

CVE-2021-42548: Documentation Share-one-Drive

Insufficient Input Validation in the search functionality of Wordpress plugin Share-one-Drive prior to 1.15.3 allows unauthenticated user to craft a reflected Cross-Site Scripting attack.


1.15.3 6 December 2021

  • VULNERABILITY Fixes an XSS vulnerability in the search functionality of the plugin. Thanks Trainer Red for discovering and responsibly disclosing this issue.
  • Added: Portuguese (pt_PT) translation.
  • Fix: When adding a new folder, the name will now be trimmed to strip whitespace from the beginning and end.
  • Fix: shareonedrive_woocommerce_upload_box_title hooks triggered with incorrect attributes.
  • Fix: Media Player last modified date not translated in playlist
  • Fix: ZIP downloads not starting correctly if PHP output buffer contained data.
  • Improvement: Retry API request failing with 502, 503 and 504 multiple times as per API guidelines.
  • Improved: Changed alphabetical sorting order to be case insensitive.
  • Improved: Added placeholders for GravityPDF PDF upload location.
  • Improved: Small layout tweaks and a few new assets.

1.15.2 11 November 2021

  • Added: New setting: ‘From’ for email notifications. Can be set globally or per module.
  • Added: New setting: Advanced -> SharePoint Site Libraries which you can use to enable/disable access to SharePoint libraries.
  • Fix: Not reading available memory correctly on servers with memory_limit set to -1 which could cause issues with download streams
  • Fix: New WooCommerce download urls not set correctly
  • Fix: Shortcode Builder not showing up in the Form Field configuration for some WP Forms plugin versions
  • Fix: Shortcode Builder not loading folders on SharePoint drives correctly when editing module configuration.
  • Improved: Removed some unused javascript libraries

1.15.1 4 November 2021

  • Added: Integration into Advanced Custom Fields (ACF). Field Type -> WP Cloud Plugins -> OneDrive/SharePoint items
  • Added: Integration into Beaver Builder with own module
  • Fix: Not reading available memory correctly on servers with memory_limit set to -1 which could cause issues with download streams
  • Improved: Changed Drag/Drop event for move actions on mobile devices

1.15 18 October 2021

  • Added: Support for the Divi Page Builder added
  • Added: %usermeta_{key}% placeholder for name templates, to get your users custom meta value. {key} is the meta key to retrieve.
  • Fix: Move dialog not loading File Browser for selecting new location
  • Fix: ‘Allow Preview’ setting incorrectly displayed for the Gallery module configuration
  • Fix: Private Folders not generated when users are registered via the Gravity Forms User Registration Add-On
  • Fix: Fix: Resolved issue with SharePoint Document Libraries in the same site having the same IDs. Till now, only the first document library would show up in the plugin.
  • Improved: Added a global upload progress indicator for the Upload Box module
  • Improved: Changed layout of the WooCommerce Upload integration on both Front-End and Back-End
  • Improved: Layout and functionality of the Gutenberg block
  • Improved: Various layout changes
  • Improved: Replaced Font Awesome icons library with lightweight and fastEva Icons

1.14.11 7 September 2021

  • Addded: shareonedrive_upload_post_process_createlink hook to disable shared link creation on file upload
  • Added: support for Service Accounts
  • Added: support for %file_lastedited% and %file_created% placeholders in email notifications
  • Fix: Manually linked Private folders for guest users not setting account properly
  • Fix: Automatic Private Folder creation not fired on user registration if the newly created isn’t directly logged in
  • Fix: Setting incorrect basename for files with extensions in capitals (e.g. .JPG)
  • Fix: Reset scroll of File Browser container when navigating/searching
  • Fix: Plugin not initiating when output of the plugin was modified by (e.g.) apply_filters('the_content') adding line breaks and paragraphs
  • Updated: Chart.js library version to 3.5.1
  • Updated: Datatables library version to 1.11.1
  • Updated: Tagify library version to 4.7.2
  • Updated: Font Awesome to version 5.15.4

1.14.10 19 July 2021

  • Fix: plugin could crash when trying to list/access trying to list inaccessible SharePoint Sites or Document Libraries
  • Fix: API updates not always clearing cache data
  • Fix: Enqueue scripts and styles in Gravity Form integration in a different way
  • Fix: Scroll event on mobile devices could open the lightbox unexpectedly
  • Improved: Added embed support for files with previews supported by OneDrive API

1.14.9 1 July 2021

  • Added: Preview support for 3D formats (3mf, cool, glb, gltf, obj, stl), AutoCAD (dwg), AutoDesk (fbx) and Open Ebook (epub)
  • Fix: Right-to-left layout incorrectly applied to Media Player module (subfolder now working without private folders)
  • Fix: Clicking on a file in the File Browser could trigger the preview/download action twice
  • Improved: Removed outdated or depricated PHP / CSS code

1.14.8 8 June 2021

  • Added: %account_email% placeholder for recipient for the email notifications. This placeholder will contain the email address of the linked Cloud Account
  • Fix: CORS issue with VAST XML urls
  • Fix: The set subfolder location in the shortcode configuration for manually linked Private Folders not working when using the standalone Upload Box module
  • Improved: Shortcode Builder will check if modules are still linked to accessible content
  • Updated: Chart.js library version to 3.3.2
  • Updated: Datatables library version to 1.10.25
  • Updated: Tagify library version to 4.2.0

1.14.7 22 May 2021

  • Added: Option to select own branding image showing when iFrames are loaded
  • Fix: Click event not firing when only external preview is available
  • Fix: Not updating thumbnails in the root folder of OneDrive
  • Fix: Some actions were still available even when reCaptcha failed validation
  • Fix: Last edited date was not translated
  • Improved: added support for Private Folders for the WooCommerce File/Folder download selector
  • Improved: Added explanation for (personal) data usage when linking your cloud accounts

1.14.6 29 April 2021

  • Fix: WooCommerce download integration selector not opening when using Gutenberg as page editor for your products
  • Updated: Gravity Forms integration now support GF version >2.5 which contains a new form editor
  • Improved: Increased Front-End performance by reducing the number of JS events for plugin elements

1.14.5 22 April 2021

  • Fix: Media Player ‘Last modified’ sorting order not working
  • Fix: Media Player playlist not opening folder structure when first file in playlist is inside a subfolder.
  • Updated: Chartjs Library to version 3.1.0
  • Updated: Font Awesome to version 5.15.3
  • Updated: PHPThumb library to version 1.7.16
  • Updated: Replaced PHPZip library with ZipStream library

1.14.4 13 April 2021

  • Added: New setting to disable thumbnails in File Browser when hovering over items in List view
  • Fix: Form integrations not storing the metadata of uploaded files in form submissions
  • Fix: User Folders not created when registered via Admin dashboard
  • Fix: Prevent double click action when using disabled inline preview
  • Fix: Prevent Drag & Drop handlings on Upload Boxes that are blocked
  • Improved: Direct links will now also be shortened when using the Shortener API
  • Improved: Remove error message on when search is aborted or a new search is executed

1.14.3 30 March 2021

  • Improved: Private Folders Name Template can now also be controlled per shortcode/module
  • Improved: Private Folders Name Template & WooCommerce Upload Folders now supports directories (e.g. /%user_login/%yyyy-mm-dd%/)
  • Improved: Subfolder setting now supports dynamic placeholders

1.14.2 28 March 2021

  • Added: Integration for Fluent Forms
  • Fix: %uniqueID% placeholder now only updated on rendering module
  • Fix: Clear search when switching between accounts
  • Improved: Conditional Logic support for form integrations is now skipping ‘required’ validation if field is hidden by logic

1.14.1 25 March 2021

  • Fix: PDF previews on OneDrive Business accounts not rendered due to missing API parameter
  • Fix: Removed folder upload action for devices that don’t support this
  • Fix: Layout issue in Media Player playlist
  • Fix: iFrame in Lightbox now always keeps a width of 100%

1.14 20 March 2021

  • Added support for SharePoint Sites/Drives
  • Added: %wc_order_date_created% placeholder for WooCommerce Upload integration
  • Fix: Upload events for earlier uploaded files can be fired multiple times when uploading additional files via the same Upload module.
  • Fix: Conflicts with MediaElement.js video players can in some case be resolved by activating the ‘Layout -> Media Player -> Load native MediaElement.js library’ setting.
  • Improved: Added latest uploads and top user uploads to report dashboard
  • Improved: Make shortcode filter available via shortcode_atts_{$shortcode} (
  • Improved: Keep Upload Boxes of WooCommerce products always visible on the Order Edit pages
  • Improved: Added support for placeholders and shortcodes in Upload Description box
  • Improved: More efficient support for dynamically loaded content via AJAX
  • Improved: Removed old code, inline javascript and CSS
  • Updated: Tagify library to version 3.23.1
  • Updated: Tippy library to version 6.3.1
  • Updated: Clipboard.js library to version 2.0.8
  • Updated: ie11CustomProperties.js library to version 4.1.0
  • Updated: Plugin Update Checker library to version 4.11
  • Updated: Chart.js library version to 2.9.4
  • Updated: DataTables to version 1.10.24
  • Updated: Blueimp jQuery File Upload to version v10.31.0

1.13.3 5 March 2021

  • Added: New ‘Open Subfolder’ setting which can be used to set a specific sub folder in a Private Folder as top folder.
  • Added: New %uniqueID and %hh:mm% placeholders for Private Folder name template
  • Fix: Resolved compatability issues with overwritting window.onload functions
  • Improved: Keep selected File Browser ‘View’ in memory
  • Improved: Added placeholders for initial File Browser and Gallery loading
  • Improved: Slight modifications to the Lightbox
  • Improved: UI Improvement for not-accesible folders
  • Improved: Added Folder thumbnail support for Gallery

1.13.2 18 February 2021

  • Fix: GravityPDF integration not loading anymore
  • Fix: Resolved conflict with the library
  • Fix: Exporting file formats to PDF not working
  • Fix: Bug in the OneDrive Business API search, returning results outside the searched folder has been solved
  • Fix: Download folder button in action menu not starting ZIP download
  • Fix: not sending Account ID on Upload Post Process

1.13.1 2 February 2021

  • Fix: Search Box module not opening folders
  • Fix: Changes to the Summary Email setting not saved
  • Fix: Product Documents WooCommerce integrations not starting downloads in case Account ID is missing
  • Added: When scrolling down a page while using the Video Player will add the video floating in the corner
  • Added: shareonedrive_upload_entry_information hook to modify upload entry information

1.13 14 January 2021

  • IMPORTANT Updated requirements: WordPress 5.0+ & PHP 7.0+.
  • Added: Uploaders can now add descriptions to new files when enabled via the Shortcode Builder (Add/Edit description permission)
  • Added: Select All button in action menu of File browser and Gallery.
  • Added: Enable API Log setting in Tools section.
  • Fix: Lazy Loading bug for thumbnails in Lightbox.
  • Fix: Add New Folder button not working inside File Browser view.
  • Fix: Folder upload was not possible for WooCommerce orders with Products using the Upload integration.
  • Fix: Upload button shown in WooCommerce Orders list even when the Upload Box isn’t visible for the current order status.
  • Fix: Failing upload can crash Formidable Forms entry submission.
  • Fix: WP Forms not storing links to uploaded files correctly
  • Improved: Added scroll Zoom on images in Lightbox.
  • Improved: Failed upload are now logged if ‘Log Events’ is enabled.
  • Updated: Panzoom library to version 4.3.2.
  • Updated: Tippy library to version 6.2.7.
  • Updated: Tagify library to version 3.22.0.
  • Updated: DataTables library to version 1.10.23.
  • Updated: WPColorPicker library to version 3.0.0.
  • Updated: ReCaptcha library to version 1.2.4.

1.12.16 17 December 2020

  • Fix: Token encryption/decription issue on sites running a Multi Sites configuration
  • Fix: Bug in Upload Box could result in duplicate files
  • Improved: Lazy loading of images in Media Player playlists
  • Improved: Added new File URL placeholders for email notification templates. Now includes %file_download_url%, %file_cloud_shared_url%, %file_cloud_preview_url% and %file_cloud_shortlived_download_url% if supported

1.12.15 7 December 2020

  • Vulnerability Authorization tokens can be publicly accesible on NGINX servers and requires the attacker to know both the Account email and Account ID. Apache servers are not affected. This version implements token encryption to patch this. A re-authorization might be needed in some cases.
  • Fix: Form submit buttons can disappear when triggered while plugin is still uploading files
  • Fix: Bug could create ‘Guest’ Private Folders when a logged in user was for some reason logged out in the background
  • Fix: Plugin not initiating properly when ReCaptcha script is loaded async/defer
  • Improved: Made a number of PHP8 compatilibility improvements.

1.12.14 13 November 2020

  • Fix: Folder Description not showing up in Gallery mode
  • Fix: Javascript Compatibility issue when used in combination with specific Themes
  • Improved: Can now add User Roles as notification recipients using placeholders like %administrator%, %subscriber%, %editor%, %custom_wp_role%.
  • Improved: Various javascript changes for compatibility with WordPress 5.6 and jQuery 3.x.
  • Improved: Marked as compatible with WordPress 5.6.

1.12.13 2 November 2020

  • Fix: Folder location set by form input fields not correctly filtered. Could for instance create subfolders when folder name contained a '
  • Fix: Delete action events not correctly registered
  • Fix: Preview button via File Menu doesn’t open the LightBox correctly on some devices
  • Improved: Small layout changes in File Browser

1.12.12 17 October 2020

  • Added: Formidable Forms integration
  • Fix: Layout description box in Gallery aligning long descriptions incorrectly
  • Fix: File Browser in WooCommerce Orders not starting uploads
  • Improved: Added support for folder paths in shortcode dir attribute. E.g. [shareonedrive dir="/path/to/folder" … ]
  • Improved: Removed ReCaptcha from Admin Dashboard pages with plugin when ReCaptcha is enabled

1.12.11 12 October 2020

  • Fix: Upload Box could create folders when file name contained special characters
  • Fix: Upload Form integrations was submitting Forms even if a file in the queue failed to upload.
  • Fix: Conflict in WPForms Builder when having multiple WP Cloud Plugins running
  • Fix: Thumbnail links for Business Accounts not rendering correctly without height value due to change in API
  • Updated: Font Awesome library to version 5.15.1

1.12.10 26 September 2020

  • Added: ‘Max number of files’ option for Media Player shortcode
  • Fix: Previous folder button not working when inside Shortcut Folder
  • Fix: Click event to open lightbox not fired correctly on mobile devices
  • Fix: Gutenberg & Elementor block incorrectly displaying error message when user doesn’t have permissions to display the plugin
  • Fix: Speed Selector was removed from the Media Player when loading a next file in the playlist
  • Improved: Drag & Drop upload of folders is now supported
  • Improved: Support for moving multiple items at once via drag&drop

1.12.9 14 September 2020

  • Fix: URL shortener now compatible with v4 of their API
  • Fix: Uploads of files with the same name but in different folders could fail
  • Fix: Updated cacert.pem to latest Mozilla CA certificate store to fix connection problems with the API
  • Updated: Plugin Update Checker to version 4.10

1.12.8 2 September 2020

  • Fix: Prevent plugin from crashing when required mbstring extension isn’t enabled on server
  • Fix: Manually linked private folders without account information will now use the primary account as default
  • Added: Creation time of files are now also available besides last modification time
  • Removed: Outdated jQuery code attrFn()

1.12.7 18 August 2020

  • Fix: Bug preventing to delete folder/files for not logged in users while having the correct permissions
  • Fix: Upload queue in small containers not showing progress indicator
  • Fix: Media Player Playlist not working correctly for folders containing quotes
  • Updated: MediaElement.js to version 4.2.16

1.12.6 6 August 2020

  • Fix: Deactivating plugin not possible when use WP CLI
  • Fix: Resolved cookie SameSite warnings
  • Fix: Uploads of many files at once could cause problems on servers restricting the number of simultaneous connections
  • Fix: Vertical thumbnails in LightBox not fitting on screen
  • Fix: CSS issues in IE / Safari due class names with double hypens
  • Improved: Media Player now loading files without extension but with valid mimetype as well
  • Improved: Few Layout changes

1.12.5 24 July 2020

  • Fix: Direct links preventing File Browsers/Galleries to initiate properly when multiple instance are placed on the same page.
  • Fix: PDF shared links not created for Business Accounts
  • Fix: Uninstall can cause problems
  • Fix: Not rendering Lightbox information for last file in list
  • Improved: Pressing (+) directly trigger file selector when folder uploads are disabled
  • Improved: Changed placeholder text in the search box. Not longer showing ‘search in content’ when files are hidden in the shortcode 16 July 2020

  • Fix: Cache not updated correctly after upload
  • Fix: Shortcode Builder not saving data in FireFox

1.12.4 10 July 2020

  • Fix: Deeplinks not opening files
  • Fix: Integrations not loading correctly when using WP-CLI
  • Fix: Bug in Lightbox causing problems in IE 11
  • Fix: Modal conflict with themes using Bootstrap preventing you to scroll the page after closing the modal

1.12.3 7 July 2020

  • Fix: Thumbnail in List View popup can overflow its container
  • Fix: File Browser not always showing files that are just uploaded via the Upload Box
  • Fix: Missing RTL stylesheet for Media Player skins
  • Added: Make copy action for Folders & Files

1.12.2 1 July 2020

  • Fix: Bug preventing you to download a single folder as ZIP via the folder action menu
  • Fix: Bug preventing a file selection in Embed or Add link Popup
  • Fix: Plugin shortcode not visible when added in a Classic Block in the Gutenberg Editor

1.12.1 29 June 2020

  • Fix: Breadcrumb conflict with themes using Bootstrap library
  • Fix: Layout problems on small devices
  • Added: New translations files. If you have corrections or want a new translation, please inform us via a support ticket!

1.12 26 June 2020

  • IMPORTANT Dropped support for IE 10 and lower
  • Fix: Skiping Ad loads first media item in playlist instead of the selected media
  • Fix: Wrong order of including javascripts could cause problems with Upload Box
  • Fix: Bug in File Browser could show excluded files and folders
  • Added: New button to do a factory reset via the plugin settings page
  • Added: Setting to show descriptions in gallery directly on top of images
  • Added: Setting to add initial search term in File Browser and Gallery
  • Added: Gutenberg Editor block
  • Added: Elementor block
  • Added: WPForms integration
  • Added: Support for seting Private Folder names via Gravity Form fields
  • Improved: Uninstalling the plugin will now remove all its setting and data unless this has been disabled on the Advanced tab
  • Improved: Scroll to top button not longer hidding bottom documents in File Browser
  • Improved: Layout of File Browser, Gallery and Upload Box
  • Improved: Replaced outdated javascript tooltip library
  • Improved: Add/Edit descriptions dialogs
  • Improved: Added better support for sites using RTL
  • Improved: Various other layout updates

CVE: Latest News

CVE-2023-50976: Transactions API Authorization by oleiman · Pull Request #14969 · redpanda-data/redpanda