

GHSA-35gf-xjgf-96c5: Jenkins OpenShift Login Plugin vulnerable to Open Redirect

Jenkins OpenShift Login Plugin and earlier improperly determines that a redirect URL after login is legitimately pointing to Jenkins.

This allows attackers to perform phishing attacks by having users go to a Jenkins URL that will forward them to a different site after successful authentication.

OpenShift Login Plugin only redirects to relative (Jenkins) URLs.

  1. GitHub Advisory Database
  2. GitHub Reviewed
  3. CVE-2023-37947

Jenkins OpenShift Login Plugin vulnerable to Open Redirect

Moderate severity GitHub Reviewed Published Jul 12, 2023 to the GitHub Advisory Database • Updated Jul 12, 2023


maven org.openshift.jenkins:openshift-login (Maven)

Affected versions


Patched versions

Published to the GitHub Advisory Database

Jul 12, 2023

Last updated

Jul 12, 2023

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