

CVE-2023-1471: wp-popup-banners.php in wp-popup-banners/trunk – WordPress Plugin Repository

The WP Popup Banners plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to SQL Injection via the ‘banner_id’ parameter in versions up to, and including, 1.2.5 due to insufficient escaping on the user supplied parameter and lack of sufficient preparation on the existing SQL query. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers with minimal permissions, such as a subscrber, to append additional SQL queries into already existing queries that can be used to extract sensitive information from the database.


1<?php23defined(‘ABSPATH’) or die(“No direct script allowed!!!”);4/*5 Plugin Name: WP Popup Banners6 Plugin URI: Description: Popup Banners plugin helps to add popups to your site with custom messages and effects8 Version: 1.2.59 Author: AccessPress Themes10 Author URI: http://accesspressthemes.com11 License: GPL212 License URI: Domain Path: /languages/14 Text Domain: wp-popup-banners15 */1617/**18 * Declaration of necessary constants for plugin19 */20defined(‘WPB_IMAGE_DIR’) or define('WPB_IMAGE_DIR’, plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . ‘images’);21defined(‘WPB_BACKEND_DIR’) or define('WPB_BACKEND_DIR’, plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . ‘inc/backend’);22defined(‘WPB_JS_DIR’) or define('WPB_JS_DIR’, plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . ‘js’);23defined(‘WPB_CSS_DIR’) or define('WPB_CSS_DIR’, plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . ‘css_files’);24defined(‘WPB_VERSION’) or define('WPB_VERSION’, ‘1.2.5’);25defined(‘WPB_DEFAULT_VARIABLE’) or define('WPB_DEFAULT_VARIABLE’, ‘wpb_default_settings’);26defined(‘WPB_ABSPATH’) or define('WPB_ABSPATH’, plugin_dir_path(__FILE__));2728if (!class_exists(‘WPB_Class’)) {2930 /**31 * Declaration of plugin main class32 */33 class WPB_Class {3435 var $wpb_settings;3637 /**38 * Constructor39 */40 function __construct() {4142 $this->wpb_settings = get_option(‘wpb_default_settings’);43 register_activation_hook(__FILE__, array($this, ‘activation_function’)); //load the function on plugin Activation44 add_action('admin_init’, array($this, ‘plugin_init’)); //session start and load the text domain on plugin initialization45 add_action('admin_menu’, array($this, ‘add_wpb_menu’)); //add the plugin menu on menu bar46 add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts’, array($this, ‘enqueue_admin_script’)); //register admin scripts and css47 add_action('admin_post_wpb_save_options’, array($this, ‘wpb_save_options’)); //save the form data to the database48 add_action('admin_post_wpb_delete’, array($this, ‘delete_wpb’)); //delete popup data from database 49 add_action('wp_ajax_get_popup_data’, array($this, ‘wpb_get_popup_data’)); //get the popup data from database on ajax call50 add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_get_popup_data’, array($this, ‘no_perminission’)); //restrict the ajax call for other users except admin login5152 /* Frontend Script */53 add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts’, array($this, ‘wpb_register_frontend_assets’)); //register the front end scripts and css54 add_action('wp_footer’, array($this, ‘wpb_appendto_footer’), 100); //append the popup div on the footer of page55 add_filter( 'admin_footer_text’, array( $this, ‘wppb_admin_footer_text’ ) );56 add_filter( 'plugin_row_meta’, array( $this, ‘wppb_plugin_row_meta’ ), 10, 2 );57 }5859 function wppb_admin_footer_text( $text ){60 global $post;61 if ( (isset( $_GET[ ‘page’ ] ) && $_GET[ ‘page’ ] == ‘wpb’ ) ) {62 $link = '’;63 $pro_link = '’;64 $text = ‘Enjoyed WP Popup Banners? <a href="’ . $link . ‘" target="_blank">Please leave us a ★★★★★ rating</a> We really appreciate your support! | Try premium version of <a href="’ . $pro_link . '" target="_blank">WP Popup Banners Pro</a> - more features, more power!’;65 return $text;66 } else {67 return $text;68 }69 }7071 function wppb_plugin_row_meta( $links, $file ){7273 if ( strpos( $file, ‘wp-popup-banners.php’ ) !== false ) {74 $new_links = array(75 ‘demo’ => '<a href="" target="_blank"><span class="dashicons dashicons-welcome-view-site"></span>Live Demo</a>’,76 ‘doc’ => '<a href="" target="_blank"><span class="dashicons dashicons-media-document"></span>Documentation</a>’,77 ‘support’ => '<a href="" target="_blank"><span class="dashicons dashicons-admin-users"></span>Support</a>’,78 ‘pro’ => '<a href="" target="_blank"><span class="dashicons dashicons-cart"></span>Premium version</a>’79 );8081 $links = array_merge( $links, $new_links );82 }8384 return $links;85 }86 /*87 * Plugin Activation 88 */8990 function activation_function() {91 include(‘inc/activation.php’);92 }9394 /**95 * Starts session on admin_init hook96 */97 function plugin_init() {98 if (!session_id() && !headers_sent()) {99 session_start();100 }101 load_plugin_textdomain('wp-popup-banners’, false, dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__)) . ‘/languages’);102 }103104 /**105 * Returns Default Settings106 */107 function get_default_settings() {108 $default_settings = array(109 ‘check_enable’ => '1’,110 ‘default_popup_id’ => '’111 );112113 return $default_settings;114 }115116 /**117 * Plugin Admin Menu118 */119 function add_wpb_menu() {120 $menu = add_menu_page(121 __('WP Popup Banners’, ‘wp-popup-banners’), __('WP Popup Banners’, ‘wp-popup-banners’), 'manage_options’, 'wpb’, array($this, ‘wpb_settings’), WPB_IMAGE_DIR . '/wpb1.png’122 );123 }124125 /**126 * Plugin Main Settings Page127 */128 function wpb_settings() {129 include(‘inc/backend/main-page.php’);130 }131132 /**133 * Registers Admin Assets134 */135 function enqueue_admin_script($hook) {136 if (isset($_GET[‘page’]) && $_GET[‘page’] == ‘wpb’) {137 wp_enqueue_style(‘wp-color-picker’);138 wp_enqueue_style('wpb-fontawesome’, WPB_CSS_DIR . ‘/font-awesome/font-awesome.min.css’);139 wp_enqueue_style('wpb-admin-css’, WPB_CSS_DIR . '/backend.css’, array(), WPB_VERSION);140 wp_enqueue_style('wpb-popup-css’, WPB_CSS_DIR . '/wpb_popup.css’, array(), WPB_VERSION);141 wp_enqueue_script('wpb-popup-js’, WPB_JS_DIR . '/backend_popup.js’, array('jquery’, ‘wp-color-picker’), WPB_VERSION, false);142 wp_enqueue_script('wpb-popup-colorpicker-alpha’, WPB_JS_DIR . '/wp-color-picker-alpha.js’, array(‘wp-color-picker’), WPB_VERSION );143 /**144 * localize the variable with javascript145 */146 wp_localize_script(147 'wpb-popup-js’, 'wpb_admin_js’, array(148 ‘wpb_ajaxurl’ => admin_url(‘admin-ajax.php’),149 ‘wpb_ajax_nonce’ => wp_create_nonce(‘wpb_ajax_nonce’)150 )151 );152 }153 }154155 /**156 * Save popup parameters to the database157 * 158 */159 function wpb_save_options() {160 if (isset($_POST[‘wpb_add_nonce_save_settings’], $_POST[‘wpb_save_settings’]) && wp_verify_nonce($_POST[‘wpb_add_nonce_save_settings’], ‘wpb_nonce_save_settings’)) {161 /**162 * include to add/update popup if condition matched163 */164 include( ‘inc/backend/save_new_popup.php’ );165 } else {166 die(‘No script kiddies please!!’);167 }168 }169170 /**171 * 172 * Delete banner from database173 */174 function delete_wpb() {175 if (!empty($_GET) && wp_verify_nonce($_GET[‘_wpnonce’], ‘wpb_delete_nonce’)) {176 $log_id = $_GET[‘wpb_id’];177 global $wpdb;178 $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . 'popup_banners’;179 $delete = $wpdb->delete($table_name, array(‘id’ => $log_id), array(‘%d’));180181 if ($delete) {182 $_SESSION[‘wpb_db_success’] = __('Banner deleted Successfully’, ‘wp-popup-banners’);183 } else {184 $_SESSION[‘wpb_db_fail’] = __('Failed to delete Banner.’, ‘wp-popup-banners’);185 }186187 wp_redirect(admin_url(‘admin.php?page=wpb’));188 } else {189 die(‘No script kiddies please!!’);190 }191 }192193 /**194 * Get popup parameters from database195 */196 function wpb_get_popup_data() {197 return (include(‘inc/get_db_data.php’));198 }199200 /**201 * restrict the Ajax call to the unauthorized users202 */203 function no_perminission() {204 die(‘No script kiddies please!!’);205 }206207 /**208 * Registers frontend Assets209 */210 function wpb_register_frontend_assets() {211 /**212 * check the conditions such as if the popup option is enabled or not213 * and check the active popup. And also check where to display the popup such214 * as only on home page or all page or only on specific pages and enque the scripts 215 * and css on that pages. 216 */217 $condition = $this->check_popup_condition();218 if ($condition == 1) {//if the condition is true219 $arr_data = $this->wpb_get_popup_data();220221 wp_enqueue_style('wpb-admin-css’, WPB_CSS_DIR . '/wpb_popup.css’, array(), WPB_VERSION);222 wp_enqueue_script('wpb-nicescroll-js-script’, WPB_JS_DIR . '/jquery.nicescroll.js’, array(‘jquery’), true, WPB_VERSION); //registering nice scroll js 223 wp_enqueue_script('wpb-frontend-js-script’, WPB_JS_DIR . '/frontend_popup.js’, array('jquery’, ‘wpb-nicescroll-js-script’), true, WPB_VERSION); //registering frontend js 224 wp_localize_script(225 'wpb-frontend-js-script’, 'wpb_frontend_js’, array(226 ‘popup_delay_enable’ => $arr_data[‘popup_delay_enable’],227 ‘popup_delay’ => $arr_data[‘popup_delay’],228 ‘popup_close_countdown’ => $arr_data[‘popup_close_countdown’],229 ‘show_popup_cookie’ => $arr_data[‘show_popup’],230 ‘show_countdown_message’ => $arr_data[‘show_countdown_message’],231 ‘popup_type’ => $arr_data[‘popup_type’],232 ‘autoclose_enable’ => $arr_data[‘autoclose_enable’],233 )234 );235 }//end of if condition236 }237238 /**239 * append the hidden popup div on the footer of page240 */241 function wpb_appendto_footer() {242 if (isset($_GET[‘wpb_preview’]) && $_GET[‘wpb_preview’] && is_user_logged_in()) {243 $default_wpb_id = $popup_banner_id = $_GET[‘banner_id’];244 global $wpdb;245 $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "popup_banners";246 $popup_details = $wpdb->get_results(“SELECT * FROM $table_name where id=$popup_banner_id”);247 if (!empty($popup_details)) {248 $arr_data = $this->wpb_get_popup_data();249 $show_popup = $arr_data[‘show_popup’]; //show popup once, every time250 $display_on = $arr_data[‘display_on’];251 $page_list = $arr_data[‘page_list’];252253 include(‘inc/frontend_main_popup.php’); //include the popup div for front end pages254 }255 } else {256 $condition = $this->check_popup_condition(); //check the popup condition257258 if ($condition == 1) {//if the condition is true259 if (!isset($_COOKIE[‘wp_popup_once’])) {260 $wpb_default_settings = get_option(‘wpb_default_settings’);261 $default_wpb_id = $wpb_default_settings[‘default_popup_id’];262 global $wpdb;263 $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "popup_banners";264 $popup_details = $wpdb->get_results(“SELECT * FROM $table_name where id=$default_wpb_id”);265 if (!empty($popup_details)) {266 $arr_data = $this->wpb_get_popup_data();267 $show_popup = $arr_data[‘show_popup’]; //show popup once, every time268 $display_on = $arr_data[‘display_on’];269 $page_list = $arr_data[‘page_list’];270271 include(‘inc/frontend_main_popup.php’); //include the popup div for front end pages272 }273 }274 }//end of if condition275 }276 }277278 /**279 * check the conditions to display the popup280 * and if true, reutrn 1 and if false, return 0281 */282 function check_popup_condition() {283 $wpb_default_settings = get_option(‘wpb_default_settings’);284 if (isset($_GET[‘wpb_preview’]) && $_GET[‘wpb_preview’] && is_user_logged_in()) {285 $wpb_default_settings[‘check_enable’] = 1;286 $wpb_default_settings[‘default_popup_id’] = sanitize_text_field($_GET[‘banner_id’]);287 }288 if (($wpb_default_settings[‘check_enable’] == 1 && $wpb_default_settings[‘default_popup_id’] != ‘’)) {289 global $post;290 if (is_404()) {291 $post_id = '’;292 } else {293 $post_id = $post->ID; //check the current page id294 }295 $arr_data = $this->wpb_get_popup_data();296 if (is_home() && $arr_data[‘display_on’] != ‘3’) {//check if the current page is home page297 return 1;298 } else if ($arr_data[‘display_on’] == ‘3’ && !empty($arr_data[‘page_list’]) && $post->post_type == ‘page’) {299 /**300 * check if the popup to display on only specific pages and301 * and if the current page belongs on the pages list302 */303 if (in_array($post_id, $arr_data[‘page_list’])) {304 return 1;305 }306 if (is_home()) {307 return 0;308 }309 } else if ($arr_data[‘display_on’] == ‘2’) {310 /**311 * check if the popup to display on all pages and312 * current page is of ‘page’ type313 */314 return 1;315 } else {316 return 0; //return false if all conditions does not match317 }318 }319 }320321 function print_array($array) {322 echo "<pre style=\"background:#fff;\">";323 print_r($array);324 echo "</pre>";325 }326327 function output_converting_br($text) {328 $text = implode("\n", explode("<br />", $text));329 return $text;330 }331332 function sanitize_escaping_linebreaks($text) {333 $text = implode("<br />", explode("\n", $text));334 return $text;335 }336337 }338339 $wpb_object = new WPB_Class(); //initialization of plugin340 }341342 // end of plugin343344345346

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