

Apple Filing Protocol Info Enumerator

This Metasploit module fetches AFP server information, including server name, network address, supported AFP versions, signature, machine type, and server flags.

Packet Storm
### This module requires Metasploit: Current source: MetasploitModule < Msf::Auxiliary  include Msf::Auxiliary::Report  include Msf::Auxiliary::Scanner  include Msf::Exploit::Remote::AFP  def initialize(info={})    super(update_info(info,      'Name'         => 'Apple Filing Protocol Info Enumerator',      'Description'  => %q{        This module fetches AFP server information, including server name,        network address, supported AFP versions, signature, machine type,        and server flags.      },      'References'     =>        [          [ 'URL', '' ]        ],      'Author'       => [ 'Gregory Man <man.gregory[at]>' ],      'License'      => MSF_LICENSE    ))  end  def run_host(ip)    print_status("AFP #{ip} Scanning...")    begin      connect      response = get_info      report(response)    rescue ::Timeout::Error    rescue ::Interrupt      raise $!    rescue ::Rex::ConnectionError, ::IOError, ::Errno::ECONNRESET, ::Errno::ENOPROTOOPT    rescue ::Exception      raise $!      print_error("AFP #{rhost}:#{rport} #{$!.class} #{$!}")    ensure      disconnect    end  end  def report(response)    report_info = "AFP #{rhost}:#{rport} Server Name: #{response[:server_name]} \n" +    "AFP #{rhost}:#{rport}  Server Flags: \n" +    format_flags_report(response[:server_flags]) +    "AFP #{rhost}:#{rport}  Machine Type: #{response[:machine_type]} \n" +    "AFP #{rhost}:#{rport}  AFP Versions: #{response[:versions].join(', ')} \n" +    "AFP #{rhost}:#{rport}  UAMs: #{response[:uams].join(', ')}\n" +    "AFP #{rhost}:#{rport}  Server Signature: #{response[:signature]}\n" +    "AFP #{rhost}:#{rport}  Server Network Address: \n" +    format_addresses_report(response[:network_addresses]) +    "AFP #{rhost}:#{rport}   UTF8 Server Name: #{response[:utf8_server_name]}"    lines = "AFP #{rhost}:#{rport}:#{rport} AFP:\n#{report_info}"    lines.split(/\n/).each do |line|      print_status(line)    end    report_note(:host => datastore['RHOST'],      :proto => 'tcp',      :port => datastore['RPORT'],      :type => 'afp_server_info',      :data => response)      report_service(        :host => datastore['RHOST'],        :port => datastore['RPORT'],        :proto => 'tcp',        :name => "afp",        :info => "AFP name: #{response[:utf8_server_name]}, Versions: #{response[:versions].join(', ')}"      )  end  def format_flags_report(parsed_flags)    report = ''    parsed_flags.each do |flag, val|      report << "AFP #{rhost}:#{rport}     *  #{flag}: #{val.to_s} \n"    end    return report  end  def format_addresses_report(parsed_network_addresses)    report = ''    parsed_network_addresses.each do |val|      report << "AFP #{rhost}:#{rport}     *  #{val.to_s} \n"    end    return report  endend

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