CVE-2021-43687: GitHub - chamilo/chamilo-lms at v1.11.14
chamilo-lms v1.11.14 is affected by a Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in /plugin/jcapture/applet.php if an attacker passes a message hex2bin in the cookie.
Chamilo 1.11.x
This installation guide is for development environments only.
Install PHP, a web server and MySQL/MariaDB
To run Chamilo, you will need at least a web server (we recommend Apache2 for commodity reasons), a database server (we recommend MariaDB but will explain MySQL for commodity reasons) and a PHP interpreter (and a series of libraries for it). If you are working on a Debian-based system (Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, etc), just type
sudo apt-get install apache2 mysql-server php libapache2-mod-php php-gd php-intl php-curl php-json php-mysql php-zip composer
Install Git
The development version 1.11.x requires you to have Git installed. If you are working on a Debian-based system (Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, etc), just type
Install Composer
To run the development version 1.11.x, you need Composer, a libraries dependency management system that will update all the libraries you need for Chamilo to the latest available version.
Make sure you have Composer installed. If you do, you should be able to launch “composer” on the command line and have the inline help of composer show a few subcommands. If you don’t, please follow the installation guide at https://getcomposer.org/download/
Download Chamilo from GitHub
Clone the repository
sudo mkdir chamilo-1.11
sudo chown -R `whoami` chamilo-1.11
git clone -b 1.11.x --single-branch https://github.com/chamilo/chamilo-lms.git chamilo-1.11
Checkout branch 1.11.x
cd chamilo-1.11
git checkout --track origin/1.11.x
git config --global push.default current
Update dependencies using Composer
From the Chamilo folder (in which you should be now if you followed the previous steps), launch:
If you face issues related to missing JS libraries, you might need to ensure that your web/assets folder is completely re-generated. Use this set of commands to do that:
rm composer.lock
rm -rf web/ vendor/
composer clear-cache
composer update
This will take several minutes in the best case scenario, but should definitely generate the missing files.
Change permissions
On a Debian-based system, launch:
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data app main/default_course_document/images main/lang web
Configure the web server
Enable the Apache web server module “rewrite” :
sudo a2enmod rewrite
sudo systemctl restart apache2.service
Chamilo’s .htaccess must be obeyed. Create /etc/apache2/conf-available/htaccessForChamilo.conf with these lines :
<Directory /var/www/html/chamilo-lms>
AllowOverride All
then enable it :
sudo a2enconf htaccessForChamilo
sudo systemctl reload apache2.service
If you just installed missing PHP extensions using apt, you must restart the web server to get them loaded :
sudo systemctl restart apache2.service
Start the installer
In your browser, load the Chamilo URL. You should be automatically redirected to the installer. If not, add the “main/install/index.php” suffix manually in your browser address bar. The rest should be a matter of simple OK > Next > OK > Next…
Upgrade from 1.10.x
1.11.0 is a major version. It contains a series of new features, that also mean a series of new database changes in regards with versions 1.10.x. As such, it is necessary to go through an upgrade procedure when upgrading from 1.10.x to 1.11.x.
The upgrade procedure is relatively straightforward. If you have a 1.10.x initially installed with Git, here are the steps you should follow (considering you are already inside the Chamilo folder):
git fetch --all
git checkout origin 1.11.x
Then load the Chamilo URL in your browser, adding “main/install/index.php” and follow the upgrade instructions. Select the “Upgrade from 1.10.x” button to proceed.
If you have previously updated database rows manually, you might face issue with FOREIGN KEYS during the upgrade process. Please make sure your database is consistent before upgrading. This usually means making sure that you have to delete rows from tables referring to rows which have been deleted from the user or access_url tables. Typically:
DELETE FROM access\_url\_rel\_course WHERE access\_url\_id NOT IN (SELECT id FROM access\_url);
Upgrading from non-Git Chamilo 1.10
In the very unlikely case of upgrading a “normal” Chamilo 1.10 installation (done with the downloadable zip package) to a Git-based installation, make sure you delete the contents of a few folders first. These folders are re-generated later by the composer update
command. This is likely to increase the downtime of your Chamilo portal of a few additional minutes (plan for 10 minutes on a reasonnable internet connection).
rm composer.lock
rm -rf web/*
rm -rf vendor/*
For developers and testers only
This section is for developers only (or for people who have a good reason to use a development version of Chamilo), in the sense that other people will not need to update their Chamilo portal as described here.
Updating code
To update your code with the latest developments in the 1.11.x branch, go to your Chamilo folder and type:
If you have made customizations to your code before the update, you will have two options:
- abandon your changes (use “git stash” to do that)
- commit your changes locally and merge (use “git commit” and then “git pull”)
You are supposed to have a reasonable understanding of Git in order to use Chamilo as a developer, so if you feel lost, please check the Git manual first: http://git-scm.com/documentation
Updating your database from new code
Since the 2015-05-27, Chamilo offers the possibility to make partial database upgrades through Doctrine migrations.
To update your database to the latest version, go to your Chamilo root folder and type
php bin/doctrine.php migrations:migrate --configuration=app/config/migrations.yml
If you want to proceed with a single migration “step” (the steps reside in src/Chamilo/CoreBundle/Migrations/Schema/V110/), then check the datetime of the version and type the following (assuming you want to execute Version20150527120703)
php bin/doctrine.php migrations:execute 20150527120703 --up --configuration=app/config/migrations.yml
You can also print the differences between your database and what it should be by issuing the following command from the Chamilo base folder:
php bin/doctrine.php orm:schema-tool:update --dump-sql
If you want to submit new features or patches to Chamilo, please follow the Github contribution guide https://guides.github.com/activities/contributing-to-open-source/ and our CONTRIBUTING.md file. In short, we ask you to send us Pull Requests based on a branch that you create with this purpose into your repository forked from the original Chamilo repository.
For more information on Chamilo, visit https://1.11.chamilo.org/documentation/index.html