CVE-2023-26800: my-vuls/RG-EW1200 at main · winmt/my-vuls
Ruijie Networks RG-EW1200 Wireless Routers EW_3.0(1)B11P204 was discovered to contain a command injetion vulnerability via the params.path parameter in the upgradeConfirm function.
Vendor of the products: Ruijie Networks
Vendor’s website: https://www.ruijienetworks.com
Reported by: WangJincheng([email protected]) & ShaLetian([email protected])
Affected products: RG-EW1200 Wireless Routers
Affected firmware version: EW_3.0(1)B11P204 (the latest release version, 2023.1.18)
Firmware download address: https://www.ruijienetworks.com/support/documents/slide_77459
Ruijie Networks RG-EW1200 Wireless Routers EW_3.0(1)B11P204 was discovered to contain a command injection vulnerability via the params.path parameter in the upgradeConfirm function of system.lua. Successful exploit could allow the attacker to execute arbitrary commands on remote devices.
Vulnerability details****Vulnerability point
The vulnerability was detected in the file /usr/lib/lua/luci/modules/system.lua.
In the upgradeConfirm function of /usr/lib/lua/luci/modules/system.lua. When params.isEstAll is empty, the parameter params.path is directly spliced through the format string %q into the variable _shell without checking and execute as a parameter of forkExec.
Therefore, an attacker can inject arbitrary commands into params.path to gain control of the remote devices.
Call flow
In the file /usr/lib/lua/luci/controller/eweb/api.lua, we can see system.lua corresponding API is /system.
Therefore, system.lua can be accessed via URL /cgi-bin/luci/api/system, and the request body can be posted as json.
In the handle function of /usr/lib/lua/luci/utils/jsonrpc.lua, use the resolve function to find the relevant function in system.lua corresponding to the method field of the POST request body. Then it calls copcall through proxy to run the function, and use the contents of params field as its parameter.
Send the following as a POST request to the URL /cgi-bin/luci/api/system.
"method": "upgradeConfirm",
"params": {
"isPersist": "aaaa",
"path": "`telnetd -p 8888 -l /bin/sh`"
Attack Demo
Use BurpSuite to send the above POC. From the echo information, we can judge that the command injection is successful.
At this point, we use the injection command telnetd -p 8888 -l /bin/sh to open the corresponding telnet port 8888, and directly start the shell.
The attacker can log in to the remote device directly through telnet and control it entirely.