 107 if (in_array(‘cats_class’, $template_tags)) { 108 $cats = wp_get_post_terms($ID, ‘wpdmcategory’); 109 $post_vars[‘cats_class’] = ""; 110 foreach ($cats as $cat) { 111 $post_vars[‘cats_class’] .= " wpdmcat-{$cat->id} {$cat->slug}"; 112 } 113 } 114 115 $data = $this->metaData($post_vars[‘ID’]); 116 117 if (is_array($data)) { 118 $post_vars = array_merge($data, $post_vars); 119 } 120 121 if (!isset($post_vars[‘files’]) || !is_array($post_vars[‘files’])) 122 $post_vars[‘files’] = self::getFiles($ID, true); 123 124 if (in_array(‘file_count’, $template_tags)) 125 $post_vars[‘file_count’] = count($post_vars[‘files’]); 126 127 if (in_array(‘play_button’, $template_tags)) 128 $post_vars[‘play_button’] = self::audioPlayer($post_vars); 129 130 131 $post_vars[‘link_label’] = isset($post_vars[‘link_label’]) ? esc_attr($post_vars[‘link_label’]) : esc_attr__("Download", “download-manager”); 132 $post_vars[‘page_url’] = get_permalink($post_vars[‘ID’]); 133 $post_vars[‘page_link’] = “<a href=’” . $post_vars[‘page_url’] . "’>{$post_vars[‘title’]}</a>"; 134 $post_vars[‘page_url_qr’] = "<img class=’wpdm-qr-code wpdm-qr-code{$post_vars[‘ID’]}’ style=’max-width: 250px’ src=’http://chart.googleapis.com/chart?cht=qr&chs=450x450&choe=UTF-8&chld=H|0&chl={$post_vars[‘page_url’]}’ alt=’{$post_vars[‘title’]}’ />"; 135 136 137 if (!isset($post_vars[‘btnclass’])) 138 $post_vars[‘btnclass’] = wpdm_download_button_style(null, $ID); 139 140 if (in_array(‘tags’, $template_tags)) { 141 $tags = wp_get_post_terms($post_vars[‘ID’], ‘wpdmtag’); 142 $taghtml = ""; 143 if (is_array($tags)) { 144 foreach ($tags as $tag) { 145 $taghtml .= "<a class=’btn btn-secondary btn-xs’ style=’margin:0 5px 5px 0’ href=\"” 146 . get_tag_link($tag->term_id) 147 . “\"><i class=’fa fa-tag’></i> " . $tag->name . “</a> “; 148 } 149 } 150 $post_vars[‘tags’] = $taghtml; 151 } 152 153 if (in_array('file_ext’, $template_tags)) { 154 $post_vars[‘files’] = isset($post_vars[‘files’]) && is_array($post_vars[‘files’]) ? $post_vars[‘files’] : self::getFiles($ID); 155 if (count($post_vars[‘files’]) > 1) $post_vars[‘file_ext’] = 'zip’; 156 if (is_array($post_vars[‘files’]) && count($post_vars[‘files’]) == 1) { 157 $tmpdata = $post_vars[‘files’]; 158 $tmpdata = array_shift($tmpdata); 159 $tmpdata = explode(“.", $tmpdata); 160 $post_vars[‘file_ext’] = end($tmpdata); 161 } 162 } 163 164 if (in_array('file_size’, $template_tags)) 165 $post_vars[‘file_size’] = self::Size($post_vars[‘ID’]); 166 167 if (in_array('audio_player_single’, $template_tags)) 168 $post_vars[‘audio_player_single’] = self::audioPlayer($post_vars, true); 169 170 if (array_intersect($template_tags, array('youtube_player’, 'youtube_thumb_0’, 'youtube_thumb_1’, 'youtube_thumb_2’, ‘youtube_thumb_3’))) { 171 $post_vars[‘files’] = isset($post_vars[‘files’]) && is_array($post_vars[‘files’]) ? $post_vars[‘files’] : self::getFiles($ID); 172 $tmplfile = $post_vars[‘files’]; 173 $tmpfile = is_array($tmplfile) && count($tmplfile) > 0 ? array_shift($tmplfile) : '’; 174 if (strpos($tmpfile, ‘youtu’)) { 175 if (preg_match('/youtu\.be\/([^\/]+)/’, $tmpfile, $match)) 176 $vid = $match[1]; 177 else if (preg_match('/watch\?v=([^\/]+)/’, $tmpfile, $match)) 178 $vid = $match[1]; 179 if (isset($vid)) { 180 $post_vars[‘youtube_thumb_0’] = ‘<img src="https://img.youtube.com/vi/’ . $vid . '/0.jpg” alt="Thumb 0” />’; 181 $post_vars[‘youtube_thumb_1’] = ‘<img src="https://img.youtube.com/vi/’ . $vid . '/1.jpg” alt="Thumb 1” />’; 182 $post_vars[‘youtube_thumb_2’] = ‘<img src="https://img.youtube.com/vi/’ . $vid . '/2.jpg” alt="Thumb 2” />’; 183 $post_vars[‘youtube_thumb_3’] = ‘<img src="https://img.youtube.com/vi/’ . $vid . '/3.jpg" alt="Thumb 3" />’; 184 $post_vars[‘youtube_player’] = ‘<iframe width="1280" height="720" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/’ . $vid . '" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>’; 185 } 186 } 187 } 188 189 if (array_intersect(array('file_type_icon’, ‘icon’), $template_tags)) { 190 $post_vars[‘files’] = isset($post_vars[‘files’]) && is_array($post_vars[‘files’]) ? $post_vars[‘files’] : self::getFiles($ID); 191 if (is_array($post_vars[‘files’])) { 192 $tifn = $ifn = @end($post_vars[‘files’]); 193 $ifn = @explode('.’, $ifn); 194 $ifn = @end($ifn); 195 if (strlen($ifn) > 4 && strstr($tifn, “://”)) 196 $ifn = 'web’; 197 if (strlen($ifn) > 4 && !strstr($tifn, “://”)) 198 $ifn = 'unknown’; 199 } else 200 $ifn = ‘unknown’; 201 202 $post_vars[‘file_type_icon’] = ‘<img class="wpdm_icon" alt="’ . __(“Icon", “download-manager”) . '” src="’ . FileSystem::fileTypeIcon((@count($post_vars[‘files’]) <= 1 ? $ifn : ‘zip’)) . ‘" />’; 203 204 if (!isset($post_vars[‘icon’]) || $post_vars[‘icon’] == ‘’) { 205 $post_vars[‘icon’] = $post_vars[‘file_type_icon’]; 206 } else if (!strpos($post_vars[‘icon’], ‘://’)) 207 $post_vars[‘icon’] = ‘<img class="wpdm_icon" alt="’ . __(“Icon", “download-manager”) . '” src="’ . plugins_url(str_replace('download-manager/file-type-icons/’, 'download-manager/assets/file-type-icons/’, $post_vars[‘icon’])) . ‘" />’; 208 else if (!strpos($post_vars[‘icon’], “>”)) 209 $post_vars[‘icon’] = ‘<img class="wpdm_icon" alt="’ . __(“Icon", “download-manager”) . '” src="’ . str_replace(‘download-manager/file-type-icons/’, ‘download-manager/assets/file-type-icons/’, $post_vars[‘icon’]) . ‘" />’; 210 211 } 212 213 214 $post_vars[‘link_label’] = apply_filters(‘wpdm_button_image’, $post_vars[‘link_label’], $post_vars, $template_type); 215 216 $post_vars[‘link_label’] = $post_vars[‘link_label’] ? $post_vars[‘link_label’] : __("Download", “download-manager”); 217 218 $post_vars[‘download_url’] = $this->getDownloadURL($post_vars[‘ID’]); 219 $post_vars[‘download_link_popup’] = 220 $post_vars[‘download_link_extended’] = 221 $post_vars[‘download_link’] = (int)get_option(‘__wpdm_mask_dlink’, 1) == 1 ? "<a class=’wpdm-download-link download-on-click {$post_vars[‘btnclass’]}’ rel=’nofollow’ href=’#’ data-downloadurl=\"{$post_vars[‘download_url’]}\">{$post_vars[‘link_label’]}</a>" : "<a class=’wpdm-download-link {$post_vars[‘btnclass’]}’ rel=’nofollow’ href=’{$post_vars[‘download_url’]}’>{$post_vars[‘link_label’]}</a>"; 222 223 $limit_over = 0; 224 $alert_size = ($template_type == ‘link’) ? ‘alert-sm’ : '’; 225 226 $loginmsg = Messages::login_required($post_vars[‘ID’]); 227 228 //Download limit is over 229 if (self::userDownloadLimitExceeded($post_vars[‘ID’])) { 230 $limit_over = 1; 231 $limit_msg = Messages::download_limit_exceeded($post_vars[‘ID’]); 232 $post_vars[‘download_url’] = ‘#’; 233 $post_vars[‘link_label’] = $limit_msg; 234 $post_vars[‘download_link_popup’] = 235 $post_vars[‘download_link_extended’] = 236 $post_vars[‘download_link’] = $post_vars[‘link_label’]; 237 } //Item is expired 238 else if (isset($post_vars[‘expire_date’]) && $post_vars[‘expire_date’] != “” && strtotime($post_vars[‘expire_date’]) < time()) { 239 $post_vars[‘download_url’] = ‘#’; 240 $post_vars[‘link_label’] = __("Download was expired on", “download-manager”) . " " . date_i18n(get_option(‘date_format’) . " h:i A", strtotime($post_vars[‘expire_date’])); 241 $post_vars[‘download_link’] = 242 $post_vars[‘download_link_extended’] = 243 $post_vars[‘download_link_popup’] = "<div class=’alert alert-warning {$alert_size}’ data-title=’" . __("DOWNLOAD ERROR:", “download-manager”) . “’>{$post_vars[‘link_label’]}</div>"; 244 } //Not available yet 245 else if (isset($post_vars[‘publish_date’]) && $post_vars[‘publish_date’] != ‘’ && strtotime($post_vars[‘publish_date’]) > time()) { 246 $post_vars[‘download_url’] = ‘#’; 247 $post_vars[‘link_label’] = __("Download will be available from ", “download-manager”) . " " . date_i18n(get_option(‘date_format’) . " h:i A", strtotime($post_vars[‘publish_date’])); 248 $post_vars[‘download_link’] = 249 $post_vars[‘download_link_extended’] = 250 $post_vars[‘download_link_popup’] = "<div class=’alert alert-warning {$alert_size}’ data-title=’” . __("DOWNLOAD ERROR:", “download-manager”) . “’>{$post_vars[‘link_label’]}</div>"; 251 } //User is not allowed 252 else if (is_user_logged_in() && !self::userCanAccess($post_vars[‘ID’])) { 253 $post_vars[‘download_url’] = '#’; 254 $post_vars[‘link_label’] = stripslashes(get_option(‘__wpdm_permission_denied_msg’)); 255 $post_vars[‘link_label’] = $post_vars[‘link_label’] !== ‘’ ? $post_vars[‘link_label’] : __(‘You are not allowed to download.’, ‘download-manager’); 256 $post_vars[‘download_link’] = 257 $post_vars[‘download_link_extended’] = 258 $post_vars[‘download_link_popup’] = "<div class=’alert alert-danger {$alert_size}’ data-title=’” . __(“DOWNLOAD ERROR:", “download-manager”) . “’>{$post_vars[‘link_label’]}</div>"; 259 } //User is not logged in and guest access is not allowed 260 else if (!is_user_logged_in() && !self::userCanAccess($post_vars[‘ID’])) { 261 $packurl = get_permalink($post_vars[‘ID’]); 262 $loginform = WPDM()->user->login->form(array(‘redirect’ => $packurl)); 263 $post_vars[‘download_url’] = WPDM()->user->login->url($_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’]); 264 $post_vars[‘download_link’] = 265 $post_vars[‘download_link_extended’] = 266 $post_vars[‘download_link_popup’] = stripcslashes(str_replace(array("[loginform]“, "[this_url]“, "[package_url]"), array($loginform, $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’], $packurl), $loginmsg)); 267 $post_vars[‘download_link’] = 268 $post_vars[‘download_link_extended’] = 269 $post_vars[‘download_link_popup’] = get_option(‘__wpdm_login_form’, 0) == 1 ? $loginform : $post_vars[‘download_link’]; 270 } //PACKAGE is locked 271 else if ($this->isLocked($post_vars[‘ID’])) { 272 $post_vars[‘download_url’] = ‘#’; 273 $post_vars[‘download_link’] = $post_vars[‘download_link_popup’] = "<a href=’#unlock’ class=’wpdm-download-link wpdm-download-locked {$post_vars[‘btnclass’]}’ data-package=’{$post_vars[‘ID’]}’>{$post_vars[‘link_label’]}</a>"; //self::activeLocks($post_vars); 274 $post_vars[‘download_link_extended’] = self::activeLocks($post_vars[‘ID’], array(‘embed’ => 1)); 275 //$post_vars[‘download_link_popup’] = self::activeLocks($post_vars, array(‘popstyle’ => ‘popup’)); 276 } 277 278 if (isset($data[‘terms_lock’]) && $data[‘terms_lock’] != 0 && (!function_exists(‘wpdmpp_effective_price’) || wpdmpp_effective_price($post_vars[‘ID’]) == 0) && $limit_over == 0 && self::userCanAccess($post_vars[‘ID’])) { 279 //$data[‘terms_conditions’] = wpautop(strip_tags($data[‘terms_conditions’], “<p><br><a><strong><b><i>”)); 280 /*$data[‘terms_conditions’] = wpautop(wpdm_escs(get_post_meta($post_vars[‘ID’], '__wpdm_terms_conditions’, true))); 15class PackageController extends PackageTemplate { 16 17 public $ID; 18 public $package; 19 public $shortCodes; 20 public $packageData = []; 21 public $files = []; 22 public $restAPI; 23 public $templateDir; 24 25 26 function __construct( $ID = null ) { 27 parent::__construct(); 28 29 $this->templateDir = __DIR__ . '/views/’; 30 $this->shortCodes = new Shortcodes(); 31 new Hooks(); 32 33 new RestAPI(); 34 35 global $post; 36 if ( ! $ID && is_object( $post ) && $post->post_type == ‘wpdmpro’ ) { 37 $ID = $post->ID; 38 } 39 $this->ID = $ID; 40 41 } 42 43 function prepare( $ID = null, $template = null, $template_type = ‘page’ ) { 44 global $post; 45 46 if ( ! $ID ) { 47 $ID = $this->ID; 48 } 49 if ( ! $ID && isset( $post->ID ) && get_post_type( $post ) == ‘wpdmpro’ ) { 50 $ID = $post->ID; 51 } 52 if ( ! $ID ) { 53 $this->packageData = array( ‘error’ => __( “ID missing!", “download-manager” ) ); 54 55 return $this; 56 } 57 58 if ( ! is_object( $post ) || $post->ID != $ID ) { 59 $_post = get_post( $ID ); 60 if ( get_class( $_post ) != ‘WP_Post’ ) { 61 return new \WP_Error( 'broke’, __( “Invalid Package ID!", “download-manager” ) ); 62 } 63 $post_vars = (array) $_post; 64 } else { 65 $post_vars = (array) $post; 66 } 67 68 $ID = $post_vars[‘ID’]; 69 70 $post_vars[‘title’] = stripcslashes( $post_vars[‘post_title’] ); 71 $post_vars[‘description’] = stripcslashes( $post_vars[‘post_content’] ); 72 $post_vars[‘description’] = wpautop( stripslashes( $post_vars[‘description’] ) ); 73 74 if ( ! has_shortcode( $post_vars[‘description’], ‘wpdm_package’ ) ) { 75 $post_vars[‘description’] = do_shortcode( stripslashes( $post_vars[‘description’] ) ); 76 } 77 78 $post_vars[‘excerpt’] = wpautop( stripcslashes( wpdm_escs( $post_vars[‘post_excerpt’] ) ) ); 79 $author = get_user_by( 'id’, $post_vars[‘post_author’] ); 80 if ( is_object( $author ) ) { 81 $post_vars[‘author_name’] = $author->display_name; 82 } 83 $post_vars[‘author_profile_url’] = get_author_posts_url( $post_vars[‘post_author’] ); 84 if ( is_object( $author ) ) { 85 $post_vars[‘avatar_url’] = get_avatar_url( $author->user_email ); 86 } 87 if ( is_object( $author ) ) { 88 $post_vars[‘avatar’] = get_avatar( $author->user_email, 96 ); 89 } 90 $post_vars[‘author_package_count’] = count_user_posts( $post_vars[‘post_author’], “wpdmpro” ); 91 92 $template_tags = $this->parseTemplate( $template, $ID, $template_type ); 93 94 //Featured Image 95 $post_vars[‘preview’] = $post_vars[‘thumb’] = “"; 96 if ( has_post_thumbnail( $ID ) ) { 97 $src = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $ID ), 'full’, false ); 98 $post_vars[‘preview’] = $src[‘0’]; 99 $post_vars[‘featured_image’] = get_the_post_thumbnail( $ID, ‘full’ ); 100 101 if ( in_array( 'thumb’, $template_tags ) ) { 102 $post_vars[‘thumb’] = get_the_post_thumbnail( $ID ); 103 } 104 } 105 if ( in_array( 'create_date’, $template_tags ) ) { 106 $post_vars[‘create_date’] = get_the_date( '’, $ID ); 107 } 108 109 if ( in_array( 'update_date’, $template_tags ) ) { 110 $post_vars[‘update_date’] = date_i18n( get_option( ‘date_format’ ), strtotime( $post_vars[‘post_modified’] ) ); 111 } 112 113 if ( in_array( 'categories’, $template_tags ) ) { 114 $post_vars[‘categories’] = get_the_term_list( $ID, 'wpdmcategory’, '’, ', ‘, ‘’ ); 115 } 116 117 if ( in_array( ‘category’, $template_tags ) ) { 118 $cats = get_the_terms( $ID, ‘wpdmcategory’ ); 119 if ( is_array( $cats ) && count( $cats ) > 0 ) { 120 $post_vars[‘category’] = $cats[0]->name; 121 } 122 } 123 124 $post_vars[‘comment_count’] = wp_count_comments( $ID )->approved; 125 126 if ( in_array( ‘cats_class’, $template_tags ) ) { 127 $cats = wp_get_post_terms( $ID, ‘wpdmcategory’ ); 128 $post_vars[‘cats_class’] = ""; 129 foreach ( $cats as $cat ) { 130 $post_vars[‘cats_class’] .= " wpdmcat-{$cat->id} {$cat->slug}"; 131 } 132 } 133 134 $data = $this->metaData( $post_vars[‘ID’] ); 135 136 if ( is_array( $data ) ) { 137 $post_vars = array_merge( $data, $post_vars ); 138 } 139 140 if ( ! isset( $post_vars[‘files’] ) || ! is_array( $post_vars[‘files’] ) ) { 141 $post_vars[‘files’] = self::getFiles( $ID, true ); 142 } 143 144 if ( in_array( ‘file_count’, $template_tags ) ) { 145 $post_vars[‘file_count’] = count( $post_vars[‘files’] ); 146 } 147 148 if ( in_array( ‘play_button’, $template_tags ) ) { 149 $post_vars[‘play_button’] = self::audioPlayer( $post_vars ); 150 } 151 152 153 $post_vars[‘link_label’] = isset( $post_vars[‘link_label’] ) ? esc_attr( $post_vars[‘link_label’] ) : esc_attr__( "Download", “download-manager” ); 154 $post_vars[‘page_url’] = get_permalink( $post_vars[‘ID’] ); 155 $post_vars[‘page_link’] = “<a href=’” . $post_vars[‘page_url’] . "’>{$post_vars[‘title’]}</a>"; 156 $post_vars[‘page_url_qr’] = "<img class=’wpdm-qr-code wpdm-qr-code{$post_vars[‘ID’]}’ style=’max-width: 250px’ src=’http://chart.googleapis.com/chart?cht=qr&chs=450x450&choe=UTF-8&chld=H|0&chl={$post_vars[‘page_url’]}’ alt=’{$post_vars[‘title’]}’ />"; 157 158 159 if ( ! isset( $post_vars[‘btnclass’] ) ) { 160 $post_vars[‘btnclass’] = wpdm_download_button_style( null, $ID ); 161 } 162 163 if ( in_array( ‘tags’, $template_tags ) ) { 164 $tags = wp_get_post_terms( $post_vars[‘ID’], ‘wpdmtag’ ); 165 $taghtml = ""; 166 if ( is_array( $tags ) ) { 167 foreach ( $tags as $tag ) { 168 $taghtml .= "<a class=’btn btn-secondary btn-xs’ style=’margin:0 5px 5px 0’ href=\"” 169 . get_tag_link( $tag->term_id ) 170 . “\"><i class=’fa fa-tag’></i> " . $tag->name . “</a> “; 171 } 172 } 173 $post_vars[‘tags’] = $taghtml; 174 } 175 176 if ( in_array( 'file_ext’, $template_tags ) ) { 177 $post_vars[‘files’] = isset( $post_vars[‘files’] ) && is_array( $post_vars[‘files’] ) ? $post_vars[‘files’] : self::getFiles( $ID ); 178 if ( count( $post_vars[‘files’] ) > 1 ) { 179 $post_vars[‘file_ext’] = 'zip’; 180 } 181 if ( is_array( $post_vars[‘files’] ) && count( $post_vars[‘files’] ) == 1 ) { 182 $tmpdata = $post_vars[‘files’]; 183 $tmpdata = array_shift( $tmpdata ); 184 $tmpdata = explode( “.", $tmpdata ); 185 $post_vars[‘file_ext’] = end( $tmpdata ); 186 } 187 } 188 189 if ( in_array( 'file_size’, $template_tags ) ) { 190 $post_vars[‘file_size’] = self::Size( $post_vars[‘ID’] ); 191 } 192 193 if ( in_array( 'audio_player_single’, $template_tags ) ) { 194 $post_vars[‘audio_player_single’] = self::audioPlayer( $post_vars, true ); 195 } 196 197 if ( array_intersect( $template_tags, array( 198 'youtube_player’, 199 'youtube_thumb_0’, 200 'youtube_thumb_1’, 201 'youtube_thumb_2’, 202 ‘youtube_thumb_3’ 203 ) ) ) { 204 $post_vars[‘files’] = isset( $post_vars[‘files’] ) && is_array( $post_vars[‘files’] ) ? $post_vars[‘files’] : self::getFiles( $ID ); 205 $tmplfile = $post_vars[‘files’]; 206 $tmpfile = is_array( $tmplfile ) && count( $tmplfile ) > 0 ? array_shift( $tmplfile ) : '’; 207 if ( strpos( $tmpfile, ‘youtu’ ) ) { 208 if ( preg_match( '/youtu\.be\/([^\/]+)/’, $tmpfile, $match ) ) { 209 $vid = $match[1]; 210 } else if ( preg_match( '/watch\?v=([^\/]+)/’, $tmpfile, $match ) ) { 211 $vid = $match[1]; 212 } 213 if ( isset( $vid ) ) { 214 $post_vars[‘youtube_thumb_0’] = ‘<img src="https://img.youtube.com/vi/’ . $vid . '/0.jpg” alt="Thumb 0” />’; 215 $post_vars[‘youtube_thumb_1’] = ‘<img src="https://img.youtube.com/vi/’ . $vid . '/1.jpg” alt="Thumb 1” />’; 216 $post_vars[‘youtube_thumb_2’] = ‘<img src="https://img.youtube.com/vi/’ . $vid . '/2.jpg” alt="Thumb 2” />’; 217 $post_vars[‘youtube_thumb_3’] = ‘<img src="https://img.youtube.com/vi/’ . $vid . '/3.jpg” alt="Thumb 3” />’; 218 $post_vars[‘youtube_player’] = '<iframe width="1280” height="720” src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/’ . $vid . '" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>’; 219 } 220 } 221 } 222 223 if ( array_intersect( array( 'file_type_icon’, ‘icon’ ), $template_tags ) ) { 224 $post_vars[‘files’] = isset( $post_vars[‘files’] ) && is_array( $post_vars[‘files’] ) ? $post_vars[‘files’] : self::getFiles( $ID ); 225 if ( is_array( $post_vars[‘files’] ) ) { 226 $tifn = $ifn = @end( $post_vars[‘files’] ); 227 $ifn = @explode( '.’, $ifn ); 228 $ifn = @end( $ifn ); 229 if ( strlen( $ifn ) > 4 && strstr( $tifn, “://” ) ) { 230 $ifn = 'web’; 231 } 232 if ( strlen( $ifn ) > 4 && ! strstr( $tifn, “://” ) ) { 233 $ifn = 'unknown’; 234 } 235 } else { 236 $ifn = ‘unknown’; 237 } 238 239 $post_vars[‘file_type_icon’] = ‘<img class="wpdm_icon" alt="’ . __( “Icon", “download-manager” ) . '” src="’ . FileSystem::fileTypeIcon( ( @count( $post_vars[‘files’] ) <= 1 ? $ifn : ‘zip’ ) ) . ‘" />’; 240 241 if ( ! isset( $post_vars[‘icon’] ) || $post_vars[‘icon’] == ‘’ ) { 242 $post_vars[‘icon’] = $post_vars[‘file_type_icon’]; 243 } else if ( ! strpos( $post_vars[‘icon’], ‘://’ ) ) { 244 $post_vars[‘icon’] = ‘<img class="wpdm_icon" alt="’ . __( “Icon", “download-manager” ) . '” src="’ . plugins_url( str_replace( 'download-manager/file-type-icons/’, 'download-manager/assets/file-type-icons/’, $post_vars[‘icon’] ) ) . ‘" />’; 245 } else if ( ! strpos( $post_vars[‘icon’], “>” ) ) { 246 $post_vars[‘icon’] = ‘<img class="wpdm_icon" alt="’ . __( “Icon", “download-manager” ) . '” src="’ . str_replace( ‘download-manager/file-type-icons/’, ‘download-manager/assets/file-type-icons/’, $post_vars[‘icon’] ) . ‘" />’; 247 } 248 249 } 250 251 252 $post_vars[‘link_label’] = apply_filters( ‘wpdm_button_image’, $post_vars[‘link_label’], $post_vars, $template_type ); 253 254 $post_vars[‘link_label’] = $post_vars[‘link_label’] ? $post_vars[‘link_label’] : __( "Download", “download-manager” ); 255 256 $post_vars[‘download_url’] = $this->getDownloadURL( $post_vars[‘ID’] ); 257 $post_vars[‘download_link_popup’] = 258 $post_vars[‘download_link_extended’] = 259 $post_vars[‘download_link’] = (int) get_option( ‘__wpdm_mask_dlink’, 1 ) == 1 ? "<a class=’wpdm-download-link download-on-click {$post_vars[‘btnclass’]}’ rel=’nofollow’ href=’#’ data-downloadurl=\"{$post_vars[‘download_url’]}\">{$post_vars[‘link_label’]}</a>" : "<a class=’wpdm-download-link {$post_vars[‘btnclass’]}’ rel=’nofollow’ href=’{$post_vars[‘download_url’]}’>{$post_vars[‘link_label’]}</a>"; 260 261 $limit_over = 0; 262 $alert_size = ( $template_type == ‘link’ ) ? ‘alert-sm’ : ‘’; 263 264 $loginmsg = Messages::login_required( $post_vars[‘ID’] ); 265 266 //Download limit is over 267 if ( self::userDownloadLimitExceeded( $post_vars[‘ID’] ) ) { 268 $limit_over = 1; 269 $limit_msg = Messages::download_limit_exceeded( $post_vars[‘ID’] ); 270 $post_vars[‘download_url’] = ‘#’; 271 $post_vars[‘link_label’] = $limit_msg; 272 $post_vars[‘download_link_popup’] = 273 $post_vars[‘download_link_extended’] = 274 $post_vars[‘download_link’] = $post_vars[‘link_label’]; 275 } //Item is expired 276 else if ( isset( $post_vars[‘expire_date’] ) && $post_vars[‘expire_date’] != “” && strtotime( $post_vars[‘expire_date’] ) < time() ) { 277 $post_vars[‘download_url’] = ‘#’; 278 $post_vars[‘link_label’] = __( "Download was expired on", “download-manager” ) . " " . date_i18n( get_option( ‘date_format’ ) . " h:i A", strtotime( $post_vars[‘expire_date’] ) ); 279 $post_vars[‘download_link’] = 280 $post_vars[‘download_link_extended’] = 281 $post_vars[‘download_link_popup’] = "<div class=’alert alert-warning {$alert_size}’ data-title=’" . __( "DOWNLOAD ERROR:", “download-manager” ) . “’>{$post_vars[‘link_label’]}</div>"; 282 } //Not available yet 283 else if ( isset( $post_vars[‘publish_date’] ) && $post_vars[‘publish_date’] != ‘’ && strtotime( $post_vars[‘publish_date’] ) > time() ) { 284 $post_vars[‘download_url’] = ‘#’; 285 $post_vars[‘link_label’] = __( "Download will be available from ", “download-manager” ) . " " . date_i18n( get_option( ‘date_format’ ) . " h:i A", strtotime( $post_vars[‘publish_date’] ) ); 286 $post_vars[‘download_link’] = 287 $post_vars[‘download_link_extended’] = 288 $post_vars[‘download_link_popup’] = "<div class=’alert alert-warning {$alert_size}’ data-title=’” . __( "DOWNLOAD ERROR:", “download-manager” ) . “’>{$post_vars[‘link_label’]}</div>"; 289 } //User is not allowed 290 else if ( is_user_logged_in() && ! self::userCanAccess( $post_vars[‘ID’] ) ) { 291 $post_vars[‘download_url’] = '#’; 292 $post_vars[‘link_label’] = stripslashes( get_option( ‘__wpdm_permission_denied_msg’ ) ); 293 $post_vars[‘link_label’] = $post_vars[‘link_label’] !== ‘’ ? $post_vars[‘link_label’] : __( ‘You are not allowed to download.’, ‘download-manager’ ); 294 $post_vars[‘download_link’] = 295 $post_vars[‘download_link_extended’] = 296 $post_vars[‘download_link_popup’] = "<div class=’alert alert-danger {$alert_size}’ data-title=’” . __( "DOWNLOAD ERROR:", “download-manager” ) . "’>{$post_vars[‘link_label’]}</div>"; 297 } //User is not logged in and guest access is not allowed 298 else if ( ! is_user_logged_in() && ! self::userCanAccess( $post_vars[‘ID’] ) ) { 299 $packurl = get_permalink( $post_vars[‘ID’] ); 300 $loginform = WPDM()->user->login->form( array( ‘redirect’ => $packurl ) ); 301 $post_vars[‘download_url’] = WPDM()->user->login->url( $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’] ); 302 $post_vars[‘download_link’] = 303 $post_vars[‘download_link_extended’] = 304 $post_vars[‘download_link_popup’] = stripcslashes( str_replace( array( 305 "[loginform]", 306 "[this_url]", 307 "[package_url]" 308 ), array( $loginform, $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’], $packurl ), $loginmsg ) ); 309 $post_vars[‘download_link’] = 310 $post_vars[‘download_link_extended’] = 311 $post_vars[‘download_link_popup’] = get_option( ‘__wpdm_login_form’, 0 ) == 1 ? $loginform : $post_vars[‘download_link’]; 312 } //PACKAGE is locked 313 else if ( $this->isLocked( $post_vars[‘ID’] ) ) { 314 $post_vars[‘download_url’] = ‘#’; 315 $post_vars[‘download_link’] = $post_vars[‘download_link_popup’] = "<a href=’#unlock’ class=’wpdm-download-link wpdm-download-locked {$post_vars[‘btnclass’]}’ data-package=’{$post_vars[‘ID’]}’>{$post_vars[‘link_label’]}</a>"; //self::activeLocks($post_vars); 316 $post_vars[‘download_link_extended’] = self::activeLocks( $post_vars[‘ID’], array( ‘embed’ => 1 ) ); 317 //$post_vars[‘download_link_popup’] = self::activeLocks($post_vars, array(‘popstyle’ => ‘popup’)); 318 } 319 320 if ( isset( $data[‘terms_lock’] ) && $data[‘terms_lock’] != 0 && ( ! function_exists( ‘wpdmpp_effective_price’ ) || wpdmpp_effective_price( $post_vars[‘ID’] ) == 0 ) && $limit_over == 0 && self::userCanAccess( $post_vars[‘ID’] ) ) { 321 //$data[‘terms_conditions’] = wpautop(strip_tags($data[‘terms_conditions’], “<p><br><a><strong><b><i>”)); 322 /*$data[‘terms_conditions’] = wpautop(wpdm_escs(get_post_meta($post_vars[‘ID’], ‘__wpdm_terms_conditions’, true))); 281323 $data[‘terms_title’] = wpdm_escs(get_post_meta($post_vars[‘ID’], ‘__wpdm_terms_title’, true)); 282324 $data[‘terms_title’] = !isset($data[‘terms_title’]) || $data[‘terms_title’] == ‘’ ? __("Terms and Conditions", ‘download-manager’) : sanitize_text_field($data[‘terms_title’]); … … 288330 $data[‘terms_conditions’] = wpautop(wpdm_escs($data[‘terms_conditions’]));*/ 289331 290 $terms_page = (int)get_post_meta($ID, ‘__wpdm_terms_page’, true); 291 $terms_title = get_post_meta($ID, ‘__wpdm_terms_title’, true); 292 $terms_conditions = get_post_meta($ID, ‘__wpdm_terms_conditions’, true); 293 if ($terms_page) { 294 $terms_page = get_post($terms_page); 295 $terms_title = $terms_page->post_title; 296 $terms_conditions = $terms_page->post_content; 297 } 298 $terms_title = $terms_title !== ‘’ ? $terms_title : __("Terms and Conditions", ‘download-manager’); 299 $terms_check_label = get_post_meta($ID, ‘__wpdm_terms_check_label’, true); 300 $terms_check_label = $terms_check_label ? $terms_check_label : __("I Agree With Terms and Conditions", ‘download-manager’); 301 302 $data[‘terms_title’] = $terms_title; 303 $data[‘terms_check_label’] = $terms_check_label; 304 $data[‘terms_conditions’] = $terms_conditions; 305 306 if (!self::isLocked($post_vars)) { 307 $post_vars[‘download_link_popup’] = $post_vars[‘download_link’] = "<a href=’#unlock’ class=’wpdm-download-link wpdm-download-locked {$post_vars[‘btnclass’]}’ data-package=’{$post_vars[‘ID’]}’>{$post_vars[‘link_label’]}</a>"; 308 } 309 310 $post_vars[‘download_link_extended’] = "<div class=’panel panel-default card card terms-panel’ style=’margin: 0’><div class=’panel-heading card-header’>{$terms_title}</div><div class=’panel-body card-body’ style=’max-height: 200px;overflow: auto’>{$terms_conditions}</div><div class=’panel-footer card-footer’><label><input data-pid=’{$post_vars[‘ID’]}’ class=’wpdm-checkbox terms_checkbox terms_checkbox_{$post_vars[‘ID’]}’ type=’checkbox’ onclick=’jQuery(\".download_footer_{$post_vars[‘ID’]}\").slideToggle();’> {$terms_check_label}</label></div><div class=’panel-footer card-footer download_footer_{$post_vars[‘ID’]}’ style=’display:none;’>{$post_vars[‘download_link_extended’]}</div></div><script>jQuery(function($){ $(‘#wpdm-filelist-{$post_vars[‘ID’]} .btn.inddl, #xfilelist .btn.inddl’).attr('disabled’, ‘disabled’); });</script>"; 311 312 } 313 314 if (!isset($post_vars[‘formatted’])) $post_vars[‘formatted’] = 0; 315 ++$post_vars[‘formatted’]; 316 317 $post_vars[‘__template’] = $template; 318 $post_vars[‘__template_type’] = $template_type; 319 $post_vars = apply_filters('wpdm_after_prepare_package_data’, $post_vars, $template_type); 320 321 $this->packageData = $post_vars; 322 323 foreach ($post_vars as $key => $val) { 324 try { 325 if (preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*$/’, $key)) 326 $this->{$key} = $val; 327 } catch (\Exception $e) { 328 } 329 } 330 return $this; 331 } 332 333 /** 334 * @usage Get all or any specific package info 335 * @param $ID 336 * @param null $meta 337 * @return mixed 338 */ 339 public static function get($ID, $meta = null) 340 { 341 $ID = (int)$ID; 342 if ($ID == 0) return null; 343 if ($meta != null) 344 return get_post_meta($ID, “__wpdm_” . $meta, true); 345 $p = new PackageController(); 346 $package = $p->prepare($ID); 347 return $package->packageData; 348 } 349 350 /** 351 * @usage Verify single file download option 352 * @param null $ID 353 * @return mixed 354 */ 355 public function isSingleFileDownloadAllowed($ID = null) 356 { 357 global $post; 358 if (!$ID && $post->post_type == ‘wpdmpro’) $ID = $post->ID; 359 $global = get_option('__wpdm_individual_file_download’, 1); 360 $package = get_post_meta($ID, '__wpdm_individual_file_download’, true); 361 $effective = $package == -1 || $package == ‘’ ? $global : $package; 362 return apply_filters("wpdm_is_single_file_download_allowed", $effective, $ID); 363 } 364 365 /** 366 * @param $id 367 * @usage Returns the user roles who has access to specified package 368 * @return array|mixed 369 */ 370 public function allowedRoles($id) 371 { 372 $roles = get_post_meta($id, '__wpdm_access’, true); 373 $roles = maybe_unserialize($roles); 374 375 $cats = get_the_terms($id, ‘wpdmcategory’); 376 if (!is_array($roles)) $roles = array(); 377 if (is_array($cats)) { 378 foreach ($cats as $cat) { 379 $croles = WPDM()->categories->getAllowedRoles($cat->term_id); 380 $roles = array_merge($roles, $croles); 381 } 382 } 383 384 $roles = array_unique($roles); 385 386 $roles = apply_filters("wpdm_allowed_roles", $roles, $id); 387 if (!is_array($roles)) $roles = array(); 388 return $roles; 389 } 390 391 /** 392 * @usage Check if a package is locked or public 393 * @param $id 394 * @return bool 395 */ 396 public function isLocked($package = null) 397 { 398 if(!$package) $package = $this->ID; 399 if (!is_array($package) && (int)$package > 0) { 400 $id = $package; 401 $package = array(); 402 $package[‘ID’] = $id; 403 $package[‘email_lock’] = get_post_meta($id, '__wpdm_email_lock’, true); 404 $package[‘password_lock’] = get_post_meta($id, '__wpdm_password_lock’, true); 405 $package[‘gplusone_lock’] = get_post_meta($id, '__wpdm_gplusone_lock’, true); 406 $package[‘tweet_lock’] = get_post_meta($id, '__wpdm_tweet_lock’, true); 407 $package[‘twitterfollow_lock’] = get_post_meta($id, '__wpdm_twitterfollow_lock’, true); 408 $package[‘facebooklike_lock’] = get_post_meta($id, '__wpdm_facebooklike_lock’, true); 409 $package[‘linkedin_lock’] = get_post_meta($id, '__wpdm_linkedin_lock’, true); 410 $package[‘captcha_lock’] = get_post_meta($id, '__wpdm_captcha_lock’, true); 411 } else 412 $id = $package[‘ID’]; 413 $lock = '’; 414 $package = apply_filters('wpdm_custom_data’, $package, $id); 415 if (isset($package[‘email_lock’]) && (int)$package[‘email_lock’] == 1) $lock = 'locked’; 416 if (isset($package[‘password_lock’]) && (int)$package[‘password_lock’] == 1) $lock = 'locked’; 417 if (isset($package[‘gplusone_lock’]) && (int)$package[‘gplusone_lock’] == 1) $lock = 'locked’; 418 if (isset($package[‘tweet_lock’]) && (int)$package[‘tweet_lock’] == 1) $lock = 'locked’; 419 if (isset($package[‘twitterfollow_lock’]) && (int)$package[‘twitterfollow_lock’] == 1) $lock = 'locked’; 420 if (isset($package[‘facebooklike_lock’]) && (int)$package[‘facebooklike_lock’] == 1) $lock = 'locked’; 421 if (isset($package[‘linkedin_lock’]) && (int)$package[‘linkedin_lock’] == 1) $lock = 'locked’; 422 if (isset($package[‘captcha_lock’]) && (int)$package[‘captcha_lock’] == 1) $lock = 'locked’; 423 424 if ($lock !== ‘locked’) 425 $lock = apply_filters('wpdm_check_lock’, $lock, $id); 426 return ($lock === ‘locked’); 427 } 428 429 /** 430 * Check if a package with the given $ID is password protected 431 * @param $ID 432 * @return bool 433 */ 434 function isPasswordProtected($ID) 435 { 436 $locked = (int)get_post_meta($ID, '__wpdm_password_lock’, true); 437 $password = get_post_meta($ID, '__wpdm_password’, true); 438 return $locked && $password ? $password : false; 439 } 440 441 /** 442 * @usage Check if current user has access to package or category 443 * @param $id 444 * @param string $type 445 * 446 * @return bool 447 */ 448 public function userCanAccess($ID = null, $type = ‘package’) 449 { 450 global $current_user; 451 $ID = $ID ? $ID : $this->ID; 452 if(!$ID) return false; 453 if ($type == ‘package’) 454 $roles = $this->allowedRoles($ID); 455 else $roles = WPDM()->categories->getAllowedRoles($ID); 456 457 if (!is_array($roles)) $roles = array(); 458 $matched = is_user_logged_in() ? array_intersect($current_user->roles, $roles) : array(); 459 460 if ($type === ‘category’ && count($roles) == 0) return true; 461 if (in_array('guest’, $roles)) return true; 462 if (count($matched) > 0) return true; 463 464 return false; 465 466 } 467 468 /** 469 * @usage Check if current user has access to package or category based on roles 470 * @param $id 471 * @param string $type 472 * 473 * @return bool 474 */ 475 public function userHasAccess($user_id, $ID, $type = ‘package’) 476 { 477 478 $user = get_user_by('ID’, $user_id); 479 480 if ($type == ‘package’) 481 $roles = $this->allowedRoles($ID); 482 else $roles = WPDM()->categories->getAllowedRoles($ID); 483 484 if (!is_array($roles)) $roles = array(); 485 $matched = is_user_logged_in() ? array_intersect($user->roles, $roles) : array(); 486 if ($type === ‘category’ && count($roles) == 0) return true; 487 if (in_array('guest’, $roles)) return true; 488 if (count($matched) > 0) return true; 489 return false; 490 491 } 492 493 /** 494 * @usage Check user’s download limit 495 * @param $ID 496 * @return bool 497 */ 498 public static function userDownloadLimitExceeded($ID) 499 { 500 global $current_user; 501 502 if (is_user_logged_in()) 503 $index = $current_user->ID; 504 else 505 $index = $_SERVER[‘REMOTE_ADDR’]; 506 507 $stock = (int)get_post_meta($ID, '__wpdm_quota’, true); 508 $download_count = (int)get_post_meta($ID, '__wpdm_download_count’, true); 509 510 $user_download_count = WPDM()->downloadHistory->userDownloadCount($ID); 511 512 $download_limit_per_user = (int)get_post_meta($ID, '__wpdm_download_limit_per_user’, true); 513 514 if ($download_limit_per_user > 0 && $user_download_count >= $download_limit_per_user) return apply_filters("wpdm_user_download_limit_exceeded", true, $ID); 515 516 $exceeded = false; 517 518 if ($stock > 0 && $download_count >= $stock) $exceeded = true;; 519 520 $exceeded = apply_filters("wpdm_user_download_limit_exceeded", $exceeded, $ID); 521 522 return $exceeded; 523 } 524 525 function userDownloadCount($ID) 526 { 527 global $wpdb; 528 //$wpdb-> 529 } 530 531 /** 532 * @usage Check if user is can download this package 533 * @param $ID 534 * @return bool 535 */ 536 public function userCanDownload($ID) 537 { 538 return $this->userCanAccess($ID) && !$this->userDownloadLimitExceeded($ID); 539 } 540 541 /** 542 * @usage Count files in a package 543 * @param $id 544 * @return int 545 */ 546 public function fileCount($ID) 547 { 548 549 $count = count($this->getFiles($ID, true)); 550 return $count; 551 552 } 553 554 /** 555 * @usage Get list of attached files & all files inside attached dir with a package 556 * @param $ID 557 * @return array|mixed 558 */ 559 public function getFiles($ID, $include_dir = false) 560 { 561 $files = maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($ID, '__wpdm_files’, true)); 562 if (!$files || !is_array($files)) $files = array(); 563 foreach ($files as &$file) { 564 $file = trim($file); 565 } 566 if ($include_dir) { 567 $package_dir = get_post_meta($ID, '__wpdm_package_dir’, true); 568 $package_dir = file_exists($package_dir) ? $package_dir : Crypt::decrypt($package_dir); 569 if ($package_dir != ‘’) { 570 $package_dir = trailingslashit($package_dir); 571 $package_dir = realpath($package_dir); 572 if($package_dir) { 573 $dfiles = FileSystem::scanDir($package_dir, true, true, '’, true); 574 $files += $dfiles; 575 } 576 } 577 } 578 $files = apply_filters(“wpdm_get_files", $files, $ID); 579 580 return $files; 581 } 582 583 /** 584 * @usage Create zip from attached files 585 * @param $ID 586 * @return mixed|string|\WP_Error 587 */ 588 public function zip($ID) 589 { 590 $files = $this->getFiles($ID); 591 $zipped = get_post_meta($ID, “__wpdm_zipped_file", true); 592 if (count($files) > 0) { 593 if ($zipped == ‘’ || !file_exists($zipped)) { 594 $zipped = UPLOAD_DIR . sanitize_file_name(get_the_title($ID)) . '-' . $ID . ‘.zip’; 595 $zipped = FileSystem::zipFiles($files, $zipped); 596 return $zipped; 597 } 598 } 599 return new \WP_Error(404, __(“No File Attached!", “download-manager”)); 600 } 601 602 /** 603 * @usage Calculate package size 604 * @param $ID 605 * @param bool|false $recalculate 606 * @return bool|float|int|mixed|string 607 */ 608 public function size($ID, $recalculate = false) 609 { 610 611 if (get_post_type($ID) != ‘wpdmpro’) return false; 612 613 $size = get_post_meta($ID, '__wpdm_package_size’, true); 614 615 if ($size != “” && !$recalculate) return $size; 616 617 $files = $this->getFiles($ID); 618 619 $size = 0; 620 if (is_array($files)) { 621 foreach ($files as $f) { 622 $f = trim($f); 623 if (__::is_url($f)) continue; 624 if (file_exists($f)) 625 $size += @filesize($f); 626 else 627 $size += @filesize(UPLOAD_DIR . $f); 628 } 629 } 630 631 update_post_meta($ID, ‘__wpdm_package_size_b’, $size); 632 $size = $size / 1024; 633 if ($size > 1024) $size = number_format($size / 1024, 2) . ' MB’; 634 else $size = number_format($size, 2) . ' KB’; 635 update_post_meta($ID, ‘__wpdm_package_size’, $size); 636 return $size; 637 } 638 639 /** 640 * @usage Generate play button for link template 641 * @param $package 642 * @param bool $return 643 * @param $style 644 * @return mixed|string|void 645 */ 646 public function audioPlayer($package, $return = true, $style = ‘primary btn-lg wpdm-btn-play-lg’) 647 { 648 649 $audiohtml = ""; 650 651 if (!is_array($package[‘files’]) || count($package[‘files’]) == 0) return; 652 $audios = array(); 653 $nonce = wp_create_nonce($_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’]); 654 $audio = $audx = null; 655 foreach ($package[‘files’] as $index => $file) { 656 $realpath = file_exists($file) ? $file : UPLOAD_DIR . $file; 657 $filetype = wp_check_filetype($realpath); 658 $tmpvar = explode(‘/’, $filetype[‘type’]); 659 if ($tmpvar[0] == ‘audio’) { 660 $audio = $file; 661 $audx = $index; 662 break; 663 } 664 } 665 666 if ($audio != null) { 667 $song = FileSystem::mediaURL($package[‘ID’], $audx, basename($audio)); //home_url("/?wpdmdl={$package[‘ID’]}&ind=".$audx."&play=".basename($audio)); 668 $audiohtml = "<button data-player=’wpdm-audio-player’ data-song=’{$song}’ class=’btn btn-{$style} wpdm-btn-play’><i class=’fa fa-play’></i></button>"; 669 $audiohtml = apply_filters("wpdm_audio_play_button", $audiohtml, $song, $package, 0); 670 } 671 672 if ($return) 673 return $audiohtml; 674 675 echo $audiohtml; 676 677 } 678 679 /** 680 * @param $ID 681 * @param $files 682 * @param int $width 683 * @return string 684 */ 685 public static function videoPlayer($ID, $files = null, $width = 800) 686 { 687 688 if (!$files) 689 $files = WPDM()->package->getFiles($ID); 690 691 $videos = array(); 692 foreach ($files as $index => $file) { 693 $realpath = file_exists($file) ? $file : UPLOAD_DIR . $file; 694 $filetype = wp_check_filetype($realpath); 695 $tmpvar = explode(‘/’, $filetype[‘type’]); 696 if ($tmpvar[0] == ‘video’) { 697 $videos[] = $file; 698 $vidx[] = $index; 699 } 700 701 } 702 703 $videothumbs = ""; 704 $mpvs = get_post_meta($ID, ‘__wpdm_additional_previews’, true); 705 $mmv = 0; 706 707 if (is_array($mpvs) && count($mpvs) > 1 && count($videos) > 1) { 708 709 foreach ($mpvs as $i => $mpv) { 710 if ($mmv < count($videos)) { 711 //$url = self::expirableDownloadLink($ID, 3); 712 $ind = $vidx[$i]; //\WPDM_Crypt::Encrypt($videos[$mmv]); 713 //$video = $url . “&ind={$ind}&play=” . basename($videos[$mmv]); 714 $video = FileSystem::mediaURL($ID, $ind, wpdm_basename($videos[$mmv])); 715 716 $videothumbs .= "<a href=’#’ data-video=’{$video}’ class=’__wpdm_playvideo’><img class=’thumbnail’ src=’” . wpdm_dynamic_thumb($mpv, array(64, 64)) . "’/></a>"; 717 } 718 $mmv++; 719 } 720 } 721 722 $player_html = ‘’; 723 if (count($videos) > 0) { 724 //$url = self::expirableDownloadLink($ID, 10); 725 $ind = $vidx[0]; //\WPDM_Crypt::Encrypt($videos[0]); 726 //$video = $url . “&ind={$ind}&play=” . basename($videos[0]); 727 $video = FileSystem::mediaURL($ID, $ind, wpdm_basename($videos[0])); 728 729 $player_html = "<video id=’__wpdm_videoplayer’ class=’thumbnail’ width=\"{$width}\” controls controlsList=’nodownload’><source src=\"{$video}\” type=\"video/mp4\">Your browser does not support HTML5 video.</video><div class=’videothumbs’>{$videothumbs}</div>"; 730 //if(!WPDM()->package->userCanAccess($ID)) $player_html = \WPDM\__\Messages::Error(stripslashes(get_option(‘wpdm_permission_msg’)), -1); 731 } 732 733 $player_html = apply_filters(“wpdm_video_player_html", $player_html, $ID, $file, $width); 734 return $player_html; 735 } 736 737 /** 738 * @param $ID 739 * @param $files 740 * @param int $width 741 * @param int $height 742 * @return mixed|string 743 */ 744 public function productPreview($ID, $files = null, $width = 800, $height = 600) 745 { 746 if (!$files) 747 $files = WPDM()->package->getFiles($ID); 748 $tfiles = $files; 749 $keys = array_keys($files); 750 $ind = $keys[0]; 751 $file = array_shift($tfiles); 752 $realpath = file_exists($file) ? $file : UPLOAD_DIR . $file; 753 $filetype = wp_check_filetype($realpath); 754 $type = explode('/’, $filetype[‘type’]); 755 $type = $type[1]; 756 switch ($type) { 757 case 'mpeg’: 758 case 'mp4’: 759 return self::videoPlayer($ID, $files, $width); 760 case 'png’: 761 case 'jpg’: 762 case ‘jpeg’: 763 return “<img src=’” . FileSystem::imageThumbnail($realpath, $width, $height) . "’ alt=’” . get_the_title($ID) . "’/>"; 764 case 'pdf’: 765 $url = self::expirableDownloadLink($ID, 1, 300); 766 //$ind = \WPDM_Crypt::Encrypt($file); 767 $url .= “&ind={$ind}"; 768 return FileSystem::docViewer($url, $ID, ‘pdf’); 769 default: 770 return '’; 771 } 772 } 773 774 /** 775 * @usage Get All Custom Data of a Package 776 * @param $pid 777 * @return array 778 */ 779 public function metaData($ID) 780 { 781 global $wpdb; 782 783 $metaValidate = [‘__wpdm_icon’ => 'txt’, ‘__wpdm_view_count’ => 'int’, ‘__wpdm_download_count’ => 'int’, ‘__wpdm_link_label’ => 'txt’, ‘__wpdm_version’ => 'txt’, ‘__wpdm_quota’ => 'int’, ‘__wpdm_access’ => 'array’, ‘__wpdm_package_size’ => 'txt’, ‘__wpdm_download_limit_per_user’ => 'int’, ‘__wpdm_terms_lock’ => 'int’, ‘__wpdm_publish_date’ => 'txt’, ‘__wpdm_expire_date’ => ‘txt’]; 784 $metaKeys = array_keys($metaValidate); 785 $metaData = $wpdb->get_results(“select * from {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta where meta_key in ('” . implode(‘\’,\’’, $metaKeys) . "’) and post_id = '{$ID}’”); 786 787 $data = []; 788 if (is_array($metaData)) { 789 foreach ($metaData as $metaDataRow) { 790 $key = str_replace("__wpdm_", “", $metaDataRow->meta_key); 791 if($key === ‘publish_date’) { 792 $key = 'avail_date’; 793 $metaDataRow->meta_value = wp_date(get_option(‘date_format’).” “.get_option(‘time_format’), strtotime($metaDataRow->meta_value)); 794 } 795 if($key === ‘expire_date’) { 796 $metaDataRow->meta_value = wp_date(get_option(‘date_format’).” ".get_option(‘time_format’), strtotime($metaDataRow->meta_value)); 797 } 798 //if($metaValidate[$metaDataRow->meta_key] === ‘array’ && !is_array($metaDataRow->meta_value)) $metaDataRow->meta_value = unserialize($metaDataRow->meta_value); 799 //else 800 // $metaDataRow->meta_value = __::sanitize_var($metaDataRow->meta_value, $metaValidate[$metaDataRow->meta_key]); 801 $data[$key] = wpdm_sanitize_var(maybe_unserialize($metaDataRow->meta_value), $metaValidate[$metaDataRow->meta_key]); 802 } 803 } 804 unset($metaData); 805 $data = apply_filters('wpdm_custom_data’, $data, $ID); 806 if (!is_array($data)) $data = []; 807 808 return $data; 809 } 810 811 /** 812 * @usage Generate download link of a package 813 * @param $package 814 * @param int $embed 815 * @param array $extras 816 * @return string 817 */ 818 function prepareDownloadLink(&$package, $embed = 0, $extras = array()) 819 { 820 global $wpdb, $current_user, $wpdm_download_icon, $wpdm_download_lock_icon, $btnclass; 821 if (is_array($extras)) 822 extract($extras); 823 $data = '’; 824 825 $package[‘link_url’] = home_url(‘/?download=1&’); 826 $package[‘link_label’] = !isset($package[‘link_label’]) || $package[‘link_label’] == ‘’ ? __("Download", “download-manager”) : $package[‘link_label’]; 827 828 //Change link label using a button image 829 $template_type = isset($template_type) ? $template_type : 'link’; 830 $package[‘link_label’] = apply_filters('wpdm_button_image’, $package[‘link_label’], $package, $template_type); 831 832 833 $package[‘download_url’] = wpdm_download_url($package); 834 if (wpdm_is_download_limit_exceed($package[‘ID’])) { 835 $limit_msg = Messages::download_limit_exceeded($package[‘ID’]); 836 $package[‘download_url’] = ‘#’; 837 $package[‘link_label’] = $limit_msg; 838 } 839 if (isset($package[‘expire_date’]) && $package[‘expire_date’] != “” && strtotime($package[‘expire_date’]) < time()) { 840 $package[‘download_url’] = ‘#’; 841 $package[‘link_label’] = apply_filters("wpdm_download_expired_message", __("Download was expired on", “download-manager”) . " " . date_i18n(get_option(‘date_format’) . " h:i A", strtotime($package[‘expire_date’])), $package); 842 $package[‘download_link’] = $vars[‘download_link_extended’] = $vars[‘download_link_popup’] = "<a href=’#’>{$package[‘link_label’]}</a>"; 843 return “<div class=’alert alert-warning’><b>” . __("Download:", “download-manager”) . "</b><br/>{$package[‘link_label’]}</div>"; 844 } 845 846 if (isset($package[‘publish_date’]) && $package[‘publish_date’] != ‘’ && strtotime($package[‘publish_date’]) > time()) { 847 $package[‘download_url’] = ‘#’; 848 $package[‘link_label’] = apply_filters("wpdm_download_availability_message", __("Download will be available from ", “download-manager”) . " " . date_i18n(get_option(‘date_format’) . " h:i A", strtotime($package[‘publish_date’])), $package); 849 $package[‘download_link’] = $vars[‘download_link_extended’] = $vars[‘download_link_popup’] = "<a href=’#’>{$package[‘link_label’]}</a>"; 850 return “<div class=’alert alert-warning’><b>” . __("Download:", “download-manager”) . "</b><br/>{$package[‘link_label’]}</div>"; 851 } 852 853 $link_label = isset($package[‘link_label’]) ? $package[‘link_label’] : __("Download", “download-manager”); 854 855 $package[‘access’] = wpdm_allowed_roles($package[‘ID’]); 856 857 if ($package[‘download_url’] != ‘#’) 858 $package[‘download_link’] = $vars[‘download_link_extended’] = $vars[‘download_link_popup’] = "<a class=’wpdm-download-link {$btnclass}’ rel=’nofollow’ href=’#’ onclick=\"location.href=’{$package[‘download_url’]}’;return false;\"><i class=’$wpdm_download_icon’></i>{$link_label}</a>"; 859 else 860 $package[‘download_link’] = $vars[‘download_link_extended’] = $vars[‘download_link_popup’] = “<div class=’alert alert-warning’><b>” . __("Download:", “download-manager”) . "</b><br/>{$link_label}</div>"; 861 $caps = array_keys($current_user->caps); 862 $role = array_shift($caps); 863 864 $matched = (is_array(@maybe_unserialize($package[‘access’])) && is_user_logged_in()) ? array_intersect($current_user->roles, @maybe_unserialize($package[‘access’])) : array(); 865 866 $skiplink = 0; 867 868 if (is_user_logged_in() && count($matched) <= 0 && !@in_array('guest’, @maybe_unserialize($package[‘access’]))) { 869 $package[‘download_url’] = "#"; 870 $package[‘download_link’] = $vars[‘download_link_extended’] = $vars[‘download_link_popup’] = stripslashes(get_option(‘__wpdm_permission_denied_msg’)); 871 $package = apply_filters('download_link’, $package); 872 if (get_option('_wpdm_hide_all’, 0) == 1) { 873 $package[‘download_link’] = $package[‘download_link_extended’] = 'blocked’; 874 } 875 return $package[‘download_link’]; 876 } 877 if (!@in_array('guest’, @maybe_unserialize($package[‘access’])) && !is_user_logged_in()) { 878 879 $loginform = wpdm_login_form(array(‘redirect’ => get_permalink($package[‘ID’]))); 880 if (get_option('_wpdm_hide_all’, 0) == 1) return 'loginform’; 881 $package[‘download_url’] = $vars[‘download_link_extended’] = $vars[‘download_link_popup’] = home_url(‘/wp-login.php?redirect_to=’ . urlencode($_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’])); 882 $loginmsg = Messages::login_required($package[‘ID’]); 883 $package[‘download_link’] = stripcslashes(str_replace(array("[loginform]", "[this_url]", "[package_url]"), array($loginform, $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’], get_permalink($package[‘ID’])), $loginmsg)); 884 return get_option('__wpdm_login_form’, 0) == 1 ? $loginform : $package[‘download_link’]; 885 886 } 887 888 $package = apply_filters('download_link’, $package); 889 890 $unqid = uniqid(); 891 892 if (!isset($package[‘quota’]) || (isset($package[‘quota’]) && $package[‘quota’] > 0 && $package[‘quota’] > $package[‘download_count’]) || $package[‘quota’] == 0) { 893 $lock = 0; 894 895 if (isset($package[‘password_lock’]) && (int)$package[‘password_lock’] == 1 && $package[‘password’] != ‘’) { 896 $lock = ‘locked’; 897 $data = PackageLocks::AskPassword($package); 898 } 899 900 901 $sociallock = “"; 902 903 if (isset($package[‘email_lock’]) && (int)$package[‘email_lock’] == 1) { 904 $data .= PackageLocks::AskEmail($package); 905 $lock = 'locked’; 906 } 907 908 if (isset($package[‘linkedin_lock’]) && (int)$package[‘linkedin_lock’] == 1) { 909 $lock = 'locked’; 910 $sociallock .= PackageLocks::LinkedInShare($package); 911 912 } 913 914 if (isset($package[‘twitterfollow_lock’]) && (int)$package[‘twitterfollow_lock’] == 1) { 915 $lock = 'locked’; 916 $sociallock .= PackageLocks::TwitterFollow($package); 917 918 } 919 920 if (isset($package[‘gplusone_lock’]) && (int)$package[‘gplusone_lock’] == 1) { 921 $lock = 'locked’; 922 $sociallock .= PackageLocks::GooglePlusOne($package, true); 923 924 } 925 926 if (isset($package[‘tweet_lock’]) && (int)$package[‘tweet_lock’] == 1) { 927 $lock = 'locked’; 928 $sociallock .= PackageLocks::Tweet($package); 929 930 } 931 932 if (isset($package[‘facebooklike_lock’]) && (int)$package[‘facebooklike_lock’] == 1) { 933 $lock = 'locked’; 934 $sociallock .= PackageLocks::FacebookLike($package, true); 935 936 } 937 938 939 if (isset($package[‘captcha_lock’]) && (int)$package[‘captcha_lock’] == 1) { 940 $lock = ‘locked’; 941 $sociallock .= PackageLocks::reCaptchaLock($package, true); 942 943 } 944 945 $extralocks = ‘’; 946 $extralocks = apply_filters(“wpdm_download_lock", $extralocks, $package); 947 948 if (is_array($extralocks) && $extralocks[‘lock’] === ‘locked’) { 949 950 if (isset($extralocks[‘type’]) && $extralocks[‘type’] == ‘social’) 951 $sociallock .= $extralocks[‘html’]; 952 else 953 $data .= $extralocks[‘html’]; 954 955 $lock = ‘locked’; 956 } 957 958 if ($sociallock != “”) { 959 $data .= “<div class=’panel panel-default card card-default’><div class=’panel-heading card-header’>” . __(“Download", “download-manager”) . “</div><div class=’panel-body card-body wpdm-social-locks text-center’>{$sociallock}</div></div>"; 960 } 961 962 if ($lock === ‘locked’) { 963 $popstyle = isset($popstyle) && in_array($popstyle, array('popup’, ‘pop-over’)) ? $popstyle : ‘pop-over’; 964 if ($embed == 1) 965 $adata = “</strong>{$data}"; 966 else { 967 //$dataattrs = $popstyle == 'pop-over’? ‘data-title="’.__( “Download” , “download-manager” ).’ ' . $package[‘title’] . ‘"’ : 'data-toggle="modal” data-target="#pkg_’ . $package[‘ID’] . “_” . $unqid . '"’; 968 $adata = ‘<a href="#pkg_’ . $package[‘ID’] . “_” . $unqid . '” data-trigger="manual” data-package="’ . $package[‘ID’] . '” class="wpdm-download-link wpdm-download-locked ' . $popstyle . ' ' . $btnclass . ‘"><i class=\’’ . $wpdm_download_lock_icon . ‘\’></i>’ . $package[‘link_label’] . ‘</a>’; 332 $terms_page = (int) get_post_meta( $ID, ‘__wpdm_terms_page’, true ); 333 $terms_title = get_post_meta( $ID, ‘__wpdm_terms_title’, true ); 334 $terms_conditions = get_post_meta( $ID, ‘__wpdm_terms_conditions’, true ); 335 if ( $terms_page ) { 336 $terms_page = get_post( $terms_page ); 337 $terms_title = $terms_page->post_title; 338 $terms_conditions = $terms_page->post_content; 339 } 340 $terms_title = $terms_title !== ‘’ ? $terms_title : __( "Terms and Conditions", ‘download-manager’ ); 341 $terms_check_label = get_post_meta( $ID, ‘__wpdm_terms_check_label’, true ); 342 $terms_check_label = $terms_check_label ? $terms_check_label : __( "I Agree With Terms and Conditions", ‘download-manager’ ); 343 344 $data[‘terms_title’] = $terms_title; 345 $data[‘terms_check_label’] = $terms_check_label; 346 $data[‘terms_conditions’] = $terms_conditions; 347 348 if ( ! self::isLocked( $post_vars ) ) { 349 $post_vars[‘download_link_popup’] = $post_vars[‘download_link’] = "<a href=’#unlock’ class=’wpdm-download-link wpdm-download-locked {$post_vars[‘btnclass’]}’ data-package=’{$post_vars[‘ID’]}’>{$post_vars[‘link_label’]}</a>"; 350 } 351 352 $post_vars[‘download_link_extended’] = "<div class=’panel panel-default card card terms-panel’ style=’margin: 0’><div class=’panel-heading card-header’>{$terms_title}</div><div class=’panel-body card-body’ style=’max-height: 200px;overflow: auto’>{$terms_conditions}</div><div class=’panel-footer card-footer’><label><input data-pid=’{$post_vars[‘ID’]}’ class=’wpdm-checkbox terms_checkbox terms_checkbox_{$post_vars[‘ID’]}’ type=’checkbox’ onclick=’jQuery(\".download_footer_{$post_vars[‘ID’]}\”).slideToggle();’> {$terms_check_label}</label></div><div class=’panel-footer card-footer download_footer_{$post_vars[‘ID’]}’ style=’display:none;’>{$post_vars[‘download_link_extended’]}</div></div><script>jQuery(function($){ $(‘#wpdm-filelist-{$post_vars[‘ID’]} .btn.inddl, #xfilelist .btn.inddl’).attr('disabled’, ‘disabled’); });</script>"; 353 354 } 355 356 if ( ! isset( $post_vars[‘formatted’] ) ) { 357 $post_vars[‘formatted’] = 0; 358 } 359 ++ $post_vars[‘formatted’]; 360 361 $post_vars[‘__template’] = $template; 362 $post_vars[‘__template_type’] = $template_type; 363 $post_vars = apply_filters( 'wpdm_after_prepare_package_data’, $post_vars, $template_type ); 364 365 $this->packageData = $post_vars; 366 367 foreach ( $post_vars as $key => $val ) { 368 try { 369 if ( preg_match( '/^[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*$/’, $key ) ) { 370 $this->{$key} = $val; 371 } 372 } catch ( \Exception $e ) { 373 } 374 } 375 376 return $this; 377 } 378 379 /** 380 * @usage Get all or any specific package info 381 * 382 * @param $ID 383 * @param null $meta 384 * 385 * @return mixed 386 */ 387 public static function get( $ID, $meta = null ) { 388 $ID = (int) $ID; 389 if ( $ID == 0 ) { 390 return null; 391 } 392 if ( $meta != null ) { 393 return get_post_meta( $ID, “__wpdm_” . $meta, true ); 394 } 395 $p = new PackageController(); 396 $package = $p->prepare( $ID ); 397 398 return $package->packageData; 399 } 400 401 /** 402 * @usage Verify single file download option 403 * 404 * @param null $ID 405 * 406 * @return mixed 407 */ 408 public function isSingleFileDownloadAllowed( $ID = null ) { 409 global $post; 410 if ( ! $ID && $post->post_type == ‘wpdmpro’ ) { 411 $ID = $post->ID; 412 } 413 $global = get_option( '__wpdm_individual_file_download’, 1 ); 414 $package = get_post_meta( $ID, '__wpdm_individual_file_download’, true ); 415 $effective = $package == - 1 || $package == ‘’ ? $global : $package; 416 417 return apply_filters( "wpdm_is_single_file_download_allowed", $effective, $ID ); 418 } 419 420 /** 421 * @param $id 422 * 423 * @usage Returns the user roles who has access to specified package 424 * @return array|mixed 425 */ 426 public function allowedRoles( $id ) { 427 $roles = get_post_meta( $id, '__wpdm_access’, true ); 428 $roles = maybe_unserialize( $roles ); 429 430 $cats = get_the_terms( $id, ‘wpdmcategory’ ); 431 if ( ! is_array( $roles ) ) { 432 $roles = array(); 433 } 434 if ( is_array( $cats ) ) { 435 foreach ( $cats as $cat ) { 436 $croles = WPDM()->categories->getAllowedRoles( $cat->term_id ); 437 $roles = array_merge( $roles, $croles ); 438 } 439 } 440 441 $roles = array_unique( $roles ); 442 443 $roles = apply_filters( "wpdm_allowed_roles", $roles, $id ); 444 if ( ! is_array( $roles ) ) { 445 $roles = array(); 446 } 447 448 return $roles; 449 } 450 451 /** 452 * @usage Check if a package is locked or public 453 * 454 * @param $id 455 * 456 * @return bool 457 */ 458 public function isLocked( $package = null ) { 459 if ( ! $package ) { 460 $package = $this->ID; 461 } 462 if ( ! is_array( $package ) && (int) $package > 0 ) { 463 $id = $package; 464 $package = array(); 465 $package[‘ID’] = $id; 466 $package[‘email_lock’] = get_post_meta( $id, '__wpdm_email_lock’, true ); 467 $package[‘password_lock’] = get_post_meta( $id, '__wpdm_password_lock’, true ); 468 $package[‘gplusone_lock’] = get_post_meta( $id, '__wpdm_gplusone_lock’, true ); 469 $package[‘tweet_lock’] = get_post_meta( $id, '__wpdm_tweet_lock’, true ); 470 $package[‘twitterfollow_lock’] = get_post_meta( $id, '__wpdm_twitterfollow_lock’, true ); 471 $package[‘facebooklike_lock’] = get_post_meta( $id, '__wpdm_facebooklike_lock’, true ); 472 $package[‘linkedin_lock’] = get_post_meta( $id, '__wpdm_linkedin_lock’, true ); 473 $package[‘captcha_lock’] = get_post_meta( $id, '__wpdm_captcha_lock’, true ); 474 } else { 475 $id = $package[‘ID’]; 476 } 477 $lock = '’; 478 $package = apply_filters( 'wpdm_custom_data’, $package, $id ); 479 if ( isset( $package[‘email_lock’] ) && (int) $package[‘email_lock’] == 1 ) { 480 $lock = 'locked’; 481 } 482 if ( isset( $package[‘password_lock’] ) && (int) $package[‘password_lock’] == 1 ) { 483 $lock = 'locked’; 484 } 485 if ( isset( $package[‘gplusone_lock’] ) && (int) $package[‘gplusone_lock’] == 1 ) { 486 $lock = 'locked’; 487 } 488 if ( isset( $package[‘tweet_lock’] ) && (int) $package[‘tweet_lock’] == 1 ) { 489 $lock = 'locked’; 490 } 491 if ( isset( $package[‘twitterfollow_lock’] ) && (int) $package[‘twitterfollow_lock’] == 1 ) { 492 $lock = 'locked’; 493 } 494 if ( isset( $package[‘facebooklike_lock’] ) && (int) $package[‘facebooklike_lock’] == 1 ) { 495 $lock = 'locked’; 496 } 497 if ( isset( $package[‘linkedin_lock’] ) && (int) $package[‘linkedin_lock’] == 1 ) { 498 $lock = 'locked’; 499 } 500 if ( isset( $package[‘captcha_lock’] ) && (int) $package[‘captcha_lock’] == 1 ) { 501 $lock = 'locked’; 502 } 503 504 if ( $lock !== ‘locked’ ) { 505 $lock = apply_filters( 'wpdm_check_lock’, $lock, $id ); 506 } 507 508 return ( $lock === ‘locked’ ); 509 } 510 511 /** 512 * Check if a package with the given $ID is password protected 513 * 514 * @param $ID 515 * 516 * @return bool 517 */ 518 function isPasswordProtected( $ID ) { 519 $locked = (int) get_post_meta( $ID, '__wpdm_password_lock’, true ); 520 $password = get_post_meta( $ID, '__wpdm_password’, true ); 521 522 return $locked && $password ? $password : false; 523 } 524 525 /** 526 * @usage Check if current user has access to package or category 527 * 528 * @param $id 529 * @param string $type 530 * 531 * @return bool 532 */ 533 public function userCanAccess( $ID = null, $type = ‘package’ ) { 534 global $current_user; 535 $ID = $ID ? $ID : $this->ID; 536 if ( ! $ID ) { 537 return false; 538 } 539 if ( $type == ‘package’ ) { 540 $roles = $this->allowedRoles( $ID ); 541 } else { 542 $roles = WPDM()->categories->getAllowedRoles( $ID ); 543 } 544 545 if ( ! is_array( $roles ) ) { 546 $roles = array(); 547 } 548 $matched = is_user_logged_in() ? array_intersect( $current_user->roles, $roles ) : array(); 549 550 if ( $type === ‘category’ && count( $roles ) == 0 ) { 551 return true; 552 } 553 if ( in_array( 'guest’, $roles ) ) { 554 return true; 555 } 556 if ( count( $matched ) > 0 ) { 557 return true; 558 } 559 560 return false; 561 562 } 563 564 /** 565 * @usage Check if current user has access to package or category based on roles 566 * 567 * @param $id 568 * @param string $type 569 * 570 * @return bool 571 */ 572 public function userHasAccess( $user_id, $ID, $type = ‘package’ ) { 573 574 $user = get_user_by( 'ID’, $user_id ); 575 576 if ( $type == ‘package’ ) { 577 $roles = $this->allowedRoles( $ID ); 578 } else { 579 $roles = WPDM()->categories->getAllowedRoles( $ID ); 580 } 581 582 if ( ! is_array( $roles ) ) { 583 $roles = array(); 584 } 585 $matched = is_user_logged_in() ? array_intersect( $user->roles, $roles ) : array(); 586 if ( $type === ‘category’ && count( $roles ) == 0 ) { 587 return true; 588 } 589 if ( in_array( 'guest’, $roles ) ) { 590 return true; 591 } 592 if ( count( $matched ) > 0 ) { 593 return true; 594 } 595 596 return false; 597 598 } 599 600 /** 601 * @usage Check user’s download limit 602 * 603 * @param $ID 604 * 605 * @return bool 606 */ 607 public static function userDownloadLimitExceeded( $ID ) { 608 global $current_user; 609 610 if ( is_user_logged_in() ) { 611 $index = $current_user->ID; 612 } else { 613 $index = $_SERVER[‘REMOTE_ADDR’]; 614 } 615 616 $stock = (int) get_post_meta( $ID, '__wpdm_quota’, true ); 617 $download_count = (int) get_post_meta( $ID, '__wpdm_download_count’, true ); 618 619 $user_download_count = WPDM()->downloadHistory->userDownloadCount( $ID ); 620 621 $download_limit_per_user = (int) get_post_meta( $ID, '__wpdm_download_limit_per_user’, true ); 622 623 if ( $download_limit_per_user > 0 && $user_download_count >= $download_limit_per_user ) { 624 return apply_filters( "wpdm_user_download_limit_exceeded", true, $ID ); 625 } 626 627 $exceeded = false; 628 629 if ( $stock > 0 && $download_count >= $stock ) { 630 $exceeded = true; 631 }; 632 633 $exceeded = apply_filters( "wpdm_user_download_limit_exceeded", $exceeded, $ID ); 634 635 return $exceeded; 636 } 637 638 function userDownloadCount( $ID ) { 639 global $wpdb; 640 //$wpdb-> 641 } 642 643 /** 644 * @usage Check if user is can download this package 645 * 646 * @param $ID 647 * 648 * @return bool 649 */ 650 public function userCanDownload( $ID ) { 651 return $this->userCanAccess( $ID ) && ! $this->userDownloadLimitExceeded( $ID ); 652 } 653 654 /** 655 * @usage Count files in a package 656 * 657 * @param $id 658 * 659 * @return int 660 */ 661 public function fileCount( $ID ) { 662 663 $count = count( $this->getFiles( $ID, true ) ); 664 665 return $count; 666 667 } 668 669 /** 670 * @usage Get list of attached files & all files inside attached dir with a package 671 * 672 * @param $ID 673 * 674 * @return array|mixed 675 */ 676 public function getFiles( $ID, $include_dir = false ) { 677 $files = maybe_unserialize( get_post_meta( $ID, '__wpdm_files’, true ) ); 678 if ( ! $files || ! is_array( $files ) ) { 679 $files = array(); 680 } 681 foreach ( $files as &$file ) { 682 $file = trim( $file ); 683 } 684 if ( $include_dir ) { 685 $package_dir = get_post_meta( $ID, '__wpdm_package_dir’, true ); 686 $package_dir = file_exists( $package_dir ) ? $package_dir : Crypt::decrypt( $package_dir ); 687 if ( $package_dir != ‘’ ) { 688 $package_dir = trailingslashit( $package_dir ); 689 $package_dir = realpath( $package_dir ); 690 if ( $package_dir ) { 691 $dfiles = FileSystem::scanDir( $package_dir, true, true, '’, true ); 692 $files += $dfiles; 693 } 694 } 695 } 696 $files = apply_filters( “wpdm_get_files", $files, $ID ); 697 698 return $files; 699 } 700 701 /** 702 * @usage Create zip from attached files 703 * 704 * @param $ID 705 * 706 * @return mixed|string|\WP_Error 707 */ 708 public function zip( $ID ) { 709 $files = $this->getFiles( $ID ); 710 $zipped = get_post_meta( $ID, “__wpdm_zipped_file", true ); 711 if ( count( $files ) > 0 ) { 712 if ( $zipped == ‘’ || ! file_exists( $zipped ) ) { 713 $zipped = UPLOAD_DIR . sanitize_file_name( get_the_title( $ID ) ) . '-' . $ID . ‘.zip’; 714 $zipped = FileSystem::zipFiles( $files, $zipped ); 715 716 return $zipped; 717 } 718 } 719 720 return new \WP_Error( 404, __( “No File Attached!", “download-manager” ) ); 721 } 722 723 /** 724 * @usage Calculate package size 725 * 726 * @param $ID 727 * @param bool|false $recalculate 728 * 729 * @return bool|float|int|mixed|string 730 */ 731 public function size( $ID, $recalculate = false ) { 732 733 if ( get_post_type( $ID ) != ‘wpdmpro’ ) { 734 return false; 735 } 736 737 $size = get_post_meta( $ID, '__wpdm_package_size’, true ); 738 739 if ( $size != “” && ! $recalculate ) { 740 return $size; 741 } 742 743 $files = $this->getFiles( $ID ); 744 745 $size = 0; 746 if ( is_array( $files ) ) { 747 foreach ( $files as $f ) { 748 $f = trim( $f ); 749 if ( __::is_url( $f ) ) { 750 continue; 751 } 752 if ( file_exists( $f ) ) { 753 $size += @filesize( $f ); 754 } else { 755 $size += @filesize( UPLOAD_DIR . $f ); 756 } 757 } 758 } 759 760 update_post_meta( $ID, ‘__wpdm_package_size_b’, $size ); 761 $size = $size / 1024; 762 if ( $size > 1024 ) { 763 $size = number_format( $size / 1024, 2 ) . ' MB’; 764 } else { 765 $size = number_format( $size, 2 ) . ' KB’; 766 } 767 update_post_meta( $ID, ‘__wpdm_package_size’, $size ); 768 769 return $size; 770 } 771 772 /** 773 * @usage Generate play button for link template 774 * 775 * @param $package 776 * @param bool $return 777 * @param $style 778 * 779 * @return mixed|string|void 780 */ 781 public function audioPlayer( $package, $return = true, $style = ‘primary btn-lg wpdm-btn-play-lg’ ) { 782 783 $audiohtml = ""; 784 785 if ( ! is_array( $package[‘files’] ) || count( $package[‘files’] ) == 0 ) { 786 return; 787 } 788 $audios = array(); 789 $nonce = wp_create_nonce( $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’] ); 790 $audio = $audx = null; 791 foreach ( $package[‘files’] as $index => $file ) { 792 $realpath = file_exists( $file ) ? $file : UPLOAD_DIR . $file; 793 $filetype = wp_check_filetype( $realpath ); 794 $tmpvar = explode( ‘/’, $filetype[‘type’] ); 795 if ( $tmpvar[0] == ‘audio’ ) { 796 $audio = $file; 797 $audx = $index; 798 break; 799 } 800 } 801 802 if ( $audio != null ) { 803 $song = FileSystem::mediaURL( $package[‘ID’], $audx, basename( $audio ) ); //home_url("/?wpdmdl={$package[‘ID’]}&ind=".$audx."&play=".basename($audio)); 804 $audiohtml = "<button data-player=’wpdm-audio-player’ data-song=’{$song}’ class=’btn btn-{$style} wpdm-btn-play’><i class=’fa fa-play’></i></button>"; 805 $audiohtml = apply_filters( "wpdm_audio_play_button", $audiohtml, $song, $package, 0 ); 806 } 807 808 if ( $return ) { 809 return $audiohtml; 810 } 811 812 echo $audiohtml; 813 814 } 815 816 /** 817 * @param $ID 818 * @param $files 819 * @param int $width 820 * 821 * @return string 822 */ 823 public static function videoPlayer( $ID, $files = null, $width = 800 ) { 824 825 if ( ! $files ) { 826 $files = WPDM()->package->getFiles( $ID ); 827 } 828 829 $videos = array(); 830 foreach ( $files as $index => $file ) { 831 $realpath = file_exists( $file ) ? $file : UPLOAD_DIR . $file; 832 $filetype = wp_check_filetype( $realpath ); 833 $tmpvar = explode( ‘/’, $filetype[‘type’] ); 834 if ( $tmpvar[0] == ‘video’ ) { 835 $videos[] = $file; 836 $vidx[] = $index; 837 } 838 839 } 840 841 $videothumbs = ""; 842 $mpvs = get_post_meta( $ID, ‘__wpdm_additional_previews’, true ); 843 $mmv = 0; 844 845 if ( is_array( $mpvs ) && count( $mpvs ) > 1 && count( $videos ) > 1 ) { 846 847 foreach ( $mpvs as $i => $mpv ) { 848 if ( $mmv < count( $videos ) ) { 849 //$url = self::expirableDownloadLink($ID, 3); 850 $ind = $vidx[ $i ]; //\WPDM_Crypt::Encrypt($videos[$mmv]); 851 //$video = $url . “&ind={$ind}&play=” . basename($videos[$mmv]); 852 $video = FileSystem::mediaURL( $ID, $ind, wpdm_basename( $videos[ $mmv ] ) ); 853 854 $videothumbs .= "<a href=’#’ data-video=’{$video}’ class=’__wpdm_playvideo’><img class=’thumbnail’ src=’” . wpdm_dynamic_thumb( $mpv, array( 855 64, 856 64 857 ) ) . "’/></a>"; 858 } 859 $mmv ++; 860 } 861 } 862 863 $player_html = ‘’; 864 if ( count( $videos ) > 0 ) { 865 //$url = self::expirableDownloadLink($ID, 10); 866 $ind = $vidx[0]; //\WPDM_Crypt::Encrypt($videos[0]); 867 //$video = $url . “&ind={$ind}&play=” . basename($videos[0]); 868 $video = FileSystem::mediaURL( $ID, $ind, wpdm_basename( $videos[0] ) ); 869 870 $player_html = "<video id=’__wpdm_videoplayer’ class=’thumbnail’ width=\"{$width}\” controls controlsList=’nodownload’><source src=\"{$video}\” type=\"video/mp4\">Your browser does not support HTML5 video.</video><div class=’videothumbs’>{$videothumbs}</div>"; 871 //if(!WPDM()->package->userCanAccess($ID)) $player_html = \WPDM\__\Messages::Error(stripslashes(get_option(‘wpdm_permission_msg’)), -1); 872 } 873 874 $player_html = apply_filters( “wpdm_video_player_html", $player_html, $ID, $file, $width ); 875 876 return $player_html; 877 } 878 879 /** 880 * @param $ID 881 * @param $files 882 * @param int $width 883 * @param int $height 884 * 885 * @return mixed|string 886 */ 887 public function productPreview( $ID, $files = null, $width = 800, $height = 600 ) { 888 if ( ! $files ) { 889 $files = WPDM()->package->getFiles( $ID ); 890 } 891 $tfiles = $files; 892 $keys = array_keys( $files ); 893 $ind = $keys[0]; 894 $file = array_shift( $tfiles ); 895 $realpath = file_exists( $file ) ? $file : UPLOAD_DIR . $file; 896 $filetype = wp_check_filetype( $realpath ); 897 $type = explode( '/’, $filetype[‘type’] ); 898 $type = $type[1]; 899 switch ( $type ) { 900 case 'mpeg’: 901 case 'mp4’: 902 return self::videoPlayer( $ID, $files, $width ); 903 case 'png’: 904 case 'jpg’: 905 case ‘jpeg’: 906 return “<img src=’” . FileSystem::imageThumbnail( $realpath, $width, $height ) . "’ alt=’” . get_the_title( $ID ) . "’/>"; 907 case 'pdf’: 908 $url = self::expirableDownloadLink( $ID, 1, 300 ); 909 //$ind = \WPDM_Crypt::Encrypt($file); 910 $url .= “&ind={$ind}"; 911 912 return FileSystem::docViewer( $url, $ID, ‘pdf’ ); 913 default: 914 return '’; 915 } 916 } 917 918 /** 919 * @usage Get All Custom Data of a Package 920 * 921 * @param $pid 922 * 923 * @return array 924 */ 925 public function metaData( $ID ) { 926 global $wpdb; 927 928 $metaValidate = [ 929 ‘__wpdm_icon’ => 'txt’, 930 ‘__wpdm_view_count’ => 'int’, 931 ‘__wpdm_download_count’ => 'int’, 932 ‘__wpdm_link_label’ => 'txt’, 933 ‘__wpdm_version’ => 'txt’, 934 ‘__wpdm_quota’ => 'int’, 935 ‘__wpdm_access’ => 'array’, 936 ‘__wpdm_package_size’ => 'txt’, 937 ‘__wpdm_download_limit_per_user’ => 'int’, 938 ‘__wpdm_terms_lock’ => 'int’, 939 ‘__wpdm_publish_date’ => 'txt’, 940 ‘__wpdm_expire_date’ => ‘txt’ 941 ]; 942 $metaKeys = array_keys( $metaValidate ); 943 $metaData = $wpdb->get_results( “select * from {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta where meta_key in ('” . implode( ‘\’,\’’, $metaKeys ) . "’) and post_id = '{$ID}’” ); 944 945 $data = []; 946 if ( is_array( $metaData ) ) { 947 foreach ( $metaData as $metaDataRow ) { 948 $key = str_replace( "__wpdm_", "", $metaDataRow->meta_key ); 949 if ( $key === ‘publish_date’ ) { 950 $key = 'avail_date’; 951 $metaDataRow->meta_value = wp_date( get_option( ‘date_format’ ) . " " . get_option( ‘time_format’ ), strtotime( $metaDataRow->meta_value ) ); 952 } 953 if ( $key === ‘expire_date’ ) { 954 $metaDataRow->meta_value = wp_date( get_option( ‘date_format’ ) . " " . get_option( ‘time_format’ ), strtotime( $metaDataRow->meta_value ) ); 955 } 956 //if($metaValidate[$metaDataRow->meta_key] === ‘array’ && !is_array($metaDataRow->meta_value)) $metaDataRow->meta_value = unserialize($metaDataRow->meta_value); 957 //else 958 // $metaDataRow->meta_value = __::sanitize_var($metaDataRow->meta_value, $metaValidate[$metaDataRow->meta_key]); 959 $data[ $key ] = wpdm_sanitize_var( maybe_unserialize( $metaDataRow->meta_value ), $metaValidate[ $metaDataRow->meta_key ] ); 960 } 961 } 962 unset( $metaData ); 963 $data = apply_filters( 'wpdm_custom_data’, $data, $ID ); 964 if ( ! is_array( $data ) ) { 965 $data = []; 966 } 967 968 return $data; 969 } 970 971 /** 972 * @usage Generate download link of a package 973 * 974 * @param $package 975 * @param int $embed 976 * @param array $extras 977 * 978 * @return string 979 */ 980 function prepareDownloadLink( &$package, $embed = 0, $extras = array() ) { 981 global $wpdb, $current_user, $wpdm_download_icon, $wpdm_download_lock_icon, $btnclass; 982 if ( is_array( $extras ) ) { 983 extract( $extras ); 984 } 985 $data = '’; 986 987 $package[‘link_url’] = home_url( ‘/?download=1&’ ); 988 $package[‘link_label’] = ! isset( $package[‘link_label’] ) || $package[‘link_label’] == ‘’ ? __( "Download", “download-manager” ) : $package[‘link_label’]; 989 990 //Change link label using a button image 991 $template_type = isset( $template_type ) ? $template_type : 'link’; 992 $package[‘link_label’] = apply_filters( 'wpdm_button_image’, $package[‘link_label’], $package, $template_type ); 993 994 995 $package[‘download_url’] = wpdm_download_url( $package ); 996 if ( wpdm_is_download_limit_exceed( $package[‘ID’] ) ) { 997 $limit_msg = Messages::download_limit_exceeded( $package[‘ID’] ); 998 $package[‘download_url’] = ‘#’; 999 $package[‘link_label’] = $limit_msg; 1000 } 1001 if ( isset( $package[‘expire_date’] ) && $package[‘expire_date’] != “” && strtotime( $package[‘expire_date’] ) < time() ) { 1002 $package[‘download_url’] = ‘#’; 1003 $package[‘link_label’] = apply_filters( "wpdm_download_expired_message", __( "Download was expired on", “download-manager” ) . " " . date_i18n( get_option( ‘date_format’ ) . " h:i A", strtotime( $package[‘expire_date’] ) ), $package ); 1004 $package[‘download_link’] = $vars[‘download_link_extended’] = $vars[‘download_link_popup’] = "<a href=’#’>{$package[‘link_label’]}</a>"; 1005 1006 return “<div class=’alert alert-warning’><b>” . __( "Download:", “download-manager” ) . "</b><br/>{$package[‘link_label’]}</div>"; 1007 } 1008 1009 if ( isset( $package[‘publish_date’] ) && $package[‘publish_date’] != ‘’ && strtotime( $package[‘publish_date’] ) > time() ) { 1010 $package[‘download_url’] = ‘#’; 1011 $package[‘link_label’] = apply_filters( "wpdm_download_availability_message", __( "Download will be available from ", “download-manager” ) . " " . date_i18n( get_option( ‘date_format’ ) . " h:i A", strtotime( $package[‘publish_date’] ) ), $package ); 1012 $package[‘download_link’] = $vars[‘download_link_extended’] = $vars[‘download_link_popup’] = "<a href=’#’>{$package[‘link_label’]}</a>"; 1013 1014 return “<div class=’alert alert-warning’><b>” . __( "Download:", “download-manager” ) . "</b><br/>{$package[‘link_label’]}</div>"; 1015 } 1016 1017 $link_label = isset( $package[‘link_label’] ) ? $package[‘link_label’] : __( "Download", “download-manager” ); 1018 1019 $package[‘access’] = wpdm_allowed_roles( $package[‘ID’] ); 1020 1021 if ( $package[‘download_url’] != ‘#’ ) { 1022 $package[‘download_link’] = $vars[‘download_link_extended’] = $vars[‘download_link_popup’] = "<a class=’wpdm-download-link {$btnclass}’ rel=’nofollow’ href=’#’ onclick=\"location.href=’{$package[‘download_url’]}’;return false;\"><i class=’$wpdm_download_icon’></i>{$link_label}</a>"; 1023 } else { 1024 $package[‘download_link’] = $vars[‘download_link_extended’] = $vars[‘download_link_popup’] = “<div class=’alert alert-warning’><b>” . __( “Download:", “download-manager” ) . “</b><br/>{$link_label}</div>"; 1025 } 1026 $caps = array_keys( $current_user->caps ); 1027 $role = array_shift( $caps ); 1028 1029 $matched = ( is_array( @maybe_unserialize( $package[‘access’] ) ) && is_user_logged_in() ) ? array_intersect( $current_user->roles, @maybe_unserialize( $package[‘access’] ) ) : array(); 1030 1031 $skiplink = 0; 1032 1033 if ( is_user_logged_in() && count( $matched ) <= 0 && ! @in_array( 'guest’, @maybe_unserialize( $package[‘access’] ) ) ) { 1034 $package[‘download_url’] = “#"; 1035 $package[‘download_link’] = $vars[‘download_link_extended’] = $vars[‘download_link_popup’] = stripslashes( get_option( ‘__wpdm_permission_denied_msg’ ) ); 1036 $package = apply_filters( 'download_link’, $package ); 1037 if ( get_option( '_wpdm_hide_all’, 0 ) == 1 ) { 1038 $package[‘download_link’] = $package[‘download_link_extended’] = 'blocked’; 1039 } 1040 1041 return $package[‘download_link’]; 1042 } 1043 if ( ! @in_array( 'guest’, @maybe_unserialize( $package[‘access’] ) ) && ! is_user_logged_in() ) { 1044 1045 $loginform = wpdm_login_form( array( ‘redirect’ => get_permalink( $package[‘ID’] ) ) ); 1046 if ( get_option( '_wpdm_hide_all’, 0 ) == 1 ) { 1047 return ‘loginform’; 1048 } 1049 $package[‘download_url’] = $vars[‘download_link_extended’] = $vars[‘download_link_popup’] = home_url( ‘/wp-login.php?redirect_to=’ . urlencode( $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’] ) ); 1050 $loginmsg = Messages::login_required( $package[‘ID’] ); 1051 $package[‘download_link’] = stripcslashes( str_replace( array( 1052 "[loginform]", 1053 "[this_url]“, 1054 "[package_url]" 1055 ), array( $loginform, $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’], get_permalink( $package[‘ID’] ) ), $loginmsg ) ); 1056 1057 return get_option( '__wpdm_login_form’, 0 ) == 1 ? $loginform : $package[‘download_link’]; 1058 1059 } 1060 1061 $package = apply_filters( 'download_link’, $package ); 1062 1063 $unqid = uniqid(); 1064 1065 if ( ! isset( $package[‘quota’] ) || ( isset( $package[‘quota’] ) && $package[‘quota’] > 0 && $package[‘quota’] > $package[‘download_count’] ) || $package[‘quota’] == 0 ) { 1066 $lock = 0; 1067 1068 if ( isset( $package[‘password_lock’] ) && (int) $package[‘password_lock’] == 1 && $package[‘password’] != ‘’ ) { 1069 $lock = 'locked’; 1070 $data = PackageLocks::AskPassword( $package ); 1071 } 1072 1073 1074 $sociallock = “"; 1075 1076 if ( isset( $package[‘email_lock’] ) && (int) $package[‘email_lock’] == 1 ) { 1077 $data .= PackageLocks::AskEmail( $package ); 1078 $lock = 'locked’; 1079 } 1080 1081 if ( isset( $package[‘linkedin_lock’] ) && (int) $package[‘linkedin_lock’] == 1 ) { 1082 $lock = 'locked’; 1083 $sociallock .= PackageLocks::LinkedInShare( $package ); 1084 1085 } 1086 1087 if ( isset( $package[‘twitterfollow_lock’] ) && (int) $package[‘twitterfollow_lock’] == 1 ) { 1088 $lock = 'locked’; 1089 $sociallock .= PackageLocks::TwitterFollow( $package ); 1090 1091 } 1092 1093 if ( isset( $package[‘gplusone_lock’] ) && (int) $package[‘gplusone_lock’] == 1 ) { 1094 $lock = 'locked’; 1095 $sociallock .= PackageLocks::GooglePlusOne( $package, true ); 1096 1097 } 1098 1099 if ( isset( $package[‘tweet_lock’] ) && (int) $package[‘tweet_lock’] == 1 ) { 1100 $lock = 'locked’; 1101 $sociallock .= PackageLocks::Tweet( $package ); 1102 1103 } 1104 1105 if ( isset( $package[‘facebooklike_lock’] ) && (int) $package[‘facebooklike_lock’] == 1 ) { 1106 $lock = 'locked’; 1107 $sociallock .= PackageLocks::FacebookLike( $package, true ); 1108 1109 } 1110 1111 1112 if ( isset( $package[‘captcha_lock’] ) && (int) $package[‘captcha_lock’] == 1 ) { 1113 $lock = 'locked’; 1114 $sociallock .= PackageLocks::reCaptchaLock( $package, true ); 1115 1116 } 1117 1118 $extralocks = '’; 1119 $extralocks = apply_filters( “wpdm_download_lock", $extralocks, $package ); 1120 1121 if ( is_array( $extralocks ) && $extralocks[‘lock’] === ‘locked’ ) { 1122 1123 if ( isset( $extralocks[‘type’] ) && $extralocks[‘type’] == ‘social’ ) { 1124 $sociallock .= $extralocks[‘html’]; 1125 } else { 1126 $data .= $extralocks[‘html’]; 1127 } 1128 1129 $lock = ‘locked’; 1130 } 1131 1132 if ( $sociallock != “” ) { 1133 $data .= “<div class=’panel panel-default card card-default’><div class=’panel-heading card-header’>” . __( “Download", “download-manager” ) . “</div><div class=’panel-body card-body wpdm-social-locks text-center’>{$sociallock}</div></div>"; 1134 } 1135 1136 if ( $lock === ‘locked’ ) { 1137 $popstyle = isset( $popstyle ) && in_array( $popstyle, array( 1138 'popup’, 1139 ‘pop-over’ 1140 ) ) ? $popstyle : ‘pop-over’; 1141 if ( $embed == 1 ) { 1142 $adata = “</strong>{$data}"; 1143 } else { 1144 //$dataattrs = $popstyle == 'pop-over’? ‘data-title="’.__( “Download” , “download-manager” ).’ ' . $package[‘title’] . ‘"’ : 'data-toggle="modal” data-target="#pkg_’ . $package[‘ID’] . “_” . $unqid . '"’; 1145 $adata = ‘<a href="#pkg_’ . $package[‘ID’] . “_” . $unqid . '” data-trigger="manual” data-package="’ . $package[‘ID’] . '” class="wpdm-download-link wpdm-download-locked ' . $popstyle . ' ' . $btnclass . ‘"><i class=\’’ . $wpdm_download_lock_icon . ‘\’></i>’ . $package[‘link_label’] . '</a>’; 9691146 9701147// if ($popstyle == ‘pop-over’) { … … 9751152// $adata .= '<div class="modal fade” role="modal” id="pkg_’ . $package[‘ID’] . “_” . $unqid . ‘"><div class="modal-dialog"><div class="modal-content"><div class="modal-header"><strong style="margin:0px;font-size:12pt">’ . __(‘Download’) . ‘</strong></div><div class="modal-body">’ . $data . '</div><div class="modal-footer text-right"><button type="button” class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm” data-dismiss="modal">Close</button></div></div></div></div>’; 9761153 977 } 978 979 $data = $adata; 980 } 981 if ($lock !== ‘locked’) { 982 983 $data = $package[‘download_link’]; 984 985 986 } 987 } else { 988 $data = Messages::download_limit_exceeded($package[‘ID’]); 989 } 990 991 992 //return str_replace(array(“\r","\n”),"",$data); 993 return $data; 994 995 } 996 997 private static function activeLocks($ID, $params = array(‘embed’ => 0, ‘popstyle’ => ‘pop-over’)) 998 { 999 1000 $embed = isset($params[‘embed’]) ? $params[‘embed’] : 0; 1001 $template_type = isset($params[‘template_type’]) ? $params[‘template_type’] : 'link’; 1002 $popstyle = isset($params[‘popstyle’]) ? $params[‘popstyle’] : 'pop-over’; 1003 1004 $package = array( 1005 ‘ID’ => $ID, 1006 ‘password’ => get_post_meta($ID, '__wpdm_password’, true), 1007 ‘password_lock’ => get_post_meta($ID, '__wpdm_password_lock’, true), 1008 ‘email_lock’ => get_post_meta($ID, '__wpdm_email_lock’, true), 1009 ‘linkedin_lock’ => get_post_meta($ID, '__wpdm_linkedin_lock’, true), 1010 ‘twitterfollow_lock’ => get_post_meta($ID, '__wpdm_twitterfollow_lock’, true), 1011 ‘gplusone_lock’ => get_post_meta($ID, '__wpdm_gplusone_lock’, true), 1012 ‘tweet_lock’ => get_post_meta($ID, '__wpdm_tweet_lock’, true), 1013 ‘facebooklike_lock’ => get_post_meta($ID, '__wpdm_facebooklike_lock’, true), 1014 ‘captcha_lock’ => get_post_meta($ID, ‘__wpdm_captcha_lock’, true), 1015 ); 1016 1017 $package = apply_filters(‘wpdm_before_apply_locks’, $package); 1018 $lock = $data = ""; 1019 $unqid = uniqid(); 1020 1021 if (isset($package[‘password_lock’]) && (int)$package[‘password_lock’] == 1 && $package[‘password’] != ‘’) { 1022 $lock = ‘locked’; 1023 $data = PackageLocks::AskPassword($package); 1024 } 1025 1026 $sociallock = “"; 1027 1028 if (isset($package[‘email_lock’]) && (int)$package[‘email_lock’] == 1) { 1029 $data .= PackageLocks::AskEmail($package); 1030 $lock = 'locked’; 1031 } 1032 1033 if (isset($package[‘linkedin_lock’]) && (int)$package[‘linkedin_lock’] == 1) { 1034 $lock = 'locked’; 1035 $sociallock .= PackageLocks::LinkedInShare($package); 1036 1037 } 1038 1039 if (isset($package[‘twitterfollow_lock’]) && (int)$package[‘twitterfollow_lock’] == 1) { 1040 $lock = 'locked’; 1041 $sociallock .= PackageLocks::TwitterFollow($package); 1042 1043 } 1044 1045 if (isset($package[‘gplusone_lock’]) && (int)$package[‘gplusone_lock’] == 1) { 1046 $lock = 'locked’; 1047 $sociallock .= PackageLocks::GooglePlusOne($package, true); 1048 1049 } 1050 1051 if (isset($package[‘tweet_lock’]) && (int)$package[‘tweet_lock’] == 1) { 1052 $lock = 'locked’; 1053 $sociallock .= PackageLocks::Tweet($package); 1054 1055 } 1056 1057 if (isset($package[‘facebooklike_lock’]) && (int)$package[‘facebooklike_lock’] == 1) { 1058 $lock = 'locked’; 1059 $sociallock .= PackageLocks::FacebookLike($package, true); 1060 1061 } 1062 1063 1064 $extralocks = ‘’; 1065 $extralocks = apply_filters("wpdm_download_lock", $extralocks, $package); 1066 1067 if (is_array($extralocks) && $extralocks[‘lock’] === ‘locked’) { 1068 1069 if (isset($extralocks[‘type’]) && $extralocks[‘type’] == ‘social’) 1070 $sociallock .= $extralocks[‘html’]; 1071 else 1072 $data .= $extralocks[‘html’]; 1073 1074 $lock = ‘locked’; 1075 } 1076 1077 if ($sociallock !== “”) { 1078 $socdesc = get_option(‘_wpdm_social_lock_panel_desc’, ‘’); 1079 $socdesc = $socdesc !== ‘’ ? “<p>{$socdesc}</p>” : ""; 1080 $data .= “<div class=’panel panel-default card’><div class=’panel-heading card-header’>” . get_option(‘_wpdm_social_lock_panel_title’, ‘Like or Share to Download’) . “</div><div class=’panel-body card-body wpdm-social-locks text-center’>{$socdesc}{$sociallock}</div></div>"; 1081 } 1082 1083 1084 if (isset($package[‘captcha_lock’]) && (int)$package[‘captcha_lock’] == 1) { 1085 $lock = 'locked’; 1086 $captcha = PackageLocks::reCaptchaLock($package, true); 1087 $data .= $captcha; //"<div class=’panel panel-default card’><div class=’panel-heading card-header’>” . __(“Verify CAPTCHA to Download", “download-manager”) . “</div><div class=’panel-body card-body wpdm-social-locks text-center’>{$captcha}</div></div>"; 1088 } 1089 1090 if ($lock === ‘locked’) { 1091 $popstyle = isset($popstyle) && in_array($popstyle, array('popup’, ‘pop-over’)) ? $popstyle : 'pop-over’; 1092 if ($embed == 1) 1093 $adata = “</strong>{$data}"; 1094 else { 1095 $link_label = get_post_meta($ID, ‘__wpdm_link_label’, true); 1096 $link_label = trim($link_label) ? $link_label : __(“Download", “download-manager”); 1097 $style = wpdm_download_button_style(($template_type === ‘page’), $ID); 1098 $style = isset($params[‘btnclass’]) && $params[‘btnclass’] !== ‘’ ? $params[‘btnclass’] : $style; 1099 $adata = ‘<a href="#pkg_’ . $ID . “_” . $unqid . '” data-package="’ . $ID . '” data-trigger="manual” class="wpdm-download-link wpdm-download-locked ' . $style . ‘">’ . $link_label . '</a>’; 1100 1101 } 1102 1103 $data = $adata; 1104 } 1105 return $data; 1106 } 1107 1108 1109 /** 1110 * @usage Generate download link of a package 1111 * @param $package 1112 * @param int $embed 1113 * @param array $extras 1114 * @return string 1115 */ 1116 public function downloadLink($ID, $embed = 0, $extras = array()) 1117 { 1118 global $wpdb, $current_user, $wpdm_download_icon, $wpdm_download_lock_icon; 1119 if (is_array($extras)) 1120 extract($extras); 1121 $data = '’; 1122 1123 $template_type = isset($extras[‘template_type’]) ? $extras[‘template_type’] : 'page’; 1124 1125 //$package = self::get($ID); 1126 1127 $link_label = get_post_meta($ID, ‘__wpdm_link_label’, true); 1128 $link_label = (trim($link_label) === ‘’) ? __("Download", “download-manager”) : $link_label; 1129 1130 $template_type = isset($template_type) ? $template_type : ‘link’; 1131 $link_label = apply_filters(“wpdm_link_label", $link_label, $ID, $template_type); 1132 1133 $loginmsg = Messages::login_required($ID); 1134 1135 $download_url = $this->getDownloadURL($ID); 1136 1137 $limit_over = 0; 1138 $alert_size = ($template_type == ‘link’) ? ‘alert-sm’ : '’; 1139 1140 if (self::userDownloadLimitExceeded($ID)) { 1141 $limit_msg = Messages::download_limit_exceeded($ID); 1142 $download_url = '#’; 1143 $link_label = $limit_msg; 1144 $limit_over = 1; 1145 } 1146 1147 $expired = get_post_meta($ID, '__wpdm_expire_date’, true); 1148 $publish = get_post_meta($ID, '__wpdm_publish_date’, true); 1149 1150 if ($expired !== “” && strtotime($expired) < time()) { 1151 $download_url = ‘#’; 1152 $link_label = __("Download was expired on", “download-manager”) . " " . date_i18n(get_option(‘date_format’) . " h:i A", strtotime($expired)); 1153 return "<div class=’alert alert-warning {$alert_size}’ data-title=’” . __("DOWNLOAD ERROR:", “download-manager”) . “’>{$link_label}</div>"; 1154 } 1155 1156 if ($publish !== “” && strtotime($publish) > time()) { 1157 $download_url = ‘#’; 1158 $link_label = __("Download will be available from ", “download-manager”) . " " . date_i18n(get_option(‘date_format’) . " h:i A", strtotime($publish)); 1159 return "<div class=’alert alert-warning {$alert_size}’ data-title=’” . __("DOWNLOAD ERROR:", “download-manager”) . "’>{$link_label}</div>"; 1160 } 1161 1162 1163 $style = wpdm_download_button_style(($template_type === ‘page’), $ID); 1164 $style = isset($btnclass) && $btnclass !== ‘’ ? $btnclass : $style; 1165 1166 if ($download_url != ‘#’) 1167 $download_link = $download_link_extended = $download_link_popup = (int)get_option(‘__wpdm_mask_dlink’, 1) === 1 ? "<a class=’wpdm-download-link download-on-click {$style}’ rel=’nofollow’ href=’#’ data-downloadurl=\"{$download_url}\">{$link_label}</a>” : "<a class=’wpdm-download-link {$style}’ rel=’nofollow’ href=’{$download_url}’>{$link_label}</a>"; 1168 //$download_link = $download_link_extended = $download_link_popup = (int)get_option(‘__wpdm_mask_dlink’, 1) === 1 ? "<a class=’wpdm-download-link {$style}’ rel=’nofollow’ href=’#’ onclick=\"location.href=’{$download_url}’;return false;\">{$link_label}</a>” : "<a class=’wpdm-download-link {$style}’ rel=’nofollow’ href=’{$download_url}’>{$link_label}</a>"; 1169 else 1170 $download_link = "<div class=’alert alert-warning {$alert_size}’ data-title=’” . __("DOWNLOAD ERROR:", “download-manager”) . "’>{$link_label}</div>"; 1171 1172 1173 $access = self::allowedRoles($ID); 1174 if (!is_array($access)) $access = array(); 1175 $matched = (is_array($access) && is_user_logged_in()) ? array_intersect($current_user->roles, $access) : array(); 1176 if (!$matched) $matched = []; 1177 1178 $skiplink = 0; 1179 1180 //User does’t have permission to download 1181 if (is_user_logged_in() && count($matched) <= 0 && !@in_array('guest’, $access)) { 1182 $download_url = “#"; 1183 $download_link = $download_link_extended = $download_link_popup = Messages::permission_denied($ID); 1184 if (get_option('_wpdm_hide_all’, 0) == 1) { 1185 $download_link = $download_link_extended = $download_link_popup = 'blocked’; 1186 } 1187 return $download_link; 1188 } 1189 1190 //Login is required to download 1191 if (!@in_array('guest’, $access) && !is_user_logged_in()) { 1192 1193 $loginform = WPDM()->user->login->form(array(‘redirect’ => $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’])); 1194 if (get_option('_wpdm_hide_all’, 0) == 1) { 1195 $hide_all_message = get_option(‘__wpdm_login_form’, 0) == 1 ? $loginform : stripcslashes(str_replace(array("[loginform]", "[this_url]", "[package_url]"), array($loginform, $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’], get_permalink($ID)), $loginmsg)); 1196 if ($template_type == ‘link’) 1197 return “<a href=’” . wpdm_login_url($_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’]) . "’ class=’btn btn-danger’>” . __("Login", “download-manager”) . "</a>"; 1198 else 1199 return $hide_all_message; 1200 } 1201 $download_url = wpdm_login_url($_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’]); 1202 $download_link = $download_link_extended = $download_link_popup = stripcslashes(str_replace(array("[loginform]", "[this_url]“, "[package_url]"), array($loginform, $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’], get_permalink($ID)), $loginmsg)); 1203 return get_option('__wpdm_login_form’, 0) == 1 ? $loginform : $download_link; 1204 1205 } 1206 1207 //$package = apply_filters('wpdm_before_apply_locks’, $package); 1208 //$package = apply_filters(‘wpdm_after_prepare_package_data’, $package); 1209 1210 $unqid = uniqid(); 1211 $stock_limit = (int)get_post_meta($ID, ‘__wpdm_quota’, true); 1212 $download_count = (int)get_post_meta($ID, ‘__wpdm_download_count’, true); 1213 if ($stock_limit > $download_count || $stock_limit == 0) { 1214 $lock = 0; 1215 1216 $extras[‘embed’] = $embed; 1217 $data = self::activeLocks($ID, $extras); 1218 1219 $terms_lock = (int)get_post_meta($ID, ‘__wpdm_terms_lock’, true); 1220 $terms_page = (int)get_post_meta($ID, ‘__wpdm_terms_page’, true); 1221 $terms_title = get_post_meta($ID, ‘__wpdm_terms_title’, true); 1222 $terms_conditions = get_post_meta($ID, ‘__wpdm_terms_conditions’, true); 1223 if ($terms_page) { 1224 $terms_page = get_post($terms_page); 1225 $terms_title = $terms_page->post_title; 1226 $terms_conditions = $terms_page->post_content; 1227 } 1228 $terms_check_label = get_post_meta($ID, ‘__wpdm_terms_check_label’, true); 1229 if ($terms_lock !== 0 && (!function_exists(‘wpdmpp_effective_price’) || wpdmpp_effective_price($ID) == 0)) { 1230 if (!self::isLocked($ID) && !$embed) { 1231 $data = "<a href=’#unlock’ class=’wpdm-download-link wpdm-download-locked {$style}’ data-package=’{$ID}’>{$link_label}</a>"; 1232 } else { 1233 $data = $data ? $data : $download_link; 1234 } 1235 if ($embed == 1) 1236 $data = "<div class=’panel panel-default card terms-panel’ style=’margin: 0 0 10px 0’><div class=’panel-heading card-header’>{$terms_title}</div><div class=’panel-body card-body’ style=’max-height: 200px;overflow: auto’>{$terms_conditions}</div><div class=’panel-footer card-footer’><label><input data-pid=’{$ID}’ class=’wpdm-checkbox terms_checkbox terms_checkbox_{$ID}’ type=’checkbox’> {$terms_check_label}</label></div><div class=’panel-footer card-footer bg-white download_footer_{$ID}’ style=’display:none;’>{$data}</div></div><script>jQuery(function($){ $(‘#wpdm-filelist-{$ID} .btn.inddl, #xfilelist .btn.inddl’).attr(‘disabled’, ‘disabled’); });</script>"; 1237 1238 } 1239 1240 if ($data != “”) { 1241 $data = apply_filters(‘wpdm_download_link’, $data, $extras + array(‘ID’ => $ID, ‘id’ => $ID)); 1242 return $data; 1243 } 1244 1245 1246 $data = $download_link; 1247 1248 1249 } else { 1250 $data = "<button class=’btn btn-danger btn-block’ type=’button’ disabled=’disabled’ data-title=’DOWNLOAD ERROR:’>” . __("Limit Over!", “download-manager”) . "</button>"; 1251 } 1252 if ($data == ‘loginform’) return WPDM()->user->login->form(); 1253 $data = apply_filters('wpdm_download_link’, $data, $extras + array(‘ID’ => $ID, ‘id’ => $ID)); 1254 return $data; 1255 1256 } 1257 1258 /** 1259 * @usage Generate download url for public/open downloads, the url will not work for the packages with lock option 1260 * @param $ID 1261 * @param $ext 1262 * @return string 1263 */ 1264 public function getDownloadURL($ID, $ext = array()) 1265 { 1266 if (self::isLocked($ID) && !Session::get(‘__wpdm_unlocked_’ . $ID)) return '#locked’; 1267 if (!is_array($ext)) $ext = []; 1268 $ext[‘wpdmdl’] = $ID; 1269 $ext[‘refresh’] = uniqid() . time(); 1270 $permalink = get_permalink($ID); 1271 $permalink = apply_filters("wpdm_download_url_base", $permalink, $ID); 1272 $download_url = add_query_arg($ext, $permalink); 1273 $flat = (int)get_option('__wpdm_flat_download_url’, 0); 1274 $code = json_encode($ext); 1275 $code = base64_encode($code); 1276 $code = rtrim($code, ‘=’); 1277 $filename = isset($ext[‘filename’]) ? $ext[‘filename’] : '’; 1278 if (isset($ext[‘ind’]) && $filename == ‘’) { 1279 $files = $this->getFiles($ID); 1280 $filename = wpdm_basename($files[$ext[‘ind’]]); 1281 } 1282 if (!isset($ext[‘ind’]) && $filename == ‘’) { 1283 $files = $this->getFiles($ID); 1284 if (count($files) > 1) 1285 $filename = sanitize_file_name(get_the_title($ID)) . ".zip"; 1286 else { 1287 $filename = array_shift($files); 1288 $filename = wpdm_basename($filename); 1289 } 1290 1291 } 1292 if ($flat) $download_url = home_url(“/wpdmdl/{$ID}-{$code}/{$filename}”); 1293 return $download_url; 1294 } 1295 1296 /** 1297 * @param $ID 1298 * @return false|string 1299 */ 1300 public function getMasterDownloadURL($ID) 1301 { 1302 $package_url = get_permalink($ID); 1303 $params[‘wpdmdl’] = $ID; 1304 $params[‘masterkey’] = get_post_meta($ID, '__wpdm_masterkey’, true); 1305 $download_url = add_query_arg($params, $package_url); 1306 return $download_url; 1307 } 1308 1309 /** 1310 * @param $ID 1311 * @param $Key 1312 * @return bool 1313 */ 1314 public function validateMasterKey($ID, $Key) 1315 { 1316 if ($Key === ‘’) return false; 1317 $masterKey = get_post_meta($ID, '__wpdm_masterkey’, true); 1318 if ($masterKey === ‘’) return false; 1319 if ($masterKey === $Key) return true; 1320 return false; 1321 } 1322 1323 /** 1324 * @param $ID 1325 * @param int $usageLimit 1326 * @param int $expirePeriod seconds 1327 * @return string 1328 */ 1329 function expirableDownloadLink($ID, $usageLimit = 10, $expirePeriod = 999999, $sessionOnly = true) 1330 { 1331 $key = uniqid(); 1332 $exp = array(‘use’ => $usageLimit, ‘expire’ => time() + $expirePeriod); 1333 if (!$sessionOnly) 1334 update_post_meta($ID, “__wpdmkey_” . $key, $exp); 1335 else 1336 TempStorage::set("__wpdmkey_{$key}", $exp, time() + $expirePeriod); 1337 //Session::set( '__wpdm_unlocked_’.$ID , 1 ); 1338 //$download_url = $this->getDownloadURL($ID, “_wpdmkey={$key}”); 1339 $permalink = get_permalink($ID); 1340 $permalink = apply_filters("wpdm_download_url_base", $permalink, $ID); 1341 $download_url = add_query_arg(array(“wpdmdl” => $ID, “_wpdmkey” => $key), $permalink); 1342 return $download_url; 1343 } 1344 1345 /** 1346 * @param $ID 1347 * @param int $usageLimit 1348 * @param int $expirePeriod seconds 1349 * @return string 1350 */ 1351 static function expirableDownloadPage($ID, $usageLimit = 10, $expirePeriod = 604800, $sessionOnly = true) 1352 { 1353 $key = uniqid(); 1354 $exp = array(‘use’ => $usageLimit, ‘expire’ => time() + $expirePeriod); 1355 if (!$sessionOnly) 1356 update_post_meta($ID, “__wpdmkey_” . $key, $exp); 1357 else 1358 TempStorage::set("__wpdmkey_{$key}", $exp, time() + $expirePeriod); 1359 $download_page_key = Crypt::encrypt(array(‘pid’ => $ID, ‘key’ => $key)); 1360 $download_page = home_url(“wpdm-download/{$download_page_key}”); 1361 return $download_page; 1362 } 1363 1364 1365 /** 1366 * @usage Fetch link/page template and return generated html 1367 * @param $template 1368 * @param $vars 1369 * @param string $type 1370 * @return mixed|string 1371 */ 1372 public function fetchTemplate($template, $vars, $type = ‘link’) 1373 { 1374 if (!is_array($vars) && is_int($vars) && $vars > 0) $vars = array(‘ID’ => $vars); 1375 if (!isset($vars[‘ID’]) || intval($vars[‘ID’]) < 1) return '’; 1376 1377 $loginmsg = Messages::login_required($vars[‘ID’]); 1378 1379 if (!is_user_logged_in() && count(self::allowedRoles($vars[‘ID’])) >= 0 && !self::userCanAccess($vars[‘ID’])) { 1380 $loginform = wpdm_login_form(array(‘redirect’ => get_permalink($vars[‘ID’]))); 1381 $hide_all_message = get_option('__wpdm_login_form’, 0) == 1 ? $loginform : stripcslashes(str_replace(array("[loginform]", "[this_url]", "[package_url]"), array($loginform, $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’], get_permalink($vars[‘ID’])), $loginmsg)); 1382 if (get_option('_wpdm_hide_all’, 0) == 1) return $type == ‘page’ ? $hide_all_message : '’; 1383 } 1384 1385 if (is_user_logged_in() && !self::userCanAccess($vars[‘ID’]) && get_option('_wpdm_hide_all’, 0) == 1) return $type != ‘page’ ? “” : get_option('__wpdm_permission_denied_msg’, __(“You are not allowed to download this item!", “download-manager”)); 1386 1387 1388 /*$default[‘link’] = 'link-template-default.php’; 1154 } 1155 1156 $data = $adata; 1157 } 1158 if ( $lock !== ‘locked’ ) { 1159 1160 $data = $package[‘download_link’]; 1161 1162 1163 } 1164 } else { 1165 $data = Messages::download_limit_exceeded( $package[‘ID’] ); 1166 } 1167 1168 1169 //return str_replace(array(“\r","\n”),"",$data); 1170 return $data; 1171 1172 } 1173 1174 private static function activeLocks( $ID, $params = array( ‘embed’ => 0, ‘popstyle’ => ‘pop-over’ ) ) { 1175 1176 $embed = isset( $params[‘embed’] ) ? $params[‘embed’] : 0; 1177 $template_type = isset( $params[‘template_type’] ) ? $params[‘template_type’] : 'link’; 1178 $popstyle = isset( $params[‘popstyle’] ) ? $params[‘popstyle’] : 'pop-over’; 1179 1180 $package = array( 1181 ‘ID’ => $ID, 1182 ‘password’ => get_post_meta( $ID, '__wpdm_password’, true ), 1183 ‘password_lock’ => get_post_meta( $ID, '__wpdm_password_lock’, true ), 1184 ‘email_lock’ => get_post_meta( $ID, '__wpdm_email_lock’, true ), 1185 ‘linkedin_lock’ => get_post_meta( $ID, '__wpdm_linkedin_lock’, true ), 1186 ‘twitterfollow_lock’ => get_post_meta( $ID, '__wpdm_twitterfollow_lock’, true ), 1187 ‘gplusone_lock’ => get_post_meta( $ID, '__wpdm_gplusone_lock’, true ), 1188 ‘tweet_lock’ => get_post_meta( $ID, '__wpdm_tweet_lock’, true ), 1189 ‘facebooklike_lock’ => get_post_meta( $ID, '__wpdm_facebooklike_lock’, true ), 1190 ‘captcha_lock’ => get_post_meta( $ID, ‘__wpdm_captcha_lock’, true ), 1191 ); 1192 1193 $package = apply_filters( ‘wpdm_before_apply_locks’, $package ); 1194 $lock = $data = ""; 1195 $unqid = uniqid(); 1196 1197 if ( isset( $package[‘password_lock’] ) && (int) $package[‘password_lock’] == 1 && $package[‘password’] != ‘’ ) { 1198 $lock = ‘locked’; 1199 $data = PackageLocks::AskPassword( $package ); 1200 } 1201 1202 $sociallock = “"; 1203 1204 if ( isset( $package[‘email_lock’] ) && (int) $package[‘email_lock’] == 1 ) { 1205 $data .= PackageLocks::AskEmail( $package ); 1206 $lock = 'locked’; 1207 } 1208 1209 if ( isset( $package[‘linkedin_lock’] ) && (int) $package[‘linkedin_lock’] == 1 ) { 1210 $lock = 'locked’; 1211 $sociallock .= PackageLocks::LinkedInShare( $package ); 1212 1213 } 1214 1215 if ( isset( $package[‘twitterfollow_lock’] ) && (int) $package[‘twitterfollow_lock’] == 1 ) { 1216 $lock = 'locked’; 1217 $sociallock .= PackageLocks::TwitterFollow( $package ); 1218 1219 } 1220 1221 if ( isset( $package[‘gplusone_lock’] ) && (int) $package[‘gplusone_lock’] == 1 ) { 1222 $lock = 'locked’; 1223 $sociallock .= PackageLocks::GooglePlusOne( $package, true ); 1224 1225 } 1226 1227 if ( isset( $package[‘tweet_lock’] ) && (int) $package[‘tweet_lock’] == 1 ) { 1228 $lock = 'locked’; 1229 $sociallock .= PackageLocks::Tweet( $package ); 1230 1231 } 1232 1233 if ( isset( $package[‘facebooklike_lock’] ) && (int) $package[‘facebooklike_lock’] == 1 ) { 1234 $lock = 'locked’; 1235 $sociallock .= PackageLocks::FacebookLike( $package, true ); 1236 1237 } 1238 1239 1240 $extralocks = ‘’; 1241 $extralocks = apply_filters( "wpdm_download_lock", $extralocks, $package ); 1242 1243 if ( is_array( $extralocks ) && $extralocks[‘lock’] === ‘locked’ ) { 1244 1245 if ( isset( $extralocks[‘type’] ) && $extralocks[‘type’] == ‘social’ ) { 1246 $sociallock .= $extralocks[‘html’]; 1247 } else { 1248 $data .= $extralocks[‘html’]; 1249 } 1250 1251 $lock = ‘locked’; 1252 } 1253 1254 if ( $sociallock !== “” ) { 1255 $socdesc = get_option( ‘_wpdm_social_lock_panel_desc’, ‘’ ); 1256 $socdesc = $socdesc !== ‘’ ? “<p>{$socdesc}</p>” : ""; 1257 $data .= “<div class=’panel panel-default card’><div class=’panel-heading card-header’>” . get_option( ‘_wpdm_social_lock_panel_title’, ‘Like or Share to Download’ ) . “</div><div class=’panel-body card-body wpdm-social-locks text-center’>{$socdesc}{$sociallock}</div></div>"; 1258 } 1259 1260 1261 if ( isset( $package[‘captcha_lock’] ) && (int) $package[‘captcha_lock’] == 1 ) { 1262 $lock = 'locked’; 1263 $captcha = PackageLocks::reCaptchaLock( $package, true ); 1264 $data .= $captcha; //"<div class=’panel panel-default card’><div class=’panel-heading card-header’>” . __(“Verify CAPTCHA to Download", “download-manager”) . “</div><div class=’panel-body card-body wpdm-social-locks text-center’>{$captcha}</div></div>"; 1265 } 1266 1267 if ( $lock === ‘locked’ ) { 1268 $popstyle = isset( $popstyle ) && in_array( $popstyle, array( 1269 'popup’, 1270 ‘pop-over’ 1271 ) ) ? $popstyle : 'pop-over’; 1272 if ( $embed == 1 ) { 1273 $adata = “</strong>{$data}"; 1274 } else { 1275 $link_label = get_post_meta( $ID, ‘__wpdm_link_label’, true ); 1276 $link_label = trim( $link_label ) ? $link_label : __( “Download", “download-manager” ); 1277 $style = wpdm_download_button_style( ( $template_type === ‘page’ ), $ID ); 1278 $style = isset( $params[‘btnclass’] ) && $params[‘btnclass’] !== ‘’ ? $params[‘btnclass’] : $style; 1279 $adata = ‘<a href="#pkg_’ . $ID . “_” . $unqid . '” data-package="’ . $ID . '” data-trigger="manual” class="wpdm-download-link wpdm-download-locked ' . $style . ‘">’ . $link_label . '</a>’; 1280 1281 } 1282 1283 $data = $adata; 1284 } 1285 1286 return $data; 1287 } 1288 1289 1290 /** 1291 * @usage Generate download link of a package 1292 * 1293 * @param $package 1294 * @param int $embed 1295 * @param array $extras 1296 * 1297 * @return string 1298 */ 1299 public function downloadLink( $ID, $embed = 0, $extras = array() ) { 1300 global $wpdb, $current_user, $wpdm_download_icon, $wpdm_download_lock_icon; 1301 if ( is_array( $extras ) ) { 1302 extract( $extras ); 1303 } 1304 $data = '’; 1305 1306 $template_type = isset( $extras[‘template_type’] ) ? $extras[‘template_type’] : 'page’; 1307 1308 //$package = self::get($ID); 1309 1310 $link_label = get_post_meta( $ID, ‘__wpdm_link_label’, true ); 1311 $link_label = ( trim( $link_label ) === ‘’ ) ? __( "Download", “download-manager” ) : $link_label; 1312 1313 $template_type = isset( $template_type ) ? $template_type : ‘link’; 1314 $link_label = apply_filters( “wpdm_link_label", $link_label, $ID, $template_type ); 1315 1316 $loginmsg = Messages::login_required( $ID ); 1317 1318 $download_url = $this->getDownloadURL( $ID ); 1319 1320 $limit_over = 0; 1321 $alert_size = ( $template_type == ‘link’ ) ? ‘alert-sm’ : '’; 1322 1323 if ( self::userDownloadLimitExceeded( $ID ) ) { 1324 $limit_msg = Messages::download_limit_exceeded( $ID ); 1325 $download_url = '#’; 1326 $link_label = $limit_msg; 1327 $limit_over = 1; 1328 } 1329 1330 $expired = get_post_meta( $ID, '__wpdm_expire_date’, true ); 1331 $publish = get_post_meta( $ID, '__wpdm_publish_date’, true ); 1332 1333 if ( $expired !== “” && strtotime( $expired ) < time() ) { 1334 $download_url = ‘#’; 1335 $link_label = __( "Download was expired on", “download-manager” ) . " " . date_i18n( get_option( ‘date_format’ ) . " h:i A", strtotime( $expired ) ); 1336 1337 return "<div class=’alert alert-warning {$alert_size}’ data-title=’” . __( "DOWNLOAD ERROR:", “download-manager” ) . “’>{$link_label}</div>"; 1338 } 1339 1340 if ( $publish !== “” && strtotime( $publish ) > time() ) { 1341 $download_url = ‘#’; 1342 $link_label = __( "Download will be available from ", “download-manager” ) . " " . date_i18n( get_option( ‘date_format’ ) . " h:i A", strtotime( $publish ) ); 1343 1344 return "<div class=’alert alert-warning {$alert_size}’ data-title=’” . __( "DOWNLOAD ERROR:", “download-manager” ) . "’>{$link_label}</div>"; 1345 } 1346 1347 1348 $style = wpdm_download_button_style( ( $template_type === ‘page’ ), $ID ); 1349 $style = isset( $btnclass ) && $btnclass !== ‘’ ? $btnclass : $style; 1350 1351 if ( $download_url != ‘#’ ) { 1352 $download_link = $download_link_extended = $download_link_popup = (int) get_option( ‘__wpdm_mask_dlink’, 1 ) === 1 ? "<a class=’wpdm-download-link download-on-click {$style}’ rel=’nofollow’ href=’#’ data-downloadurl=\"{$download_url}\">{$link_label}</a>” : "<a class=’wpdm-download-link {$style}’ rel=’nofollow’ href=’{$download_url}’>{$link_label}</a>"; 1353 } //$download_link = $download_link_extended = $download_link_popup = (int)get_option(‘__wpdm_mask_dlink’, 1) === 1 ? "<a class=’wpdm-download-link {$style}’ rel=’nofollow’ href=’#’ onclick=\"location.href=’{$download_url}’;return false;\">{$link_label}</a>” : "<a class=’wpdm-download-link {$style}’ rel=’nofollow’ href=’{$download_url}’>{$link_label}</a>"; 1354 else { 1355 $download_link = "<div class=’alert alert-warning {$alert_size}’ data-title=’” . __( "DOWNLOAD ERROR:", “download-manager” ) . "’>{$link_label}</div>"; 1356 } 1357 1358 1359 $access = self::allowedRoles( $ID ); 1360 if ( ! is_array( $access ) ) { 1361 $access = array(); 1362 } 1363 $matched = ( is_array( $access ) && is_user_logged_in() ) ? array_intersect( $current_user->roles, $access ) : array(); 1364 if ( ! $matched ) { 1365 $matched = []; 1366 } 1367 1368 $skiplink = 0; 1369 1370 //User does’t have permission to download 1371 if ( is_user_logged_in() && count( $matched ) <= 0 && ! @in_array( 'guest’, $access ) ) { 1372 $download_url = “#"; 1373 $download_link = $download_link_extended = $download_link_popup = Messages::permission_denied( $ID ); 1374 if ( get_option( '_wpdm_hide_all’, 0 ) == 1 ) { 1375 $download_link = $download_link_extended = $download_link_popup = 'blocked’; 1376 } 1377 1378 return $download_link; 1379 } 1380 1381 //Login is required to download 1382 if ( ! @in_array( 'guest’, $access ) && ! is_user_logged_in() ) { 1383 1384 $loginform = WPDM()->user->login->form( array( ‘redirect’ => $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’] ) ); 1385 if ( get_option( '_wpdm_hide_all’, 0 ) == 1 ) { 1386 $hide_all_message = get_option( ‘__wpdm_login_form’, 0 ) == 1 ? $loginform : stripcslashes( str_replace( array( 1387 "[loginform]", 1388 "[this_url]", 1389 "[package_url]" 1390 ), array( $loginform, $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’], get_permalink( $ID ) ), $loginmsg ) ); 1391 if ( $template_type == ‘link’ ) { 1392 return “<a href=’” . wpdm_login_url( $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’] ) . "’ class=’btn btn-danger’>” . __( "Login", “download-manager” ) . "</a>"; 1393 } else { 1394 return $hide_all_message; 1395 } 1396 } 1397 $download_url = wpdm_login_url( $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’] ); 1398 $download_link = $download_link_extended = $download_link_popup = stripcslashes( str_replace( array( 1399 "[loginform]", 1400 "[this_url]“, 1401 "[package_url]" 1402 ), array( $loginform, $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’], get_permalink( $ID ) ), $loginmsg ) ); 1403 1404 return get_option( '__wpdm_login_form’, 0 ) == 1 ? $loginform : $download_link; 1405 1406 } 1407 1408 //$package = apply_filters('wpdm_before_apply_locks’, $package); 1409 //$package = apply_filters(‘wpdm_after_prepare_package_data’, $package); 1410 1411 $unqid = uniqid(); 1412 $stock_limit = (int) get_post_meta( $ID, ‘__wpdm_quota’, true ); 1413 $download_count = (int) get_post_meta( $ID, ‘__wpdm_download_count’, true ); 1414 if ( $stock_limit > $download_count || $stock_limit == 0 ) { 1415 $lock = 0; 1416 1417 $extras[‘embed’] = $embed; 1418 $data = self::activeLocks( $ID, $extras ); 1419 1420 $terms_lock = (int) get_post_meta( $ID, ‘__wpdm_terms_lock’, true ); 1421 $terms_page = (int) get_post_meta( $ID, ‘__wpdm_terms_page’, true ); 1422 $terms_title = get_post_meta( $ID, ‘__wpdm_terms_title’, true ); 1423 $terms_conditions = get_post_meta( $ID, ‘__wpdm_terms_conditions’, true ); 1424 if ( $terms_page ) { 1425 $terms_page = get_post( $terms_page ); 1426 $terms_title = $terms_page->post_title; 1427 $terms_conditions = $terms_page->post_content; 1428 } 1429 $terms_check_label = get_post_meta( $ID, ‘__wpdm_terms_check_label’, true ); 1430 if ( $terms_lock !== 0 && ( ! function_exists( ‘wpdmpp_effective_price’ ) || wpdmpp_effective_price( $ID ) == 0 ) ) { 1431 if ( ! self::isLocked( $ID ) && ! $embed ) { 1432 $data = "<a href=’#unlock’ class=’wpdm-download-link wpdm-download-locked {$style}’ data-package=’{$ID}’>{$link_label}</a>"; 1433 } else { 1434 $data = $data ? $data : $download_link; 1435 } 1436 if ( $embed == 1 ) { 1437 $data = "<div class=’panel panel-default card terms-panel’ style=’margin: 0 0 10px 0’><div class=’panel-heading card-header’>{$terms_title}</div><div class=’panel-body card-body’ style=’max-height: 200px;overflow: auto’>{$terms_conditions}</div><div class=’panel-footer card-footer’><label><input data-pid=’{$ID}’ class=’wpdm-checkbox terms_checkbox terms_checkbox_{$ID}’ type=’checkbox’> {$terms_check_label}</label></div><div class=’panel-footer card-footer bg-white download_footer_{$ID}’ style=’display:none;’>{$data}</div></div><script>jQuery(function($){ $(‘#wpdm-filelist-{$ID} .btn.inddl, #xfilelist .btn.inddl’).attr(‘disabled’, ‘disabled’); });</script>"; 1438 } 1439 1440 } 1441 1442 if ( $data != “” ) { 1443 $data = apply_filters( ‘wpdm_download_link’, $data, $extras + array( ‘ID’ => $ID, ‘id’ => $ID ) ); 1444 1445 return $data; 1446 } 1447 1448 1449 $data = $download_link; 1450 1451 1452 } else { 1453 $data = "<button class=’btn btn-danger btn-block’ type=’button’ disabled=’disabled’ data-title=’DOWNLOAD ERROR:’>” . __( "Limit Over!", “download-manager” ) . "</button>"; 1454 } 1455 if ( $data == ‘loginform’ ) { 1456 return WPDM()->user->login->form(); 1457 } 1458 $data = apply_filters( 'wpdm_download_link’, $data, $extras + array( ‘ID’ => $ID, ‘id’ => $ID ) ); 1459 1460 return $data; 1461 1462 } 1463 1464 /** 1465 * @usage Generate download url for public/open downloads, the url will not work for the packages with lock option 1466 * 1467 * @param $ID 1468 * @param $ext 1469 * 1470 * @return string 1471 */ 1472 public function getDownloadURL( $ID, $ext = array() ) { 1473 if ( self::isLocked( $ID ) && ! Session::get( ‘__wpdm_unlocked_’ . $ID ) ) { 1474 return '#locked’; 1475 } 1476 if ( ! is_array( $ext ) ) { 1477 $ext = []; 1478 } 1479 $ext[‘wpdmdl’] = $ID; 1480 $ext[‘refresh’] = uniqid() . time(); 1481 $permalink = get_permalink( $ID ); 1482 $permalink = apply_filters( "wpdm_download_url_base", $permalink, $ID ); 1483 $download_url = add_query_arg( $ext, $permalink ); 1484 $flat = (int) get_option( '__wpdm_flat_download_url’, 0 ); 1485 $code = json_encode( $ext ); 1486 $code = base64_encode( $code ); 1487 $code = rtrim( $code, ‘=’ ); 1488 $filename = isset( $ext[‘filename’] ) ? $ext[‘filename’] : '’; 1489 if ( isset( $ext[‘ind’] ) && $filename == ‘’ ) { 1490 $files = $this->getFiles( $ID ); 1491 $filename = wpdm_basename( $files[ $ext[‘ind’] ] ); 1492 } 1493 if ( ! isset( $ext[‘ind’] ) && $filename == ‘’ ) { 1494 $files = $this->getFiles( $ID ); 1495 if ( count( $files ) > 1 ) { 1496 $filename = sanitize_file_name( get_the_title( $ID ) ) . ".zip"; 1497 } else { 1498 $filename = array_shift( $files ); 1499 $filename = wpdm_basename( $filename ); 1500 } 1501 1502 } 1503 if ( $flat ) { 1504 $download_url = home_url( “/wpdmdl/{$ID}-{$code}/{$filename}” ); 1505 } 1506 1507 return $download_url; 1508 } 1509 1510 /** 1511 * @param $ID 1512 * 1513 * @return false|string 1514 */ 1515 public function getMasterDownloadURL( $ID ) { 1516 $package_url = get_permalink( $ID ); 1517 $params[‘wpdmdl’] = $ID; 1518 $params[‘masterkey’] = get_post_meta( $ID, '__wpdm_masterkey’, true ); 1519 $download_url = add_query_arg( $params, $package_url ); 1520 1521 return $download_url; 1522 } 1523 1524 /** 1525 * @param $ID 1526 * @param $Key 1527 * 1528 * @return bool 1529 */ 1530 public function validateMasterKey( $ID, $Key ) { 1531 if ( $Key === ‘’ ) { 1532 return false; 1533 } 1534 $masterKey = get_post_meta( $ID, '__wpdm_masterkey’, true ); 1535 if ( $masterKey === ‘’ ) { 1536 return false; 1537 } 1538 if ( $masterKey === $Key ) { 1539 return true; 1540 } 1541 1542 return false; 1543 } 1544 1545 /** 1546 * @param $ID 1547 * @param int $usageLimit 1548 * @param int $expirePeriod seconds 1549 * 1550 * @return string 1551 */ 1552 function expirableDownloadLink( $ID, $usageLimit = 10, $expirePeriod = 999999, $sessionOnly = true ) { 1553 $key = uniqid(); 1554 $exp = array( ‘use’ => $usageLimit, ‘expire’ => time() + $expirePeriod ); 1555 if ( ! $sessionOnly ) { 1556 update_post_meta( $ID, “__wpdmkey_” . $key, $exp ); 1557 } else { 1558 TempStorage::set( "__wpdmkey_{$key}", $exp, time() + $expirePeriod ); 1559 } 1560 //Session::set( '__wpdm_unlocked_’.$ID , 1 ); 1561 //$download_url = $this->getDownloadURL($ID, “_wpdmkey={$key}”); 1562 $permalink = get_permalink( $ID ); 1563 $permalink = apply_filters( "wpdm_download_url_base", $permalink, $ID ); 1564 $download_url = add_query_arg( array( “wpdmdl” => $ID, “_wpdmkey” => $key ), $permalink ); 1565 1566 return $download_url; 1567 } 1568 1569 /** 1570 * @param $ID 1571 * @param int $usageLimit 1572 * @param int $expirePeriod seconds 1573 * 1574 * @return string 1575 */ 1576 static function expirableDownloadPage( $ID, $usageLimit = 10, $expirePeriod = 604800, $sessionOnly = true ) { 1577 $key = uniqid(); 1578 $exp = array( ‘use’ => $usageLimit, ‘expire’ => time() + $expirePeriod ); 1579 if ( ! $sessionOnly ) { 1580 update_post_meta( $ID, “__wpdmkey_” . $key, $exp ); 1581 } else { 1582 TempStorage::set( “__wpdmkey_{$key}", $exp, time() + $expirePeriod ); 1583 } 1584 $download_page_key = Crypt::encrypt( array( ‘pid’ => $ID, ‘key’ => $key ) ); 1585 $download_page = home_url( “wpdm-download/{$download_page_key}” ); 1586 1587 return $download_page; 1588 } 1589 1590 1591 /** 1592 * @usage Fetch link/page template and return generated html 1593 * 1594 * @param $template 1595 * @param $vars 1596 * @param string $type 1597 * 1598 * @return mixed|string 1599 */ 1600 public function fetchTemplate( $template, $vars, $type = ‘link’ ) { 1601 if ( ! is_array( $vars ) && is_int( $vars ) && $vars > 0 ) { 1602 $vars = array( ‘ID’ => $vars ); 1603 } 1604 if ( ! isset( $vars[‘ID’] ) || intval( $vars[‘ID’] ) < 1 ) { 1605 return '’; 1606 } 1607 1608 $loginmsg = Messages::login_required( $vars[‘ID’] ); 1609 1610 if ( ! is_user_logged_in() && count( self::allowedRoles( $vars[‘ID’] ) ) >= 0 && ! self::userCanAccess( $vars[‘ID’] ) ) { 1611 $loginform = wpdm_login_form( array( ‘redirect’ => get_permalink( $vars[‘ID’] ) ) ); 1612 $hide_all_message = get_option( ‘__wpdm_login_form’, 0 ) == 1 ? $loginform : stripcslashes( str_replace( array( 1613 "[loginform]", 1614 "[this_url]“, 1615 "[package_url]" 1616 ), array( $loginform, $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’], get_permalink( $vars[‘ID’] ) ), $loginmsg ) ); 1617 if ( get_option( '_wpdm_hide_all’, 0 ) == 1 ) { 1618 return $type == ‘page’ ? $hide_all_message : '’; 1619 } 1620 } 1621 1622 if ( is_user_logged_in() && ! self::userCanAccess( $vars[‘ID’] ) && get_option( ‘_wpdm_hide_all’, 0 ) == 1 ) { 1623 return $type != ‘page’ ? “” : get_option( ‘__wpdm_permission_denied_msg’, __( “You are not allowed to download this item!", “download-manager” ) ); 1624 } 1625 1626 1627 /*$default[‘link’] = ‘link-template-default.php’; 13891628 $default[‘page’] = ‘page-template-default.php’; 13901629 … … 14391678 }*/ 14401679 1441 $ret = $this->prepare($vars[‘ID’], $template, $type); 1442 if (!is_wp_error($ret)) 1443 $vars = $this->packageData; 1444 else 1445 return ‘’; 1446 1447 // Get template content 1448 $template = $this->getTemplateContent($template, $vars[‘ID’], $type); 1449 1450 if (isset($vars[‘__loginform_only’]) && $vars[‘__loginform_only’] != ‘’) return $vars[‘__loginform_only’]; 1451 1452 preg_match_all("/\[cf ([^\]]+)\]/", $template, $cfmatches); 1453 preg_match_all("/\[thumb_([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)\]/", $template, $matches); 1454 preg_match_all("/\[thumb_url_([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)\]/", $template, $umatches); 1455 preg_match_all("/\[thumb_gallery_([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)\]/", $template, $gmatches); 1456 preg_match_all("/\[excerpt_([0-9]+)\]/", $template, $xmatches); 1457 preg_match_all("/\[pdf_thumb_([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)\]/", $template, $pmatches); 1458 preg_match_all("/\[txt=([^\]]+)\]/", $template, $txtmatches); 1459 preg_match_all("/\[hide_empty:([^\]]+)\]/", $template, $hematches); 1460 preg_match_all("/\[video_player_([0-9]+)\]/", $template, $vdmatches); 1461 preg_match_all("/\[product_preview_([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)\]/", $template, $ppmatches); 1462 preg_match_all("/\[file_list_extended_([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)\]/", $template, $flematches); 1463 preg_match_all("/\[image_gallery_([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)\]/", $template, $igematches); 1464 1465 1466 //$thumb = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($vars[‘ID’]), ‘full’); 1467 //$vars[‘preview’] = $thumb[‘0’]; 1468 //$vars[‘featured_image’] = ($vars[‘preview’] != ‘’)?"<img src=’{$vars[‘preview’]}’ alt=’{$vars[‘title’]}’ />":""; 1469 1470 $tfiles = $vars[‘files’]; 1471 $pdf = is_array($tfiles) ? array_shift($tfiles) : ""; 1472 $ext = FileSystem::fileExt($pdf); 1473 1474 // [video_player_…] 1475 foreach ($vdmatches[0] as $nd => $scode) { 1476 $scode = str_replace(array('[‘, ']'), ‘’, $scode); 1477 $vars[$scode] = self::videoPlayer($vars[‘ID’], $vars[‘files’], $vdmatches[1][$nd]); 1478 } 1479 1480 //Replace all file list extended tags 1481 foreach ($flematches[0] as $nd => $scode) { 1482 $scode = str_replace(array("[", "]"), "", $scode); 1483 $vars[$scode] = FileList::Box($vars, $flematches[1][$nd], $flematches[2][$nd], $flematches[3][$nd]); 1484 } 1485 1486 //Replace all image gallery tags 1487 foreach ($igematches[0] as $nd => $scode) { 1488 $scode = str_replace(array("[", "]"), “", $scode); 1489 $vars[$scode] = FileList::imageGallery($vars, $igematches[1][$nd], $igematches[2][$nd], $igematches[3][$nd]); 1490 } 1491 1492 1493 //Replace all txt variables 1494 foreach ($txtmatches[0] as $nd => $scode) { 1495 $scode = str_replace(array('[', ']'), ‘’, $scode); 1496 $vars[$scode] = __($txtmatches[1][$nd], “download-manager”); 1497 } 1498 1499 // Parse [pdf_thumb] tag in link/page template 1500 if (strpos($template, ‘pdf_thumb’)) { 1501 if ($ext == ‘pdf’) { 1502 $pdf_preview = FileSystem::pdfThumbnail($pdf, $vars[‘ID’]); 1503 $vars[‘pdf_thumb’] = "<img alt=’{$vars[‘title’]}’ src=’” . $pdf_preview . "’ />"; 1504 $vars[‘pdf_thumb_url’] = $pdf_preview; 1505 $vars[‘pdf_name’] = str_replace(["pdf", “PDF”], "", wp_basename($pdf)); 1506 } 1507 else $vars[‘pdf_thumb’] = $vars[‘preview’] != ‘’ ? "<img alt=’{$vars[‘title’]}’ src=’{$vars[‘preview’]}’ />” : ""; 1508 } 1509 1510 // Parse [pdf_thumb_WxH] tag in link/page template 1511 foreach ($pmatches[0] as $nd => $scode) { 1512 $imsrc = wpdm_dynamic_thumb(FileSystem::pdfThumbnail($pdf, $vars[‘ID’]), array($pmatches[1][$nd], $pmatches[2][$nd])); 1513 $scode = str_replace(array("[", "]"), "", $scode); 1514 $vars[$scode] = $imsrc != ‘’ ? “<img src=’” . $imsrc . "’ alt=’{$vars[‘title’]}’ />” : ‘’; 1515 } 1516 1517 // Parse [file_type] tag in link/page template 1518 if (strpos($template, ‘file_type’)) { 1519 $vars[‘file_types’] = self::fileTypes($vars[‘ID’], false); 1520 if (is_array($vars[‘file_types’])) 1521 $vars[‘file_types’] = implode(", “, $vars[‘file_types’]); 1522 $vars[‘file_type_icons’] = self::fileTypes($vars[‘ID’]); 1523 } 1524 1525 $crop = get_option(‘__wpdm_crop_thumbs’, true); 1526 1527 // [thumb_WxH] 1528 foreach ($matches[0] as $nd => $scode) { 1529 $imsrc = wpdm_dynamic_thumb($vars[‘preview’], array($matches[1][$nd], $matches[2][$nd]), $crop); 1530 $scode = str_replace(array("[", "]"), "", $scode); 1531 $vars[$scode] = $vars[‘preview’] != ‘’ ? "<img class=’wpdm-thumb wpdm-thumb-{$matches[1][$nd]}x{$matches[2][$nd]} wpdm-thumb-{$vars[‘ID’]}’ src=’” . $imsrc . "’ alt=’{$vars[‘title’]}’ />” : '’; 1532 } 1533 1534 // [thumb_url…] 1535 foreach ($umatches[0] as $nd => $scode) { 1536 $scode = str_replace(array("[", "]"), "", $scode); 1537 $vars[$scode] = $vars[‘preview’] != ‘’ ? wpdm_dynamic_thumb($vars[‘preview’], array($umatches[1][$nd], $umatches[2][$nd]), $crop) : '’; 1538 } 1539 1540 // [thumb_gallery…] 1541 foreach ($gmatches[0] as $nd => $scode) { 1542 $scode = str_replace(array("[", "]"), "", $scode); 1543 $vars[$scode] = $this->additionalPreviewImages($vars, $gmatches[1][$nd], $gmatches[2][$nd]); 1544 } 1545 1546 // [product_preview…] 1547 foreach ($ppmatches[0] as $nd => $scode) { 1548 $scode = str_replace(array("[", "]"), "", $scode); 1549 $vars[$scode] = self::productPreview($vars[‘ID’], $vars[‘files’], $ppmatches[1][$nd], $ppmatches[2][$nd]); 1550 } 1551 1552 // [excerpt_…] 1553 foreach ($xmatches[0] as $nd => $scode) { 1554 $ss = substr(strip_tags($vars[‘description’]), 0, intval($xmatches[1][$nd])); 1555 $tmp = explode(" ", substr(strip_tags($vars[‘description’]), intval($xmatches[1][$nd]))); 1556 $bw = array_shift($tmp); 1557 $ss .= $bw; 1558 $scode = str_replace(array("[", "]"), “", $scode); 1559 $vars[$scode] = $ss . '…’; 1560 } 1561 1562 if ($type == ‘page’ && (strpos($template, '[similar_downloads]') || strpos($vars[‘description’], '[similar_downloads]'))) 1563 $vars[‘similar_downloads’] = $this->similarPackages($vars, 6); 1564 1565 if (strpos($template, ‘doc_preview’)) 1566 $vars[‘doc_preview’] = self::docPreview($vars); 1567 1568 if (substr_count($template, ‘video_preview_modal’)) 1569 $vars[‘video_preview_modal’] = self::videoPreviewModal($vars, $type); 1570 1571 1572 $vars[‘fav_button’] = self::favBtn($vars[‘ID’]); 1573 $vars[‘fav_button_sm’] = self::favBtn($vars[‘ID’], array(‘size’ => ‘btn-sm’, ‘a2f_label’ => "<i class=’fa fa-heart’></i> " . __("Add to favourite", “download-manager”), ‘rff_label’ => "<i class=’fa fa-heart’></i> " . __(“Remove from favourite", “download-manager”))); 1574 $vars[‘fav_button_ico_sm’] = self::favBtn($vars[‘ID’], array(‘size’ => ‘btn-sm’, ‘a2f_label’ => "<i class=’far fa-heart’></i>", ‘rff_label’ => “<i class=’fas fa-heart’></i>”)); 1575 $vars[‘fav_button_ico’] = self::favBtn($vars[‘ID’], array(‘size’ => ‘’, ‘a2f_label’ => "<i class=’fa fa-heart’></i>", ‘rff_label’ => “<i class=’fa fa-heart’></i>”)); 1576 1577 1578 // If need to re-process any data before fetch template 1579 $vars[‘__template_type’] = $type; 1580 $vars = apply_filters(“wdm_before_fetch_template", $vars, $template, $type); 1581 1582 foreach ($hematches[0] as $index => $hide_empty) { 1583 $hide_empty = str_replace(array('[', ']'), '’, $hide_empty); 1584 if (!isset($vars[$hematches[1][$index]]) || ($vars[$hematches[1][$index]] == ‘’ || $vars[$hematches[1][$index]] == ‘0’)) 1585 $vars[$hide_empty] = 'wpdm_hide wpdm_remove_empty’; 1586 else 1587 $value[$hide_empty] = ‘’; 1588 } 1589 1590 1591 $keys = array(); 1592 $values = array(); 1593 1594 foreach ($vars as $key => $value) { 1595 if (!is_array($value) && !is_object($value)) { 1596 $keys[] = "[$key]"; 1597 $values[] = $value; 1598 } 1599 } 1600 1601 1602 $loginform = wpdm_login_form(array(‘redirect’ => get_permalink($vars[‘ID’]))); 1603 $hide_all_message = get_option(‘__wpdm_login_form’, 0) == 1 ? $loginform : stripcslashes(str_replace(array("[loginform]", "[this_url]", "[package_url]"), array($loginform, $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’], get_permalink($vars[‘ID’])), $loginmsg)); 1604 1605 if ($vars[‘download_link’] == ‘blocked’ && $type == ‘link’) return ""; 1606 if ($vars[‘download_link’] == ‘blocked’ && $type == ‘page’) return get_option(‘__wpdm_permission_denied_msg’); 1607 if ($vars[‘download_link’] == ‘loginform’ && $type == ‘link’) return ""; 1608 if ($vars[‘download_link’] == ‘loginform’ && $type == ‘page’) return $hide_all_message; 1609 1610 1611 $template = str_replace($keys, $values, @stripcslashes($template)); 1612 1613 $template = apply_filters("wpdm_after_fetch_template", $template, $vars); 1614 1615 //wp_reset_query(); 1616 //wp_reset_postdata(); 1617 return $template; 1618 } 1619 1620 /*public static function parseTemplate($template, $post, $type = ‘link’) 1680 $ret = $this->prepare( $vars[‘ID’], $template, $type ); 1681 if ( ! is_wp_error( $ret ) ) { 1682 $vars = $this->packageData; 1683 } else { 1684 return ‘’; 1685 } 1686 1687 // Get template content 1688 $template = $this->getTemplateContent( $template, $vars[‘ID’], $type ); 1689 1690 if ( isset( $vars[‘__loginform_only’] ) && $vars[‘__loginform_only’] != ‘’ ) { 1691 return $vars[‘__loginform_only’]; 1692 } 1693 1694 preg_match_all( "/\[cf ([^\]]+)\]/", $template, $cfmatches ); 1695 preg_match_all( "/\[thumb_([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)\]/", $template, $matches ); 1696 preg_match_all( "/\[thumb_url_([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)\]/", $template, $umatches ); 1697 preg_match_all( "/\[thumb_gallery_([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)\]/", $template, $gmatches ); 1698 preg_match_all( "/\[excerpt_([0-9]+)\]/", $template, $xmatches ); 1699 preg_match_all( "/\[pdf_thumb_([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)\]/", $template, $pmatches ); 1700 preg_match_all( "/\[txt=([^\]]+)\]/", $template, $txtmatches ); 1701 preg_match_all( "/\[hide_empty:([^\]]+)\]/", $template, $hematches ); 1702 preg_match_all( "/\[video_player_([0-9]+)\]/", $template, $vdmatches ); 1703 preg_match_all( "/\[product_preview_([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)\]/", $template, $ppmatches ); 1704 preg_match_all( "/\[file_list_extended_([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)\]/", $template, $flematches ); 1705 preg_match_all( "/\[image_gallery_([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)\]/", $template, $igematches ); 1706 1707 1708 //$thumb = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($vars[‘ID’]), ‘full’); 1709 //$vars[‘preview’] = $thumb[‘0’]; 1710 //$vars[‘featured_image’] = ($vars[‘preview’] != ‘’)?"<img src=’{$vars[‘preview’]}’ alt=’{$vars[‘title’]}’ />":""; 1711 1712 $tfiles = $vars[‘files’]; 1713 $pdf = is_array( $tfiles ) ? array_shift( $tfiles ) : ""; 1714 $ext = FileSystem::fileExt( $pdf ); 1715 1716 // [video_player_…] 1717 foreach ( $vdmatches[0] as $nd => $scode ) { 1718 $scode = str_replace( array( '[‘, ']' ), ‘’, $scode ); 1719 $vars[ $scode ] = self::videoPlayer( $vars[‘ID’], $vars[‘files’], $vdmatches[1][ $nd ] ); 1720 } 1721 1722 //Replace all file list extended tags 1723 foreach ( $flematches[0] as $nd => $scode ) { 1724 $scode = str_replace( array( "[", "]" ), "", $scode ); 1725 $vars[ $scode ] = FileList::Box( $vars, $flematches[1][ $nd ], $flematches[2][ $nd ], $flematches[3][ $nd ] ); 1726 } 1727 1728 //Replace all image gallery tags 1729 foreach ( $igematches[0] as $nd => $scode ) { 1730 $scode = str_replace( array( "[", "]" ), “", $scode ); 1731 $vars[ $scode ] = FileList::imageGallery( $vars, $igematches[1][ $nd ], $igematches[2][ $nd ], $igematches[3][ $nd ] ); 1732 } 1733 1734 1735 //Replace all txt variables 1736 foreach ( $txtmatches[0] as $nd => $scode ) { 1737 $scode = str_replace( array( '[', ']' ), ‘’, $scode ); 1738 $vars[ $scode ] = __( $txtmatches[1][ $nd ], “download-manager” ); 1739 } 1740 1741 // Parse [pdf_thumb] tag in link/page template 1742 if ( strpos( $template, ‘pdf_thumb’ ) ) { 1743 if ( $ext == ‘pdf’ ) { 1744 $pdf_preview = FileSystem::pdfThumbnail( $pdf, $vars[‘ID’] ); 1745 $vars[‘pdf_thumb’] = "<img alt=’{$vars[‘title’]}’ src=’” . $pdf_preview . "’ />"; 1746 $vars[‘pdf_thumb_url’] = $pdf_preview; 1747 $vars[‘pdf_name’] = str_replace( [ "pdf", “PDF” ], "", wp_basename( $pdf ) ); 1748 } else { 1749 $vars[‘pdf_thumb’] = $vars[‘preview’] != ‘’ ? "<img alt=’{$vars[‘title’]}’ src=’{$vars[‘preview’]}’ />” : ""; 1750 } 1751 } 1752 1753 // Parse [pdf_thumb_WxH] tag in link/page template 1754 foreach ( $pmatches[0] as $nd => $scode ) { 1755 $imsrc = wpdm_dynamic_thumb( FileSystem::pdfThumbnail( $pdf, $vars[‘ID’] ), array( 1756 $pmatches[1][ $nd ], 1757 $pmatches[2][ $nd ] 1758 ) ); 1759 $scode = str_replace( array( "[", "]" ), "", $scode ); 1760 $vars[ $scode ] = $imsrc != ‘’ ? “<img src=’” . $imsrc . "’ alt=’{$vars[‘title’]}’ />” : ‘’; 1761 } 1762 1763 // Parse [file_type] tag in link/page template 1764 if ( strpos( $template, ‘file_type’ ) ) { 1765 $vars[‘file_types’] = self::fileTypes( $vars[‘ID’], false ); 1766 if ( is_array( $vars[‘file_types’] ) ) { 1767 $vars[‘file_types’] = implode( ", “, $vars[‘file_types’] ); 1768 } 1769 $vars[‘file_type_icons’] = self::fileTypes( $vars[‘ID’] ); 1770 } 1771 1772 $crop = get_option( ‘__wpdm_crop_thumbs’, true ); 1773 1774 // [thumb_WxH] 1775 foreach ( $matches[0] as $nd => $scode ) { 1776 $imsrc = wpdm_dynamic_thumb( $vars[‘preview’], array( 1777 $matches[1][ $nd ], 1778 $matches[2][ $nd ] 1779 ), $crop ); 1780 $scode = str_replace( array( "[", "]" ), "", $scode ); 1781 $vars[ $scode ] = $vars[‘preview’] != ‘’ ? "<img class=’wpdm-thumb wpdm-thumb-{$matches[1][$nd]}x{$matches[2][$nd]} wpdm-thumb-{$vars[‘ID’]}’ src=’” . $imsrc . "’ alt=’{$vars[‘title’]}’ />” : '’; 1782 } 1783 1784 // [thumb_url…] 1785 foreach ( $umatches[0] as $nd => $scode ) { 1786 $scode = str_replace( array( "[", "]" ), "", $scode ); 1787 $vars[ $scode ] = $vars[‘preview’] != ‘’ ? wpdm_dynamic_thumb( $vars[‘preview’], array( 1788 $umatches[1][ $nd ], 1789 $umatches[2][ $nd ] 1790 ), $crop ) : '’; 1791 } 1792 1793 // [thumb_gallery…] 1794 foreach ( $gmatches[0] as $nd => $scode ) { 1795 $scode = str_replace( array( "[", "]" ), "", $scode ); 1796 $vars[ $scode ] = $this->additionalPreviewImages( $vars, $gmatches[1][ $nd ], $gmatches[2][ $nd ] ); 1797 } 1798 1799 // [product_preview…] 1800 foreach ( $ppmatches[0] as $nd => $scode ) { 1801 $scode = str_replace( array( "[", "]" ), "", $scode ); 1802 $vars[ $scode ] = self::productPreview( $vars[‘ID’], $vars[‘files’], $ppmatches[1][ $nd ], $ppmatches[2][ $nd ] ); 1803 } 1804 1805 // [excerpt_…] 1806 foreach ( $xmatches[0] as $nd => $scode ) { 1807 $ss = substr( strip_tags( $vars[‘description’] ), 0, intval( $xmatches[1][ $nd ] ) ); 1808 $tmp = explode( " ", substr( strip_tags( $vars[‘description’] ), intval( $xmatches[1][ $nd ] ) ) ); 1809 $bw = array_shift( $tmp ); 1810 $ss .= $bw; 1811 $scode = str_replace( array( "[", "]" ), "", $scode ); 1812 $vars[ $scode ] = $ss . ‘…’; 1813 } 1814 1815 if ( $type == ‘page’ && ( strpos( $template, '[similar_downloads]' ) || strpos( $vars[‘description’], '[similar_downloads]' ) ) ) { 1816 $vars[‘similar_downloads’] = $this->similarPackages( $vars, 6 ); 1817 } 1818 1819 if ( strpos( $template, ‘doc_preview’ ) ) { 1820 $vars[‘doc_preview’] = self::docPreview( $vars ); 1821 } 1822 1823 if ( substr_count( $template, ‘video_preview_modal’ ) ) { 1824 $vars[‘video_preview_modal’] = self::videoPreviewModal( $vars, $type ); 1825 } 1826 1827 1828 $vars[‘fav_button’] = self::favBtn( $vars[‘ID’] ); 1829 $vars[‘fav_button_sm’] = self::favBtn( $vars[‘ID’], array( 1830 ‘size’ => ‘btn-sm’, 1831 ‘a2f_label’ => "<i class=’fa fa-heart’></i> " . __( "Add to favourite", “download-manager” ), 1832 ‘rff_label’ => "<i class=’fa fa-heart’></i> " . __( "Remove from favourite", “download-manager” ) 1833 ) ); 1834 $vars[‘fav_button_ico_sm’] = self::favBtn( $vars[‘ID’], array( 1835 ‘size’ => ‘btn-sm’, 1836 ‘a2f_label’ => "<i class=’far fa-heart’></i>", 1837 ‘rff_label’ => “<i class=’fas fa-heart’></i>” 1838 ) ); 1839 $vars[‘fav_button_ico’] = self::favBtn( $vars[‘ID’], array( 1840 ‘size’ => ‘’, 1841 ‘a2f_label’ => "<i class=’fa fa-heart’></i>", 1842 ‘rff_label’ => “<i class=’fa fa-heart’></i>” 1843 ) ); 1844 1845 1846 // If need to re-process any data before fetch template 1847 $vars[‘__template_type’] = $type; 1848 $vars = apply_filters( “wdm_before_fetch_template", $vars, $template, $type ); 1849 1850 foreach ( $hematches[0] as $index => $hide_empty ) { 1851 $hide_empty = str_replace( array( '[', ']' ), '’, $hide_empty ); 1852 if ( ! isset( $vars[ $hematches[1][ $index ] ] ) || ( $vars[ $hematches[1][ $index ] ] == ‘’ || $vars[ $hematches[1][ $index ] ] == ‘0’ ) ) { 1853 $vars[ $hide_empty ] = 'wpdm_hide wpdm_remove_empty’; 1854 } else { 1855 $value[ $hide_empty ] = ‘’; 1856 } 1857 } 1858 1859 1860 $keys = array(); 1861 $values = array(); 1862 1863 foreach ( $vars as $key => $value ) { 1864 if ( ! is_array( $value ) && ! is_object( $value ) ) { 1865 $keys[] = "[$key]"; 1866 $values[] = $value; 1867 } 1868 } 1869 1870 1871 $loginform = wpdm_login_form( array( ‘redirect’ => get_permalink( $vars[‘ID’] ) ) ); 1872 $hide_all_message = get_option( ‘__wpdm_login_form’, 0 ) == 1 ? $loginform : stripcslashes( str_replace( array( 1873 "[loginform]", 1874 "[this_url]", 1875 "[package_url]" 1876 ), array( $loginform, $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’], get_permalink( $vars[‘ID’] ) ), $loginmsg ) ); 1877 1878 if ( $vars[‘download_link’] == ‘blocked’ && $type == ‘link’ ) { 1879 return ""; 1880 } 1881 if ( $vars[‘download_link’] == ‘blocked’ && $type == ‘page’ ) { 1882 return get_option( ‘__wpdm_permission_denied_msg’ ); 1883 } 1884 if ( $vars[‘download_link’] == ‘loginform’ && $type == ‘link’ ) { 1885 return ""; 1886 } 1887 if ( $vars[‘download_link’] == ‘loginform’ && $type == ‘page’ ) { 1888 return $hide_all_message; 1889 } 1890 1891 1892 $template = str_replace( $keys, $values, @stripcslashes( $template ) ); 1893 1894 $template = apply_filters( "wpdm_after_fetch_template", $template, $vars ); 1895 1896 //wp_reset_query(); 1897 //wp_reset_postdata(); 1898 return $template; 1899 } 1900 1901 /*public static function parseTemplate($template, $post, $type = ‘link’) 16211902 { 16221903 … … 16631944 }*/ 16641945 1665 /** 1666 * @usage Find attached files types with a package 1667 * @param $ID 1668 * @param bool|true $img 1669 * @return array|string 1670 */ 1671 public static function fileTypes($ID, $img = true, $size = 16) 1672 { 1673 $files = maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($ID, ‘__wpdm_files’, true)); 1674 $ext = array(); 1675 if (is_array($files)) { 1676 foreach ($files as $f) { 1677 $f = trim($f); 1678 $ext[] = FileSystem::fileExt($f); 1679 } 1680 } 1681 1682 $ext = array_unique($ext); 1683 $exico = ‘’; 1684 foreach ($ext as $exi) { 1685 $exico .= "<img alt=’{$exi}’ title=’{$exi}’ class=’ttip’ style=’width:{$size}px;height:{$size}px;’ src=’” . FileSystem::fileTypeIcon($exi) . "’ /> "; 1686 } 1687 if ($img) return $exico; 1688 return $ext; 1689 } 1690 1691 1692 /** 1693 * @param $package 1694 * @return string 1695 * @usage Generate Google Doc Preview 1696 */ 1697 public function docPreview($package) 1698 { 1699 1700 //$files = $package[‘files’]; 1701 $files = $this->getFiles($package[‘ID’]); 1702 if (!is_array($files)) return ""; 1703 $ind = -1; 1704 $fext = ‘’; 1705 foreach ($files as $i => $sfile) { 1706 $ifile = $sfile; 1707 $sfile = explode(".", $sfile); 1708 $fext = end($sfile); 1709 if (in_array(end($sfile), array(‘pdf’, ‘doc’, ‘docx’, ‘xls’, ‘xlsx’, ‘ppt’, ‘pptx’))) { 1710 $ind = $i; 1711 break; 1712 } 1713 } 1714 1715 if ($ind == -1) return ""; 1716 $ext = count($files) > 1 ? ‘ind=’ . $ind : ‘’; 1717 $params = array(‘ind’ => $ind, ‘filename’ => $files[$ind]); 1718 $url = $this->getDownloadURL($package[‘ID’], $params); 1719 $url .= "&open=1"; 1720 if (strpos($ifile, “://”)) $url = $ifile; 1721 $doc_preview_html = FileSystem::docViewer($url, $package[‘ID’], $fext); 1722 $doc_preview_html = apply_filters(‘wpdm_doc_preview’, $doc_preview_html, $package, $url, $fext); 1723 return $doc_preview_html; 1724 } 1725 1726 /** 1727 * Get additional preview images 1728 * @param $file 1729 * @param $w 1730 * @param $h 1731 * @return string 1732 */ 1733 function additionalPreviewImages($file, $w, $h){ 1734 1735 $file[‘additional_previews’] = maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($file[‘ID’],’__wpdm_additional_previews’, true)); 1736 $k = 0; 1737 $img = ‘’; 1738 $id = uniqid(); 1739 if($file[‘additional_previews’]){ 1740 foreach($file[‘additional_previews’] as $p){ 1741 ++$k; 1742 if( is_numeric($p) ) 1743 $img .= "<a href=’".wp_get_attachment_url($p)."’ id=’more_previews_a_{$k}’ class=’more_previews_a imgpreview wpdm-lightbox’ data-lightbox-gallery=’gallery_{$id}’ rel=’previews’><img id=’more_previews_{$k}’ class=’more_previews img-rounded’ src=’". wpdm_dynamic_thumb( get_attached_file( $p ), array($w, $h)) ."’/></a>"; 1744 else 1745 $img .= "<a href=’{$p}’ id=’more_previews_a_{$k}’ class=’more_previews_a imgpreview wpdm-lightbox’ data-lightbox-gallery=’gallery_{$id}’ rel=’previews’ ><img id=’more_previews_{$k}’ class=’more_previews img-rounded’ src=’". wpdm_dynamic_thumb($p, array($w, $h)) ."’/></a>"; 1746 }} 1747 $js = ""; // "<script>jQuery(function($){ $(‘a.more_previews_a’).nivoLightbox(); });</script>"; 1748 return $img.$js; 1749 } 1750 1751 /** 1752 * @usage Generates view preview modal link of the given package 1753 * @param $package 1754 * @param int $embed 1755 * @param array $extras 1756 * @return string 1757 */ 1758 public function videoPreviewModal($package, $template_type = ‘link’) 1759 { 1760 if (is_int($package)) $package = get_post($package, ARRAY_A); 1761 $link_label = wpdm_valueof($package, ‘link_label’); 1762 $link_label = $link_label ? $link_label : $this->linkLabel($package[‘ID’]); 1763 $style = wpdm_download_button_style($template_type === ‘page’, $package[‘ID’]); 1764 $files = isset($package[‘files’]) ? $package[‘files’] : $this->getFiles($package[‘ID’]); 1765 $video = ""; 1766 foreach ($files as $file) { 1767 if (substr_count($file, ‘youtu.be’) || substr_count($file, ‘youtube.com’) || substr_count($file, ‘vimeo.com’)) { 1768 $video = $file; 1769 } 1770 } 1771 $link = "<a class=’wpdm-lightbox {$style}’ href=’{$video}’>{$link_label}</a>"; 1772 return $link; 1773 1774 } 1775 1776 /** 1777 * Get package link label 1778 * @param $ID 1779 * @return mixed|string|void 1780 */ 1781 public function linkLabel($ID) 1782 { 1783 $link_label = get_post_meta($ID, ‘__wpdm_link_label’, true); 1784 $link_label = esc_attr($link_label); 1785 $link_label = $link_label ? $link_label : __(“Download", “download-manager”); 1786 return $link_label; 1787 } 1788 1789 /** 1790 * @usage Create New Package 1791 * @param $data 1792 * @return mixed 1793 */ 1794 public static function create($package_data) 1795 { 1796 1797 if (isset($package_data[‘post_type’])) 1798 unset($package_data[‘post_type’]); 1799 1800 $package_data_core = array( 1801 ‘post_title’ => '’, 1802 ‘post_content’ => '’, 1803 ‘post_excerpt’ => '’, 1804 ‘post_status’ => 'publish’, 1805 ‘post_type’ => 'wpdmpro’, 1806 ‘post_author’ => get_current_user_id(), 1807 ‘ping_status’ => get_option(‘default_ping_status’), 1808 ‘post_parent’ => 0, 1809 ‘menu_order’ => 0, 1810 ‘to_ping’ => '’, 1811 ‘pinged’ => '’, 1812 ‘post_password’ => '’, 1813 ‘guid’ => '’, 1814 ‘post_content_filtered’ => '’, 1815 ‘import_id’ => 0 1816 ); 1817 1818 $package_data_meta = array( 1819 ‘files’ => array(), 1820 ‘fileinfo’ => array(), 1821 ‘package_dir’ => '’, 1822 ‘link_label’ => __(“Download", “download-manager”), 1823 ‘download_count’ => 0, 1824 ‘view_count’ => 0, 1825 ‘version’ => '1.0.0’, 1826 ‘stock’ => 0, 1827 ‘package_size’ => 0, 1828 ‘package_size_b’ => 0, 1829 ‘access’ => '’, 1830 ‘individual_file_download’ => -1, 1831 ‘cache_zip’ => -1, 1832 ‘template’ => 'link-template-panel.php’, 1833 ‘page_template’ => 'page-template-1col-flat.php’, 1834 ‘password_lock’ => '0’, 1835 ‘facebook_lock’ => '0’, 1836 ‘gplusone_lock’ => '0’, 1837 ‘linkedin_lock’ => '0’, 1838 ‘tweet_lock’ => '0’, 1839 ‘email_lock’ => '0’, 1840 ‘icon’ => ‘’, 1841 ‘import_id’ => 0 1842 ); 1843 1844 foreach ($package_data_core as $key => &$value) { 1845 $value = isset($package_data[$key]) ? $package_data[$key] : $package_data_core[$key]; 1846 } 1847 1848 if (!isset($package_data[‘ID’])) 1849 $post_id = wp_insert_post($package_data_core); 1850 else { 1851 $post_id = $package_data[‘ID’]; 1852 $package_data_core[‘ID’] = $post_id; 1853 wp_update_post($package_data_core); 1854 } 1855 1856 foreach ($package_data_meta as $key => $value) { 1857 $value = isset($package_data[$key]) ? $package_data[$key] : $package_data_meta[$key]; 1858 update_post_meta($post_id, ‘__wpdm_’ . $key, $value); 1859 } 1860 1861 if (isset($package_data[‘cats’])) 1862 wp_set_post_terms($post_id, $package_data[‘cats’], ‘wpdmcategory’); 1863 1864 if (isset($package_data[‘featured_image’])) { 1865 1866 $wp_filetype = wp_check_filetype(wp_basename($package_data[‘featured_image’]), null); 1867 1868 if (__::is_url($package_data[‘featured_image’])) { 1869 $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); 1870 $file_path = $upload_dir[‘path’] . ‘/’ . sanitize_file_name($package_data[‘post_title’]) . ‘.’ . $wp_filetype[‘ext’]; 1871 //$data = remote_get($package_data[‘featured_image’]); 1872 //$ret = copy($package_data[‘featured_image’], $file_path); 1873 //if(!$ret) wpdmdd($package_data[‘featured_image’]); 1874 file_put_contents($file_path, wpdm_remote_get($package_data[‘featured_image’])); 1875 $package_data[‘featured_image’] = $file_path; 1876 } 1877 1878 $mime_type = ‘’; 1879 1880 if (isset($wp_filetype[‘type’]) && $wp_filetype[‘type’]) 1881 $mime_type = $wp_filetype[‘type’]; 1882 unset($wp_filetype); 1883 $attachment = array( 1884 ‘post_mime_type’ => $mime_type, 1885 ‘post_parent’ => $post_id, 1886 ‘post_title’ => wp_basename($package_data[‘featured_image’]), 1887 ‘post_status’ => ‘inherit’ 1888 ); 1889 $attachment_id = wp_insert_attachment($attachment, $package_data[‘featured_image’], $post_id); 1890 unset($attachment); 1891 1892 if (!is_wp_error($attachment_id)) { 1893 $attachment_data = wp_generate_attachment_metadata($attachment_id, $package_data[‘featured_image’]); 1894 wp_update_attachment_metadata($attachment_id, $attachment_data); 1895 unset($attachment_data); 1896 set_post_thumbnail($post_id, $attachment_id); 1897 } 1898 } 1899 1900 return $post_id; 1901 } 1902 1903 /** 1904 * @param $id 1905 * @param array $atfb 1906 * @return string 1907 */ 1908 public static function favBtn($id, $atfb = array(), $count = true) 1909 { 1910 if (empty($atfb)) 1911 $atfb = array(‘size’ => ‘’, ‘a2f_label’ => "<i class=’fa fa-heart’></i> " . __("Add to favourite", “download-manager”), ‘rff_label’ => "<i class=’fa fa-heart’></i> " . __(“Remove from favourite", “download-manager”)); 1912 $atfb = apply_filters(“wpdm_fav_btn", $atfb, $id); 1913 $myfavs = maybe_unserialize(get_user_meta(get_current_user_id(), '__wpdm_favs’, true)); 1914 $ufavs = maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($id, '__wpdm_favs’, true)); 1915 $pfc = is_array($ufavs) ? count($ufavs) : 0; 1916 $btnclass = is_array($myfavs) && in_array($id, $myfavs) ? ‘btn-danger’ : ‘btn-secondary’; 1917 $label = is_array($myfavs) && in_array($id, $myfavs) ? $atfb[‘rff_label’] : $atfb[‘a2f_label’]; 1918 extract($atfb); 1919 if ($count) 1920 return "<div class=’btn-group’><button type=’button’ data-alabel=\"{$atfb[‘a2f_label’]}\” data-rlabel=\"{$atfb[‘rff_label’]}\” data-package=’{$id}’ class=’btn btn-wpdm-a2f {$btnclass} {$size} btn-simple’>{$label}</button><button class=’btn btn-secondary btn-simple {$size}’ disabled=’disabled’>{$pfc}</button></div>"; 1921 else 1922 return "<button type=’button’ data-alabel=\"{$atfb[‘a2f_label’]}\” data-rlabel=\"{$atfb[‘rff_label’]}\” data-package=’{$id}’ class=’btn btn-wpdm-a2f {$btnclass} {$size} btn-simple’>{$label}</button>"; 1923 1924 } 1925 1926 /** 1927 * Shows favourite count 1928 * @param $id 1929 * @return int 1930 */ 1931 public static function favCount($id) 1932 { 1933 $ufavs = maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($id, '__wpdm_favs’, true)); 1934 $pfc = is_array($ufavs) ? count($ufavs) : 0; 1935 return $pfc; 1936 } 1937 1938 /** 1939 * @param $ID 1940 * @param $emails 1941 * @param string $names 1942 * @param int $usageLimit 1943 * @param int $expireTime 1944 * @usage mail package link to specified email address 1945 * @since 4.7.4 1946 */ 1947 static function emailDownloadLink($ID, $emails, $names = '’, $usageLimit = 3, $expireTime = 604800) 1948 { 1949 if (!is_array($emails)) $emails = explode(",", $emails); 1950 if (!is_array($names)) $names = explode(",", $names); 1951 $title = get_the_title($ID); 1952 $banner = get_the_post_thumbnail_url($ID, array(600, 400)); 1953 $logo = get_site_icon_url(); 1954 foreach ($emails as $index => $email) { 1955 $download_link = WPDM()->package->expirableDownloadLink($ID, $usageLimit, $expireTime); 1956 $download_page_link = WPDM()->package->expirableDownloadPage($ID, $usageLimit, $expireTime); 1957 $params = array( 1958 ‘to_email’ => $email, 1959 ‘name’ => isset($names[$index]) ? $names[$index] : '’, 1960 ‘package_name’ => $title, 1961 ‘download_url’ => $download_link, 1962 ‘download_page_url’ => $download_page_link, 1963 ‘img_logo’ => $logo, 1964 ‘banner’ => $banner 1965 ); 1966 \WPDM\__\Email::send("email-lock", $params); 1967 } 1968 } 1969 1970 /** 1971 * Check if specified link or page template have the tag 1972 * @param null $template 1973 * @param $tag 1974 * @return bool|string 1975 */ 1976 static function templateHasTag($template = null, $tag = ‘’) 1977 { 1978 if (!$template) return true; 1979 else if (is_string($tag)) return substr_count($template, "[{$tag}]"); 1980 else if (is_array($tag)) { 1981 foreach ($tag as $t) { 1982 if (substr_count($template, "[{$t}]")) return true; 1983 } 1984 } 1985 return false; 1986 1987 } 1988 1989 /** 1990 * Returns package icon 1991 * @param $ID 1992 * @return string 1993 */ 1994 static function icon($ID, $html = false, $class = ‘’) 1995 { 1996 $icon = get_post_meta($ID, ‘__wpdm_icon’, true); 1997 if ($icon == ‘’) { 1998 $file_types = WPDM()->package->fileTypes($ID, false); 1999 if (count($file_types)) { 2000 if (count($file_types) == 1) { 2001 $tmpavar = $file_types; 2002 $ext = $tmpvar = array_shift($tmpavar); 2003 } else 2004 $ext = ‘zip’; 2005 } else 2006 $ext = "unknown"; 2007 if ($ext === ‘’) $ext = ‘wpdm’; 2008 $icon = FileSystem::fileTypeIcon($ext); 2009 } 2010 if ($html) $icon = "<img src=’{$icon}’ alt=’Icon’ class=’$class’ />"; 2011 return apply_filters("wpdm_package_icon", $icon, $ID); 2012 } 2013 2014 /** 2015 * Create a copy of a given package 2016 * @param $ID 2017 * @return int|\WP_Error 2018 */ 2019 static function copy($ID, $author = null, $new_meta = array()) 2020 { 2021 $old_pack = (array)get_post($ID); 2022 $package = array( 2023 ‘post_title’ => $old_pack[‘post_title’], 2024 ‘post_content’ => $old_pack[‘post_content’], 2025 ‘post_status’ => $old_pack[‘post_status’], 2026 ‘comment_status’ => $old_pack[‘comment_status’], 2027 ‘ping_status’ => $old_pack[‘ping_status’], 2028 ‘post_type’ => ‘wpdmpro’ 2029 ); 2030 2031 if ($author) 2032 $package[‘post_author’] = $author; 2033 $new_ID = wp_insert_post($package); 2034 2035 $meta = get_post_meta($ID); 2036 2037 foreach ($meta as $key => $value) { 2038 foreach ($value as $v) { 2039 update_post_meta($new_ID, $key, maybe_unserialize($v)); 2040 } 2041 } 2042 if (is_array($new_meta)) { 2043 foreach ($new_meta as $key => $value) { 2044 update_post_meta($new_ID, $key, maybe_unserialize($value)); 2045 } 2046 } 2047 return $new_ID; 2048 } 2049 2050 static function dummy() 2051 { 2052 $package = array( 2053 ‘post_title’ => __('Sample Package’, ‘download-manager’), 2054 ‘post_content’ => 'Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry\’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. ', 2055 ‘excerpt’ => 'Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry\’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s’, 2056 ‘post_status’ => 'publish’, 2057 ‘download_link’ => '<a href="#">Download</a>’, 2058 ‘download_link_extended’ => '<a href="#">Download</a>’, 2059 ); 2060 return $package; 2061 } 2062 2063 /** 2064 * @param null $ID 2065 * @return array Additional preview image urls 2066 */ 2067 function additionalPreviews($ID = null) 2068 { 2069 $ID = $ID ? $ID : $this->ID; 2070 if (!$ID && is_singular(‘wpdmpro’)) $ID = get_the_ID(); 2071 if (!$ID) return array(); 2072 $additional_previews = get_post_meta($ID, '__wpdm_additional_previews’, true); 2073 $previews = array(); 2074 foreach ($additional_previews as $media_id) { 2075 $previews[] = wp_get_attachment_url($media_id); 2076 } 2077 return $previews; 2078 } 2079 2080 function getThumbnail($ID, $FILEID, $size) 2081 { 2082 if (!$this->files) 2083 $this->files = self::getFiles($ID, true); 2084 $file = wpdm_valueof($this->files, $FILEID); 2085 2086 $imgext = array('png’, 'jpg’, 'jpeg’, ‘gif’); 2087 $ext = FileSystem::fileExt($file); 2088 $thumb = '’; 2089 $abspath = WPDM()->package->locateFile($file); 2090 2091 if (in_array($ext, $imgext) && $abspath) 2092 $thumb = FileSystem::imageThumbnail($abspath, $size[0], $size[1], WPDM_USE_GLOBAL, true); 2093 else if ($ext === ‘svg’) 2094 $thumb = str_replace(ABSPATH, home_url(‘/’), $file); 2095 else if (strtolower($ext) === ‘pdf’ && class_exists(‘Imagick’)) 2096 $thumb = FileSystem::pdfThumbnail($file, md5($file)); 2097 else { 2098 $thumb = FileSystem::fileTypeIcon($ext); 2099 } 2100 2101 return apply_filters(“wpdm_file_thumbnail", $thumb, [‘file’ => $file, ‘FILEID’ => $FILEID, ‘ID’ => $ID, ‘size’ => $size]); 2102 } 2103 2104 function locateFile($file) 2105 { 2106 if (file_exists($file)) 2107 return $file; 2108 if (file_exists(UPLOAD_DIR . $file)) 2109 return UPLOAD_DIR . $file; 2110 return false; 2111 } 2112 2113 function addViewCount() 2114 { 2115 if (isset($_REQUEST[‘__wpdm_view_count’]) && wp_verify_nonce($_REQUEST[‘__wpdm_view_count’], NONCE_KEY)) { 2116 2117 $id = (int)($_REQUEST[‘id’]); 2118 $views = (int)get_post_meta($id, ‘__wpdm_view_count’, true); 2119 update_post_meta($id, ‘__wpdm_view_count’, $views + 1); 2120 wp_send_json([‘views’ => $views + 1]); 2121 } 2122 } 2123 2124 2125 /** 2126 * @usage Find similar packages 2127 * @param null $package_id 2128 * @param int $count 2129 * @param bool|true $html 2130 * @return array|bool|string 2131 */ 2132 function similarPackages($package_id = null, $count = 5, $html = true) 2133 { 2134 $id = $package_id ? $package_id : get_the_ID(); 2135 if (is_array($package_id)) $id = $package_id[‘ID’]; 2136 $tags = wp_get_post_terms($id, ‘wpdmtag’); 2137 $cats = wp_get_post_terms($id, ‘wpdmcategory’); 2138 $posts = array(); 2139 if ($tags) { 2140 $tag_ids = array(); 2141 foreach ($tags as $individual_tag) $tag_ids[] = $individual_tag->term_id; 2142 foreach ($cats as $individual_cat) $cat_ids[] = $individual_cat->term_id; 2143 $args = array( 2144 ‘post_type’ => ‘wpdmpro’, 2145 ‘tax_query’ => [ 2146 [ 2147 ‘taxonomy’ => ‘wpdmtag’, 2148 ‘field’ => ‘id’, 2149 ‘terms’ => $tag_ids, 2150 ‘operator’ => ‘IN’ 2151 ], 2152 [ 2153 ‘taxonomy’ => ‘wpdmcategory’, 2154 ‘field’ => ‘id’, 2155 ‘terms’ => $cat_ids, 2156 ‘operator’ => ‘IN’ 2157 ], 2158 ‘relation’ => ‘OR’ 2159 ], 2160 ‘post__not_in’ => array($id), 2161 ‘posts_per_page’ => $count 2162 ); 2163 2164 $posts = get_posts($args); 2165 2166 if (!$html) return $posts; 2167 2168 $html = ""; 2169 //Filter hook to change related packages/downloads template 2170 $template = apply_filters("wpdm_replated_package_template", "link-template-panel.php", $package_id); 2171 $cols = apply_filters("wpdm_replated_package_columns", 6, $package_id); 2172 foreach ($posts as $p) { 2173 2174 $package[‘ID’] = $p->ID; 2175 $package[‘post_title’] = $p->post_title; 2176 $package[‘post_content’] = $p->post_content; 2177 $package[‘post_excerpt’] = $p->post_excerpt; 2178 $html .= “<div class=’col-md-{$cols}’>” . wpdm_fetch_template($template, $package, ‘link’) . "</div>"; 2179 2180 } 2181 } 2182 if (count($posts) == 0) $html = “<div class=’col-md-12’><div class=’alert alert-info’>” . __("No related download found!", “download-manager”) . "</div> </div>"; 2183 $html = “<div class=’w3eden’><div class=’row’>” . $html . “</div></div>"; 2184 wp_reset_query(); 2185 return $html; 2186 } 2187 2188 function search($keyword = ‘’) 2189 { 2190 $keyword = wpdm_query_var(‘search’) ? : $keyword; 2191 if($keyword) { 2192 $query = new Query(); 2193 $query->search($keyword); 2194 if(wpdm_query_var('premium’, ‘int’) > 0) { 2195 $query->meta(‘__wpdm_base_price’, 0, ‘>’); 2196 $query->meta_relation(‘AND’); 2197 } 2198 $query->process(); 2199 $packages = $query->packages(); 2200 if(wpdm_query_var(‘premium’, ‘int’) > 0 && function_exists(‘wpdmpp_product_license_options’)) { 2201 foreach ($packages as &$package) { 2202 $licenses = wpdmpp_product_license_options($package->ID); 2203 $package->licenses = count($licenses) > 0 ? $licenses : null; 2204 } 2205 } 2206 wp_send_json([‘total’ => $query->count, ‘packages’ => $packages, ‘q’ => $query->params]); 2207 } 2208 } 1946 /** 1947 * @usage Find attached files types with a package 1948 * 1949 * @param $ID 1950 * @param bool|true $img 1951 * 1952 * @return array|string 1953 */ 1954 public static function fileTypes( $ID, $img = true, $size = 16 ) { 1955 $files = maybe_unserialize( get_post_meta( $ID, ‘__wpdm_files’, true ) ); 1956 $ext = array(); 1957 if ( is_array( $files ) ) { 1958 foreach ( $files as $f ) { 1959 $f = trim( $f ); 1960 $ext[] = FileSystem::fileExt( $f ); 1961 } 1962 } 1963 1964 $ext = array_unique( $ext ); 1965 $exico = ‘’; 1966 foreach ( $ext as $exi ) { 1967 $exico .= "<img alt=’{$exi}’ title=’{$exi}’ class=’ttip’ style=’width:{$size}px;height:{$size}px;’ src=’” . FileSystem::fileTypeIcon( $exi ) . "’ /> "; 1968 } 1969 if ( $img ) { 1970 return $exico; 1971 } 1972 1973 return $ext; 1974 } 1975 1976 1977 /** 1978 * @param $package 1979 * 1980 * @return string 1981 * @usage Generate Google Doc Preview 1982 */ 1983 public function docPreview( $package ) { 1984 1985 //$files = $package[‘files’]; 1986 $files = $this->getFiles( $package[‘ID’] ); 1987 if ( ! is_array( $files ) ) { 1988 return ""; 1989 } 1990 $ind = - 1; 1991 $fext = ‘’; 1992 foreach ( $files as $i => $sfile ) { 1993 $ifile = $sfile; 1994 $sfile = explode( “.", $sfile ); 1995 $fext = end( $sfile ); 1996 if ( in_array( end( $sfile ), array( 'pdf’, 'doc’, 'docx’, 'xls’, ‘xlsx’, ‘ppt’, ‘pptx’ ) ) ) { 1997 $ind = $i; 1998 break; 1999 } 2000 } 2001 2002 if ( $ind == - 1 ) { 2003 return ""; 2004 } 2005 $ext = count( $files ) > 1 ? ‘ind=’ . $ind : ‘’; 2006 $params = array( ‘ind’ => $ind, ‘filename’ => $files[ $ind ] ); 2007 $url = $this->getDownloadURL( $package[‘ID’], $params ); 2008 $url .= "&open=1"; 2009 if ( strpos( $ifile, “://” ) ) { 2010 $url = $ifile; 2011 } 2012 $doc_preview_html = FileSystem::docViewer( $url, $package[‘ID’], $fext ); 2013 $doc_preview_html = apply_filters( ‘wpdm_doc_preview’, $doc_preview_html, $package, $url, $fext ); 2014 2015 return $doc_preview_html; 2016 } 2017 2018 /** 2019 * Get additional preview images 2020 * 2021 * @param $file 2022 * @param $w 2023 * @param $h 2024 * 2025 * @return string 2026 */ 2027 function additionalPreviewImages( $file, $w, $h ) { 2028 2029 $file[‘additional_previews’] = maybe_unserialize( get_post_meta( $file[‘ID’], ‘__wpdm_additional_previews’, true ) ); 2030 $k = 0; 2031 $img = ‘’; 2032 $id = uniqid(); 2033 if ( $file[‘additional_previews’] ) { 2034 foreach ( $file[‘additional_previews’] as $p ) { 2035 ++ $k; 2036 if ( is_numeric( $p ) ) { 2037 $img .= “<a href=’” . wp_get_attachment_url( $p ) . "’ id=’more_previews_a_{$k}’ class=’more_previews_a imgpreview wpdm-lightbox’ data-lightbox-gallery=’gallery_{$id}’ rel=’previews’><img id=’more_previews_{$k}’ class=’more_previews img-rounded’ src=’” . wpdm_dynamic_thumb( get_attached_file( $p ), array( 2038 $w, 2039 $h 2040 ) ) . "’/></a>"; 2041 } else { 2042 $img .= "<a href=’{$p}’ id=’more_previews_a_{$k}’ class=’more_previews_a imgpreview wpdm-lightbox’ data-lightbox-gallery=’gallery_{$id}’ rel=’previews’ ><img id=’more_previews_{$k}’ class=’more_previews img-rounded’ src=’” . wpdm_dynamic_thumb( $p, array( 2043 $w, 2044 $h 2045 ) ) . "’/></a>"; 2046 } 2047 } 2048 } 2049 $js = ""; // "<script>jQuery(function($){ $(‘a.more_previews_a’).nivoLightbox(); });</script>"; 2050 2051 return $img . $js; 2052 } 2053 2054 /** 2055 * @usage Generates view preview modal link of the given package 2056 * 2057 * @param $package 2058 * @param int $embed 2059 * @param array $extras 2060 * 2061 * @return string 2062 */ 2063 public function videoPreviewModal( $package, $template_type = ‘link’ ) { 2064 if ( is_int( $package ) ) { 2065 $package = get_post( $package, ARRAY_A ); 2066 } 2067 $link_label = wpdm_valueof( $package, ‘link_label’ ); 2068 $link_label = $link_label ? $link_label : $this->linkLabel( $package[‘ID’] ); 2069 $style = wpdm_download_button_style( $template_type === ‘page’, $package[‘ID’] ); 2070 $files = isset( $package[‘files’] ) ? $package[‘files’] : $this->getFiles( $package[‘ID’] ); 2071 $video = ""; 2072 foreach ( $files as $file ) { 2073 if ( substr_count( $file, ‘youtu.be’ ) || substr_count( $file, ‘youtube.com’ ) || substr_count( $file, ‘vimeo.com’ ) ) { 2074 $video = $file; 2075 } 2076 } 2077 $link = "<a class=’wpdm-lightbox {$style}’ href=’{$video}’>{$link_label}</a>"; 2078 2079 return $link; 2080 2081 } 2082 2083 /** 2084 * Get package link label 2085 * 2086 * @param $ID 2087 * 2088 * @return mixed|string|void 2089 */ 2090 public function linkLabel( $ID ) { 2091 $link_label = get_post_meta( $ID, ‘__wpdm_link_label’, true ); 2092 $link_label = esc_attr( $link_label ); 2093 $link_label = $link_label ? $link_label : __( “Download", “download-manager” ); 2094 2095 return $link_label; 2096 } 2097 2098 /** 2099 * @usage Create New Package 2100 * 2101 * @param $data 2102 * 2103 * @return mixed 2104 */ 2105 public static function create( $package_data ) { 2106 2107 if ( isset( $package_data[‘post_type’] ) ) { 2108 unset( $package_data[‘post_type’] ); 2109 } 2110 2111 $package_data_core = array( 2112 ‘post_title’ => '’, 2113 ‘post_content’ => '’, 2114 ‘post_excerpt’ => '’, 2115 ‘post_status’ => 'publish’, 2116 ‘post_type’ => 'wpdmpro’, 2117 ‘post_author’ => get_current_user_id(), 2118 ‘ping_status’ => get_option( ‘default_ping_status’ ), 2119 ‘post_parent’ => 0, 2120 ‘menu_order’ => 0, 2121 ‘to_ping’ => '’, 2122 ‘pinged’ => '’, 2123 ‘post_password’ => '’, 2124 ‘guid’ => '’, 2125 ‘post_content_filtered’ => '’, 2126 ‘import_id’ => 0 2127 ); 2128 2129 $package_data_meta = array( 2130 ‘files’ => array(), 2131 ‘fileinfo’ => array(), 2132 ‘package_dir’ => '’, 2133 ‘link_label’ => __( “Download", “download-manager” ), 2134 ‘download_count’ => 0, 2135 ‘view_count’ => 0, 2136 ‘version’ => '1.0.0’, 2137 ‘stock’ => 0, 2138 ‘package_size’ => 0, 2139 ‘package_size_b’ => 0, 2140 ‘access’ => '’, 2141 ‘individual_file_download’ => - 1, 2142 ‘cache_zip’ => - 1, 2143 ‘template’ => 'link-template-panel.php’, 2144 ‘page_template’ => 'page-template-1col-flat.php’, 2145 ‘password_lock’ => '0’, 2146 ‘facebook_lock’ => '0’, 2147 ‘gplusone_lock’ => '0’, 2148 ‘linkedin_lock’ => '0’, 2149 ‘tweet_lock’ => '0’, 2150 ‘email_lock’ => '0’, 2151 ‘icon’ => ‘’, 2152 ‘import_id’ => 0 2153 ); 2154 2155 foreach ( $package_data_core as $key => &$value ) { 2156 $value = isset( $package_data[ $key ] ) ? $package_data[ $key ] : $package_data_core[ $key ]; 2157 } 2158 2159 if ( ! isset( $package_data[‘ID’] ) ) { 2160 $post_id = wp_insert_post( $package_data_core ); 2161 } else { 2162 $post_id = $package_data[‘ID’]; 2163 $package_data_core[‘ID’] = $post_id; 2164 wp_update_post( $package_data_core ); 2165 } 2166 2167 foreach ( $package_data_meta as $key => $value ) { 2168 $value = isset( $package_data[ $key ] ) ? $package_data[ $key ] : $package_data_meta[ $key ]; 2169 update_post_meta( $post_id, ‘__wpdm_’ . $key, $value ); 2170 } 2171 2172 if ( isset( $package_data[‘cats’] ) ) { 2173 wp_set_post_terms( $post_id, $package_data[‘cats’], ‘wpdmcategory’ ); 2174 } 2175 2176 if ( isset( $package_data[‘featured_image’] ) ) { 2177 2178 $wp_filetype = wp_check_filetype( wp_basename( $package_data[‘featured_image’] ), null ); 2179 2180 if ( __::is_url( $package_data[‘featured_image’] ) ) { 2181 $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); 2182 $file_path = $upload_dir[‘path’] . ‘/’ . sanitize_file_name( $package_data[‘post_title’] ) . ‘.’ . $wp_filetype[‘ext’]; 2183 //$data = remote_get($package_data[‘featured_image’]); 2184 //$ret = copy($package_data[‘featured_image’], $file_path); 2185 //if(!$ret) wpdmdd($package_data[‘featured_image’]); 2186 file_put_contents( $file_path, wpdm_remote_get( $package_data[‘featured_image’] ) ); 2187 $package_data[‘featured_image’] = $file_path; 2188 } 2189 2190 $mime_type = ‘’; 2191 2192 if ( isset( $wp_filetype[‘type’] ) && $wp_filetype[‘type’] ) { 2193 $mime_type = $wp_filetype[‘type’]; 2194 } 2195 unset( $wp_filetype ); 2196 $attachment = array( 2197 ‘post_mime_type’ => $mime_type, 2198 ‘post_parent’ => $post_id, 2199 ‘post_title’ => wp_basename( $package_data[‘featured_image’] ), 2200 ‘post_status’ => ‘inherit’ 2201 ); 2202 $attachment_id = wp_insert_attachment( $attachment, $package_data[‘featured_image’], $post_id ); 2203 unset( $attachment ); 2204 2205 if ( ! is_wp_error( $attachment_id ) ) { 2206 $attachment_data = wp_generate_attachment_metadata( $attachment_id, $package_data[‘featured_image’] ); 2207 wp_update_attachment_metadata( $attachment_id, $attachment_data ); 2208 unset( $attachment_data ); 2209 set_post_thumbnail( $post_id, $attachment_id ); 2210 } 2211 } 2212 2213 return $post_id; 2214 } 2215 2216 /** 2217 * @param $id 2218 * @param array $atfb 2219 * 2220 * @return string 2221 */ 2222 public static function favBtn( $id, $atfb = array(), $count = true ) { 2223 if ( empty( $atfb ) ) { 2224 $atfb = array( 2225 ‘size’ => ‘’, 2226 ‘a2f_label’ => "<i class=’fa fa-heart’></i> " . __( "Add to favourite", “download-manager” ), 2227 ‘rff_label’ => "<i class=’fa fa-heart’></i> " . __( “Remove from favourite", “download-manager” ) 2228 ); 2229 } 2230 $atfb = apply_filters( “wpdm_fav_btn", $atfb, $id ); 2231 $myfavs = maybe_unserialize( get_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), '__wpdm_favs’, true ) ); 2232 $ufavs = maybe_unserialize( get_post_meta( $id, '__wpdm_favs’, true ) ); 2233 $pfc = is_array( $ufavs ) ? count( $ufavs ) : 0; 2234 $btnclass = is_array( $myfavs ) && in_array( $id, $myfavs ) ? ‘btn-danger’ : ‘btn-secondary’; 2235 $label = is_array( $myfavs ) && in_array( $id, $myfavs ) ? $atfb[‘rff_label’] : $atfb[‘a2f_label’]; 2236 extract( $atfb ); 2237 if ( $count ) { 2238 return "<div class=’btn-group’><button type=’button’ data-alabel=\"{$atfb[‘a2f_label’]}\” data-rlabel=\"{$atfb[‘rff_label’]}\” data-package=’{$id}’ class=’btn btn-wpdm-a2f {$btnclass} {$size} btn-simple’>{$label}</button><button class=’btn btn-secondary btn-simple {$size}’ disabled=’disabled’>{$pfc}</button></div>"; 2239 } else { 2240 return "<button type=’button’ data-alabel=\"{$atfb[‘a2f_label’]}\” data-rlabel=\"{$atfb[‘rff_label’]}\” data-package=’{$id}’ class=’btn btn-wpdm-a2f {$btnclass} {$size} btn-simple’>{$label}</button>"; 2241 } 2242 2243 } 2244 2245 /** 2246 * Shows favourite count 2247 * 2248 * @param $id 2249 * 2250 * @return int 2251 */ 2252 public static function favCount( $id ) { 2253 $ufavs = maybe_unserialize( get_post_meta( $id, '__wpdm_favs’, true ) ); 2254 $pfc = is_array( $ufavs ) ? count( $ufavs ) : 0; 2255 2256 return $pfc; 2257 } 2258 2259 /** 2260 * @param $ID 2261 * @param $emails 2262 * @param string $names 2263 * @param int $usageLimit 2264 * @param int $expireTime 2265 * 2266 * @usage mail package link to specified email address 2267 * @since 4.7.4 2268 */ 2269 static function emailDownloadLink( $ID, $emails, $names = '’, $usageLimit = 3, $expireTime = 604800 ) { 2270 if ( ! is_array( $emails ) ) { 2271 $emails = explode( ",", $emails ); 2272 } 2273 if ( ! is_array( $names ) ) { 2274 $names = explode( ",", $names ); 2275 } 2276 $title = get_the_title( $ID ); 2277 $banner = get_the_post_thumbnail_url( $ID, array( 600, 400 ) ); 2278 $logo = get_site_icon_url(); 2279 foreach ( $emails as $index => $email ) { 2280 $download_link = WPDM()->package->expirableDownloadLink( $ID, $usageLimit, $expireTime ); 2281 $download_page_link = WPDM()->package->expirableDownloadPage( $ID, $usageLimit, $expireTime ); 2282 $params = array( 2283 ‘to_email’ => $email, 2284 ‘name’ => isset( $names[ $index ] ) ? $names[ $index ] : '’, 2285 ‘package_name’ => $title, 2286 ‘download_url’ => $download_link, 2287 ‘download_page_url’ => $download_page_link, 2288 ‘img_logo’ => $logo, 2289 ‘banner’ => $banner 2290 ); 2291 \WPDM\__\Email::send( "email-lock", $params ); 2292 } 2293 } 2294 2295 /** 2296 * Check if specified link or page template have the tag 2297 * 2298 * @param null $template 2299 * @param $tag 2300 * 2301 * @return bool|string 2302 */ 2303 static function templateHasTag( $template = null, $tag = ‘’ ) { 2304 if ( ! $template ) { 2305 return true; 2306 } else if ( is_string( $tag ) ) { 2307 return substr_count( $template, "[{$tag}]" ); 2308 } else if ( is_array( $tag ) ) { 2309 foreach ( $tag as $t ) { 2310 if ( substr_count( $template, "[{$t}]" ) ) { 2311 return true; 2312 } 2313 } 2314 } 2315 2316 return false; 2317 2318 } 2319 2320 /** 2321 * Returns package icon 2322 * 2323 * @param $ID 2324 * 2325 * @return string 2326 */ 2327 static function icon( $ID, $html = false, $class = ‘’ ) { 2328 $icon = get_post_meta( $ID, ‘__wpdm_icon’, true ); 2329 if ( $icon == ‘’ ) { 2330 $file_types = WPDM()->package->fileTypes( $ID, false ); 2331 if ( count( $file_types ) ) { 2332 if ( count( $file_types ) == 1 ) { 2333 $tmpavar = $file_types; 2334 $ext = $tmpvar = array_shift( $tmpavar ); 2335 } else { 2336 $ext = ‘zip’; 2337 } 2338 } else { 2339 $ext = "unknown"; 2340 } 2341 if ( $ext === ‘’ ) { 2342 $ext = ‘wpdm’; 2343 } 2344 $icon = FileSystem::fileTypeIcon( $ext ); 2345 } 2346 if ( $html ) { 2347 $icon = "<img src=’{$icon}’ alt=’Icon’ class=’$class’ />"; 2348 } 2349 2350 return apply_filters( "wpdm_package_icon", $icon, $ID ); 2351 } 2352 2353 /** 2354 * Create a copy of a given package 2355 * 2356 * @param $ID 2357 * 2358 * @return int|\WP_Error 2359 */ 2360 static function copy( $ID, $author = null, $new_meta = array() ) { 2361 $old_pack = (array) get_post( $ID ); 2362 $package = array( 2363 ‘post_title’ => $old_pack[‘post_title’], 2364 ‘post_content’ => $old_pack[‘post_content’], 2365 ‘post_status’ => $old_pack[‘post_status’], 2366 ‘comment_status’ => $old_pack[‘comment_status’], 2367 ‘ping_status’ => $old_pack[‘ping_status’], 2368 ‘post_type’ => ‘wpdmpro’ 2369 ); 2370 2371 if ( $author ) { 2372 $package[‘post_author’] = $author; 2373 } 2374 $new_ID = wp_insert_post( $package ); 2375 2376 $meta = get_post_meta( $ID ); 2377 2378 foreach ( $meta as $key => $value ) { 2379 foreach ( $value as $v ) { 2380 update_post_meta( $new_ID, $key, maybe_unserialize( $v ) ); 2381 } 2382 } 2383 if ( is_array( $new_meta ) ) { 2384 foreach ( $new_meta as $key => $value ) { 2385 update_post_meta( $new_ID, $key, maybe_unserialize( $value ) ); 2386 } 2387 } 2388 2389 return $new_ID; 2390 } 2391 2392 static function dummy() { 2393 $package = array( 2394 ‘post_title’ => __( 'Sample Package’, ‘download-manager’ ), 2395 ‘post_content’ => 'Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry\’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. ', 2396 ‘excerpt’ => 'Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry\’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s’, 2397 ‘post_status’ => 'publish’, 2398 ‘download_link’ => '<a href="#">Download</a>’, 2399 ‘download_link_extended’ => '<a href="#">Download</a>’, 2400 ); 2401 2402 return $package; 2403 } 2404 2405 /** 2406 * @param null $ID 2407 * 2408 * @return array Additional preview image urls 2409 */ 2410 function additionalPreviews( $ID = null ) { 2411 $ID = $ID ? $ID : $this->ID; 2412 if ( ! $ID && is_singular( ‘wpdmpro’ ) ) { 2413 $ID = get_the_ID(); 2414 } 2415 if ( ! $ID ) { 2416 return array(); 2417 } 2418 $additional_previews = get_post_meta( $ID, '__wpdm_additional_previews’, true ); 2419 $previews = array(); 2420 foreach ( $additional_previews as $media_id ) { 2421 $previews[] = wp_get_attachment_url( $media_id ); 2422 } 2423 2424 return $previews; 2425 } 2426 2427 function getThumbnail( $ID, $FILEID, $size ) { 2428 if ( ! $this->files ) { 2429 $this->files = self::getFiles( $ID, true ); 2430 } 2431 $file = wpdm_valueof( $this->files, $FILEID ); 2432 2433 $imgext = array( 'png’, 'jpg’, 'jpeg’, ‘gif’ ); 2434 $ext = FileSystem::fileExt( $file ); 2435 $thumb = '’; 2436 $abspath = WPDM()->package->locateFile( $file ); 2437 2438 if ( in_array( $ext, $imgext ) && $abspath ) { 2439 $thumb = FileSystem::imageThumbnail( $abspath, $size[0], $size[1], WPDM_USE_GLOBAL, true ); 2440 } else if ( $ext === ‘svg’ ) { 2441 $thumb = str_replace( ABSPATH, home_url( ‘/’ ), $file ); 2442 } else if ( strtolower( $ext ) === ‘pdf’ && class_exists( ‘Imagick’ ) ) { 2443 $thumb = FileSystem::pdfThumbnail( $file, md5( $file ) ); 2444 } else { 2445 $thumb = FileSystem::fileTypeIcon( $ext ); 2446 } 2447 2448 return apply_filters( "wpdm_file_thumbnail", $thumb, [ 2449 ‘file’ => $file, 2450 ‘FILEID’ => $FILEID, 2451 ‘ID’ => $ID, 2452 ‘size’ => $size 2453 ] ); 2454 } 2455 2456 function locateFile( $file ) { 2457 if ( file_exists( $file ) ) { 2458 return $file; 2459 } 2460 if ( file_exists( UPLOAD_DIR . $file ) ) { 2461 return UPLOAD_DIR . $file; 2462 } 2463 2464 return false; 2465 } 2466 2467 function addViewCount() { 2468 if ( isset( $_REQUEST[‘__wpdm_view_count’] ) && wp_verify_nonce( $_REQUEST[‘__wpdm_view_count’], NONCE_KEY ) ) { 2469 2470 $id = (int) ( $_REQUEST[‘id’] ); 2471 $views = (int) get_post_meta( $id, '__wpdm_view_count’, true ); 2472 update_post_meta( $id, '__wpdm_view_count’, $views + 1 ); 2473 wp_send_json( [ ‘views’ => $views + 1 ] ); 2474 } 2475 } 2476 2477 2478 /** 2479 * @usage Find similar packages 2480 * 2481 * @param null $package_id 2482 * @param int $count 2483 * @param bool|true $html 2484 * 2485 * @return array|bool|string 2486 */ 2487 function similarPackages( $package_id = null, $count = 5, $html = true ) { 2488 $id = $package_id ? $package_id : get_the_ID(); 2489 if ( is_array( $package_id ) ) { 2490 $id = $package_id[‘ID’]; 2491 } 2492 $tags = wp_get_post_terms( $id, ‘wpdmtag’ ); 2493 $cats = wp_get_post_terms( $id, ‘wpdmcategory’ ); 2494 $posts = array(); 2495 if ( $tags ) { 2496 $tag_ids = array(); 2497 foreach ( $tags as $individual_tag ) { 2498 $tag_ids[] = $individual_tag->term_id; 2499 } 2500 foreach ( $cats as $individual_cat ) { 2501 $cat_ids[] = $individual_cat->term_id; 2502 } 2503 $args = array( 2504 ‘post_type’ => 'wpdmpro’, 2505 ‘tax_query’ => [ 2506 [ 2507 ‘taxonomy’ => 'wpdmtag’, 2508 ‘field’ => 'id’, 2509 ‘terms’ => $tag_ids, 2510 ‘operator’ => ‘IN’ 2511 ], 2512 [ 2513 ‘taxonomy’ => 'wpdmcategory’, 2514 ‘field’ => 'id’, 2515 ‘terms’ => $cat_ids, 2516 ‘operator’ => ‘IN’ 2517 ], 2518 ‘relation’ => ‘OR’ 2519 ], 2520 ‘post__not_in’ => array( $id ), 2521 ‘posts_per_page’ => $count 2522 ); 2523 2524 $posts = get_posts( $args ); 2525 2526 if ( ! $html ) { 2527 return $posts; 2528 } 2529 2530 $html = ""; 2531 //Filter hook to change related packages/downloads template 2532 $template = apply_filters( "wpdm_replated_package_template", "link-template-panel.php", $package_id ); 2533 $cols = apply_filters( "wpdm_replated_package_columns", 6, $package_id ); 2534 foreach ( $posts as $p ) { 2535 2536 $package[‘ID’] = $p->ID; 2537 $package[‘post_title’] = $p->post_title; 2538 $package[‘post_content’] = $p->post_content; 2539 $package[‘post_excerpt’] = $p->post_excerpt; 2540 $html .= “<div class=’col-md-{$cols}’>” . wpdm_fetch_template( $template, $package, ‘link’ ) . "</div>"; 2541 2542 } 2543 } 2544 if ( count( $posts ) == 0 ) { 2545 $html = “<div class=’col-md-12’><div class=’alert alert-info’>” . __( "No related download found!", “download-manager” ) . "</div> </div>"; 2546 } 2547 $html = “<div class=’w3eden’><div class=’row’>” . $html . "</div></div>"; 2548 wp_reset_query(); 2549 2550 return $html; 2551 } 2552 2553 function search( $keyword = ‘’ ) { 2554 $keyword = wpdm_query_var( ‘search’ ) ?: $keyword; 2555 if ( $keyword ) { 2556 $query = new Query(); 2557 $query->search( $keyword ); 2558 if ( wpdm_query_var( 'premium’, ‘int’ ) > 0 ) { 2559 $query->meta( '__wpdm_base_price’, 0, ‘>’ ); 2560 $query->meta_relation( ‘AND’ ); 2561 } 2562 $query->process(); 2563 $packages = $query->packages(); 2564 foreach ( $packages as &$package ) { 2565 $package = (object) [ 2566 ‘ID’ => $package->ID, 2567 ‘post_title’ => $package->post_title, 2568 ‘post_content’ => $package->post_content 2569 ]; 2570 } 2571 if ( wpdm_query_var( 'premium’, ‘int’ ) > 0 && function_exists( ‘wpdmpp_product_license_options’ ) ) { 2572 foreach ( $packages as &$package ) { 2573 $licenses = wpdmpp_product_license_options( $package->ID ); 2574 $package->licenses = count( $licenses ) > 0 ? $licenses : null; 2575 } 2576 } 2577 wp_send_json( [ ‘total’ => $query->count, ‘packages’ => $packages, ‘q’ => $query->params ] ); 2578 } 2579 } 22092580 22102581