CVE-2023-0295: settings.php in launchpad-by-obox/tags/1.0.13/functions – WordPress Plugin Repository
The Launchpad plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to Stored Cross-Site Scripting via several of its settings parameters in versions up to, and including, 1.0.13 due to insufficient input sanitization and output escaping. This makes it possible for authenticated attackers, with administrator-level permissions and above, to inject arbitrary web scripts in pages that will execute whenever a user accesses an injected page. This only affects multi-site installations and installations where unfiltered_html has been disabled.
1<?php class apollo_launchpad_settings2{3 function init() {4 add_action( 'admin_menu’, array(&$this, ‘apollo_menu’));5 add_action( 'admin_init’, array(&$this,6 ‘home_page_order_fallback’));7 add_action( 'admin_init’, array(&$this, ‘apollo_initialize_options’));8 if(isset($_GET[“refresh”]))9 add_action( 'admin_init’, array(&$this,10 ‘clear_options’));11 }1213 function clear_options(){14 $active_tab = isset( $_GET[ ‘tab’ ] ) ? $_GET[ ‘tab’ ] : 'display’;15 delete_option(‘apollo_’.$active_tab.’_options’);16 wp_redirect(“?page=apollo_general_settings&tab=$active_tab”);1718 }1920 function home_page_order_fallback(){21 if(!get_option(“apollo_order_options”)) :22 global $wp_settings_fields;23 foreach ( (array) $wp_settings_fields[‘apollo_order_options’][‘apollo_general_settings’] as $field ) :24 update_option('apollo_order_options’, $field[‘args’]);25 endforeach;26 endif;27 }2829 function apollo_menu() {30 $this->pagehook = add_menu_page( 'Launchpad’,31 'Launchpad’,32 'administrator’,33 'apollo_general_settings’, array(&$this, ‘apollo_display’),34 ‘dashicons-welcome-view-site’ );35 }3637 function buttons(){38 $active_tab = isset( $_GET[ ‘tab’ ] ) ? $_GET[ ‘tab’ ] : ‘display’;39 $html = "";40 $html .=’<a href="’ . get_home_url() . '?apollo=true&TB_iframe=true&width=640&height=632" class="preview thickbox thickbox-preview" title="Be sure to save your settings first">Preview</a>’;41 $html .= ‘<a id="clear" href="?page=apollo_general_settings&tab=’ . $active_tab . ‘&refresh" class="clear-settings">Clear Settings</a>’ ;42 $html .= get_submit_button(“Save Changes", “primary", “submit", false);43 $html = ‘<span>’ . $html . '</span>’;44 return $html;45 }46 function apollo_general_options_callback() {47 echo ‘<p class="top">’ . $this->buttons() . 'Activate your landing page, set the launch date and add your copy. Get started here!</p>’;48 } // end apollo_general_options_callback4950 function apollo_social_options_callback() {51 echo ‘<p class="top">’ . $this->buttons() . 'Enter in your social network URLs. Leave blank to hide the buttons.</p>’;52 } // end apollo_general_options_callback5354 function apollo_theme_options_callback() {55 echo ‘<p class="top">’ . $this->buttons() . 'Setup the look & feel of your launch page. <a href="http://photodune.net/search?ref=obox&tags%5B%5D=background&sales=rank-4">Get some cool backgrounds here.</a></p>’;56 } // end apollo_general_options_callback5758 function apollo_order_options_callback() {59 echo ‘<p class="top">’ . $this->buttons() . 'Dictate the order of the elements on the home page.</p>’;60 } // end apollo_general_options_callback6162 function apollo_css_options_callback() {63 echo ‘<p class="top">’ . $this->buttons() . 'If you want to fully cusomize your landing page, add your custom CSS here.</p>’;64 } // end apollo_general_options_callback65666768 function apollo_display() {69 $tabs = array(70 “display” => “General",71 “theme” => “Look & Feel",72 “social” => “Social Links",73 “order” => “Page Elements Order",74 “css” => “Custom CSS"75 );7677 $active_tab = isset( $_GET[ ‘tab’ ] ) ? $_GET[ ‘tab’ ] : 'display’; ?>7879 <!-- Create a header in the default WordPress ‘wrap’ container -->80 <div class="wrap">81 <?php $theme = wp_get_theme();82 if( ‘layerswp’ != $theme->template ) { ?>83 <div class="promo-layers">84 <h4>Try Layers</h4>85 <p>Setting up a new site? Why not try Layers? A revolutionary site builder specifically for WordPress.</p>86 <iframe width="560” height="315” src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/lRogY6qKBvQ” frameborder="0” allowfullscreen></iframe>87 <p>88 <a href="http://www.layerswp.com/?&utm_source=launchpad&utm_medium=cta&utm_campaign=Launchpad20%Layers20%Promo” target="_blank">Layers</a> is a revolutionary new site builder that makes creating beautiful, responsive websites, fast, fun and easy.89 </p>90 <a class="go-to-layers” href="http://www.layerswp.com/?&utm_source=launchpad&utm_medium=cta&utm_campaign=Launchpad20%Layers20%Promo” target="_blank">Find out more</a>91 </div>92 <?php } ?>93 <div class="lp-settings-section">9495 <h2>Launchpad</h2>96 <?php settings_errors(); ?>97 <h2 class="nav-tab-wrapper">98 <?php foreach($tabs as $tab => $label) : ?>99 <a href="?page=apollo_general_settings&tab=<?php echo $tab; ?>” class="nav-tab <?php echo $active_tab == $tab ? ‘nav-tab-active’ : '’; ?>"><?php echo $label; ?></a>100 <?php endforeach; ?>101 </h2>102103 <form method="post" action="options.php" enctype="multipart/form-data" class="launchpad-form">104 <?php do_settings_sections( ‘apollo_’.$active_tab.’_options’ ); ?>105 <?php settings_fields(‘apollo_’.$active_tab.’_options’); ?>106 <p><?php echo $this->buttons(); ?></p>107 </form>108 </div>109110 </div><!-- /.wrap -->111 <?php112 }113114 function apollo_initialize_options() {115 $apollo = new apollo_launchpad();116 $template = $apollo->template();117 $templateuri = $apollo->template_uri();118119 // If the theme options don’t exist, create them.120 if(!get_option(‘apollo_display_options’)) :121 add_option(‘apollo_display_options’);122 endif; // First, we register a section. This is necessary since all future options must belong to a123124 add_settings_section(125 'apollo_general_settings’, // Page on which to add this section of options126 'Launchpad Options’, // Title to be displayed on the administration page127 array(&$this, ‘apollo_general_options_callback’), // Callback used to render the description of the section128 ‘apollo_display_options’ // ID used to identify this section and with which to register options129 );130131 add_settings_field(132 'active’,133 'Activate Launchpad’,134 array( &$this, ‘apollo_input’),135 'apollo_display_options’,136 'apollo_general_settings’,137 array(138 ‘name’ => 'active’,139 ‘type’ => 'checkbox’,140 ‘default’ => 0,141 )142 );143144 add_settings_field(145 'launchdate’,146 'Launch Date’, array(&$this, ‘apollo_input’),147 'apollo_display_options’,148 'apollo_general_settings’,149 array(150 ‘name’ => 'launchdate’,151 ‘type’ => 'date’,152 ‘default’ => date( “Y/m/d G:i:s", current_time(‘timestamp’) ),153 ‘excerpt’ => ‘When does your site launch? Server time is: <em>’ . current_time( get_option( ‘date_format’ ) . ' ' . get_option( ‘time_format’ ) ) . ‘</em> <a href="’ . admin_url( ‘options-general.php’ ) . '” target="_blank">(Edit)</a>’154 )155 );156157 add_settings_field(158 'automatic_launch’,159 'Automatic Launch’, array(&$this, ‘apollo_input’),160 'apollo_display_options’,161 'apollo_general_settings’,162 array(163 ‘name’ => 'automatic_launch’,164 ‘type’ => 'checkbox’,165 ‘default’ => 0,166 ‘excerpt’ => 'Check this ON to automatically disable the plugin after the launch date.’167 )168 );169170 add_settings_field(171 'display_tagline’,172 'Display Site Tagline’, array(&$this, ‘apollo_input’),173 'apollo_display_options’,174 'apollo_general_settings’,175 array(176 ‘name’ => 'display_tagline’,177 ‘type’ => 'checkbox’,178 ‘default’ => 1,179 )180 );181182 add_settings_field(183 'title’,184 'Introduction Title’, array(&$this, ‘apollo_input’),185 'apollo_display_options’,186 'apollo_general_settings’,187 array(188 ‘name’ => 'title’,189 ‘type’ => 'text’,190 ‘default’ => 'Welcome!’191 )192 );193194 add_settings_field(195 'intro’,196 'Introduction Copy’, array(&$this, ‘apollo_input’),197 'apollo_display_options’,198 'apollo_general_settings’,199 array(200 ‘name’ => 'intro’,201 ‘type’ => 'memo’,202 ‘excerpt’ => 'We are launching a new site very soon! Be sure to return later.’203 )204 );205206 add_settings_field(207 'video’,208 'Intro Video’, array(&$this, ‘apollo_input’),209 'apollo_display_options’,210 'apollo_general_settings’,211 array(212 ‘name’ => 'video’,213 ‘type’ => 'text’,214 ‘excerpt’ => 'If you have a video, enter it\’s URL here.’215 )216 );217218 add_settings_field(219 'subscription_embed’,220 'Newsletter Embed Code’, array(&$this, ‘apollo_input’),221 'apollo_display_options’,222 'apollo_general_settings’,223 array(224 ‘name’ => 'subscription_embed’,225 ‘type’ => 'memo’,226 ‘excerpt’ => 'Newsletter signup form embed code.’227 )228 );229230231 add_settings_field(232 'show_obox_logo’,233 'Display Obox Logo’, array(&$this, ‘apollo_input’),234 'apollo_display_options’,235 'apollo_general_settings’,236 array(237 ‘name’ => 'show_obox_logo’,238 ‘type’ => 'checkbox’,239 ‘excerpt’ => 'Display the Obox logo, creators of The Launchpad, in your footer.’240 )241 );242243 add_settings_field(244 'copyright_text’,245 'Footer Copyright Text’, array(&$this, ‘apollo_input’),246 'apollo_display_options’,247 'apollo_general_settings’,248 array(249 ‘name’ => 'copyright_text’,250 ‘type’ => 'text’,251 ‘default’ => ‘Copyright ' . get_bloginfo(“name”).’ ' .date( ‘Y’ ). '. ', 'Enter in your custom copyright text for the site\’s footer.’252 )253 );254255 $role_options = array();256 $editable_roles = get_editable_roles();257258 foreach ( $editable_roles as $role => $details ) :259 $name = translate_user_role($details[‘name’] );260 $role_options[$name] = esc_attr($role);261 endforeach;262263 add_settings_field(264 'role’,265 'Minimum User Rights’, array(&$this, ‘apollo_input’),266 'apollo_display_options’,267 'apollo_general_settings’,268 array(269 ‘name’ => 'role’,270 ‘type’ => 'select’,271 ‘default’ => 'administrator’,272 ‘excerpt’ => 'Select which users are able to access the front end site.’,273 ‘options’ => $role_options274 )275 );276277 // Finally, we register the fields with WordPress278 register_setting(279 'apollo_display_options’,280 'apollo_display_options’, array(&$this, ‘handle_form’)281 );282283 add_settings_section(284 'apollo_general_settings’, // Page on which to add this section of options285 'Social Link Options’, // Title to be displayed on the administration page286 array(&$this, ‘apollo_social_options_callback’), // Callback used to render the description of the section287 ‘apollo_social_options’ // ID used to identify this section and with which to register options288 );289290 add_settings_field(291 'facebook’,292 'Facebook’, array(&$this, ‘apollo_input’),293 'apollo_social_options’,294 'apollo_general_settings’,295 array(296 ‘name’ => 'facebook’,297 ‘type’ => 'text’298 )299 );300301 add_settings_field(302 'vimeo’,303 'Vimeo’, array(&$this, ‘apollo_input’),304 'apollo_social_options’,305 'apollo_general_settings’,306 array(307 ‘name’ => 'vimeo’,308 ‘type’ => 'text’309 )310 );311312 add_settings_field(313 'tumblr’,314 'Tumblr’, array(&$this, ‘apollo_input’),315 'apollo_social_options’,316 'apollo_general_settings’,317 array(318 ‘name’ => 'tumblr’,319 ‘type’ => 'text’320 )321 );322323 add_settings_field(324 'wordpress’,325 'Wordpress’, array(&$this, ‘apollo_input’),326 'apollo_social_options’,327 'apollo_general_settings’,328 array(329 ‘name’ => 'wordpress’,330 ‘type’ => 'text’331 )332 );333334 add_settings_field(335 'twitter’,336 'Twitter’, array(&$this, ‘apollo_input’),337 'apollo_social_options’,338 'apollo_general_settings’,339 array(340 ‘name’ => 'twitter’,341 ‘type’ => 'text’342 )343 );344345 // Finally, we register the fields with WordPress346 register_setting(347 'apollo_social_options’,348 'apollo_social_options’, array(&$this, ‘handle_form’)349 );350351 add_settings_section(352 'apollo_general_settings’, // Page on which to add this section of options353 'Theme & Display Options’, // Title to be displayed on the administration page354 array(&$this, ‘apollo_theme_options_callback’), // Callback used to render the description of the section355 ‘apollo_theme_options’ // ID used to identify this section and with which to register options356 );357358 add_settings_field(359 'theme’,360 'Theme’, array(&$this, ‘apollo_input’),361 'apollo_theme_options’,362 'apollo_general_settings’,363 array(364 ‘name’ => 'theme’,365 ‘type’ => 'select’,366 ‘options’ => array(367 “Grunge” => “grunge",368 “Minimal” => “minimal",369 “Slick Gloss” => “slick-gloss"370 )371 )372 );373 add_settings_field(374 'font’,375 'Font’, array(&$this, ‘apollo_input’),376 'apollo_theme_options’,377 'apollo_general_settings’,378 array(379 ‘name’ => 'font’,380 ‘type’ => 'select’,381 ‘options’ => array(382 "-- Theme Default --" => “",383 “Sans Serif” => “sans-serif-style",384 “Serif Sans Serif” => “serif-sans-style",385 “Serif” => “serif-style"386 )387 )388 );389390 add_settings_field(391 'typekit’,392 'Typekit ID’, array(&$this, ‘apollo_input’),393 'apollo_theme_options’,394 'apollo_general_settings’,395 array(396 ‘name’ => 'typekit’,397 ‘type’ => 'text’,398 ‘excerpt’ => 'Enter in the Typekit Kit ID for your custom font.’399 )400 );401402 add_settings_field(403 'logo’,404 'Logo’, array(&$this, ‘apollo_input’),405 'apollo_theme_options’,406 'apollo_general_settings’,407 array(408 ‘name’ => 'logo’,409 ‘type’ => 'file’,410 ‘options’ => array()411 )412 );413414 add_settings_field(415 'background’,416 'Background’,417 array(&$this, ‘apollo_input’),418 'apollo_theme_options’,419 'apollo_general_settings’,420 array(421 ‘name’ => 'background’,422 ‘type’ => 'file’,423 ‘options’ => array(424 “Blue Haze” => $templateuri."/".$template."/images/bg/2co-bg.jpg",425 “aurorarain” => $templateuri."/".$template."/images/bg/aurorarain.jpg",426 “beachsunset” => $templateuri."/".$template."/images/bg/beachsunset.jpg",427 “california” => $templateuri."/".$template."/images/bg/california.jpg",428 “deepwater” => $templateuri."/".$template."/images/bg/deepwater.jpg",429 “dusksky” => $templateuri."/".$template."/images/bg/dusksky.jpg",430 “field” => $templateuri."/".$template."/images/bg/field.jpg",431 “meadow” => $templateuri."/".$template."/images/bg/meadow.jpg",432 “nightsky” => $templateuri."/".$template."/images/bg/nightsky.jpg",433 “rocky” => $templateuri."/".$template."/images/bg/rocky.jpg",434 “silentshore” => $templateuri."/".$template."/images/bg/silentshore.jpg",435 “texture” => $templateuri."/".$template."/images/bg/texture.jpg"436 )437 )438 );439440 // Finally, we register the fields with WordPress441 register_setting(442 'apollo_theme_options’,443 'apollo_theme_options’, array(&$this, ‘handle_form’)444 );445446 add_settings_section(447 'apollo_general_settings’, // Page on which to add this section of options448 'Home Page Order’, // Title to be displayed on the administration page449 array(&$this, ‘apollo_order_options_callback’), // Callback used to render the description of the section450 ‘apollo_order_options’ // ID used to identify this section and with which to register options451 );452453 add_settings_field(454 'order’,455 'Click and drag the blocks to order them on your landing page’, array(&$this, ‘apollo_order’),456 'apollo_order_options’,457 'apollo_general_settings’,458 array(459 ‘count-down-timer’ => 'Count Down Timer’,460 ‘video’ => 'Video’,461 ‘welcome’ => 'Secondary Title & Intro’,462 ‘subs-form’ => 'Email Subscription Form’,463 ‘social-links’ => 'Social Links’464 )465 ); // Finally, we register the fields with WordPress466467 $this->home_page_order_fallback();468 register_setting(469 'apollo_order_options’,470 'apollo_order_options’, array(&$this, ‘handle_form’)471 );472473 add_settings_section(474 'apollo_general_settings’, // Page on which to add this section of options475 'Custom CSS’, // Title to be displayed on the administration page476 array(&$this, ‘apollo_css_options_callback’), // Callback used to render the description of the section477 ‘apollo_css_options’ // ID used to identify this section and with which to register options478 );479480 add_settings_field(481 'css’,482 'Custom CSS’, array(&$this, ‘apollo_input’),483 'apollo_css_options’,484 'apollo_general_settings’,485 array(486 ‘name’ => 'css’,487 ‘type’ => 'memo’488 )489 );490 register_setting(491 'apollo_css_options’,492 'apollo_css_options’, array(&$this, ‘handle_form’)493 );494495 }496497 function apollo_order( $order_options ){498499 $active_order = get_option(“apollo_order_options”);500501 if( empty( $active_order ) ) $active_order = $order_options;502503 $active = '’;504 $inactive = '’; ?>505506 <h2 class="home-page-order"><?php _e( 'Active’, ‘launchpad’ ); ?></h2>507 <ul class="home-page-order">508 <?php foreach( $active_order as $value => $label ) :509510 if( array_key_exists( $value , $active_order ) ) : ?>511 <li>512 <label for="<?php echo esc_attr( $value ); ?>">513 <?php echo $label; ?>514 <input disabled type="checkbox” id="<?php echo esc_attr( $value ); ?>” name="apollo_order_options[<?php echo esc_attr( $value ); ?>]" checked="checked” value="<?php echo esc_attr( $label ); ?>” />515 </label>516 </li>517 <?php endif;518519 endforeach; ?>520 </ul>521522 <?php if( count( $order_options ) != count( $active_order ) ) : ?>523 <h2 class="home-page-order"><?php _e( 'In-Active’, ‘launchpad’ ); ?></h2>524 <ul class="home-page-order">525 <?php foreach( $order_options as $value => $label ) :526527 if( !array_key_exists( $value , $active_order ) ) : ?>528 <li>529 <label for="<?php echo esc_attr( $value ); ?>">530 <?php echo $label; ?>531 <input disabled type="checkbox” id="<?php echo esc_attr( $value ); ?>” name="apollo_order_options[<?php echo esc_attr( $value ); ?>]" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $label ); ?>” />532 </label>533 </li>534 <?php endif;535536 endforeach; ?>537 </ul>538 <?php endif;539540 }541542 function apollo_input( $args ) {543544 // First, we read the options collection545 $active_tab = isset( $_GET[ ‘tab’ ] ) ? $_GET[ ‘tab’ ] : 'display’;546 $option = 'apollo_’.$active_tab.’_options’;547 $options = get_option($option);548 $label = “";549 $id = ( isset( $args[ ‘name’ ] ) ? $args[ ‘name’ ] : ‘’ );550 $type = ( isset( $args[ ‘type’ ] ) ? $args[ ‘type’ ] : ‘’ );551 $default = ( isset( $args[ ‘default’ ] ) ? $args[ ‘default’ ] : ‘’ );552 $excerpt = ( isset( $args[ ‘excerpt’ ] ) ? $args[ ‘excerpt’ ] : ‘’ );553554555 if( $type == “checkbox” && isset( $options[ $id ] ) ) :556 $value = TRUE;557 elseif( isset( $options[ $id ] ) ) :558 $value = $options[ $id ];559 else :560 $value = $default;561 endif;562563 if ($type == “checkbox”) :564565 $checked = '’;566567 if( isset( $options[ $id ] ) ) $checked = 'checked="checked"’; ?>568569 <input disabled type="checkbox” id="<?php echo $id; ?>" name="<?php echo $option; ?>[<?php echo $id; ?>]" <?php echo $checked; ?> />570 <?php elseif ($type == “file”) :571572 $checked = '’;573 $count = 0;574 $selected = 0;575 $images = “";576 $uploaded = array();577 $uploadclass=’’;578579 $uploaded = get_posts(580 array(581 ‘post_type’ => 'attachment’,582 ‘meta_key’ => '_apollo_related_image’,583 ‘meta_value’ => $id,584 ‘orderby’ => 'none’,585 ‘nopaging’ => true586 ) );587588 if( $value != “” ){589 $checked = 'checked="checked"’;590 } else {591 $uploadclass=’no_display’;592 } ?>593594 <input disabled id="clear-<?php echo $id; ?>” data-input-key="<?php echo $id; ?>" name="" type="checkbox" <?php echo $checked; ?> />595 <label class="clear" for="clear-<?php echo $id; ?>">596 <?php _e( 'Enable’, ‘launchpad’ ); ?> <?php echo $id; ?>597 </label>598599 <div id="<?php echo $id; ?>-list" class="clear <?php echo $uploadclass; ?>">600 <input disabled type="file" id="upload-<?php echo $id; ?>" name="<?php echo $id; ?>_file" />601 <input disabled id="no-<?php echo $id; ?>" name="<?php echo $option; ?>[<?php echo $id; ?>]" type="radio" value="" <?php echo $checked; ?> class="no_display" />602 <div class="available-headers">603 <ul>604 <?php if(!empty($uploaded)) :605 foreach($uploaded as $image) :606 $full = wp_get_attachment_url($image->ID, “full”);607 $thumb = wp_get_attachment_url($image->ID, “thumb”);608 $checked = “";609 $class = “";610 if($value == $full){611 $checked = 'checked="checked"’;612 $class = ' active’;613 $selected = $count;614 } ?>615616 <li class="default-header <?php echo $class; ?>">617 <input disabled id="<?php echo $id; ?>-<?php echo $image->ID; ?>” name="<?php echo $option; ?>[<?php echo $id; ?>]" type="radio” value="<?php echo $full; ?>" <?php echo $checked; ?> class="no_display" />618 <label for="<?php echo $id; ?>-<?php echo $image->ID; ?>">619 <img src="<?php echo esc_attr( $thumb ); ?>" alt="" title="" />620 </label>621 </li>622 <?php $count++;623 endforeach;624625 endif;626627 if(isset($args[ ‘options’ ])) :628 foreach($args[ ‘options’ ] as $image => $path) :629 $checked = “";630 $class = “";631 if($value == $path){632 $checked = 'checked="checked"’;633 $class = ' active’;634 $selected = $count;635 } ?>636 <li class="default-header <?php echo $class; ?>">637 <input disabled id="<?php echo $id; ?>-<?php echo $image; ?>” name="<?php echo $option; ?>[<?php echo $id; ?>]" type="radio” value="<?php echo $path; ?>" <?php echo $checked; ?> class="no_display" />638 <label for="<?php echo $id; ?>-<?php echo $image; ?>">639 <img src="<?php echo str_replace(“bg/", “bg/thumbs/", $path); ?>” alt="” title="" width="150" />640 </label>641 </li>642 <?php $count++;643 endforeach;644645 endif; ?>646 </ul>647 </div>648 </div>649 <?php elseif ($type == “memo”) : ?>650651 <textarea disabled id="<?php echo $id; ?>" name="<?php echo $option; ?>[<?php echo $id; ?>]" cols="50" rows="5"><?php echo $value; ?></textarea>652 <?php elseif ($type == “select”) :653 $options = $args[ ‘options’ ]; ?>654655 <select disabled id="<?php echo $id; ?>" name="<?php echo $option; ?>[<?php echo $id; ?>]“>656 <?php if( isset( $options ) ) :657 foreach($options as $option => $option_value) :658 $selected = '’;659660 if($value == $option_value) $selected = 'selected="selected"’; ?>661662 <option value="<?php echo $option_value; ?>” <?php echo $selected; ?>><?php echo $option; ?></option>663 <?php endforeach;664 endif; ?>665 </select>666 <?php else : ?>667668 <input disabled type="text" id="<?php echo $id; ?>" name="<?php echo $option; ?>[<?php echo $id; ?>]" value="<?php echo $value; ?>" />669 <?php endif;670671 if(!empty($excerpt)) : ?>672 <label for="<?php echo $id; ?>"><?php echo $excerpt; ?></label>673 <?php endif; ?>674 <?php }675 function handle_form($input){676677 $newinput = $input;678 $files = $_FILES;679 foreach($files as $input => $values) :680 if(!empty($values[“name”])) :681 $id = media_handle_upload($input, 0);682 $attachment = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $id, “full”);683 $option = str_replace("_file", "", $input);684685 update_post_meta($id, '_apollo_related_image’, $option);686687 $newinput[$option] = $attachment[0];688 endif;689 endforeach;690 return $newinput;691 }692}