

GHSA-3f7w-p8vr-4v5f: pyLoad allows upload to arbitrary folder lead to RCE


An authenticated user can change the download folder and upload a crafted template to the specified folder lead to remote code execution


example version: 0.5 file:src/pyload/webui/app/blueprints/

@bp.route("/render/<path:filename>", endpoint="render")
def render(filename):
    mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0] or "text/html"
    data = render_template(filename)
    return flask.Response(data, mimetype=mimetype)

So, if we can control file in the path “pyload/webui/app/templates” in latest version and path in “module/web/media/js”(the difference is the older version0.4.20 only renders file with extension name “.js”), the render_template func will works like SSTI(server-side template injection) when render the evil file we control.

in /settings page and the choose option general/general, where we can change the download folder. image

Also, we can find the pyLoad install folder in /info page image So, we can change the value of Download folder to the template path. Then through /json/add_package we can upload a crafted template file to RCE.

@bp.route("/json/add_package", methods=["POST"], endpoint="add_package")
# @apiver_check
def add_package():
    api = flask.current_app.config["PYLOAD_API"]

    package_name = flask.request.form.get("add_name", "New Package").strip()
    queue = int(flask.request.form["add_dest"])
    links = [l.strip() for l in flask.request.form["add_links"].splitlines()]
    pw = flask.request.form.get("add_password", "").strip("\n\r")

        file = flask.request.files["add_file"]

        if file.filename:
            if not package_name or package_name == "New Package":
                package_name = file.filename

            file_path = os.path.join(
                api.get_config_value("general", "storage_folder"), "tmp_" + file.filename
            links.insert(0, file_path)

    except Exception:

    urls = [url for url in links if url.strip()]
    pack = api.add_package(package_name, urls, queue)
    if pw:
        data = {"password": pw}
        api.set_package_data(pack, data)

    return jsonify(True)


First login into the admin page, then visit the info page to get the path of pyload installation folder. Second, change the download folder to PYLOAD_INSTALL_DIR/ webui/app/templates/ Third, upload crafted template file through /json/add_package through parameter add_file the content of crafted template file and its filename is "341.html":


image Last, visit http://TARGET/render/tmp_341.html to trigger the RCE image image


It is a RCE vulnerability and I think it affects all versions. In earlier version 0.4.20, the trigger difference is the pyload installation folder path difference and the upload file must with extension “.js” . The render js code in version 0.4.20:

def js_dynamic(path):
    response.headers['Expires'] = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT",
                                                time.gmtime(time.time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 2))
    response.headers['Cache-control'] = "public"
    response.headers['Content-Type'] = "text/javascript; charset=UTF-8"

        # static files are not rendered
        if "static" not in path and "mootools" not in path:
            t = env.get_template("js/%s" % path)
            return t.render()
            return static_file(path, root=join(PROJECT_DIR, "media", "js"))
        return HTTPError(404, "Not Found")


An authenticated user can change the download folder and upload a crafted template to the specified folder lead to remote code execution


example version: 0.5

@bp.route(“/render/<path:filename>", endpoint="render”) def render(filename): mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0] or “text/html” data = render_template(filename) return flask.Response(data, mimetype=mimetype)

So, if we can control file in the path “pyload/webui/app/templates” in latest version and path in “module/web/media/js”(the difference is the older version0.4.20 only renders file with extension name “.js”), the render_template func will works like SSTI(server-side template injection) when render the evil file we control.

in /settings page and the choose option general/general, where we can change the download folder.

Also, we can find the pyLoad install folder in /info page

So, we can change the value of Download folder to the template path. Then through /json/add_package we can upload a crafted template file to RCE.

@bp.route(“/json/add_package", methods=[“POST”], endpoint="add_package”) # @apiver_check @login_required(“ADD”) def add_package(): api = flask.current_app.config[“PYLOAD_API”]

package\_name \= flask.request.form.get("add\_name", "New Package").strip()
queue \= int(flask.request.form\["add\_dest"\])
links \= \[l.strip() for l in flask.request.form\["add\_links"\].splitlines()\]
pw \= flask.request.form.get("add\_password", "").strip("\\n\\r")

    file \= flask.request.files\["add\_file"\]

    if file.filename:
        if not package\_name or package\_name \== "New Package":
            package\_name \= file.filename

        file\_path \= os.path.join(
            api.get\_config\_value("general", "storage\_folder"), "tmp\_" + file.filename
        links.insert(0, file\_path)

except Exception:

urls \= \[url for url in links if url.strip()\]
pack \= api.add\_package(package\_name, urls, queue)
if pw:
    data \= {"password": pw}
    api.set\_package\_data(pack, data)

return jsonify(True)


First login into the admin page, then visit the info page to get the path of pyload installation folder.
Second, change the download folder to PYLOAD_INSTALL_DIR/ webui/app/templates/
Third, upload crafted template file through /json/add_package through parameter add_file
the content of crafted template file and its filename is "341.html":


Last, visit http://TARGET/render/tmp_341.html to trigger the RCE


It is a RCE vulnerability and I think it affects all versions. In earlier version 0.4.20, the trigger difference is the pyload installation folder path difference and the upload file must with extension “.js” .
The render js code in version 0.4.20:

@route(“/media/js/<path:re:.+\.js>”) def js_dynamic(path): response.headers[‘Expires’] = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT", time.gmtime(time.time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 2)) response.headers[‘Cache-control’] = “public” response.headers[‘Content-Type’] = “text/javascript; charset=UTF-8”

    \# static files are not rendered
    if "static" not in path and "mootools" not in path:
        t \= env.get\_template("js/%s" % path)
        return t.render()
        return static\_file(path, root\=join(PROJECT\_DIR, "media", "js"))
    return HTTPError(404, "Not Found")


  • GHSA-3f7w-p8vr-4v5f

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