

CVE-2023-35932: jcvi/jcvi/apps/ at cede6c65c8e7603cb266bc3395ac8f915ea9eac7 · tanghaibao/jcvi

jcvi is a Python library to facilitate genome assembly, annotation, and comparative genomics. A configuration injection happens when user input is considered by the application in an unsanitized format and can reach the configuration file. A malicious user may craft a special payload that may lead to a command injection. The impact of a configuration injection may vary. Under some conditions, it may lead to command injection if there is for instance shell code execution from the configuration file values. This vulnerability does not currently have a fix.


“"” Basic support for running library as script “"” import errno import os import time import os.path as op import shutil import signal import sys import logging import fnmatch import functools from import Iterable from http.client import HTTPSConnection from urllib.parse import urlencode from configparser import ( ConfigParser, RawConfigParser, NoOptionError, NoSectionError, ParsingError, ) from socket import gethostname from subprocess import PIPE, call, check_output from optparse import OptionParser as OptionP, OptionGroup, SUPPRESS_HELP from typing import Any, Collection, List, Optional, Union from natsort import natsorted from rich.logging import Console, RichHandler from jcvi import __copyright__, __version__ # nobreakbuffer = lambda: signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_DFL) nobreakbuffer() os.environ[“LC_ALL”] = “C” JCVIHELP = “JCVI utility libraries {} [{}]\n".format(__version__, __copyright__) def patch_debug(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wraps(*args, **kwargs): import inspect callerframerecord = inspect.stack()[1] frame = callerframerecord[0] info = inspect.getframeinfo(frame) # get caller function name caller = frame.f_code.co_name patch_message = f"{info.filename}:{info.lineno}:{caller}” old_debug = logging.debug def my_debug(message: str, *args, **kwargs): old_debug(f’{patch_message} {message}’, *args, **kwargs) logging.debug = my_debug ret = func(*args, **kwargs) logging.debug = old_debug return ret return wraps class ActionDispatcher(object): “"” This class will be invoked a) when the base package is run via __main__, listing all MODULESs a) when a directory is run via __main__, listing all SCRIPTs b) when a script is run directly, listing all ACTIONs This is controlled through the meta variable, which is automatically determined in get_meta(). “"” def __init__(self, actions): self.actions = actions if not actions: actions = [(None, None)] self.valid_actions, self.action_helps = zip(*actions) def get_meta(self): args = splitall(sys.argv[0])[-3:] args[-1] = args[-1].replace(".py", “”) if args[-2] == "jcvi": meta = “MODULE” elif args[-1] == "__main__": meta = “SCRIPT” else: meta = “ACTION” return meta, args def print_help(self): meta, args = self.get_meta() if meta == "MODULE": del args[0] args[-1] = meta elif meta == "SCRIPT": args[-1] = meta else: args[-1] += " " + meta help = "Usage:\n python -m {0}\n\n\n".format(".".join(args)) help += "Available {0}s:\n".format(meta) max_action_len = max(len(action) for action, ah in self.actions) for action, action_help in sorted(self.actions): action = action.rjust(max_action_len + 4) help += ( " | ".join((action, action_help[0].upper() + action_help[1:])) + “\n” ) help += “\n” + JCVIHELP sys.stderr.write(help) sys.exit(1) def dispatch(self, globals): from difflib import get_close_matches meta = “ACTION” # function is only invoked for listing ACTIONs if len(sys.argv) == 1: self.print_help() action = sys.argv[1] if not action in self.valid_actions: print("[error] {0} not a valid {1}\n".format(action, meta), file=sys.stderr) alt = get_close_matches(action, self.valid_actions) print( "Did you mean one of these?\n\t{0}\n".format(", ".join(alt)), file=sys.stderr, ) self.print_help() globals[action](sys.argv[2:]) class OptionParser(OptionP): def __init__(self, doc): OptionP.__init__(self, doc, epilog=JCVIHELP) def parse_args(self, args=None): dests = set() ol = [] for g in [self] + self.option_groups: ol += g.option_list for o in ol: if o.dest in dests: continue self.add_help_from_choices(o) dests.add(o.dest) return OptionP.parse_args(self, args) def add_help_from_choices(self, o): if == SUPPRESS_HELP: return default_tag = “%default” assert, "Option {0} do not have help string".format(o) help_pf =[:1].upper() +[1:] if "[" in help_pf: help_pf = help_pf.rsplit("[", 1)[0] help_pf = help_pf.strip() if o.type == "choice": if o.default is None: default_tag = “guess” ctext = "|".join(natsorted(str(x) for x in o.choices)) if len(ctext) > 100: ctext = ctext[:100] + " … " choice_text = "must be one of {0}".format(ctext) = "{0}, {1} [default: {2}]".format(help_pf, choice_text, default_tag) else: = help_pf if o.default is None: default_tag = “disabled” if ( o.get_opt_string() not in ("–help", “–version”) and o.action != “store_false” ): += " [default: {0}]“.format(default_tag) def set_grid(self): “"” Add --grid options for command line programs “"” self.add_option( “–grid", dest="grid", default=False, action="store_true", help="Run on the grid", ) def set_grid_opts(self, array=False): group = OptionGroup(self, “Grid parameters”) group.add_option( "-l", dest="queue", help="Name of the queue", ) group.add_option( "-t", dest="threaded", default=None, type="int", help="Append '-pe threaded N’", ) if array: group.add_option( "-c", dest="concurrency", type="int", help="Append task concurrency limit '-tc N’", ) group.add_option( "-d", dest="outdir", default=".", help="Specify directory to store grid output/error files", ) group.add_option( "-N", dest="name", default=None, help="Specify descriptive name for the job” ) group.add_option( "-H", dest="hold_jid", default=None, help="Define the job dependency list” ) self.add_option_group(group) def set_table(self, sep=",", align=False): group = OptionGroup(self, “Table formatting”) group.add_option(“–sep", default=sep, help="Separator”) if align: group.add_option( "–noalign", dest="align", default=True, action="store_false", help="Cell alignment", ) else: group.add_option( “–align", default=False, action="store_true", help="Cell alignment” ) self.add_option_group(group) def set_downloader(self, downloader=None): “"” Add --downloader options for given command line program. “"” from jcvi.utils.ez_setup import ALL_DOWNLOADERS downloader_choices = [x[0] for x in ALL_DOWNLOADERS] self.add_option( “–downloader", default=downloader, choices=downloader_choices, help="Use the specified downloader to retrieve resources", ) def set_params(self, prog=None, params="”): “"” Add --params options for given command line programs “"” dest_prog = "to {0}".format(prog) if prog else “” self.add_option( “–params", dest="extra", default=params, help="Extra parameters to pass {0}".format(dest_prog) + " (these WILL NOT be validated)“, ) def set_outfile(self, outfile="stdout”): “"” Add --outfile options to print out to filename. “"” self.add_option("-o", “–outfile", default=outfile, help="Outfile name”) def set_outdir(self, outdir=".”): self.add_option(“–outdir", default=outdir, help="Specify output directory”) def set_email(self): “"” Add --email option to specify an email address “"” self.add_option( "–email", default=get_email_address(), help="Specify an email address", ) def set_tmpdir(self, tmpdir=None): “"” Add --temporary_directory option to specify unix `sort` tmpdir “"” self.add_option( "-T", “–tmpdir", default=tmpdir, help="Use temp directory instead of $TMP” ) def set_cpus(self, cpus=0): “"” Add --cpus options to specify how many threads to use. “"” from multiprocessing import cpu_count max_cpus = cpu_count() if not 0 < cpus < max_cpus: cpus = max_cpus self.add_option( "–cpus", default=cpus, type="int", help="Number of CPUs to use, 0=unlimited", ) def set_db_opts(self, dbname="mta4", credentials=True): “"” Add db connection specific attributes “"” from jcvi.utils.db import valid_dbconn, get_profile self.add_option( "–db", default=dbname, dest="dbname", help="Specify name of database to query", ) self.add_option( “–connector", default="Sybase", dest="dbconn", choices=valid_dbconn.keys(), help="Specify database connector", ) hostname, username, password = get_profile() if credentials: self.add_option(“–hostname", default=hostname, help="Specify hostname”) self.add_option( “–username", default=username, help="Username to connect to database” ) self.add_option( “–password", default=password, help="Password to connect to database” ) self.add_option(“–port", type="int", help="Specify port number”) def set_aws_opts(self, store="hli-mv-data-science/htang”): from import s3ify store = s3ify(store) group = OptionGroup(self, “AWS and Docker options”) self.add_option_group(group) # group.add_option(“–sample_id", help="Sample ID”) group.add_option(“–workflow_execution_id", help="Workflow execution ID”) group.add_option("–input_bam_path", help="Input BAM location (s3 ok)") group.add_option(“–output_path", default=store, help="Output s3 path”) group.add_option(“–workdir", default=os.getcwd(), help="Specify work dir”) group.add_option( "–nocleanup", default=False, action="store_true", help="Don’t clean up after done", ) def set_stripnames(self, default=True): if default: self.add_option( "–no_strip_names", dest="strip_names", action="store_false", default=True, help="do not strip alternative splicing " "(e.g. At5g06540.1 -> At5g06540)", ) else: self.add_option( "–strip_names", action="store_true", default=False, help="strip alternative splicing (e.g. At5g06540.1 -> At5g06540)“, ) def set_fixchrnames(self, orgn="medicago”): self.add_option( "–fixchrname", default=orgn, dest="fix_chr_name", help="Fix quirky chromosome names", ) def set_SO_opts(self): verifySO_choices = ("verify", "resolve:prefix", “resolve:suffix”) self.add_option( "–verifySO", choices=verifySO_choices, help="Verify validity of GFF3 feature type against the SO; " + "`resolve` will try to converge towards a valid SO " + "term by removing elements from the feature type " + "string by splitting at underscores. Example: " + "`mRNA_TE_gene` resolves to `mRNA` using 'resolve:prefix’", ) def set_beds(self): self.add_option(“–qbed", help="Path to qbed”) self.add_option(“–sbed", help="Path to sbed”) def set_histogram(self, vmin=0, vmax=None, bins=20, xlabel="value", title=None): self.add_option( “–vmin", default=vmin, type="int", help="Minimum value, inclusive” ) self.add_option( “–vmax", default=vmax, type="int", help="Maximum value, inclusive” ) self.add_option( "–bins", default=bins, type="int", help="Number of bins to plot in the histogram", ) self.add_option(“–xlabel", default=xlabel, help="Label on the X-axis”) self.add_option(“–title", default=title, help="Title of the plot”) def set_sam_options(self, extra=True, bowtie=False): self.add_option( "–sam", dest="bam", default=True, action="store_false", help="Write to SAM file instead of BAM", ) self.add_option( "–uniq", default=False, action="store_true", help="Keep only uniquely mapped", ) if bowtie: self.add_option( “–mapped", default=False, action="store_true", help="Keep mapped reads” ) self.add_option( “–unmapped", default=False, action="store_true", help="Keep unmapped reads” ) if extra: self.set_cpus() self.set_params() def set_mingap(self, default=100): self.add_option( “–mingap", default=default, type="int", help="Minimum size of gaps” ) def set_align( self, pctid=None, hitlen=None, pctcov=None, evalue=None, compreh_pctid=None, compreh_pctcov=None, intron=None, bpsplice=None, ): if pctid is not None: self.add_option( “–pctid", default=pctid, type="float", help="Sequence percent identity” ) if hitlen is not None: self.add_option( “–hitlen", default=hitlen, type="int", help="Minimum overlap length” ) if pctcov is not None: self.add_option( "–pctcov", default=pctcov, type="int", help="Percentage coverage cutoff", ) if evalue is not None: self.add_option( “–evalue", default=evalue, type="float", help="E-value cutoff” ) if compreh_pctid is not None: self.add_option( "–compreh_pctid", default=compreh_pctid, type="int", help="Sequence percent identity cutoff used to " + "build PASA comprehensive transcriptome", ) if compreh_pctcov is not None: self.add_option( "–compreh_pctcov", default=compreh_pctcov, type="int", help="Percent coverage cutoff used to " + "build PASA comprehensive transcriptome", ) if intron is not None: self.add_option( "–intron", default=intron, type="int", help="Maximum intron length used for mapping", ) if bpsplice is not None: self.add_option( "–bpsplice", default=bpsplice, type="int", help="Number of bp of perfect splice boundary", ) def set_image_options( self, args=None, figsize="6x6", dpi=300, format="pdf", font="Helvetica", style="darkgrid", cmap="jet", seed: Optional[int] = None, ): “"” Add image format options for given command line programs. “"” from import ( GRAPHIC_FORMATS, ImageOptions, is_tex_available, setup_theme, ) allowed_fonts = ("Helvetica", "Palatino", "Schoolbook", “Arial”) allowed_styles = ("darkgrid", "whitegrid", "dark", "white", “ticks”) allowed_diverge = ( "BrBG", "PiYG", "PRGn", "PuOr", "RdBu", "RdGy", "RdYlBu", "RdYlGn", "Spectral", ) group = OptionGroup(self, “Image options”) self.add_option_group(group) group.add_option( “–figsize", default=figsize, help="Figure size `width`x`height` in inches” ) group.add_option( "–dpi", default=dpi, type="int", help="Physical dot density (dots per inch)", ) group.add_option( "–format", default=format, choices=GRAPHIC_FORMATS, help="Generate image of format", ) group.add_option( “–font", default=font, choices=allowed_fonts, help="Font name” ) group.add_option( “–style", default=style, choices=allowed_styles, help="Axes background” ) group.add_option( "–diverge", default="PiYG", choices=allowed_diverge, help="Contrasting color scheme", ) group.add_option(“–cmap", default=cmap, help="Use this color map”) group.add_option( “–notex", default=False, action="store_true", help="Do not use tex” ) # if not group.has_option(“–seed”): group.add_option( "–seed", default=seed, type="int", help="Random seed when assigning colors (supported only for some plots)", ) if args is None: args = sys.argv[1:] opts, args = self.parse_args(args) assert opts.dpi > 0 assert “x” in opts.figsize iopts = ImageOptions(opts) if opts.notex:"–notex={}. latex use is disabled.".format(opts.notex)) elif not is_tex_available(): if not bool(which(“latex”)):“`latex` not found. latex use is disabled.”) if not bool(which(“lp”)):“`lp` not found. latex use is disabled.”) setup_theme(, font=opts.font, usetex=iopts.usetex) return opts, args, iopts def set_dotplot_opts(self, theme: int = 2) -> OptionGroup: “""Used in compara.catalog and graphics.dotplot""” from import set1 group = OptionGroup(self, “Dot plot parameters”) group.add_option( "–skipempty", default=False, action="store_true", help="Skip seqids that do not have matches", ) group.add_option( "–nochpf", default=False, action="store_true", help="Do not change the contig name", ) group.add_option( "–nostdpf", default=False, action="store_true", help="Do not standardize contig names", ) group.add_option( "–genomenames", type="string", default=None, help="genome names for labeling axes in the form of qname_sname, " 'eg. "*Vitis vinifera*_*Oryza sativa*"’, ) group.add_option( "–theme", choices=[str(x) for x in range(len(set1))], default=str(theme), help="Color index within the palette for contig grid boundaries. Palette contains: {}".format( "|".join(set1) ), ) self.add_option_group(group) return group def set_depth(self, depth=50): self.add_option(“–depth", default=depth, type="float", help="Desired depth”) def set_rclip(self, rclip=0): self.add_option( "–rclip", default=rclip, type="int", help="Pair ID is derived from rstrip N chars", ) def set_chr(self, chr=",".join([str(x) for x in range(1, 23)] + ["X", “Y", “MT”])): self.add_option(“–chr", default=chr, help="Chromosomes to process”) def set_ref(self, ref="/mnt/ref”): self.add_option(“–ref", default=ref, help="Reference folder”) def set_cutoff(self, cutoff=0): self.add_option( "–cutoff", default=cutoff, type="int", help="Distance to call valid links between mates", ) def set_mateorientation(self, mateorientation=None): self.add_option( "–mateorientation", default=mateorientation, choices=("++", "–", “±", "-+”), help="Use only certain mate orientations", ) def set_mates(self, rclip=0, cutoff=0, mateorientation=None): self.set_rclip(rclip=rclip) self.set_cutoff(cutoff=cutoff) self.set_mateorientation(mateorientation=mateorientation) def set_bedpe(self): self.add_option( "–norc", dest="rc", default=True, action="store_false", help="Do not reverse complement, expect innie reads", ) self.add_option( “–minlen", default=2000, type="int", help="Minimum insert size” ) self.add_option( “–maxlen", default=8000, type="int", help="Maximum insert size” ) self.add_option( "–dup", default=10, type="int", help="Filter duplicates with coordinates within this distance", ) def set_fastq_names(self): self.add_option( "–names", default="*.fq,*.fastq,*.fq.gz,*.fastq.gz", help="File names to search, use comma to separate multiple", ) def set_pairs(self): “"” %prog pairs <blastfile|samfile|bedfile> Report how many paired ends mapped, avg distance between paired ends, etc. Paired reads must have the same prefix, use --rclip to remove trailing part, e.g. /1, /2, or .f, .r, default behavior is to truncate until last char. “"” self.set_usage(self.set_pairs.__doc__) self.add_option( “–pairsfile", default=None, help="Write valid pairs to pairsfile” ) self.add_option( “–nrows", default=200000, type="int", help="Only use the first n lines” ) self.set_mates() self.add_option( "–pdf", default=False, action="store_true", help="Print PDF instead ASCII histogram", ) self.add_option( “–bins", default=20, type="int", help="Number of bins in the histogram” ) self.add_option( "–distmode", default="ss", choices=("ss", “ee”), help="Distance mode between paired reads, ss is outer distance, " "ee is inner distance", ) def set_sep(self, sep="\t", help="Separator in the tabfile", multiple=False): if multiple: help += “, multiple values allowed” self.add_option("–sep", default=sep, help=help) def set_firstN(self, firstN=100000): self.add_option( “–firstN", default=firstN, type="int", help="Use only the first N reads” ) def set_tag(self, tag=False, specify_tag=False): if not specify_tag: self.add_option( "–tag", default=tag, action="store_true", help="Add tag (/1, /2) to the read name", ) else: tag_choices = ["/1", “/2”] self.add_option( "–tag", default=None, choices=tag_choices, help="Specify tag to be added to read name", ) def set_phred(self, phred=None): phdchoices = ("33", “64”) self.add_option( "–phred", default=phred, choices=phdchoices, help="Phred score offset {0} [default: guess]".format(phdchoices), ) def set_size(self, size=0): self.add_option( “–size", default=size, type="int", help="Insert mean size, stdev assumed to be 20% around mean", ) def set_trinity_opts(self): self.set_home(“trinity”) self.set_home(“hpcgridrunner”) self.set_cpus() self.set_params(prog="Trinity”) topts = OptionGroup(self, “General Trinity options”) self.add_option_group(topts) topts.add_option( "–max_memory", default="128G", type="str", help="Jellyfish memory allocation", ) topts.add_option( "–min_contig_length", default=90, type="int", help="Minimum assembled contig length to report", ) topts.add_option( "–bflyGCThreads", default=None, type="int", help="Threads for garbage collection", ) topts.add_option( "–grid_conf_file", default="JCVI_SGE.0689.conf", type="str", help="HpcGridRunner config file for supported compute farms", ) topts.add_option( "–cleanup", default=False, action="store_true", help="Force clean-up of unwanted files after Trinity run is complete", ) ggopts = OptionGroup(self, “Genome-guided Trinity options”) self.add_option_group(ggopts) ggopts.add_option( "–bam", default=None, type="str", help="provide coord-sorted bam file as starting point", ) ggopts.add_option( “–max_intron", default=15000, type="int", help="maximum allowed intron length", ) def set_pasa_opts(self, action="assemble”): self.set_home(“pasa”) if action == "assemble": self.set_home(“tgi”) self.add_option( "–clean", default=False, action="store_true", help="Clean transcripts using tgi seqclean", ) self.set_align(pctid=95, pctcov=90, intron=15000, bpsplice=3) self.add_option( "–aligners", default="blat,gmap", help="Specify splice aligners to use for mapping", ) self.add_option( "–fl_accs", default=None, type="str", help="File containing list of FL-cDNA accessions", ) self.set_cpus() self.add_option( "–compreh", default=False, action="store_true", help="Run comprehensive transcriptome assembly", ) self.set_align(compreh_pctid=95, compreh_pctcov=30) self.add_option( "–prefix", default="compreh_init_build", type="str", help="Prefix for compreh_trans output file names", ) elif action == "compare": self.add_option( "–annots_gff3", default=None, type="str", help="Reference annotation to load and compare against", ) genetic_code = [ "universal", "Euplotes", "Tetrahymena", "Candida", "Acetabularia", ] self.add_option( "–genetic_code", default="universal", choices=genetic_code, help="Choose translation table", ) self.add_option( "–pctovl", default=50, type="int", help="Minimum pct overlap between gene and FL assembly", ) self.add_option( "–pct_coding", default=50, type="int", help="Minimum pct of cDNA sequence to be protein coding", ) self.add_option( "–orf_size", default=0, type="int", help="Minimum size of ORF encoded protein", ) self.add_option( “–utr_exons", default=2, type="int", help="Maximum number of UTR exons” ) self.add_option( "–pctlen_FL", default=70, type="int", help="Minimum protein length for comparisons involving " + "FL assemblies", ) self.add_option( "–pctlen_nonFL", default=70, type="int", help="Minimum protein length for comparisons involving " + "non-FL assemblies", ) self.add_option( "–pctid_prot", default=70, type="int", help="Minimum pctid allowed for protein pairwise comparison", ) self.add_option( "–pct_aln", default=70, type="int", help="Minimum pct of shorter protein length aligning to " + "update protein or isoform", ) self.add_option( "–pctovl_gene", default=80, type="int", help="Minimum pct overlap among genome span of the ORF of " + "each overlapping gene to allow merging", ) self.add_option( "–stompovl", default="", action="store_true", help="Ignore alignment results, only consider genome span of ORF", ) self.add_option( "–trust_FL", default="", action="store_true", help="Trust FL-status of cDNA", ) def set_annot_reformat_opts(self): self.add_option( “–pad0", default=6, type="int", help="Pad gene identifiers with 0” ) self.add_option(“–prefix", default="Medtr", help="Genome prefix”) self.add_option( "–uc", default=False, action="store_true", help="Toggle gene identifier upper case", ) def set_home(self, prog, default=None): tag = "–{0}_home".format(prog) default = default or { "amos": "~/code/amos-code", "trinity": "~/export/trinityrnaseq-2.0.6", "hpcgridrunner": "~/export/hpcgridrunner-1.0.2", "cdhit": "~/export/cd-hit-v4.6.1-2012-08-27", "maker": "~/export/maker", "augustus": "~/export/maker/exe/augustus", "pasa": "~/export/PASApipeline-2.0.2", "gatk": "~/export", "gmes": "~/export/gmes", "gt": "~/export/genometools", "sspace": "~/export/SSPACE-STANDARD-3.0_linux-x86_64", "gapfiller": "~/export/GapFiller_v1-11_linux-x86_64", "pbjelly": "~/export/PBSuite_15.2.20", "picard": "~/export/picard-tools-1.138", "khmer": "~/export/khmer", "tassel": "/usr/local/projects/MTG4/packages/tassel", "tgi": "~/export/seqclean-x86_64", "eddyyeh": "/home/shared/scripts/eddyyeh", "fiona": "~/export/fiona-0.2.0-Linux-x86_64", "fermi": "~/export/fermi", "lobstr": "/mnt/software/lobSTR", "shapeit": "/mnt/software/shapeit", "impute": "/mnt/software/impute", "beagle": "java -jar /mnt/software/beagle.14Jan16.841.jar", "minimac": "/mnt/software/Minimac3/bin", }.get(prog, None) if default is None: # Last attempt at guessing the path try: default = op.dirname(which(prog)) except: default = None else: default = op.expanduser(default) help = “Home directory for {0}".format(prog.upper()) self.add_option(tag, default=default, help=help) def set_aligner(self, aligner="bowtie”): valid_aligners = (“bowtie", “bwa”) self.add_option( “–aligner", default=aligner, choices=valid_aligners, help="Use aligner” ) def set_verbose(self, help="Print detailed reports”): self.add_option("–verbose", default=False, action="store_true", help=help) def ConfigSectionMap(Config, section): “"” Read a specific section from a ConfigParser() object and return a dict() of all key-value pairs in that section “"” cfg = {} options = Config.options(section) for option in options: try: cfg[option] = Config.get(section, option) if cfg[option] == -1: logging.debug("skip: {0}".format(option)) except: logging.debug(“exception on {0}!".format(option)) cfg[option] = None return cfg def get_abs_path(link_name): source = link_name if op.islink(source): source = os.readlink(source) else: source = op.basename(source) link_dir = op.dirname(link_name) source = op.normpath(op.join(link_dir, source)) source = op.abspath(source) if source == link_name: return source else: return get_abs_path(source) datadir = get_abs_path(op.join(op.dirname(__file__), “…/utils/data”)) datafile = lambda x: op.join(datadir, x) def splitall(path): allparts = [] while True: path, p1 = op.split(path) if not p1: break allparts.append(p1) allparts = allparts[::-1] return allparts def get_module_docstring(filepath): “""Get module-level docstring of Python module at filepath, e.g. 'path/to/’.""” co = compile(open(filepath).read(), filepath, “exec”) if co.co_consts and isinstance(co.co_consts[0], str): docstring = co.co_consts[0] else: docstring = None return docstring def dmain(mainfile, type="action”): cwd = op.dirname(mainfile) pyscripts = ( [x for x in glob(op.join(cwd, "*", “”))] if type == “module” else glob(op.join(cwd, “*.py”)) ) actions = [] for ps in sorted(pyscripts): action = ( op.basename(op.dirname(ps)) if type == “module” else op.basename(ps).replace(".py", “”) ) if action[0] == "_": # hidden namespace continue pd = get_module_docstring(ps) action_help = ( [ x.rstrip(“:.,\n”) for x in pd.splitlines(True) if len(x.strip()) > 10 and x[0] != “%” ][0] if pd else “no docstring found” ) actions.append((action, action_help)) a = ActionDispatcher(actions) a.print_help() def backup(filename): bakname = filename + “.bak” if op.exists(filename): logging.debug("Backup `{0}` to `{1}`".format(filename, bakname)) sh(“mv {0} {1}".format(filename, bakname)) return bakname def getusername(): from getpass import getuser return getuser() def getdomainname(): from socket import getfqdn return “.".join(str(x) for x in getfqdn().split(“.”)[1:]) def sh( cmd, grid=False, infile=None, outfile=None, errfile=None, append=False, background=False, threaded=None, log=True, grid_opts=None, silent=False, shell="/bin/bash", check=False, redirect_error=None, ): “"” simple wrapper for system calls “"” if not cmd: return 1 if silent: outfile = errfile = “/dev/null” if grid: from jcvi.apps.grid import GridProcess pr = GridProcess( cmd, infile=infile, outfile=outfile, errfile=errfile, threaded=threaded, grid_opts=grid_opts, ) pr.start() return pr.jobid else: if infile: cat = “cat” if infile.endswith(“.gz”): cat = “zcat” cmd = “{0} {1} |".format(cat, infile) + cmd if outfile and outfile not in ("-“, “stdout”): if outfile.endswith(“.gz”): cmd += " | gzip” tag = “>” if append: tag = “>>” cmd += " {0}{1}".format(tag, outfile) if errfile: if errfile == outfile: errfile = “&1” cmd += " 2>{0}".format(errfile) if background: cmd += " &” if log: logging.debug(cmd) call_func = check_output if check else call return call_func(cmd, shell=True, executable=shell, stderr=redirect_error) def Popen(cmd, stdin=None, stdout=PIPE, debug=False, shell="/bin/bash”): “"” Capture the cmd stdout output to a file handle. “"” from subprocess import Popen as P if debug: logging.debug(cmd) # See: proc = P(cmd, bufsize=1, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, shell=True, executable=shell) return proc def is_macOS(): “"” Check if current OS is macOS, this impacts mostly plotting code. “"” import platform return platform.system() == “Darwin” def popen(cmd, debug=True, shell="/bin/bash”): return Popen(cmd, debug=debug, shell=shell).stdout def is_exe(fpath): return op.isfile(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK) def which(program): “"” Emulates the unix which command. >>> which(“cat”) “/bin/cat” >>> which(“nosuchprogram”) “"” fpath, fname = op.split(program) if fpath: if is_exe(program): return program else: for path in os.environ[“PATH”].split(os.pathsep): exe_file = op.join(path, program) if is_exe(exe_file): return exe_file return None def glob(pathname, pattern=None): “"” Wraps around glob.glob(), but return a sorted list. “"” import glob as gl if pattern: pathname = op.join(pathname, pattern) return natsorted(gl.glob(pathname)) def iglob(pathname, patterns): “"” Allow multiple file formats. This is also recursive. For example: >>> iglob("apps", “*.py,*.pyc”) “"” matches = [] patterns = patterns.split(“,”) if “,” in patterns else listify(patterns) for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(pathname): matching = [] for pattern in patterns: matching.extend(fnmatch.filter(filenames, pattern)) for filename in matching: matches.append(op.join(root, filename)) return natsorted(matches) def symlink(target, link_name): try: os.symlink(target, link_name) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.EEXIST: os.remove(link_name) os.symlink(target, link_name) def mkdir(dirname, overwrite=False): “"” Wraps around os.mkdir(), but checks for existence first. “"” if op.isdir(dirname): if overwrite: cleanup(dirname) os.mkdir(dirname) logging.debug("Overwrite folder `{0}`.".format(dirname)) else: return False # Nothing is changed else: try: os.mkdir(dirname) except: os.makedirs(dirname) logging.debug("`{0}` not found. Creating new.".format(dirname)) return True def is_newer_file(a, b): “"” Check if the file a is newer than file b “"” if not (op.exists(a) and op.exists(b)): return False am = os.stat(a).st_mtime bm = os.stat(b).st_mtime return am > bm def parse_multi_values(param): values = None if param: if op.isfile(param): values = list(set(x.strip() for x in open(param))) else: values = list(set(param.split(“,”))) return values def listify(a): “"” Convert something to a list if it is not already a list. “"” return a if (isinstance(a, list) or isinstance(a, tuple)) else [a] def last_updated(a): “"” Check the time since file was last updated. “"” return time.time() - op.getmtime(a) def need_update(a: str, b: str, warn: bool = False) -> bool: “"” Check if file a is newer than file b and decide whether or not to update file b. Can generalize to two lists. Args: a: file or list of files b: file or list of files warn: whether or not to print warning message Returns: True if file a is newer than file b “"” a = listify(a) b = listify(b) should_update = ( any((not op.exists(x)) for x in b) or all((os.stat(x).st_size == 0 for x in b)) or any(is_newer_file(x, y) for x in a for y in b) ) if (not should_update) and warn: logging.debug("File `{}` found. Computation skipped.".format(", ".join(b))) return should_update def flatten(input_list: Iterable) -> list: “"” Flatten a list of lists and stop at the first non-list element. “"” ans = [] for i in input_list: if isinstance(i, Iterable) and not isinstance(i, str): for subc in flatten(i): ans.append(subc) else: ans.append(i) return ans def cleanup(*args: Union[str, Iterable]) -> None: “"” Remove a bunch of files in args; ignore if not found. “"” for path in flatten(args): if op.exists(path): if op.isdir(path): shutil.rmtree(path) else: os.remove(path) def get_today(): “"” Returns the date in 2010-07-14 format “"” from datetime import date return str( def ls_ftp(dir): """List the contents of a remote FTP server path. Args: dir (URL): URL of a remote FTP server path. Returns: [str]: List of remote paths available, analogous to `ls`. “"” from urllib.parse import urlparse from ftpretty import ftpretty o = urlparse(dir) ftp = ftpretty(o.netloc, "anonymous", “anonymous@”) return [op.basename(x) for x in ftp.list(o.path)] def download( url, filename=None, debug=True, cookies=None, handle_gzip=False, downloader=None ): """Download URL to local Args: url (str): Link to the file on the internet. filename (str, optional): Local file name. Defaults to None. debug (bool, optional): Print debug messages. Defaults to True. cookies (str, optional): cookies file. Defaults to None. handle_gzip (bool, optional): Postprocess .gz files, either compress or uncompress. Defaults to False. downloader (str, optional): Use a given downloader. One of wget|curl|powershell|insecure. Defaults to None. Returns: str: Local file name. “"” from urllib.parse import urlsplit from subprocess import CalledProcessError scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urlsplit(url) basepath = op.basename(path) if basepath: url_gzipped = basepath.endswith(“.gz”) filename_gzipped = filename and filename.endswith(“.gz”) need_gunzip = url_gzipped and (not filename_gzipped) need_gzip = (not url_gzipped) and filename_gzipped if handle_gzip and ( need_gunzip or need_gzip ): # One more compress/decompress step after download target = basepath else: # Just download target = filename or basepath else: need_gunzip, need_gzip = False, False target = filename or “index.html” success = False final_filename = filename or target if op.exists(final_filename): if debug: msg = "File `{}` exists. Download skipped.".format(final_filename) success = True else: from jcvi.utils.ez_setup import get_best_downloader downloader = get_best_downloader(downloader=downloader) if downloader: try: downloader(url, target, cookies=cookies) success = True except (CalledProcessError, KeyboardInterrupt) as e: print(e, file=sys.stderr) else: print("Cannot find a suitable downloader", file=sys.stderr) if success and handle_gzip: if need_gunzip: sh("gzip -dc {}".format(target), outfile=filename) cleanup(target) elif need_gzip: sh("gzip -c {}".format(target), outfile=filename) cleanup(target) if not success: cleanup(target) return final_filename def getfilesize(filename, ratio=None): rawsize = op.getsize(filename) if not filename.endswith(“.gz”): return rawsize import struct fo = open(filename, “rb”), 2) r = fo.close() size = struct.unpack("<I", r)[0] # This is only ISIZE, which is the UNCOMPRESSED modulo 2 ** 32 if ratio is None: return size # Heuristic heuristicsize = rawsize / ratio while size < heuristicsize: size += 2**32 if size > 2**32: logging.warning(“Gzip file estimated uncompressed size: {0}.".format(size)) return size def debug(level=logging.DEBUG): “"” Turn on the debugging “"” logging.basicConfig( level=level, format="%(message)s", datefmt=”[%X]", handlers=[RichHandler(console=Console(stderr=True))], ) debug() def main(): actions = ( ("less", “enhance the unix `less` command”), ("timestamp", “record timestamps for all files in the current folder”), ("expand", “move files in subfolders into the current folder”), ("touch", “recover timestamps for files in the current folder”), ("mdownload", “multiple download a list of files”), ("waitpid", “wait for a PID to finish and then perform desired action”), ("notify", “send an email/push notification”), ("mergecsv", “merge a set of tsv files”), ) p = ActionDispatcher(actions) p.dispatch(globals()) def mdownload(args): “"” %prog mdownload links.txt Multiple download a list of files. Use formats.html.links() to extract the links file. “"” from jcvi.apps.grid import Jobs p = OptionParser(mdownload.__doc__) opts, args = p.parse_args(args) if len(args) != 1: sys.exit(not p.print_help()) (linksfile,) = args links = [(x.strip(),) for x in open(linksfile)] j = Jobs(download, links) def expand(args): “"” %prog expand */* Move files in subfolders into the current folder. Use --symlink to create a link instead. “"” p = OptionParser(expand.__doc__) p.add_option( “–symlink", default=False, action="store_true", help="Create symbolic link” ) opts, args = p.parse_args(args) if len(args) < 1: sys.exit(not p.print_help()) seen = set() for a in args: oa = a.replace("/", “_”) if oa in seen: logging.debug("Name collision `{0}`, ignored.".format(oa)) continue cmd = “cp -s” if opts.symlink else “mv” cmd += " {0} {1}".format(a, oa) sh(cmd) seen.add(oa) def fname(): return sys._getframe().f_back.f_code.co_name def get_times(filename): st = os.stat(filename) atime = st.st_atime mtime = st.st_mtime return atime, mtime def timestamp(args): “"” %prog timestamp path > Record the timestamps for all files in the current folder. filename atime mtime This file can be used later to recover previous timestamps through touch(). “"” p = OptionParser(timestamp.__doc__) opts, args = p.parse_args(args) if len(args) != 1: sys.exit(not p.print_help()) (path,) = args for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): for f in files: filename = op.join(root, f) atime, mtime = get_times(filename) print(filename, atime, mtime) def touch(args): “"” %prog touch Recover timestamps for files in the current folder. CAUTION: you must execute this in the same directory as timestamp(). “"” from time import ctime p = OptionParser(touch.__doc__) opts, args = p.parse_args(args) if len(args) != 1: sys.exit(not p.print_help()) (info,) = args fp = open(info) for row in fp: path, atime, mtime = row.split() atime = float(atime) mtime = float(mtime) current_atime, current_mtime = get_times(path) # Check if the time has changed, with resolution up to 1 sec if int(atime) == int(current_atime) and int(mtime) == int(current_mtime): continue times = [ctime(x) for x in (current_atime, current_mtime, atime, mtime)] msg = "{0} : ".format(path) msg += "({0}, {1}) => ({2}, {3})".format(*times) print(msg, file=sys.stderr) os.utime(path, (atime, mtime)) def snapshot(fp, p, fsize, counts=None): pos = int(p * fsize) print("==>> File `{0}`: {1} ({2}%)".format(, pos, int(p * 100))) next(fp) for i, row in enumerate(fp): if counts and i > counts: break try: sys.stdout.write(row) except IOError: break def less(args): “"” %prog less filename position | less Enhance the unix `less` command by seeking to a file location first. This is useful to browse big files. Position is relative 0.00 - 1.00, or bytenumber. $ %prog less myfile 0.1 # Go to 10% of the current file and streaming $ %prog less myfile 0.1,0.2 # Stream at several positions $ %prog less myfile 100 # Go to certain byte number and streaming $ %prog less myfile 100,200 # Stream at several positions $ %prog less myfile all # Generate a snapshot every 10% (10%, 20%, …) “"” from jcvi.formats.base import must_open p = OptionParser(less.__doc__) opts, args = p.parse_args(args) if len(args) != 2: sys.exit(not p.print_help()) filename, pos = args fsize = getfilesize(filename) if pos == "all": pos = [x / 10.0 for x in range(0, 10)] else: pos = [float(x) for x in pos.split(“,”)] if pos[0] > 1: pos = [x / fsize for x in pos] if len(pos) > 1: counts = 20 else: counts = None fp = must_open(filename) for p in pos: snapshot(fp, p, fsize, counts=counts) # notification specific variables valid_notif_methods = [“email”] available_push_api = {"push": ["pushover", "nma", “pushbullet”]} def pushover( message, token, user, title="JCVI: Job Monitor", priority=0, timestamp=None ): “"” python API “"” assert -1 <= priority <= 2, “Priority should be an int() between -1 and 2” if timestamp is None: from time import time timestamp = int(time()) retry, expire = (300, 3600) if priority == 2 else (None, None) conn = HTTPSConnection(“”) conn.request( "POST", "/1/messages.json", urlencode( { "token": token, "user": user, "message": message, "title": title, "priority": priority, "timestamp": timestamp, "retry": retry, "expire": expire, } ), {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}, ) conn.getresponse() def nma(description, apikey, event="JCVI: Job Monitor", priority=0): “"” API “"” assert -2 <= priority <= 2, “Priority should be an int() between -2 and 2” conn = HTTPSConnection(“”) conn.request( "POST", "/publicapi/notify", urlencode( { "apikey": apikey, "application": "python notify", "event": event, "description": description, "priority": priority, } ), {"Content-type": “application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}, ) conn.getresponse() def pushbullet(body, apikey, device, title="JCVI: Job Monitor”): “"” API “"” import base64 headers = {} auth = base64.encodestring("{0}:".format(apikey).encode(“utf-8”)).strip() headers[“Authorization”] = "Basic {0}".format(auth) headers[“Content-type”] = “application/x-www-form-urlencoded” conn = HTTPSConnection("".format(apikey)) conn.request( "POST", "/api/pushes", urlencode({"iden": device, "type": "note", "title": title, "body": body}), headers, ) conn.getresponse() def pushnotify(subject, message, api="pushover", priority=0, timestamp=None): “"” Send push notifications using pre-existing APIs Requires a config `pushnotify.ini` file in the user home area containing the necessary api tokens and user keys. Default API: “pushover” Config file format: ------------------- [pushover] token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx user: yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy [nma] apikey: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz [pushbullet] apikey: bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb iden: dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd “"” assert ( type(priority) is int and -1 <= priority <= 2 ), “Priority should be and int() between -1 and 2” cfgfile = op.join(op.expanduser(“~”), “pushnotify.ini”) Config = ConfigParser() if op.exists(cfgfile): else: sys.exit( “Push notification config file `{0}`".format(cfgfile) + " does not exist!” ) if api == "pushover": cfg = ConfigSectionMap(Config, api) token, key = cfg[“token”], cfg[“user”] pushover( message, token, key, title=subject, priority=priority, timestamp=timestamp ) elif api == "nma": cfg = ConfigSectionMap(Config, api) apikey = cfg[“apikey”] nma(message, apikey, event=subject, priority=priority) elif api == “pushbullet": cfg = ConfigSectionMap(Config, api) apikey, iden = cfg[“apikey”], cfg[“iden”] pushbullet(message, apikey, iden, title=subject, type="note”) def send_email(fromaddr, toaddr, subject, message): “"” Send an email message “"” from smtplib import SMTP from email.mime.text import MIMEText SERVER = “localhost” _message = MIMEText(message) _message[“Subject”] = subject _message[“From”] = fromaddr _message[“To”] = ", “.join(toaddr) server = SMTP(SERVER) server.sendmail(fromaddr, toaddr, _message.as_string()) server.quit() def get_email_address(whoami="user”): “""Auto-generate the FROM and TO email address""” if whoami == "user": username = getusername() domain = getdomainname() myemail = “{0}@{1}".format(username, domain) return myemail else: fromaddr = “notifier-donotreply@{0}".format(getdomainname()) return fromaddr def is_valid_email(email): “"” RFC822 Email Address Regex -------------------------- Originally written by Cal Henderson c.f. Translated to Python by Tim Fletcher, with changes suggested by Dan Kubb. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License “"” import re qtext = "[^\\x0d\\x22\\x5c\\x80-\\xff]" dtext = "[^\\x0d\\x5b-\\x5d\\x80-\\xff]" atom = "[^\\x00-\\x20\\x22\\x28\\x29\\x2c\\x2e\\x3a-\\x3c\\x3e\\x40\\x5b-\\x5d\\x7f-\\xff]+” quoted_pair = “\\x5c[\\x00-\\x7f]" domain_literal = “\\x5b(?:%s|%s)*\\x5d” % (dtext, quoted_pair) quoted_string = “\\x22(?:%s|%s)*\\x22” % (qtext, quoted_pair) domain_ref = atom sub_domain = "(?:%s|%s)" % (domain_ref, domain_literal) word = "(?:%s|%s)" % (atom, quoted_string) domain = “%s(?:\\x2e%s)*” % (sub_domain, sub_domain) local_part = “%s(?:\\x2e%s)*” % (word, word) addr_spec = “%s\\x40%s” % (local_part, domain) email_address = re.compile(r"\A%s\Z” % addr_spec) if email_address.match(email): return True return False def notify(args): “"” %prog notify “Message to be sent” Send a message via email/push notification. Email notify: Recipient email address is constructed by joining the login `username` and `dnsdomainname` of the server Push notify: Uses available API “"” valid_notif_methods.extend(available_push_api.keys()) fromaddr = get_email_address(whoami="notifier”) p = OptionParser(notify.__doc__) p.add_option( "–method", default="email", choices=valid_notif_methods, help="Specify the mode of notification", ) p.add_option( "–subject", default="JCVI: job monitor", help="Specify the subject of the notification message", ) p.set_email() g1 = OptionGroup(p, “Optional `push` parameters”) g1.add_option( "–api", default="pushover", choices=flatten(available_push_api.values()), help="Specify API used to send the push notification", ) g1.add_option( "–priority", default=0, type="int", help="Message priority (-1 <= p <= 2)" ) g1.add_option( "–timestamp", default=None, type="int", dest="timestamp", help="Message timestamp in unix format", ) p.add_option_group(g1) opts, args = p.parse_args(args) if len(args) == 0: logging.error(“Please provide a brief message to be sent”) sys.exit(not p.print_help()) subject = opts.subject message = " ".join(args).strip() if opts.method == "email": toaddr =“,”) # TO address should be in a list for addr in toaddr: if not is_valid_email(addr): logging.debug("Email address `{0}` is not valid!".format(addr)) sys.exit() send_email(fromaddr, toaddr, subject, message) else: pushnotify( subject, message, api=opts.api, priority=opts.priority, timestamp=opts.timestamp, ) def pid_exists(pid): “""Check whether pid exists in the current process table.""” if pid < 0: return False import errno try: os.kill(pid, 0) except OSError as e: return e.errno == errno.EPERM else: return True class TimeoutExpired(Exception): pass def _waitpid(pid, interval=None, timeout=None): “"” Wait for process with pid ‘pid’ to terminate and return its exit status code as an integer. If pid is not a children of os.getpid() (current process) just waits until the process disappears and return None. If pid does not exist at all return None immediately. Raise TimeoutExpired on timeout expired (if specified). Source: “"” def check_timeout(delay): if timeout is not None: if time.time() >= stop_at: raise TimeoutExpired time.sleep(delay) return min(delay * 2, interval) if timeout is not None: waitcall = lambda: os.waitpid(pid, os.WNOHANG) stop_at = time.time() + timeout else: waitcall = lambda: os.waitpid(pid, 0) delay = 0.0001 while 1: try: retpid, status = waitcall() except OSError as err: if err.errno == errno.EINTR: delay = check_timeout(delay) continue elif err.errno == errno.ECHILD: # This has two meanings: # - pid is not a child of os.getpid() in which case # we keep polling until it’s gone # - pid never existed in the first place # In both cases we’ll eventually return None as we # can’t determine its exit status code. while 1: if pid_exists(pid): delay = check_timeout(delay) else: return else: raise else: if retpid == 0: # WNOHANG was used, pid is still running delay = check_timeout(delay) continue # process exited due to a signal; return the integer of # that signal if os.WIFSIGNALED(status): return os.WTERMSIG(status) # process exited using exit(2) system call; return the # integer exit(2) system call has been called with elif os.WIFEXITED(status): return os.WEXITSTATUS(status) else: # should never happen raise RuntimeError(“unknown process exit status”) def waitpid(args): “"” %prog waitpid PID ::: “./command_to_run param1 param2 …” Given a PID, this script will wait for the PID to finish running and then perform a desired action (notify user and/or execute a new command) Specify "–notify=METHOD` to send the user a notification after waiting for PID Specify `–grid` option to send the new process to the grid after waiting for PID “"” import shlex valid_notif_methods.extend(flatten(available_push_api.values())) p = OptionParser(waitpid.__doc__) p.add_option( "–notify", default="email", choices=valid_notif_methods, help="Specify type of notification to be sent after waiting", ) p.add_option( "–interval", default=120, type="int", help="Specify PID polling interval in seconds", ) p.add_option(“–message", help="Specify notification message”) p.set_email() p.set_grid() opts, args = p.parse_args(args) if len(args) == 0: sys.exit(not p.print_help()) if not opts.message: “"” If notification message not specified by user, just get the name of the running command and use it as the message “"” from subprocess import check_output sep = “:::” cmd = None if sep in args: sepidx = args.index(sep) cmd = " ".join(args[sepidx + 1 :]).strip() args = args[:sepidx] pid = int(" ".join(args).strip()) status = pid_exists(pid) if status: if opts.message: msg = opts.message else: get_origcmd = "ps -p {0} -o cmd h".format(pid) msg = check_output(shlex.split(get_origcmd)).strip() _waitpid(pid, interval=opts.interval) else: logging.debug("Process with PID {0} does not exist".format(pid)) sys.exit() if opts.notify: notifycmd = ["[{0}] `{1}`".format(gethostname(), msg)] if opts.notify != "email": notifycmd.append("–method={0}".format(“push”)) notifycmd.append("–api={0}".format(opts.notify)) else: notifycmd.append("–email={0}".format( notify(notifycmd) if cmd is not None: bg = False if opts.grid else True sh(cmd, grid=opts.grid, background=bg) def get_config(path): config = RawConfigParser() try: except ParsingError: e = sys.exc_info()[1] logging.error( “There was a problem reading or parsing " “your credentials file: %s” % (e.args[0],), ) return config def getpath(cmd, name=None, url=None, cfg="~/.jcvirc", warn="exit”): “"” Get install locations of common binaries First, check ~/.jcvirc file to get the full path If not present, ask on the console and store “"” p = which(cmd) # if in PATH, just returns it if p: return p PATH = “Path” config = RawConfigParser() cfg = op.expanduser(cfg) changed = False if op.exists(cfg): assert name is not None, “Need a program name” try: fullpath = config.get(PATH, name) except NoSectionError: config.add_section(PATH) changed = True try: fullpath = config.get(PATH, name) except NoOptionError: msg = "=== Configure path for {0} ===\n".format(name, cfg) if url: msg += "URL: {0}\n".format(url) msg += "[Directory that contains `{0}`]: ".format(cmd) fullpath = input(msg).strip() config.set(PATH, name, fullpath) changed = True path = op.join(op.expanduser(fullpath), cmd) if warn == "exit": try: assert is_exe(path), "***ERROR: Cannot execute binary `{0}`. ".format(path) except AssertionError as e: sys.exit("{0!s}Please verify and rerun.".format(e)) if changed: configfile = open(cfg, “w”) config.write(configfile) logging.debug("Configuration written to `{0}`.".format(cfg)) return path def inspect(object): “""A better dir() showing attributes and values""” for k in dir(object): try: details = getattr(object, k) except Exception as e: details = e try: details = str(details) except Exception as e: details = e print("{}: {}".format(k, details), file=sys.stderr) def sample_N(a: Collection[Any], N: int, seed: Optional[int] = None) -> List[Any]: """When size of N is > size of a, random.sample() will emit an error: ValueError: sample larger than population This method handles such restrictions by repeatedly sampling when that happens. Guaranteed to cover all items if N is > size of a. Examples: >>> sample_N([1, 2, 3], 2, seed=666) [2, 3] >>> sample_N([1, 2, 3], 3, seed=666) [2, 3, 1] >>> sample_N([1, 2, 3], 4, seed=666) [2, 3, 1, 2] “"” import random random.seed(seed) ret = [] while N > len(a): ret += random.sample(a, len(a)) N -= len(a) return ret + random.sample(a, N) if __name__ == "__main__": main()

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GHSA-x49m-3cw7-gq5q: jcvi vulnerable to Configuration Injection due to unsanitized user input

### Summary A configuration injection happens when user input is considered by the application in an unsanitized format and can reach the configuration file. A malicious user may craft a special payload that may lead to a command injection. ### PoC The vulnerable code snippet is [/jcvi/apps/]( Under some circumstances a user input is retrieved and stored within the `fullpath` variable which reaches the configuration file `~/.jcvirc`. ```python fullpath = input(msg).strip() config.set(PATH, name, fullpath) ``` I ripped a part of the codebase into a runnable PoC as follows. All the PoC does is call the `getpath()` function under some circumstances. ```python from configparser import ( ConfigParser, RawConfigParser, NoOptionError, NoSectionError, ParsingError, ) import errno import os import sys import os.p...

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