

How to Create a Mobile Application for Android OS Step by Step?

By Owais Sultan Android OS is available on 3.3 billion devices in 190 countries across the globe, making Android app development… This is a post from Read the original post: How to Create a Mobile Application for Android OS Step by Step?


Android OS is available on 3.3 billion devices in 190 countries across the globe, making Android app development a task of responsibility.

The Android platform is commonly used today for developing mobile applications, and it is maintained by the Open Handset Alliance (OHA), which is a consortium formed by Google after the purchase of Android Inc.

Android provides simplicity and convenience in using and configuring the system while also protecting data from viruses due to its high functionality when using the Internet. Additionally, it supports Adobe Flash applications, provides convenient e-mail exchange, and offers a wide variety of connectivity options, such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, EDGE, GPRS, and 3G.

Android Mobile App Development Steps You Should Follow

Mobile apps for the Android OS are typically developed on a general-purpose PC that has more resources available compared to a mobile device. Once the app is developed, it can be downloaded to the target personal mobile device for debugging, testing, and further use.

To achieve effective mobile app development, it is recommended to hire Vue.js developers who can implement your idea at the highest level. Below are the steps you must go through to develop an Android application:

Target Audience Analysis

The main task of this stage is to determine the ultimate goal of developing an Android mobile application and think about how it will be used by the target audience.

Development of a Consistent Solution

Before starting the development process, you need to obtain a technical task. Then, you can start prototyping and creating user profiles to evaluate the capabilities of the final product. Finally, you can begin the app-creation process based on the designer’s vision, business assessment, and agreement on the details of the terms of reference.

Code Writing and Technology Implementation

Developers begin dealing with an app with a ready-made design. Next, they must generate a mobile app based on frameworks, programming languages, and various technologies.


Pay attention that testing is mandatory at different stages of app development, both on simulators and on real devices. You must ensure that the interaction of the application you develop with the Android mobile device platform is exactly as expected during the prototype stage.

Creation of a Pre-Release Version

As a result of various tests and improvements, a working version of the mobile application should be obtained, which will then be added to the App Store and offered to a wide audience.

Application Publishing

The final stage of work is the publication of a mobile application in the store. It may also include additional services, such as technical support, further releases of new versions, as well as a marketing promotion.

Basic Strategies Used in Mobile Application Development

The development process is usually based on creating the software part of the information system as a mobile application. On the one hand, it must comply with the requirements for specific architectural solutions of the information system.

On the other hand, it must correspond to the requirements of those interested in its creation. First, the mobile app development strategy must be defined as part of this process. The complexity and scale of the project determine its choice.

Such basic mobile application development strategies as waterfall, incremental, and evolutionary are widely used today. However, they differ in the way of going through the main stages of creating the software part of an information system.

The waterfall strategy involves a single pass without refining the originally established requirements. It has the following advantages:

  • Ease of use
  • High quality of the result in the absence of strict time and budget constraints.

The disadvantages of a waterfall development strategy include the following:

  • The high complexity of requirements;
  • Inability to use intermediate states of a software solution.

The incremental strategy involves multiple passes without clarification of the originally established requirements with a planned result improvement. Its benefits include:

  • The ability to use intermediate states of a software solution, which reduces the risk of failure;
  • Involvement of stakeholders in the process of developing a software solution.

The main disadvantage of the strategy is the high complexity of the application.

The evolutionary strategy involves multiple passes with clarification of requirements. It has the following advantages:

  • Ability to refine requirements at each development cycle and implement flexible development;
  • High level of stakeholder involvement in the software solution development process.

The evolutionary strategy’s disadvantages include the application’s complexity and the need for active participation of stakeholders in the project.

The development of mobile apps is relevant in many areas, including transport services, restaurants, cafe chains, online stores, magazine businesses, and the organization of corporate communication.

Therefore, it is not surprising that many people wonder what steps should be taken to create a quality Android mobile application from scratch. It is a difficult process that requires a careful approach, specific knowledge, and skills. However, you can be sure that you will succeed if you go through all the development stages described in this article and choose one of the effective strategies that best suits the goals of your project.

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