

CVE-2019-18413: fix: default settings allows arbitrary bypass vulnerability · Issue #438 · typestack/class-validator

In TypeStack class-validator 0.10.2, validate() input validation can be bypassed because certain internal attributes can be overwritten via a conflicting name. Even though there is an optional forbidUnknownValues parameter that can be used to reduce the risk of this bypass, this option is not documented and thus most developers configure input validation in the vulnerable default manner. With this vulnerability, attackers can launch SQL Injection or XSS attacks by injecting arbitrary malicious input. NOTE: a software maintainer agrees with the “is not documented” finding but suggests that much of the responsibility for the risk lies in a different product.


With this vulnerability, an attacker can bypass any security checks enforced by class-validator.

When class-validator is used to validate user-input, the attributes in the user-input object will be transformed into the validation class instance.
However, the transforming procedure will overwrite the internal attribute of validation class instance (e.g., constructor attribute) if the attacker injects an attribute with the same name into user-input. Once this internal attribute being overwritten, class-validator will be bypassed.


import {validate, validateOrReject, Contains, IsInt, Length, IsEmail, IsFQDN, IsDate, Min, Max} from "class-validator";
import {plainToClass} from "class-transformer";

class Post {

    @Length(10, 20)
    title: string;

    text: string;

    rating: number;

    email: string;

    site: string;

    createDate: Date;


let userJson = JSON.parse('{"title":1233, "__proto__":{}}');  // a malformed input
let users = plainToClass(Post, userJson);

validate(users).then(errors => { // errors is an array of validation errors
    if (errors.length > 0) {
        console.log("validation failed. errors: ", errors);
    } else {
        console.log("validation succeed");

Our suggestion is that class-validator should check the integrity of the constructor: if it is being corrupted, the validation should automatically fail.

CVE: Latest News

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