

Journyx 11.5.4 Authenticated Remote Code Execution

Journyx version 11.5.4 has an issue where attackers with a valid username and password can exploit a python code injection vulnerability during the natural login flow.

Packet Storm

KL-001-2024-008: Journyx Authenticated Remote Code Execution

Title: Journyx Authenticated Remote Code Execution
Advisory ID: KL-001-2024-008
Publication Date: 2024.08.07
Publication URL:

  1. Vulnerability Details

    Affected Vendor: Journyx
    Affected Product: Journyx (jtime)
    Affected Version: 11.5.4
    Platform: GNU/Linux
    CWE Classification: CWE-94: Improper Control of Generation of Code
    (‘Code Injection’), CWE-95: Improper Neutralization
    of Directives in Dynamically Evaluated Code
    (‘Eval Injection’)
    CVE ID: CVE-2024-6891

  2. Vulnerability Description

    Attackers with a valid username and password can exploit
    a python code injection vulnerability during the natural
    login flow.

  3. Technical Description

    When utilizing a username and password to authenticate to
    Journyx via the web interface, an HTTP request is sent to
    “wtlogin.pyc” containing the credentials. Upon a successful
    login, the user is redirected to “wte.pyc” or the URL specified
    in the “end_URL” body parameter if one is supplied.

    An additional condition is present, however. If the
    “end_URL” value is over 1,000 characters, the value is instead
    interpolated into a python “import” statement which is passed
    into the "exec()" function, thereby executing arbitrary code.

    Code snippet from "wtlogin.pyc":

    finalURL = end_URL + ‘.pyc?’ + genlib.URLEncodeParams(params)
    if len(finalURL) < 1000:
    raise genlib.HTTP302Found(finalURL)
    exec('import %s; %s.main()' % (end_URL, end_URL))

    The “params” variable is derived from the query parameters
    included in the login request, so the size of “finalURL”
    is trivial to inflate.

  4. Mitigation and Remediation Recommendation

    The vendor reports that this issue was remediated in Journyx
    v12.0.0, which is the first wholly cloud-hosted version of
    this product.

    For self-hosted instances of JournyX, additional security
    measures (such as input sanitization) can be added by monkey
    patching the PYC file responsible for handling request
    parameters (mycgi.pyc).

    1. Rename “mycgi.pyc” to an alternative name, e.g. mycgi_original.pyc.
      $ mv wt_tar/pi/pylib/wtlib/ wt_tar/pi/pylib/wtlib/

    2. Create a file named “” in the same directory.
      $ touch wt_tar/pi/pylib/wtlib/

    3. Insert the following code into the newly created “”

      from mycgi_original import *
      from html import escape

      def patch():
      pdata = _parse()

        # force the value of "end_URL" to always be "wte"  
        if pdata.get('end_URL'): pdata['end_URL'] = ['wte']
        # sanitize user-controlled error messages  
        for parameter in ['error', 'error_description']:  
            if not pdata.get(parameter): continue  
            pdata[parameter] = [escape(value) for value in pdata[parameter]]
        return pdata

      _parse = parse
      parse = patch

    Once these changes have been made, the JournyX native "mycgi.parse()"
    function will be overwritten with the "patch()" function located in the
    “” file. Relevant to this advisory, the patch provided above
    will force the “end_URL” parameter to always have a value of "wte".

  5. Credit

    This vulnerability was discovered by Jaggar Henry of KoreLogic, Inc.

  6. Disclosure Timeline

    2024.01.31 - KoreLogic notifies Journyx support of the intention to
    report vulnerabilities discovered in the licensed,
    on-premises version of the product.
    2024.01.31 - Journyx acknowledges receipt.
    2024.02.02 - KoreLogic requests a meeting with Journyx support to share
    vulnerability details.
    2024.02.07 - KoreLogic reports vulnerability details to Journyx.
    2024.02.09 - Journyx responds that this vulnerability has been remediated
    in the cloud-hosted version of the product.
    2024.02.21 - KoreLogic offers to test the cloud version to confirm
    the fix; no response.
    2024.07.01 - KoreLogic notifies Journyx of impending public disclosure.
    2024.07.09 - Journyx confirms version number of the remediation.
    2024.08.07 - KoreLogic public disclosure.

  7. Proof of Concept

    By leveraging the existing “web” python module, it is possible
    to see the output of shell commands as returned by "os.popen()".

    [attacker@box]$ HOST=’’; PORT=’8080’; USERNAME=’employee’; PASSWORD=’password123’; COMMAND=’id’; \
    curl -x http://localhost:8080 -X POST \
    -H ‘Cookie: wtsession=foobar’ \
    "http://$HOST:$PORT/jtcgi/wtlogin.pyc?z=$(printf ‘Z%.0s’ {1…1000})"

    uid=1000(foo) gid=1000(foo)

The contents of this advisory are copyright© 2024
KoreLogic, Inc. and are licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 (United States) License:

KoreLogic, Inc. is a founder-owned and operated company with a
proven track record of providing security services to entities
ranging from Fortune 500 to small and mid-sized companies. We
are a highly skilled team of senior security consultants doing
by-hand security assessments for the most important networks in
the U.S. and around the world. We are also developers of various
tools and resources aimed at helping the security community.

Our public vulnerability disclosure policy is available at:

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