

UDP Amplification Scanner

Detect UDP endpoints with UDP amplification vulnerabilities.

Packet Storm
### This module requires Metasploit: Current source: MetasploitModule < Msf::Auxiliary  include Msf::Auxiliary::DRDoS  include Msf::Auxiliary::Report  include Msf::Auxiliary::UDPScanner  def initialize    super(      'Name'        => 'UDP Amplification Scanner',      'Description' => 'Detect UDP endpoints with UDP amplification vulnerabilities',      'Author'      => 'Jon Hart <jon_hart[at]>',      'License'     => MSF_LICENSE,      'References'  =>        [          ['CVE', '2013-5211'], # see also scanner/ntp/ntp_monlist.rb          ['URL', '']        ]    )    register_options(      ['PORTS', [true, 'Ports to probe']),'PROBE', [false, 'UDP payload/probe to send.  Unset for an empty UDP datagram, or the `file://` resource to get content from a local file'])      ]    )    # RPORT is unused in this scanner module because it supports multiple ports    deregister_options('RPORT')  end  def setup    super    unless (@ports = Rex::Socket.portspec_crack(datastore['PORTS']))      fail_with(Failure::BadConfig, "Unable to extract list of ports from #{datastore['PORTS']}")    end    @probe = datastore['PROBE'] ? datastore['PROBE'] : ''  end  def scanner_prescan(batch)    print_status("Sending #{@probe.length}-byte probes to #{@ports.length} port(s) on #{batch[0]}->#{batch[-1]} (#{batch.length} hosts)")    @results ||= {}  end  def scan_host(ip)    @ports.each do |port|      scanner_send(@probe, ip, port)    end  end  # Called for each response packet, overriding UDPScanner's so that we can  # store all responses on a per-host, per-port basis  def scanner_process(data, shost, sport)    @results[shost] ||= {}    @results[shost][sport] ||= []    @results[shost][sport] << data  end  def scanner_postscan(batch)    batch.each do |shost|      next unless @results.key?(shost)      @results[shost].each_pair do |sport, responses|        report_service(host: shost, port: sport, proto: 'udp', info: responses.inspect, state: 'open')        vulnerable, proof = prove_amplification(@probe => responses)        next unless vulnerable        print_good("#{shost}:#{sport} - susceptible to UDP amplification: #{proof}")        report_vuln(          host: shost,          port: sport,          proto: 'udp',          name: 'UDP amplification',          refs: references        )      end    end  endend

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